postgres源码解析39 表创建执行全流程梳理--3

news2025/1/8 6:06:56

本文结合实例讲解表创建执行流程 [CREATE TABLE wp_shy(id int primary key, name carchar(20))],相关知识回顾见:
postgres源码解析38 表创建执行全流程梳理–1
postgres源码解析38 表创建执行全流程梳理–2




1 transformCreateStmt
该函数对生成的计划树解析分析,返回操作节点链表,实例所生成的操作节点链表<T_CreateStmt, T_IndexsStmt>如下:

(gdb) p *stmts 
$49 = {type = T_List, length = 2, max_length = 5, elements = 0x55db4d6bc5a0, initial_elements = 0x55db4d6bc5a0}
(gdb) p *(Node*)stmts->elements[0]->ptr_value 
$50 = {type = T_CreateStmt}
(gdb) p *(Node*)stmts->elements[1]->ptr_value 
$51 = {type = T_IndexStmt}
(gdb) p *(CreateStmt*)stmts->elements[0]->ptr_value 
$52 = {type = T_CreateStmt, relation = 0x55db4d59e138, tableElts = 0x55db4d6af048, inhRelations = 0x0, partbound = 0x0, partspec = 0x0, ofTypename = 0x0, constraints = 0x0, options = 0x0, oncommit = ONCOMMIT_NOOP, tablespacename = 0x0, 
  accessMethod = 0x0, if_not_exists = false}
(gdb) p *(CreateStmt*)stmts->elements[1]->ptr_value 
$53 = {type = T_IndexStmt, relation = 0x0, tableElts = 0x55db4d59e138, inhRelations = 0x55db4cf71355, partbound = 0x0, partspec = 0x55db4d6bc448, ofTypename = 0x0, constraints = 0x0, options = 0x0, oncommit = ONCOMMIT_NOOP, 
  tablespacename = 0x0, accessMethod = 0x0, if_not_exists = false}

3)遍历表中所有的列,调用相应的处理函数获取列的属性、约束等信息,填充CreateStmtContext对应字段信息<普通列调用 transformColumnDefinition, 含有约束的调用 transformTableConstraint >。
4)后续进行预处理,检查约束合理性,最后返回 utility命令的操作节点链表。

 * transformCreateStmt -
 *	  parse analysis for CREATE TABLE
 * Returns a List of utility commands to be done in sequence.  One of these
 * will be the transformed CreateStmt, but there may be additional actions
 * to be done before and after the actual DefineRelation() call.
 * In addition to normal utility commands such as AlterTableStmt and
 * IndexStmt, the result list may contain TableLikeClause(s), representing
 * the need to perform additional parse analysis after DefineRelation().
 // 对Utility节点进行解析生成操作节点链表,其中一个为CreateStmt,其余的会在DefineRelation()调用
 // 前后生成,常见的utility命令还有 AlterTableStmt、IndexStmt、 TableLikeClause(s)等
 * SQL allows constraints to be scattered all over, so thumb through
 * the columns and collect all constraints into one place.
 * If there are any implied indices (e.g. UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY)
 * then expand those into multiple IndexStmt blocks.
 // 在此过程收集所有的索引(唯一约束 + 主键),最终会将其至于 IndexStmt 块中
List *
transformCreateStmt(CreateStmt *stmt, const char *queryString)
	ParseState *pstate;
	CreateStmtContext cxt;
	List	   *result;
	List	   *save_alist;
	ListCell   *elements;
	Oid			namespaceid;
	Oid			existing_relid;
	ParseCallbackState pcbstate;

	/* Set up pstate */
	pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);
	pstate->p_sourcetext = queryString;

	 * Look up the creation namespace.  This also checks permissions on the
	 * target namespace, locks it against concurrent drops, checks for a
	 * preexisting relation in that namespace with the same name, and updates
	 * stmt->relation->relpersistence if the selected namespace is temporary.
	setup_parser_errposition_callback(&pcbstate, pstate,
	namespaceid =
		RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(stmt->relation, NoLock,

