
news2025/2/22 22:05:29


Day_54基于 M-distance 的推荐

一. 关于M-distance 的推荐

        1. 基本数据说明

        2. 推荐系统的算法过程

        3. 简单思考

二. 代码复现

        1. 数据导入

        2. 代码的初始化

        3. 核心代码

        3.1 基础数据的构建

        3.2 leave-out-leave测试

        3.3 误差计算

Day_55基于 M-distance 的推荐 (续)

一. 解法思路

二. 运行结果

三. 补充54天的代码:

Day_54基于 M-distance 的推荐

一. 关于M-distance 的推荐

        1. 基本数据说明

        首先我们要明确什么是M-distance 的推荐,其本质和kNN算法有异曲同工之妙,kNN算法是根据邻居的种类来判断测试样本的种类,那么同样的道理,M-distance推荐也是根据邻居的属性来确定样本的属性。那该怎么做呢?




        2. 推荐系统的算法过程


        首先我们算出每个项目的平均评分情况(将每个项目对应的列的数据相加(只加非0部分的数据),再除以这列的非0的个数。得到的结果如上图G1ave所示),接着我们设置阈值参数\Delta,然后将ave的每一个值与样本(样本是第i行第j列)对应的ave的j列的值作比较,若在ave[ j ]\pm \Delta的范围内,则记录对应的项目的列(2,5) (这里要把0除开,我自己画的矩阵参数不是太好可以参考——博客),最后根据我们所得到第i行所记录项目的列的平均数[(i,2)+(i,5)]/2,估计样本的值。

        3. 简单思考

        其实M-distance 的推荐也还是一个估计的过程,相较于kNN,只不过估计考虑的参数变多了(由以前的一维变为二维),但是思想仍然没有改变。它的思维过程有点类似于:找到平均值相等(差距不大)的项目,接着找这个人对这些项目的评分,然后用这些项目的评分来估计位置的评分。

二. 代码复现

        这个部分是这个算法的实现部分,我的建议是必须要搞明白M-distance 的推荐系统的思维过程才能看得懂代码,否则是肯定不行,而且由于这里面变量非常多,一个不小心就不知道这个变量代表的是哪一个数值参数了,所以两点建议①直到M-distance 的推荐系统的思维过程,需要什么参数(平均数,阈值...)②代码的话还是模拟计算机用脑子自己过一遍,这样理解起来更快,变量多了之后可以先记录看这个变量是怎么样使用的,再结合变量的名称就可以知道这个变量代表的含义了

        1. 数据导入


            MBR tempRecommender = new MBR("D:/data/movielens-943u1682m.txt",
                    943, 1682, 100000);

        2. 代码的初始化


     * Default rating for 1-5 points.
    public static final double DEFAULT_RATING = 3.0;

     * The total number of users.
    private int numUsers;

     * The total number of items.
    private int numItems;

     * The total number of ratings (non-zero values)
    private int numRatings;

     * The predictions.
    private double[] predictions;

     * Compressed rating matrix. User-item-rating triples.
    private int[][] compressedRatingMatrix;

     * The degree of users (how many item he has rated).
    private int[] userDegrees;

     * The average rating of the current user.
    private double[] userAverageRatings;

     * The degree of users (how many item he has rated).
    private int[] itemDegrees;

     * The average rating of the current item.
    private double[] itemAverageRatings;

     * The first user start from 0. Let the first user has x ratings, the second
     * user will start from x.
    private int[] userStartingIndices;

     * Number of non-neighbor objects.
    private int numNonNeighbors;

     * The radius (delta) for determining the neighborhood.
    private double radius;

        3. 核心代码

        3.1 基础数据的构建



    public MBR(String paraFilename, int paraNumUsers, int paraNumItems, int paraNumRatings) throws Exception {
        // Step 1. Initialize these arrays
        numItems = paraNumItems;
        numUsers = paraNumUsers;
        numRatings = paraNumRatings;

        userDegrees = new int[numUsers];
        userStartingIndices = new int[numUsers + 1];
        userAverageRatings = new double[numUsers];
        itemDegrees = new int[numItems];
        compressedRatingMatrix = new int[numRatings][3];
        itemAverageRatings = new double[numItems];

        predictions = new double[numRatings];

