EasyPoi导出,设置不同列的字体颜色(修改easypoi 3.1.0版本源码)

news2024/10/6 10:28:36

声明:代码以esaypoi 3.1.0版本为基础,基本上新的代码都是直接copy源码的,只是稍微修改了源码;仍然需要导入该依赖是









其中类名后缀为 New 的类,大部分是直接复制源码的,重点在于修改

BaseExportServiceNew 类 和 ExcelExportStylerNew 类



@ExcelTarget(value = "apmOrderExportDTO")
public class StudentInfoDTO {
  @Excel(name = "学号", width = 30)
  private String orderNo;

  @ColorFontFiled(name = "姓名")
  @Excel(name = "姓名", width = 30)
  private String name;

  @Excel(name = "地址", width = 30)
  private String address;

  @ColorFontFiled(name = "分数")
  @Excel(name = "分数", width = 30)
  private Integer score;


public @interface ColorFontFiled {
  String name();

继承IExcelExportStylerNew类,编写样式类 ExcelExportStylerNew,这个类用于设置不同单元格的字体颜色 ,

public class ExcelExportStylerNew implements IExcelExportStylerNew {

  private static final short FONT_SIZE_TEN = 10;
  private static final short FONT_SIZE_ELEVEN = 11;
  private static final short FONT_SIZE_TWELVE = 12;
  private static final short STRING_FORMAT = (short) BuiltinFormats.getBuiltinFormat("TEXT");
  private CellStyle headerStyle;
  private CellStyle titleStyle;
  private CellStyle styles;

  public ExcelExportStylerNew(Workbook workbook) {

  private void init(Workbook workbook) {
    this.headerStyle = this.initHeaderStyle(workbook);
    this.titleStyle = this.initTitleStyle(workbook);
    this.styles = this.initStyles(workbook);

  public CellStyle getHeaderStyle(short color) {
    return this.headerStyle;

  public CellStyle getTitleStyle(short color) {
    return this.titleStyle;

  public CellStyle getStyles(boolean parity, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    return this.styles;

  public CellStyle getStyles(Cell cell, int dataRow, ExcelExportEntity entity, Object obj, Object data) {
    return this.getStyles(true, entity);

  public CellStyle getTemplateStyles(boolean isSingle, ExcelForEachParams excelForEachParams) {
    return null;

  private CellStyle initHeaderStyle(Workbook workbook) {
    CellStyle style = this.getBaseCellStyle(workbook);
    style.setFont(this.getFont(workbook, (short)12, true));
    return style;

  private CellStyle initTitleStyle(Workbook workbook) {
    CellStyle style = this.getBaseCellStyle(workbook);
    style.setFont(this.getFont(workbook, (short)11, false));
    return style;

  private CellStyle initStyles(Workbook workbook) {
    CellStyle style = this.getBaseCellStyle(workbook);
    style.setFont(this.getFont(workbook, (short)10, false));
    return style;

  public CellStyle getStylesColorFont(Workbook workbook, boolean flag) {
    CellStyle style = this.getBaseCellStyle(workbook);
    // 自定义的字体
    style.setFont(this.getFontByFlag(workbook, (short)10, false, flag));
    return style;

  private CellStyle getBaseCellStyle(Workbook workbook) {
    CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
    return style;

  private Font getFont(Workbook workbook, short size, boolean isBold) {
    Font font = workbook.createFont();
    return font;
  private Font getFontByFlag(Workbook workbook, short size, boolean isBold, boolean flag) {
    Font font = workbook.createFont();
    if (flag) {
      // 根据flag设置列字体颜色 这里为蓝色
    return font;

1. main方法用于测试导出是否正常:

public class TestExcelExport {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    StudentInfoDTO infoDTO = StudentInfoDTO.builder()
    StudentInfoDTO infoDTO2 = StudentInfoDTO.builder()
    StudentInfoDTO infoDTO3 = StudentInfoDTO.builder()
    List<StudentInfoDTO> list = new ArrayList<>();
    exportExcel(StudentInfoDTO.class, list,500, true) ;


  public static String exportExcel(Class<?> pojoClass, Collection<?> dataSet, int maxNum, boolean createHeaderFlag) {
    String saveFolder = "D:\\testConvert" + File.separator + "excel";
    String savePath = saveFolder + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".xls";
    // 测试保存地址
    try {
      File createFolder = new File(saveFolder);
      if (!createFolder.exists()) {