	 * If the relation already exists and the user specified "IF NOT EXISTS",
	 * bail out with a NOTICE.
	if (stmt->if_not_exists && OidIsValid(existing_relid))
				 errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists, skipping",
		return NIL;

	 * If the target relation name isn't schema-qualified, make it so.  This
	 * prevents some corner cases in which added-on rewritten commands might
	 * think they should apply to other relations that have the same name and
	 * are earlier in the search path.  But a local temp table is effectively
	 * specified to be in pg_temp, so no need for anything extra in that case.
	if (stmt->relation->schemaname == NULL
		&& stmt->relation->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
		stmt->relation->schemaname = get_namespace_name(namespaceid);

	/* Set up CreateStmtContext */
	cxt.pstate = pstate;
	if (IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt))
		cxt.stmtType = "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE";
		cxt.isforeign = true;
		cxt.stmtType = "CREATE TABLE";
		cxt.isforeign = false;
	cxt.relation = stmt->relation;
	cxt.rel = NULL;
	cxt.inhRelations = stmt->inhRelations;
	cxt.isalter = false;
	cxt.columns = NIL;
	cxt.ckconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.fkconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.ixconstraints = NIL;
	cxt.likeclauses = NIL;
	cxt.extstats = NIL;
	cxt.blist = NIL;
	cxt.alist = NIL;
	cxt.pkey = NULL;
	cxt.ispartitioned = stmt->partspec != NULL;
	cxt.partbound = stmt->partbound;
	cxt.ofType = (stmt->ofTypename != NULL);

	Assert(!stmt->ofTypename || !stmt->inhRelations);	/* grammar enforces */

	if (stmt->ofTypename)
		transformOfType(&cxt, stmt->ofTypename);

	if (stmt->partspec)
		if (stmt->inhRelations && !stmt->partbound)
					 errmsg("cannot create partitioned table as inheritance child")));

	 * Run through each primary element in the table creation clause. Separate
	 * column defs from constraints, and do preliminary analysis.
	foreach(elements, stmt->tableElts)
		Node	   *element = lfirst(elements);

		switch (nodeTag(element))
			case T_ColumnDef:
				transformColumnDefinition(&cxt, (ColumnDef *) element);

			case T_Constraint:
				transformTableConstraint(&cxt, (Constraint *) element);

			case T_TableLikeClause:
				transformTableLikeClause(&cxt, (TableLikeClause *) element);

				elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
					 (int) nodeTag(element));

	 * Transfer anything we already have in cxt.alist into save_alist, to keep
	 * it separate from the output of transformIndexConstraints.  (This may
	 * not be necessary anymore, but we'll keep doing it to preserve the
	 * historical order of execution of the alist commands.)
	save_alist = cxt.alist;
	cxt.alist = NIL;

	Assert(stmt->constraints == NIL);

	 * Postprocess constraints that give rise to index definitions.

	 * Re-consideration of LIKE clauses should happen after creation of
	 * indexes, but before creation of foreign keys.  This order is critical
	 * because a LIKE clause may attempt to create a primary key.  If there's
	 * also a pkey in the main CREATE TABLE list, creation of that will not
	 * check for a duplicate at runtime (since index_check_primary_key()
	 * expects that we rejected dups here).  Creation of the LIKE-generated
	 * pkey behaves like ALTER TABLE ADD, so it will check, but obviously that
	 * only works if it happens second.  On the other hand, we want to make
	 * pkeys before foreign key constraints, in case the user tries to make a
	 * self-referential FK.
	cxt.alist = list_concat(cxt.alist, cxt.likeclauses);

	 * Postprocess foreign-key constraints.
	transformFKConstraints(&cxt, true, false);

	 * Postprocess check constraints.
	 * For regular tables all constraints can be marked valid immediately,
	 * because the table is new therefore empty. Not so for foreign tables.
	transformCheckConstraints(&cxt, !cxt.isforeign);

	 * Postprocess extended statistics.