        System.out.println("Reading " + paraFilename);

        // Step 2. Read the data file.
        File tempFile = new File(paraFilename);
        if (!tempFile.exists()) {
            System.out.println("File " + paraFilename + " does not exists.");
        } // Of if
        BufferedReader tempBufReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tempFile));
        String tempString;
        String[] tempStrArray;
        int tempIndex = 0;
        userStartingIndices[0] = 0;
        userStartingIndices[numUsers] = numRatings;
        while ((tempString = tempBufReader.readLine()) != null) {
            // Each line has three values
            tempStrArray = tempString.split(",");
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[0]);
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][1] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[1]);
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][2] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[2]);


            if (tempIndex > 0) {
                // Starting to read the data of a new user.
                if (compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0] != compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex - 1][0]) {
                    userStartingIndices[compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0]] = tempIndex;
                } // Of if
            } // Of if
        } // Of while

        double[] tempUserTotalScore = new double[numUsers];
        double[] tempItemTotalScore = new double[numItems];
        for (int i = 0; i < numRatings; i++) {
            tempUserTotalScore[compressedRatingMatrix[i][0]] += compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];
            tempItemTotalScore[compressedRatingMatrix[i][1]] += compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];
        } // Of for i

        for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++) {
            userAverageRatings[i] = tempUserTotalScore[i] / userDegrees[i];
        } // Of for i
        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
            itemAverageRatings[i] = tempItemTotalScore[i] / itemDegrees[i];
        } // Of for i
    }// Of the first constructor

        3.2 leave-out-leave测试


     * Leave-one-out prediction. The predicted values are stored in predictions.
     * @see predictions
    public void leaveOneOutPrediction() {
        double tempItemAverageRating;
        // Make each line of the code shorter.
        int tempUser, tempItem, tempRating;
        System.out.println("\r\nLeaveOneOutPrediction for radius " + radius);

        numNonNeighbors = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numRatings; i++) {
            tempUser = compressedRatingMatrix[i][0];
            tempItem = compressedRatingMatrix[i][1];
            tempRating = compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];

            // Step 1. Recompute average rating of the current item.
            tempItemAverageRating = (itemAverageRatings[tempItem] * itemDegrees[tempItem] - tempRating)
                    / (itemDegrees[tempItem] - 1);

            // Step 2. Recompute neighbors, at the same time obtain the ratings
            // Of neighbors.
            int tempNeighbors = 0;
            double tempTotal = 0;
            int tempComparedItem;
            for (int j = userStartingIndices[tempUser]; j < userStartingIndices[tempUser + 1]; j++) {
                tempComparedItem = compressedRatingMatrix[j][1];
                if (tempItem == tempComparedItem) {
                    continue;// Ignore itself.
                } // Of if

                if (Math.abs(tempItemAverageRating - itemAverageRatings[tempComparedItem]) < radius) {
                    tempTotal += compressedRatingMatrix[j][2];
                } // Of if
            } // Of for j

            // Step 3. Predict as the average value of neighbors.
            if (tempNeighbors > 0) {
                predictions[i] = tempTotal / tempNeighbors;
            } else {
                predictions[i] = DEFAULT_RATING;
            } // Of if
        } // Of for i
    }// Of leaveOneOutPrediction