      // 设置表头
      ExportParams exportParams = new ExportParams();
      exportParams.setMaxNum(maxNum == 0 ? 10000 : maxNum);
      // ExcelExportStylerNew 是我修改 ExcelExportStyler 类新建的,若不修改无法更改颜色字体
      long start = (new Date()).getTime();
      // 进入源码
      Workbook workbook = ExcelExportUtilNew.exportExcel(exportParams, pojoClass, dataSet);

      long cost = (new Date()).getTime() - start;
      System.out.println("excel导出耗时 = " + cost/1000 + "毫秒");
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(savePath);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException var12) {
    } catch (IOException var13) {
    return savePath;

2. 从上面的 ExcelExportUtilNew.exportExcel()方法进入下方类:

关于 ExcelExportUtilNew类,就是直接copy源码的,只是删掉多余代码

public class ExcelExportUtilNew {

  public static Workbook exportExcel(ExportParams entity, Class<?> pojoClass, Collection<?> dataSet) {
    Workbook workbook = getWorkbook(entity.getType(), dataSet.size());
    (new ExcelExportServiceNew()).createSheet(workbook, entity, pojoClass, dataSet);
    return workbook;

  private static Workbook getWorkbook(ExcelType type, int size) {
    if (ExcelType.HSSF.equals(type)) {
      return new HSSFWorkbook();
    } else {
      return (Workbook)(size < 100000 ? new XSSFWorkbook() : new SXSSFWorkbook());

3. 从上面的 createSheet()方法进入ExcelExportServiceNew 类 

关于 ExcelExportServiceNew 类 ,我主要修改了createSheet方法,主要是获取注解字段,以便后面在往excel填充数据时候 根据不同的字段 设置不同样式,从而到达不同颜色字体的效果 (完整代码在末尾)。

  public void createSheet(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, Class<?> pojoClass, Collection<?> dataSet) {
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOGGER.debug("Excel export start ,class is {}", pojoClass);
      LOGGER.debug("Excel version is {}", entity.getType().equals(ExcelType.HSSF) ? "03" : "07");

    if (workbook != null && entity != null && pojoClass != null && dataSet != null) {
      try {
        List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams = new ArrayList();
        Field[] fileds = PoiPublicUtil.getClassFields(pojoClass);
        ExcelTarget etarget = (ExcelTarget)pojoClass.getAnnotation(ExcelTarget.class);

        // 根据有注解的字段设置颜色字体
        List<String> colorFieldList = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < fileds.length; ++i) {
          Field field = fileds[i];
          if (field.getAnnotation(ColorFontFiled.class) != null) {
            ColorFontFiled colorFontFiled = (ColorFontFiled)field.getAnnotation(ColorFontFiled.class);
        String targetId = etarget == null ? null : etarget.value();
        this.getAllExcelField(entity.getExclusions(), targetId, fileds, excelParams, pojoClass, (List)null, (ExcelEntity)null);
        // 传递注解字段进入下一步方法
        this.createSheetForMap(workbook, entity, excelParams, dataSet, colorFieldList);
      } catch (Exception var9) {
        LOGGER.error(var9.getMessage(), var9);
        throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, var9.getCause());
    } else {
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.PARAMETER_ERROR);

修改了上面代码后,根据createSheetForMap() 进入 insertDataToSheet()方法 最后在进入createCells时 同样传递 colorFieldList (完整代码在末尾))

 Iterator<?> its = dataSet.iterator();

      ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
      while(its.hasNext()) {
        Object t = its.next();
        index += this.createCells(patriarch, index, t, excelParams, sheet, workbook, rowHeight, colorFieldList);
        if (index >= MAX_NUM) {
      // 自定义样式存在Map里面,每次用完就clear