	 * Output results.
	stmt->tableElts = cxt.columns;
	stmt->constraints = cxt.ckconstraints;

	result = lappend(cxt.blist, stmt);
	result = list_concat(result, cxt.alist);
	result = list_concat(result, save_alist);

	return result;

2 DefineRelation
该函数的功能是创建新的relation,包括物理文件、相应的内存relcache Entry和系统表元数据的更新
4)调用 MergeAttributes 将继承的属性合并到表属性定义中;
5)根据表列信息调用 BuildDescForRelation函数生成元组描述符TupleDesc,该结构体记录了元组每列字段的详细信息(pg_attribute
7)在上述条件准备完善下调用 heap_create_with_catalog创建物理文件并在系统表中注册;
8)调用 AddRelationNewConstraints 处理表中新增的约束与默认值

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		DefineRelation
 *				Creates a new relation.
 * stmt carries parsetree information from an ordinary CREATE TABLE statement.
 * The other arguments are used to extend the behavior for other cases:
 * relkind: relkind to assign to the new relation
 * ownerId: if not InvalidOid, use this as the new relation's owner.
 * typaddress: if not null, it's set to the pg_type entry's address.
 * queryString: for error reporting
 * Note that permissions checks are done against current user regardless of
 * ownerId.  A nonzero ownerId is used when someone is creating a relation
 * "on behalf of" someone else, so we still want to see that the current user
 * has permissions to do it.
 * If successful, returns the address of the new relation.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
DefineRelation(CreateStmt *stmt, char relkind, Oid ownerId,
			   ObjectAddress *typaddress, const char *queryString)
	char		relname[NAMEDATALEN];
	Oid			namespaceId;
	Oid			relationId;
	Oid			tablespaceId;
	Relation	rel;
	TupleDesc	descriptor;
	List	   *inheritOids;
	List	   *old_constraints;
	List	   *rawDefaults;
	List	   *cookedDefaults;
	Datum		reloptions;
	ListCell   *listptr;
	AttrNumber	attnum;
	bool		partitioned;
	static char *validnsps[] = HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES;
	Oid			ofTypeId;
	ObjectAddress address;
	LOCKMODE	parentLockmode;
	const char *accessMethod = NULL;
	Oid			accessMethodId = InvalidOid;

	 * Truncate relname to appropriate length (probably a waste of time, as
	 * parser should have done this already).
	strlcpy(relname, stmt->relation->relname, NAMEDATALEN);

	 * Check consistency of arguments
	if (stmt->oncommit != ONCOMMIT_NOOP
		&& stmt->relation->relpersistence != RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP)
				 errmsg("ON COMMIT can only be used on temporary tables")));

	if (stmt->partspec != NULL)
		if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION)
			elog(ERROR, "unexpected relkind: %d", (int) relkind);

		partitioned = true;
		partitioned = false;

	 * Look up the namespace in which we are supposed to create the relation,
	 * check we have permission to create there, lock it against concurrent
	 * drop, and mark stmt->relation as RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP if a temporary
	 * namespace is selected.
	namespaceId =
		RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(stmt->relation, NoLock, NULL);

	 * Security check: disallow creating temp tables from security-restricted
	 * code.  This is needed because calling code might not expect untrusted
	 * tables to appear in pg_temp at the front of its search path.
	if (stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP
		&& InSecurityRestrictedOperation())
				 errmsg("cannot create temporary table within security-restricted operation")));

	 * Determine the lockmode to use when scanning parents.  A self-exclusive
	 * lock is needed here.
	 * For regular inheritance, if two backends attempt to add children to the
	 * same parent simultaneously, and that parent has no pre-existing
	 * children, then both will attempt to update the parent's relhassubclass
	 * field, leading to a "tuple concurrently updated" error.  Also, this
	 * interlocks against a concurrent ANALYZE on the parent table, which
	 * might otherwise be attempting to clear the parent's relhassubclass
	 * field, if its previous children were recently dropped.
	 * If the child table is a partition, then we instead grab an exclusive
	 * lock on the parent because its partition descriptor will be changed by
	 * addition of the new partition.
	parentLockmode = (stmt->partbound != NULL ? AccessExclusiveLock :