        3.3 误差计算


     * Compute the MAE based on the deviation of each leave-one-out.
     * @author Fan Min
    public double computeMAE() throws Exception {
        double tempTotalError = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
            tempTotalError += Math.abs(predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2]);
        } // Of for i

        return tempTotalError / predictions.length;
    }// Of computeMAE


     * Compute the MAE based on the deviation of each leave-one-out.
     * @author Fan Min
    public double computeRSME() throws Exception {
        double tempTotalError = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
            tempTotalError += (predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2])
                    * (predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2]);
        } // Of for i

        double tempAverage = tempTotalError / predictions.length;

        return Math.sqrt(tempAverage);
    }// Of computeRSME

Day_55基于 M-distance 的推荐 (续)

一. 解法思路

        第54天实现的是item-based recommendation,即基于项目的推荐,今天我们要实现的基于 user-based recommendation即基于用户的推荐,其实本质上的计算方法并没有改变,只是将矩阵转置即可。


package Day_55;

 * Recommendation with M-distance.
 * @author Fan Min


public class MBR1 {

     * Compressed rating matrix. User-item-rating triples.
    private int[][] compressedRatingMatrix;

    public MBR1(String paraFilename, int paraNumUsers, int paraNumItems,
                         int paraNumRatings)throws Exception {

        int user,item,score;
        String tempString;
        String[] tempStrArray;
        compressedRatingMatrix=new int [paraNumRatings][3];
        int[][] matrix=new int [paraNumUsers][paraNumItems];

        File tempFile = new File(paraFilename);
        if (!tempFile.exists()) {
            System.out.println("File " + paraFilename + " does not exists.");
        } // Of if
        BufferedReader tempBufReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tempFile));

        while ((tempString = tempBufReader.readLine()) != null) {
            tempStrArray = tempString.split(",");
            user = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[0]);
            item = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[1]);
            score = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[2]);

        int k=0;
        for (int i = 0; i <paraNumItems ; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < paraNumUsers; j++) {

        PrintStream ps = new PrintStream("D:/data/ceshi.txt");
        for(int i=0;i<paraNumRatings;i++){

     * The entrance of the program.
     * @param args
     *            Not used now.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            MBR1 tempRecommender = new MBR1("D:/data/movielens-943u1682m.txt", 943, 1682, 100000);

        } catch (Exception ee) {
        } // Of try
    }// Of main
}// Of class MBR

二. 运行结果


三. 补充54天的代码:

package Day_55;

 * Recommendation with M-distance.
 * @author Fan Min


public class MBR {

     * Default rating for 1-5 points.
    public static final double DEFAULT_RATING = 3.0;

     * The total number of users.
    private int numUsers;

     * The total number of items.
    private int numItems;

     * The total number of ratings (non-zero values)
    private int numRatings;

     * The predictions.
    private double[] predictions;

     * Compressed rating matrix. User-item-rating triples.
    private int[][] compressedRatingMatrix;

     * The degree of users (how many item he has rated).
    private int[] userDegrees;

     * The average rating of the current user.
    private double[] userAverageRatings;

     * The degree of users (how many item he has rated).
    private int[] itemDegrees;

     * The average rating of the current item.
    private double[] itemAverageRatings;

     * The first user start from 0. Let the first user has x ratings, the second
     * user will start from x.
    private int[] userStartingIndices;

     * Number of non-neighbor objects.
    private int numNonNeighbors;

     * The radius (delta) for determining the neighborhood.
    private double radius;

     * Construct the rating matrix.
     * @param paraRatingFilename
     *            the rating filename.
     * @param paraNumUsers
     *            number of users
     * @param paraNumItems
     *            number of items
     * @param paraNumRatings
     *            number of ratings
    public MBR(String paraFilename, int paraNumUsers, int paraNumItems, int paraNumRatings) throws Exception {
        // Step 1. Initialize these arrays
        numItems = paraNumItems;
        numUsers = paraNumUsers;
        numRatings = paraNumRatings;

        userDegrees = new int[numUsers];
        userStartingIndices = new int[numUsers + 1];
        userAverageRatings = new double[numUsers];
        itemDegrees = new int[numItems];
        compressedRatingMatrix = new int[numRatings][3];
        itemAverageRatings = new double[numItems];

        predictions = new double[numRatings];

