
news2025/2/24 23:26:13

前端vue仿滴滴打车百度地图定位查找附近出租车或门店信息, 下载完整代码请访问uni-app插件市场地址:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=12982



#### 使用方法



npm install vue-baidu-map --save

<!-- center: 地图中心点 zoom:地图放大比例 -->

<baidu-map v-show="seen" class="bm-view" :center="centerPoint" :zoom="10">

<bm-control class='bmControl'>

<div class="bmTopView">

<!-- 名称 -->

<view class="netView">{{infoName}}


<!-- 详情 +  打车按钮 -->

<view class="rowView">

<view class="midView">{{infoDetail}}</view>

<view class="locImg" v-show="followIsHide">打车</view>



<!-- 我的位置 附近的车图标 -->

<div class="bmBotView">

<image class="userIcon" src="../../static/img/biz/person.svg"></image>

<view class="userName">定位</view>

<image class="userIcon" src="../../static/img/biz/car.svg"></image>

<view class="userName">附近的车</view>


<view style="height: 2rpx;"></view>


<!-- 定位点 -->

<bm-marker title="" v-for="(item,index) in netList" :key="100 + index" :data-index="index"

@click="netCurClick(item)" :position="{lng: item.longitude, lat: item.latitude}"

:icon="{url: 'static/img/biz/person.svg', size: {width: 34, height: 34}}">


<!-- 附近的车 -->

<bm-marker title="" v-for="(item,index) in nearComList" :key="200 + index" @click="companyCurClick(item)"

:position="{lng: item.longitude, lat: item.latitude}"

:icon="{url: 'static/img/biz/car.svg', size: {width: 34, height: 34}}">




#### HTML代码部分



<view class="content">

<!-- center: 地图中心点 zoom:地图放大比例 -->

<baidu-map v-show="seen" class="bm-view" :center="centerPoint" :zoom="10">

<bm-control class='bmControl'>

<div class="bmTopView">

<!-- 名称 -->

<view class="netView">{{infoName}}


<!-- 详情 +  打车按钮 -->

<view class="rowView">

<view class="midView">{{infoDetail}}</view>

<view class="locImg" v-show="followIsHide">打车</view>



<!-- 我的位置 附近的车图标 -->

<div class="bmBotView">

<image class="userIcon" src="../../static/img/biz/person.svg"></image>

<view class="userName">定位</view>

<image class="userIcon" src="../../static/img/biz/car.svg"></image>

<view class="userName">附近的车</view>


<view style="height: 2rpx;"></view>


<!-- 定位点 -->

<bm-marker title="" v-for="(item,index) in netList" :key="100 + index" :data-index="index"

@click="netCurClick(item)" :position="{lng: item.longitude, lat: item.latitude}"

:icon="{url: 'static/img/biz/person.svg', size: {width: 34, height: 34}}">


<!-- 附近的车 -->

<bm-marker title="" v-for="(item,index) in nearComList" :key="200 + index" @click="companyCurClick(item)"

:position="{lng: item.longitude, lat: item.latitude}"

:icon="{url: 'static/img/biz/car.svg', size: {width: 34, height: 34}}">






#### JS代码 (引入组件 填充数据)



import Vue from 'vue'

import BaiduMap from 'vue-baidu-map'

import {


} from 'vue-baidu-map'

Vue.use(BaiduMap, {

// ak 是在百度地图开发者平台申请的密钥 详见 http://lbsyun.baidu.com/apiconsole/key */

ak: 'dEctYrTTeVr76ANfzG7XwYZGPj'


export default {

components: {


data() {

return {

nearComList: [], // 附近商机列表

infoName: '',

infoDetail: '',

tabbarIsHide: false,

followIsHide: false,

seen: true,

netList: [],

netItem: {},

// 中心坐标 {lng: 113.282202, lat:23.13771 }

centerPoint: {

lng: 113.282202,

lat: 23.13771




mounted: function(e) {

let myThis = this;

this.netItem = {

'orgName': '我的地址',

'orgAddr': '详细地址',

'longitude': '113.22',

'latitude': '23.12'



          this.infoName = this.netItem.orgName;

          this.infoDetail = this.netItem.orgAddr;

this.nearComList = [{

'comName': '车名称',

'comAddr': '车详细地址',

'longitude': '113.262',

'latitude': '23.2128'



'comName': '车名称2',

'comAddr': '车详细地址2',

'longitude': '113.532632',

'latitude': '23.1228'



'comName': '车名称3',

'comAddr': '车详细地址3',

'longitude': '113.42632',

'latitude': '23.1228'