	/* Determine the list of OIDs of the parents. */
	inheritOids = NIL;
	foreach(listptr, stmt->inhRelations)
		RangeVar   *rv = (RangeVar *) lfirst(listptr);
		Oid			parentOid;

		parentOid = RangeVarGetRelid(rv, parentLockmode, false);

		 * Reject duplications in the list of parents.
		if (list_member_oid(inheritOids, parentOid))
					 errmsg("relation \"%s\" would be inherited from more than once",

		inheritOids = lappend_oid(inheritOids, parentOid);

	 * Select tablespace to use: an explicitly indicated one, or (in the case
	 * of a partitioned table) the parent's, if it has one.
	if (stmt->tablespacename)
		tablespaceId = get_tablespace_oid(stmt->tablespacename, false);

		if (partitioned && tablespaceId == MyDatabaseTableSpace)
					 errmsg("cannot specify default tablespace for partitioned relations")));
	else if (stmt->partbound)
		 * For partitions, when no other tablespace is specified, we default
		 * the tablespace to the parent partitioned table's.
		Assert(list_length(inheritOids) == 1);
		tablespaceId = get_rel_tablespace(linitial_oid(inheritOids));
		tablespaceId = InvalidOid;

	/* still nothing? use the default */
	if (!OidIsValid(tablespaceId))
		tablespaceId = GetDefaultTablespace(stmt->relation->relpersistence,

	/* Check permissions except when using database's default */
	if (OidIsValid(tablespaceId) && tablespaceId != MyDatabaseTableSpace)
		AclResult	aclresult;

		aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(tablespaceId, GetUserId(),
		if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
			aclcheck_error(aclresult, OBJECT_TABLESPACE,

	/* In all cases disallow placing user relations in pg_global */
	if (tablespaceId == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
				 errmsg("only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace")));

	/* Identify user ID that will own the table */
	if (!OidIsValid(ownerId))
		ownerId = GetUserId();

	 * Parse and validate reloptions, if any.
	reloptions = transformRelOptions((Datum) 0, stmt->options, NULL, validnsps,
									 true, false);

	switch (relkind)
			(void) view_reloptions(reloptions, true);
			(void) partitioned_table_reloptions(reloptions, true);
			(void) heap_reloptions(relkind, reloptions, true);

	if (stmt->ofTypename)
		AclResult	aclresult;

		ofTypeId = typenameTypeId(NULL, stmt->ofTypename);

		aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(ofTypeId, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE);
		if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
			aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, ofTypeId);
		ofTypeId = InvalidOid;

	 * Look up inheritance ancestors and generate relation schema, including
	 * inherited attributes.  (Note that stmt->tableElts is destructively
	 * modified by MergeAttributes.)
	stmt->tableElts =
		MergeAttributes(stmt->tableElts, inheritOids,
						stmt->partbound != NULL,

	 * Create a tuple descriptor from the relation schema.  Note that this
	 * deals with column names, types, and NOT NULL constraints, but not
	 * default values or CHECK constraints; we handle those below.
	descriptor = BuildDescForRelation(stmt->tableElts);

	 * Find columns with default values and prepare for insertion of the
	 * defaults.  Pre-cooked (that is, inherited) defaults go into a list of
	 * CookedConstraint structs that we'll pass to heap_create_with_catalog,
	 * while raw defaults go into a list of RawColumnDefault structs that will
	 * be processed by AddRelationNewConstraints.  (We can't deal with raw
	 * expressions until we can do transformExpr.)
	 * We can set the atthasdef flags now in the tuple descriptor; this just
	 * saves StoreAttrDefault from having to do an immediate update of the
	 * pg_attribute rows.
	rawDefaults = NIL;
	cookedDefaults = NIL;
	attnum = 0;

	foreach(listptr, stmt->tableElts)
		ColumnDef  *colDef = lfirst(listptr);
		Form_pg_attribute attr;

		attr = TupleDescAttr(descriptor, attnum - 1);

		if (colDef->raw_default != NULL)
			RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;

