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January 4, 2023

Dear Admissions Committee,

As Mr. Jixiang Ding’s teacher, I am pleased to have this opportunity to warmly recommend him for admission to your prestigious university.

I have known Jixiang for over two years, he uniquely stands out among thousands of students I have engaged with. The first time I met him was when he took my course “Discrete Mathematics” in his second year. Throughout the course, he showed great perseverance and initiative, which was eventually recognized by an excellent grade of 91. Then he took another class, “Intelligent Optimization Methods”, in which I think his academic performance was superior. He demonstrated his insatiable desire to learn by reading Amir Beck’s “Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization” and reproducing some experiments with Matlab. At the end of the term, he submitted an excellent report on several traditional optimization algorithms based on gradient descent and implemented them with Matlab. In my opinion, he is always a well-disciplined and industrious student with impressive academic performance. He has achieved a high GPA of 4.3 over 5.0, with a ranking of 3 among 46 students. I am fully confident that he will keep making rapid and brilliant progress, as his hard-working has been commonly acknowledged. Currently, he is working on his undergraduate thesis under my supervision, studying the application of multi-task learning in U-Net-based anatomical landmark detection, which aims at eliminating ambiguities and promoting accuracies for landmark digitization by incorporating spatial configurations. During our time working together, I always find it very pleasant to communicate with him. He is always very proactive in reporting his progress and communicating any issue he meets with me. All these qualities make him an outstanding student.

Knowing his plan to pursue a master’s degree and even a Ph.D. degree afterward, and also impressed by his insatiable thirst for knowledge, I support his application without reservation. Mr. Ding’s potential, both professionally and personally, is unlimited. I recommend him to you in the strongest possible terms. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions whatsoever.

Sincerely yours,

Professor of the College of Computer Science and Technology, XXX University
Email: XXX@XXX.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 181XXXXXXXX
Address: XXX XXX Revenue, XXXX District, Xiamen, China


January 9, 2023

Dear Admissions Committee,

As a professor and also the dean of the College of Computer Science and Technology at XXX University, I have obtained a profound understanding of this promising applicant – Mr. Jixiang Ding. In my memory, he is an independent and ambitious person with a creative mind and abilities.

I have known him for about a year since I was the advisor of his team in the 8th “Internet +” College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, in which his industrious attitude impressed me a lot. In 2022, he led a team of six to develop an intelligent management system for canteens, which offers a series of functions, including food identification, contact-free payment, meal recommendation, order management, data visualization, etc. He creatively proposed the idea of using transfer learning and adaptive learning on the pre-trained network YOLOv5, one of the most advanced object-recognition algorithms, to alleviate the lack of samples and identify new types of food. Moreover, he greatly improved the training efficiency by deploying the whole system to the DL platform MistGPU and visualized experiments using a novel MLOps platform Weights & Biases. Last but not least, he designed a desktop GUI and an admin website using PyQt5 and Vue2-based Django, respectively. Their excellent work was recognized with the Second Prize in the competition, and this project was even approved by the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students. While working with him on this project, I had an opportunity to observe his academic and soft skills. He has proven his strong critical and creative thinking, diligent and courteous manner, and also efficient collaborative ability, which I think are the valuable qualities distinguishing him from his classmates.

On hearing his intention to further his study, I am in full support of his application. I believe his professional qualities and outstanding performance will significantly contribute to his later study. Given an opportunity for further cultivation, he is bound to obtain higher achievements. Having embraced consistent support and trust in him, I sincerely hope he can have a broader stage to display his superb talents.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. XXX
Professor and Dean of the College of Computer Science and Technology, XXX University
Email: XXX@XXX.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 (0592) XXXXXX
Address: XXX XXXX Revenue, XXX District, Xiamen, China





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