4. 根据createCells 进入 BaseExportServiceNew类,


// 创建map存excel的不同列的单元格样式
  public static Map<Integer, CellStyle> cellStyleMap = new HashMap<>();
  protected IExcelExportStylerNew excelExportStyler;

  public BaseExportServiceNew() {
    this.type = ExcelType.HSSF;
    this.statistics = new HashMap();

  public int createCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, Object t, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, short rowHeight, List<String> colorFieldList) {
    try {
      Row row = sheet.createRow(index);
      int maxHeight = 1;
      int cellNum = 0;
      int indexKey = this.createIndexCell(row, index, (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(0));
      cellNum = cellNum + indexKey;
      int k = indexKey;

      ExcelExportEntity entity;
      int paramSize;
      CellStyle cellStyle;
      for(paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; ++k) {
        entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() == null) {
          Object value = this.getCellValue(entity, t);
          if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) {
            // excelParams.size代表有多少列,根据不同列,设置不同的样式
            if (ObjectUtil.isNull(cellStyleMap.get(k))) {
              if (colorFieldList.contains(entity.getName())) {
                // 设置字体样式
                cellStyle = this.getStylesColorFont(workbook, true);
              } else {
                cellStyle = this.getStylesColorFont(workbook, false);
              // 用Map存对应的字体样式,
              cellStyleMap.put(k, cellStyle);
            // 创建单元格
            this.createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), index % 2 == 0 ? cellStyleMap.get(k) : cellStyleMap.get(k), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
              row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(this.dataHandler.getHyperlink(row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), t, entity.getName(), value));

      cellNum = 0;
      k = indexKey;

      for(paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; ++k) {
        entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() != null) {
          cellNum += entity.getList().size();
        } else if (entity.isNeedMerge() && maxHeight > 1) {
          for(int i = index + 1; i < index + maxHeight; ++i) {
            sheet.getRow(i).getCell(cellNum).setCellStyle(this.getStyles(false, entity));

          sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index + maxHeight - 1, cellNum, cellNum));

      return maxHeight;
    } catch (Exception var19) {
      LOGGER.error("excel cell export error ,data is :{}", ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(t));
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, var19);

  public CellStyle getStyles(boolean needOne, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    return this.excelExportStyler.getStyles(needOne, entity);

  // 根据不同的flag创建对应字体样式
  public CellStyle getStylesColorFont(Workbook workbook, boolean flag) {
    return this.excelExportStyler.getStylesColorFont(workbook, flag);

5. IExcelExportStylerNew、ExcelExportServiceNew、BaseExportServiceNew完整代码


关于 IExcelExportStylerNew 类

public interface IExcelExportStylerNew {

  CellStyle getHeaderStyle(short var1);

  CellStyle getTitleStyle(short var1);

  CellStyle getStylesColorFont(Workbook workbook, boolean flag);

  /** @deprecated */
  CellStyle getStyles(boolean var1, ExcelExportEntity var2);

  CellStyle getStyles(Cell var1, int var2, ExcelExportEntity var3, Object var4, Object var5);

  CellStyle getTemplateStyles(boolean var1, ExcelForEachParams var2);


public class ExcelExportServiceNew  extends BaseExportServiceNew {

  private static int MAX_NUM = 60000;

  protected int createHeaderAndTitle(ExportParams entity, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams) {
    int rows = 0;
    int fieldLength = this.getFieldLength(excelParams);
    if (entity.getTitle() != null) {
      rows += this.createTitle2Row(entity, sheet, workbook, fieldLength);

    rows += this.createHeaderRow(entity, sheet, workbook, rows, excelParams);
    sheet.createFreezePane(0, rows, 0, rows);
    return rows;

  private int createHeaderRow(ExportParams title, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int index, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams) {
    Row row = sheet.createRow(index);
    int rows = this.getRowNums(excelParams);
    Row listRow = null;
    if (rows == 2) {
      listRow = sheet.createRow(index + 1);

    int cellIndex = 0;
    int groupCellLength = 0;
    CellStyle titleStyle = this.getExcelExportStyler().getTitleStyle(title.getColor());
    int i = 0;

    for(int exportFieldTitleSize = excelParams.size(); i < exportFieldTitleSize; ++i) {
      ExcelExportEntity entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i);
      if (StringUtils.isBlank(entity.getGroupName()) || !entity.getGroupName().equals(((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i - 1)).getGroupName())) {
        if (groupCellLength > 1) {
          sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index, cellIndex - groupCellLength, cellIndex - 1));