			Assert(colDef->cooked_default == NULL);

			rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
			rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
			rawEnt->raw_default = colDef->raw_default;
			rawEnt->missingMode = false;
			rawEnt->generated = colDef->generated;
			rawDefaults = lappend(rawDefaults, rawEnt);
			attr->atthasdef = true;
		else if (colDef->cooked_default != NULL)
			CookedConstraint *cooked;

			cooked = (CookedConstraint *) palloc(sizeof(CookedConstraint));
			cooked->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT;
			cooked->conoid = InvalidOid;	/* until created */
			cooked->name = NULL;
			cooked->attnum = attnum;
			cooked->expr = colDef->cooked_default;
			cooked->skip_validation = false;
			cooked->is_local = true;	/* not used for defaults */
			cooked->inhcount = 0;	/* ditto */
			cooked->is_no_inherit = false;
			cookedDefaults = lappend(cookedDefaults, cooked);
			attr->atthasdef = true;

		if (colDef->identity)
			attr->attidentity = colDef->identity;

		if (colDef->generated)
			attr->attgenerated = colDef->generated;

		if (colDef->compression)
			attr->attcompression = GetAttributeCompression(attr->atttypid,

	 * If the statement hasn't specified an access method, but we're defining
	 * a type of relation that needs one, use the default.
	if (stmt->accessMethod != NULL)
		accessMethod = stmt->accessMethod;

		if (partitioned)
					 errmsg("specifying a table access method is not supported on a partitioned table")));

	else if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
			 relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE ||
			 relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)
		accessMethod = default_table_access_method;

	/* look up the access method, verify it is for a table */
	if (accessMethod != NULL)
		accessMethodId = get_table_am_oid(accessMethod, false);

	 * Create the relation.  Inherited defaults and constraints are passed in
	 * for immediate handling --- since they don't need parsing, they can be
	 * stored immediately.
	relationId = heap_create_with_catalog(relname,

	 * We must bump the command counter to make the newly-created relation
	 * tuple visible for opening.

	 * Open the new relation and acquire exclusive lock on it.  This isn't
	 * really necessary for locking out other backends (since they can't see
	 * the new rel anyway until we commit), but it keeps the lock manager from
	 * complaining about deadlock risks.
	rel = relation_open(relationId, AccessExclusiveLock);

	 * Now add any newly specified column default and generation expressions
	 * to the new relation.  These are passed to us in the form of raw
	 * parsetrees; we need to transform them to executable expression trees
	 * before they can be added. The most convenient way to do that is to
	 * apply the parser's transformExpr routine, but transformExpr doesn't
	 * work unless we have a pre-existing relation. So, the transformation has
	 * to be postponed to this final step of CREATE TABLE.
	 * This needs to be before processing the partitioning clauses because
	 * those could refer to generated columns.
	if (rawDefaults)
		AddRelationNewConstraints(rel, rawDefaults, NIL,
								  true, true, false, queryString);

	 * Make column generation expressions visible for use by partitioning.

	/* Store inheritance information for new rel. */
	StoreCatalogInheritance(relationId, inheritOids, stmt->partbound != NULL);
	// 省略分区表处理逻辑
	 * Now add any newly specified CHECK constraints to the new relation. Same
	 * as for defaults above, but these need to come after partitioning is set
	 * up.
	if (stmt->constraints)
		AddRelationNewConstraints(rel, NIL, stmt->constraints,
								  true, true, false, queryString);

	ObjectAddressSet(address, RelationRelationId, relationId);

	 * Clean up.  We keep lock on new relation (although it shouldn't be
	 * visible to anyone else anyway, until commit).
	relation_close(rel, NoLock);

	return address;


2)调用 GetNewRelFileNode为此表分配一个全局唯一对象标识符Oid;
3) 结合表名、命名空间、对象标识符OID以及元组描述符等信息调用 heap_create 创建一个Relation 结构放入RelCache,后续根据此信息 table_relation_set_new_filenode(Relation)/ RelationCreateStorage(Index)创建物理文件。
4)紧接着调用 AddNewRelationType向pg_type系统表中注册该表的记录;
5)AddNewRelationTuple向pg_class 系统表中插入该表的相关信息;
6)AddNewAttributeTuples 将该表每个字段信息填充值 pg_attribute系统表;
7)最后通过 StoreConstraints 将约束和默认值等信息存储至 pg_constraint和pg_attrdef系统表中。