        System.out.println("Reading " + paraFilename);

        // Step 2. Read the data file.
        File tempFile = new File(paraFilename);
        if (!tempFile.exists()) {
            System.out.println("File " + paraFilename + " does not exists.");
        } // Of if
        BufferedReader tempBufReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(tempFile));
        String tempString;
        String[] tempStrArray;
        int tempIndex = 0;
        userStartingIndices[0] = 0;
        userStartingIndices[numUsers] = numRatings;
        while ((tempString = tempBufReader.readLine()) != null) {
            // Each line has three values
            tempStrArray = tempString.split(",");
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[0]);
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][1] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[1]);
            compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][2] = Integer.parseInt(tempStrArray[2]);


            if (tempIndex > 0) {
                // Starting to read the data of a new user.
                if (compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0] != compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex - 1][0]) {
                    userStartingIndices[compressedRatingMatrix[tempIndex][0]] = tempIndex;
                } // Of if
            } // Of if
        } // Of while

        double[] tempUserTotalScore = new double[numUsers];
        double[] tempItemTotalScore = new double[numItems];
        for (int i = 0; i < numRatings; i++) {
            tempUserTotalScore[compressedRatingMatrix[i][0]] += compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];
            tempItemTotalScore[compressedRatingMatrix[i][1]] += compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];
        } // Of for i

        for (int i = 0; i < numUsers; i++) {
            userAverageRatings[i] = tempUserTotalScore[i] / userDegrees[i];
        } // Of for i
        for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
            itemAverageRatings[i] = tempItemTotalScore[i] / itemDegrees[i];
        } // Of for i
    }// Of the first constructor

     * Set the radius (delta).
     * @param paraRadius
     *            The given radius.
    public void setRadius(double paraRadius) {
        if (paraRadius > 0) {
            radius = paraRadius;
        } else {
            radius = 0.1;
        } // Of if
    }// Of setRadius

     * Leave-one-out prediction. The predicted values are stored in predictions.
     * @see predictions
    public void leaveOneOutPrediction() {
        double tempItemAverageRating;
        // Make each line of the code shorter.
        int tempUser, tempItem, tempRating;
        System.out.println("\r\nLeaveOneOutPrediction for radius " + radius);

        numNonNeighbors = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numRatings; i++) {
            tempUser = compressedRatingMatrix[i][0];
            tempItem = compressedRatingMatrix[i][1];
            tempRating = compressedRatingMatrix[i][2];

            // Step 1. Recompute average rating of the current item.
            tempItemAverageRating = (itemAverageRatings[tempItem] * itemDegrees[tempItem] - tempRating)
                    / (itemDegrees[tempItem] - 1);

            // Step 2. Recompute neighbors, at the same time obtain the ratings
            // Of neighbors.
            int tempNeighbors = 0;
            double tempTotal = 0;
            int tempComparedItem;
            for (int j = userStartingIndices[tempUser]; j < userStartingIndices[tempUser + 1]; j++) {
                tempComparedItem = compressedRatingMatrix[j][1];
                if (tempItem == tempComparedItem) {
                    continue;// Ignore itself.
                } // Of if

                if (Math.abs(tempItemAverageRating - itemAverageRatings[tempComparedItem]) < radius) {
                    tempTotal += compressedRatingMatrix[j][2];
                } // Of if
            } // Of for j

            // Step 3. Predict as the average value of neighbors.
            if (tempNeighbors > 0) {
                predictions[i] = tempTotal / tempNeighbors;
            } else {
                predictions[i] = DEFAULT_RATING;
            } // Of if
        } // Of for i
    }// Of leaveOneOutPrediction