        groupCellLength = 0;

      if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getGroupName())) {
        this.createStringCell(row, cellIndex, entity.getGroupName(), titleStyle, entity);
        this.createStringCell(listRow, cellIndex, entity.getName(), titleStyle, entity);
      } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName())) {
        this.createStringCell(row, cellIndex, entity.getName(), titleStyle, entity);

      if (entity.getList() == null) {
        if (rows == 2 && StringUtils.isBlank(entity.getGroupName())) {
          this.createStringCell(listRow, cellIndex, "", titleStyle, entity);
          sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index + 1, cellIndex, cellIndex));
      } else {
        List<ExcelExportEntity> sTitel = entity.getList();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity.getName())) {
          sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index, cellIndex, cellIndex + sTitel.size() - 1));

        int j = 0;

        for(int size = sTitel.size(); j < size; ++j) {
          this.createStringCell(rows == 2 ? listRow : row, cellIndex, ((ExcelExportEntity)sTitel.get(j)).getName(), titleStyle, entity);



    if (groupCellLength > 1) {
      sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index, cellIndex - groupCellLength, cellIndex - 1));

    return rows;

  public int createTitle2Row(ExportParams entity, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, int fieldWidth) {
    Row row = sheet.createRow(0);
    this.createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getTitle(), this.getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), (ExcelExportEntity)null);

    for(int i = 1; i <= fieldWidth; ++i) {
      this.createStringCell(row, i, "", this.getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), (ExcelExportEntity)null);

    sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, fieldWidth));
    if (entity.getSecondTitle() == null) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      row = sheet.createRow(1);
      CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
      this.createStringCell(row, 0, entity.getSecondTitle(), style, (ExcelExportEntity)null);

      for(int i = 1; i <= fieldWidth; ++i) {
        this.createStringCell(row, i, "", this.getExcelExportStyler().getHeaderStyle(entity.getHeaderColor()), (ExcelExportEntity)null);

      sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, fieldWidth));
      return 2;

  public void createSheet(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, Class<?> pojoClass, Collection<?> dataSet) {
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOGGER.debug("Excel export start ,class is {}", pojoClass);
      LOGGER.debug("Excel version is {}", entity.getType().equals(ExcelType.HSSF) ? "03" : "07");

    if (workbook != null && entity != null && pojoClass != null && dataSet != null) {
      try {
        List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams = new ArrayList();
        Field[] fileds = PoiPublicUtil.getClassFields(pojoClass);
        ExcelTarget etarget = (ExcelTarget)pojoClass.getAnnotation(ExcelTarget.class);

        // 根据有注解的字段设置颜色字体
        List<String> colorFieldList = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < fileds.length; ++i) {
          Field field = fileds[i];
          if (field.getAnnotation(ColorFontFiled.class) != null) {
            ColorFontFiled colorFontFiled = (ColorFontFiled)field.getAnnotation(ColorFontFiled.class);
        String targetId = etarget == null ? null : etarget.value();
        this.getAllExcelField(entity.getExclusions(), targetId, fileds, excelParams, pojoClass, (List)null, (ExcelEntity)null);
        // 传递注解字段进入下一步方法
        this.createSheetForMap(workbook, entity, excelParams, dataSet, colorFieldList);
      } catch (Exception var9) {
        LOGGER.error(var9.getMessage(), var9);
        throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, var9.getCause());
    } else {
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.PARAMETER_ERROR);

  public void createSheetForMap(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, List<ExcelExportEntity> entityList, Collection<?> dataSet, List<String> colorFieldList) {
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOGGER.debug("Excel version is {}", entity.getType().equals(ExcelType.HSSF) ? "03" : "07");

    if (workbook != null && entity != null && entityList != null && dataSet != null) {
      super.type = entity.getType();
      if (this.type.equals(ExcelType.XSSF)) {
        MAX_NUM = 1000000;

      if (entity.getMaxNum() > 0) {
        MAX_NUM = entity.getMaxNum();