* --------------------------------
 *		heap_create_with_catalog
 *		creates a new cataloged relation.  see comments above.
 * Arguments:
 *	relname: name to give to new rel
 *	relnamespace: OID of namespace it goes in
 *	reltablespace: OID of tablespace it goes in
 *	relid: OID to assign to new rel, or InvalidOid to select a new OID
 *	reltypeid: OID to assign to rel's rowtype, or InvalidOid to select one
 *	reloftypeid: if a typed table, OID of underlying type; else InvalidOid
 *	ownerid: OID of new rel's owner
 *	accessmtd: OID of new rel's access method
 *	tupdesc: tuple descriptor (source of column definitions)
 *	cooked_constraints: list of precooked check constraints and defaults
 *	relkind: relkind for new rel
 *	relpersistence: rel's persistence status (permanent, temp, or unlogged)
 *	shared_relation: true if it's to be a shared relation
 *	mapped_relation: true if the relation will use the relfilenode map
 *	oncommit: ON COMMIT marking (only relevant if it's a temp table)
 *	reloptions: reloptions in Datum form, or (Datum) 0 if none
 *	use_user_acl: true if should look for user-defined default permissions;
 *		if false, relacl is always set NULL
 *	allow_system_table_mods: true to allow creation in system namespaces
 *	is_internal: is this a system-generated catalog?
 * Output parameters:
 *	typaddress: if not null, gets the object address of the new pg_type entry
 *	(this must be null if the relkind is one that doesn't get a pg_type entry)
 * Returns the OID of the new relation
 * --------------------------------
heap_create_with_catalog(const char *relname,
						 Oid relnamespace,
						 Oid reltablespace,
						 Oid relid,
						 Oid reltypeid,
						 Oid reloftypeid,
						 Oid ownerid,
						 Oid accessmtd,
						 TupleDesc tupdesc,
						 List *cooked_constraints,
						 char relkind,
						 char relpersistence,
						 bool shared_relation,
						 bool mapped_relation,
						 OnCommitAction oncommit,
						 Datum reloptions,
						 bool use_user_acl,
						 bool allow_system_table_mods,
						 bool is_internal,
						 Oid relrewrite,
						 ObjectAddress *typaddress)
	Relation	pg_class_desc;
	Relation	new_rel_desc;
	Acl		   *relacl;
	Oid			existing_relid;
	Oid			old_type_oid;
	Oid			new_type_oid;
	TransactionId relfrozenxid;
	MultiXactId relminmxid;

	pg_class_desc = table_open(RelationRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * sanity checks
	Assert(IsNormalProcessingMode() || IsBootstrapProcessingMode());

	 * Validate proposed tupdesc for the desired relkind.  If
	 * allow_system_table_mods is on, allow ANYARRAY to be used; this is a
	 * hack to allow creating pg_statistic and cloning it during VACUUM FULL.
	CheckAttributeNamesTypes(tupdesc, relkind,
							 allow_system_table_mods ? CHKATYPE_ANYARRAY : 0);

	 * This would fail later on anyway, if the relation already exists.  But
	 * by catching it here we can emit a nicer error message.
	existing_relid = get_relname_relid(relname, relnamespace);
	if (existing_relid != InvalidOid)
				 errmsg("relation \"%s\" already exists", relname)));

	 * Since we are going to create a rowtype as well, also check for
	 * collision with an existing type name.  If there is one and it's an
	 * autogenerated array, we can rename it out of the way; otherwise we can
	 * at least give a good error message.
	old_type_oid = GetSysCacheOid2(TYPENAMENSP, Anum_pg_type_oid,
	if (OidIsValid(old_type_oid))
		if (!moveArrayTypeName(old_type_oid, relname, relnamespace))
					 errmsg("type \"%s\" already exists", relname),
					 errhint("A relation has an associated type of the same name, "
							 "so you must use a name that doesn't conflict "
							 "with any existing type.")));