'comName': '车名称4',

'comAddr': '车详细地址4',

'longitude': '113.327632',

'latitude': '23.16228'



'comName': '车名称5',

'comAddr': '车详细地址5',

'longitude': '113.324632',

'latitude': '23.3228'



'comName': '车名称6',

'comAddr': '车详细地址6',

'longitude': '113.1632',

'latitude': '23.2228'




methods: {

showOrHideTabbar() {

this.tabbarIsHide = !this.tabbarIsHide;

if (this.tabbarIsHide) {


} else {




netCurClick(item) {

this.followIsHide = false;

this.infoName = this.netItem.orgName;

this.infoDetail = this.netItem.orgAddr;


companyCurClick(item) {

this.followIsHide = true;

this.infoName = item.comName;

this.infoDetail = item.comAddr;

console.log('客户坐标item = ' + JSON.stringify(item));


// 计算两点附近距离

getDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) {

let EARTH_RADIUS = 6378.137;

let radLat1 = this.rad(lat1);

let radLat2 = this.rad(lat2);

let a = radLat1 - radLat2;

let b = this.rad(lng1) - this.rad(lng2);

let s = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sin(a / 2), 2) +

Math.cos(radLat1) * Math.cos(radLat2) *

Math.pow(Math.sin(b / 2), 2)));


//s = Math.round(s * 10000d) / 10000d;

s = Math.round(s * 10000) / 10000;

s = s * 1000; //乘以1000是换算成米

return s;


rad(d) {

return d * Math.PI / 180.0;






#### CSS



.content {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

width: 100%;

height: 100%;

overflow: hidden;


/* 搜索 */

.topView {

margin-top: 2px;

width: 100%;

height: 56px;

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;


.uni-search {

text-align: center;

justify-content: center;

width: 88%;

height: 30px;

background-color: #F2F2F2;


.changeIcon {

margin-left: -2px;

margin-top: 27rpx;

width: 12%;

height: 24px;


/* .mySwitch {

width: 208rpx;

margin-left: 3px;

height: 56rpx;

margin-top: 22rpx;

} */

/* 地图 */

.bm-view {

width: 100%;

height: calc(100vh - 154px);


/* 自定义控件 */

.bmControl {

margin-top: calc(100vh - 284px);

width: 100vw;

margin-left: 0vw;

height: 90px;

background-color: white;

border-radius: 8rpx;


.bmTopView {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

margin-left: 26rpx;

margin-top: 12rpx;

width: 100%;

height: 112rpx;


.rowView {

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;


.netView {

font-size: 16px;

font-weight: 500;

color: #333333;

line-height: 26px;

font-family: PingFangSC-Semibold, PingFang SC;


.midView {

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;

margin-left: 6rpx;

color: #666666;

width: 70%;

height: 60rpx;

line-height: 50rpx;

font-size: 13px;


.locImg {

margin-left: 2px;

margin-top: 0rpx;

width: 74px;

height: 30px;

background-color: #1677FF;

border-radius: 32px;

color: #FFFFFF;

text-align: center;

line-height: 30px;


.bmBotView {

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;

margin-left: 6rpx;

height: 36px;


.bmBotleftView {

width: 70%;

display: flex;

flex-direction: row;


.userIcon {

margin-left: 24rpx;

margin-top: 4rpx;

width: 20px;

height: 20px;


.userName {

text-align: center;

margin-left: 2px;

margin-top: 0rpx;

width: auto;

height: 24px;

line-height: 24px;

font-size: 26rpx;

color: #999999;

border-radius: 3px;


.pullScrollView {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

height: auto;

width: 100%;

background-color: #F2F2F2;


.uni-list {

margin-top: 0px;

height: 100%;


.uni-list-cell {

display: flex;

flex-direction: column;

margin-bottom: 12px;

width: 91%;

margin-left: 4.5%;

height: auto;

background-color: #FFFFFF;

border-radius: 12rpx;


.list-text {

margin-left: 34rpx;

line-height: 44px;

width: 100%;

font-size: 32rpx;

color: #333333;

height: 44px;


.list-textDetail {

margin-left: 34rpx;

line-height: 40rpx;

width: 100%;

font-size: 28rpx;

color: #666666;

height: 40rpx;

margin-bottom: 40rpx;


.checkbtn {

margin-top: -12px;

margin-left: 8px;

text-align: center;

width: 160rpx;

font-size: 26rpx;

color: #1677FF;

background-color: #E7F1FF;

height: 34px;

line-height: 34px;

border-radius: 34rpx;










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