      Sheet sheet = null;

      try {
        sheet = workbook.createSheet(entity.getSheetName());
      } catch (Exception var7) {
        sheet = workbook.createSheet();

      this.insertDataToSheet(workbook, entity, entityList, dataSet, sheet, colorFieldList);
    } else {
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.PARAMETER_ERROR);

  protected void insertDataToSheet(Workbook workbook, ExportParams entity, List<ExcelExportEntity> entityList, Collection<?> dataSet, Sheet sheet, List<String> colorFieldList) {
    try {
      this.dataHandler = entity.getDataHandler();
      if (this.dataHandler != null && this.dataHandler.getNeedHandlerFields() != null) {
        this.needHandlerList = Arrays.asList(this.dataHandler.getNeedHandlerFields());

      this.dictHandler = entity.getDictHandler();
      this.setExcelExportStyler((IExcelExportStylerNew) entity.getStyle().getConstructor(Workbook.class).newInstance(workbook));
      Drawing patriarch = PoiExcelGraphDataUtil.getDrawingPatriarch(sheet);
      List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams = new ArrayList();
      if (entity.isAddIndex()) {

      int index = entity.isCreateHeadRows() ? this.createHeaderAndTitle(entity, sheet, workbook, excelParams) : 0;
      this.setCellWith(excelParams, sheet);
      this.setColumnHidden(excelParams, sheet);
      short rowHeight = entity.getHeight() > 0 ? entity.getHeight() : this.getRowHeight(excelParams);

      Iterator<?> its = dataSet.iterator();

      ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
      while(its.hasNext()) {
        Object t = its.next();
        index += this.createCells(patriarch, index, t, excelParams, sheet, workbook, rowHeight, colorFieldList);
        if (index >= MAX_NUM) {

      if (entity.getFreezeCol() != 0) {
        sheet.createFreezePane(entity.getFreezeCol(), 0, entity.getFreezeCol(), 0);

      this.mergeCells(sheet, excelParams, index);
      its = dataSet.iterator();
      int i = 0;

      for(int le = tempList.size(); i < le; ++i) {

      if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("List data more than max ,data size is {}", dataSet.size());

      if (dataSet.size() > 0) {
        this.createSheetForMap(workbook, entity, entityList, dataSet, colorFieldList);
      } else {
        this.addStatisticsRow(this.getExcelExportStyler().getStyles(true, (ExcelExportEntity)null), sheet);

    } catch (Exception var15) {
      LOGGER.error(var15.getMessage(), var15);
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, var15.getCause());



public class BaseExportServiceNew extends ExportCommonService {

  private int currentIndex = 0;
  protected ExcelType type;
  private Map<Integer, Double> statistics;
  private static final DecimalFormat DOUBLE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("######0.00");
  // 创建map存excel的不同列的单元格样式
  public static Map<Integer, CellStyle> cellStyleMap = new HashMap<>();
  protected IExcelExportStylerNew excelExportStyler;

  public BaseExportServiceNew() {
    this.type = ExcelType.HSSF;
    this.statistics = new HashMap();

  public int createCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, Object t, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, short rowHeight, List<String> colorFieldList) {
    try {
      Row row = sheet.createRow(index);
      int maxHeight = 1;
      int cellNum = 0;
      int indexKey = this.createIndexCell(row, index, (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(0));
      cellNum = cellNum + indexKey;
      int k = indexKey;

      ExcelExportEntity entity;
      int paramSize;
      CellStyle cellStyle;
      for(paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; ++k) {
        entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() == null) {
          Object value = this.getCellValue(entity, t);
          if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) {
            // excelParams.size代表有多少列,根据不同列,设置不同的样式
            if (ObjectUtil.isNull(cellStyleMap.get(k))) {
              if (colorFieldList.contains(entity.getName())) {
                // 设置字体样式
                cellStyle = this.getStylesColorFont(workbook, true);
              } else {
                cellStyle = this.getStylesColorFont(workbook, false);
              // 用Map存对应的字体样式,
              cellStyleMap.put(k, cellStyle);
            // 创建单元格
            this.createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), index % 2 == 0 ? cellStyleMap.get(k) : cellStyleMap.get(k), entity);
            if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
              row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(this.dataHandler.getHyperlink(row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), t, entity.getName(), value));

      cellNum = 0;
      k = indexKey;