	 * Shared relations must be in pg_global (last-ditch check)
	if (shared_relation && reltablespace != GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
		elog(ERROR, "shared relations must be placed in pg_global tablespace");

	 * Allocate an OID for the relation, unless we were told what to use.
	 * The OID will be the relfilenode as well, so make sure it doesn't
	 * collide with either pg_class OIDs or existing physical files.
	if (!OidIsValid(relid))
		/* Use binary-upgrade override for pg_class.oid/relfilenode? */
		if (IsBinaryUpgrade &&
			(relkind == RELKIND_RELATION || relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE ||
			 relkind == RELKIND_VIEW || relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||
			if (!OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_oid))
						 errmsg("pg_class heap OID value not set when in binary upgrade mode")));

			relid = binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_oid;
			binary_upgrade_next_heap_pg_class_oid = InvalidOid;
		/* There might be no TOAST table, so we have to test for it. */
		else if (IsBinaryUpgrade &&
				 OidIsValid(binary_upgrade_next_toast_pg_class_oid) &&
				 relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE)
			relid = binary_upgrade_next_toast_pg_class_oid;
			binary_upgrade_next_toast_pg_class_oid = InvalidOid;
			relid = GetNewRelFileNode(reltablespace, pg_class_desc,

	 * Determine the relation's initial permissions.
	if (use_user_acl)
		switch (relkind)
				relacl = get_user_default_acl(OBJECT_TABLE, ownerid,
				relacl = get_user_default_acl(OBJECT_SEQUENCE, ownerid,
				relacl = NULL;
		relacl = NULL;

	 * Create the relcache entry (mostly dummy at this point) and the physical
	 * disk file.  (If we fail further down, it's the smgr's responsibility to
	 * remove the disk file again.)
	new_rel_desc = heap_create(relname,

	Assert(relid == RelationGetRelid(new_rel_desc));

	new_rel_desc->rd_rel->relrewrite = relrewrite;

	 * Decide whether to create a pg_type entry for the relation's rowtype.
	 * These types are made except where the use of a relation as such is an
	 * implementation detail: toast tables, sequences and indexes.
	if (!(relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE ||
		  relkind == RELKIND_TOASTVALUE ||
		  relkind == RELKIND_INDEX ||
		Oid			new_array_oid;
		ObjectAddress new_type_addr;
		char	   *relarrayname;

		 * We'll make an array over the composite type, too.  For largely
		 * historical reasons, the array type's OID is assigned first.
		new_array_oid = AssignTypeArrayOid();

		 * Make the pg_type entry for the composite type.  The OID of the
		 * composite type can be preselected by the caller, but if reltypeid
		 * is InvalidOid, we'll generate a new OID for it.
		 * NOTE: we could get a unique-index failure here, in case someone
		 * else is creating the same type name in parallel but hadn't
		 * committed yet when we checked for a duplicate name above.
		new_type_addr = AddNewRelationType(relname,
		new_type_oid = new_type_addr.objectId;
		if (typaddress)
			*typaddress = new_type_addr;

		/* Now create the array type. */
		relarrayname = makeArrayTypeName(relname, relnamespace);