     * Compute the MAE based on the deviation of each leave-one-out.
     * @author Fan Min
    public double computeMAE() throws Exception {
        double tempTotalError = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
            tempTotalError += Math.abs(predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2]);
        } // Of for i

        return tempTotalError / predictions.length;
    }// Of computeMAE

     * Compute the MAE based on the deviation of each leave-one-out.
     * @author Fan Min
    public double computeRSME() throws Exception {
        double tempTotalError = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
            tempTotalError += (predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2])
                    * (predictions[i] - compressedRatingMatrix[i][2]);
        } // Of for i

        double tempAverage = tempTotalError / predictions.length;

        return Math.sqrt(tempAverage);
    }// Of computeRSME

     * The entrance of the program.
     * @param args
     *            Not used now.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            MBR tempRecommender = new MBR("D:/data/ceshi.txt",1682,
                    943,  100000);

            for (double tempRadius = 0.2; tempRadius < 0.6; tempRadius += 0.1) {

                double tempMAE = tempRecommender.computeMAE();
                double tempRSME = tempRecommender.computeRSME();

                System.out.println("Radius = " + tempRadius + ", MAE = " + tempMAE + ", RSME = " + tempRSME
                        + ", numNonNeighbors = " + tempRecommender.numNonNeighbors);
            } // Of for tempRadius
        } catch (Exception ee) {
        } // Of try
    }// Of main
}// Of class MBR





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文章目录 摘要1、简介2、相关工作3、方法3.1、重新思考optimizer的功能3.1.1、使用SGD3.1.2、隐式BatchSize 3.2、LOMO:低内存优化3.3、使用LOMO稳定训练3.3.1、梯度归一化和裁剪的替代方法3.3.2、缓解精度下降 4、实验4.1、内存配置4.2、吞吐量4.3、下游性能4.3.1、主要结果4.…

复杂的HANASQL 多行并入一行

点击蓝字 关注我们 一 前言 基于HANA的内存数据库的强大性能, SAP建议把业务逻辑下沉到HANA中计算.以便减去应用服务器的负担,让程序性能更好一些. SAP本身的一些复杂的业务逻辑比如MRP运算(MD01)也有了新的事务 MD01N (MRP LIVE) 报表类的数据分析程序尤其适用. 动态报表强化了…


PromptBench是微软研究人员设计的一个用于测量大型语言模型(llm)对对抗性提示鲁棒性的基准测试。这个的工具是理解LLM的重要一步&#xff0c;随着这些模型在各种应用中越来越普遍&#xff0c;这个主题也变得越来越重要。 研究及其方法论 PromptBench采用多种对抗性文本攻击&am…


阿里云服务器的存储容量和性能如何&#xff1f;是否支持多种存储类型&#xff1f;   本文由阿里云代理商[聚搜云]撰写   阿里云服务器作为业界领先的云计算服务提供商&#xff0c;其存储容量和性能一直受到广泛关注。本文将为您介绍阿里云服务器的存储容量、性能以及支持的…

《斯坦福数据挖掘教程·第三版》读书笔记(英文版)Chapter 12 Large-Scale Machine Learning

来源&#xff1a;《斯坦福数据挖掘教程第三版》对应的公开英文书和PPT Chapter 12 Large-Scale Machine Learning Algorithms called “machine learning” not only summarize our data; they are perceived as learning a model or classifier from the data, and thus dis…

Spring Boot 如何使用 @RequestParam 进行数据校验

Spring Boot 如何使用 RequestParam 进行数据校验 在 Web 应用程序中&#xff0c;用户提交的数据通常以请求参数的形式传递。在 Spring Boot 中&#xff0c;可以使用 RequestParam 注解来获取请求参数。但是&#xff0c;如何确保这些请求参数的有效性呢&#xff1f;在本文中&a…


Webots介绍 1 介绍1.1 概述1.2 应用1.3 入门要求1.4 技术支持1.5 仿真步骤世界&#xff08;webots定义&#xff09;控制器超级控制器 1.6 平台能力三维建模能力物理引擎外设支持 2 软件使用启动webots用户界面文件菜单编辑菜单查看菜单模拟菜单构建菜单叠加菜单工具菜单帮助菜单…