      for(paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; ++k) {
        entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(k);
        if (entity.getList() != null) {
          cellNum += entity.getList().size();
        } else if (entity.isNeedMerge() && maxHeight > 1) {
          for(int i = index + 1; i < index + maxHeight; ++i) {
            sheet.getRow(i).getCell(cellNum).setCellStyle(this.getStyles(false, entity));

          sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(index, index + maxHeight - 1, cellNum, cellNum));

      return maxHeight;
    } catch (Exception var19) {
      LOGGER.error("excel cell export error ,data is :{}", ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(t));
      throw new ExcelExportException(ExcelExportEnum.EXPORT_ERROR, var19);

  public CellStyle getStyles(boolean needOne, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    return this.excelExportStyler.getStyles(needOne, entity);

  // 根据不同的flag创建对应字体样式
  public CellStyle getStylesColorFont(Workbook workbook, boolean flag) {
    return this.excelExportStyler.getStylesColorFont(workbook, flag);

  private int createIndexCell(Row row, int index, ExcelExportEntity excelExportEntity) {
    if (excelExportEntity.getName() != null && "序号".equals(excelExportEntity.getName()) && excelExportEntity.getFormat() != null && excelExportEntity.getFormat().equals("isAddIndex")) {
      this.createStringCell(row, 0, this.currentIndex + "", index % 2 == 0 ? this.getStyles(false, (ExcelExportEntity)null) : this.getStyles(true, (ExcelExportEntity)null), (ExcelExportEntity)null);
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;

  public void createStringCell(Row row, int index, String text, CellStyle style, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    Cell cell = row.createCell(index);
    if (style != null && style.getDataFormat() > 0 && style.getDataFormat() < 12) {
    } else {
      Object rtext;
      if (this.type.equals(ExcelType.HSSF)) {
        rtext = new HSSFRichTextString(text);
      } else {
        rtext = new XSSFRichTextString(text);


    // 这里是源码设置单元格样式的地方
    if (style != null) {

    this.addStatisticsData(index, text, entity);
  private void addStatisticsData(Integer index, String text, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    if (entity != null && entity.isStatistics()) {
      Double temp = 0.0D;
      if (!this.statistics.containsKey(index)) {
        this.statistics.put(index, temp);

      try {
        temp = Double.valueOf(text);
      } catch (NumberFormatException var6) {

      this.statistics.put(index, (Double)this.statistics.get(index) + temp);


  public void createDoubleCell(Row row, int index, String text, CellStyle style, ExcelExportEntity entity) {
    Cell cell = row.createCell(index);
    if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {

   // cell.setCellType(0);
    if (style != null) {

    this.addStatisticsData(index, text, entity);

  public void createImageCell(Drawing patriarch, ExcelExportEntity entity, Row row, int i, String imagePath, Object obj) throws Exception {
    Cell cell = row.createCell(i);
    byte[] value = null;
    if (entity.getExportImageType() != 1) {
      value = (byte[])((byte[])(entity.getMethods() != null ? this.getFieldBySomeMethod(entity.getMethods(), obj) : entity.getMethod().invoke(obj)));

    this.createImageCell(cell, 50.0D * entity.getHeight(), entity.getExportImageType() == 1 ? imagePath : null, value);

  public void createImageCell(Cell cell, double height, String imagePath, byte[] data) throws Exception {
    if (height > (double)cell.getRow().getHeight()) {

    Object anchor;
    if (this.type.equals(ExcelType.HSSF)) {
      anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, (short)cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getRow().getRowNum(), (short)(cell.getColumnIndex() + 1), cell.getRow().getRowNum() + 1);
    } else {
      anchor = new XSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, 0, 0, (short)cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getRow().getRowNum(), (short)(cell.getColumnIndex() + 1), cell.getRow().getRowNum() + 1);

    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(imagePath)) {
      data = ImageCache.getImage(imagePath);

    if (data != null) {
      PoiExcelGraphDataUtil.getDrawingPatriarch(cell.getSheet()).createPicture((ClientAnchor)anchor, cell.getSheet().getWorkbook().addPicture(data, this.getImageType(data)));


  public void createListCells(Drawing patriarch, int index, int cellNum, Object obj, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet, Workbook workbook, short rowHeight) throws Exception {
    Row row;
    if (sheet.getRow(index) == null) {
      row = sheet.createRow(index);
    } else {
      row = sheet.getRow(index);

    int k = 0;

    for(int paramSize = excelParams.size(); k < paramSize; ++k) {
      ExcelExportEntity entity = (ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(k);
      Object value = this.getCellValue(entity, obj);
      if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.STRING_TYPE) {
        this.createStringCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), row.getRowNum() % 2 == 0 ? this.getStyles(false, entity) : this.getStyles(true, entity), entity);
        if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
          row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(this.dataHandler.getHyperlink(row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
      } else if (entity.getType() == BaseEntityTypeConstants.DOUBLE_TYPE) {
        this.createDoubleCell(row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), index % 2 == 0 ? this.getStyles(false, entity) : this.getStyles(true, entity), entity);
        if (entity.isHyperlink()) {
          row.getCell(cellNum - 1).setHyperlink(this.dataHandler.getHyperlink(row.getSheet().getWorkbook().getCreationHelper(), obj, entity.getName(), value));
      } else {
        this.createImageCell(patriarch, entity, row, cellNum++, value == null ? "" : value.toString(), obj);


  public int getImageType(byte[] value) {
    String type = PoiPublicUtil.getFileExtendName(value);
    if ("JPG".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
      return 5;
    } else {
      return "PNG".equalsIgnoreCase(type) ? 6 : 5;

  public IExcelExportStylerNew getExcelExportStyler() {
    return this.excelExportStyler;

  public void setExcelExportStyler(IExcelExportStylerNew excelExportStyler) {
    this.excelExportStyler = excelExportStyler;

  public void setCellWith(List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet) {
    int index = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < excelParams.size(); ++i) {
      if (((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).getList() != null) {
        List<ExcelExportEntity> list = ((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).getList();

        for(int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) {
          sheet.setColumnWidth(index, (int)(256.0D * ((ExcelExportEntity)list.get(j)).getWidth()));
      } else {
        sheet.setColumnWidth(index, (int)(256.0D * ((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).getWidth()));


  public void setColumnHidden(List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, Sheet sheet) {
    int index = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < excelParams.size(); ++i) {
      if (((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).getList() != null) {
        List<ExcelExportEntity> list = ((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).getList();

        for(int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j) {
          sheet.setColumnHidden(index, ((ExcelExportEntity)list.get(i)).isColumnHidden());
      } else {
        sheet.setColumnHidden(index, ((ExcelExportEntity)excelParams.get(i)).isColumnHidden());


  public void mergeCells(Sheet sheet, List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams, int titleHeight) {
    Map<Integer, int[]> mergeMap = this.getMergeDataMap(excelParams);
    PoiMergeCellUtil.mergeCells(sheet, mergeMap, titleHeight);

  private Map<Integer, int[]> getMergeDataMap(List<ExcelExportEntity> excelParams) {
    Map<Integer, int[]> mergeMap = new HashMap();
    int i = 0;
    Iterator var4 = excelParams.iterator();

    while(true) {
      while(var4.hasNext()) {
        ExcelExportEntity entity = (ExcelExportEntity)var4.next();
        if (entity.isMergeVertical()) {
          mergeMap.put(i, entity.getMergeRely());

        if (entity.getList() != null) {
          for(Iterator var6 = entity.getList().iterator(); var6.hasNext(); ++i) {
            ExcelExportEntity inner = (ExcelExportEntity)var6.next();
            if (inner.isMergeVertical()) {
              mergeMap.put(i, inner.getMergeRely());
        } else {

      return mergeMap;

  public void addStatisticsRow(CellStyle styles, Sheet sheet) {
    if (this.statistics.size() > 0) {
      if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("add statistics data ,size is {}", this.statistics.size());

      Row row = sheet.createRow(sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1);
      Set<Integer> keys = this.statistics.keySet();
      this.createStringCell(row, 0, "合计", styles, (ExcelExportEntity)null);
      Iterator var5 = keys.iterator();

      while(var5.hasNext()) {
        Integer key = (Integer)var5.next();
        this.createStringCell(row, key, DOUBLE_FORMAT.format(this.statistics.get(key)), styles, (ExcelExportEntity)null);



  public void setCurrentIndex(int currentIndex) {
    this.currentIndex = currentIndex;






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