		TypeCreate(new_array_oid,	/* force the type's OID to this */
				   relarrayname,	/* Array type name */
				   relnamespace,	/* Same namespace as parent */
				   InvalidOid,	/* Not composite, no relationOid */
				   0,			/* relkind, also N/A here */
				   ownerid,		/* owner's ID */
				   -1,			/* Internal size (varlena) */
				   TYPTYPE_BASE,	/* Not composite - typelem is */
				   TYPCATEGORY_ARRAY,	/* type-category (array) */
				   false,		/* array types are never preferred */
				   DEFAULT_TYPDELIM,	/* default array delimiter */
				   F_ARRAY_IN,	/* array input proc */
				   F_ARRAY_OUT, /* array output proc */
				   F_ARRAY_RECV,	/* array recv (bin) proc */
				   F_ARRAY_SEND,	/* array send (bin) proc */
				   InvalidOid,	/* typmodin procedure - none */
				   InvalidOid,	/* typmodout procedure - none */
				   F_ARRAY_TYPANALYZE,	/* array analyze procedure */
				   F_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_HANDLER,	/* array subscript procedure */
				   new_type_oid,	/* array element type - the rowtype */
				   true,		/* yes, this is an array type */
				   InvalidOid,	/* this has no array type */
				   InvalidOid,	/* domain base type - irrelevant */
				   NULL,		/* default value - none */
				   NULL,		/* default binary representation */
				   false,		/* passed by reference */
				   TYPALIGN_DOUBLE, /* alignment - must be the largest! */
				   TYPSTORAGE_EXTENDED, /* fully TOASTable */
				   -1,			/* typmod */
				   0,			/* array dimensions for typBaseType */
				   false,		/* Type NOT NULL */
				   InvalidOid); /* rowtypes never have a collation */

		/* Caller should not be expecting a type to be created. */
		Assert(reltypeid == InvalidOid);
		Assert(typaddress == NULL);

		new_type_oid = InvalidOid;

	 * now create an entry in pg_class for the relation.
	 * NOTE: we could get a unique-index failure here, in case someone else is
	 * creating the same relation name in parallel but hadn't committed yet
	 * when we checked for a duplicate name above.

	 * now add tuples to pg_attribute for the attributes in our new relation.
	AddNewAttributeTuples(relid, new_rel_desc->rd_att, relkind);

	 * Make a dependency link to force the relation to be deleted if its
	 * namespace is.  Also make a dependency link to its owner, as well as
	 * dependencies for any roles mentioned in the default ACL.
	 * For composite types, these dependencies are tracked for the pg_type
	 * entry, so we needn't record them here.  Likewise, TOAST tables don't
	 * need a namespace dependency (they live in a pinned namespace) nor an
	 * owner dependency (they depend indirectly through the parent table), nor
	 * should they have any ACL entries.  The same applies for extension
	 * dependencies.
	 * Also, skip this in bootstrap mode, since we don't make dependencies
	 * while bootstrapping.
	if (relkind != RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE &&
		relkind != RELKIND_TOASTVALUE &&
		ObjectAddress myself,
		ObjectAddresses *addrs;

		ObjectAddressSet(myself, RelationRelationId, relid);

		recordDependencyOnOwner(RelationRelationId, relid, ownerid);

		recordDependencyOnNewAcl(RelationRelationId, relid, 0, ownerid, relacl);

		recordDependencyOnCurrentExtension(&myself, false);

		addrs = new_object_addresses();

		ObjectAddressSet(referenced, NamespaceRelationId, relnamespace);
		add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs);

		if (reloftypeid)
			ObjectAddressSet(referenced, TypeRelationId, reloftypeid);
			add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs);

		 * Make a dependency link to force the relation to be deleted if its
		 * access method is. Do this only for relation and materialized views.
		 * No need to add an explicit dependency for the toast table, as the
		 * main table depends on it.
		if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
			relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW)
			ObjectAddressSet(referenced, AccessMethodRelationId, accessmtd);
			add_exact_object_address(&referenced, addrs);

		record_object_address_dependencies(&myself, addrs, DEPENDENCY_NORMAL);

	/* Post creation hook for new relation */
	InvokeObjectPostCreateHookArg(RelationRelationId, relid, 0, is_internal);

	 * Store any supplied constraints and defaults.
	 * NB: this may do a CommandCounterIncrement and rebuild the relcache
	 * entry, so the relation must be valid and self-consistent at this point.
	 * In particular, there are not yet constraints and defaults anywhere.
	StoreConstraints(new_rel_desc, cooked_constraints, is_internal);

	 * If there's a special on-commit action, remember it
	if (oncommit != ONCOMMIT_NOOP)
		register_on_commit_action(relid, oncommit);

	 * ok, the relation has been cataloged, so close our relations and return
	 * the OID of the newly created relation.
	table_close(new_rel_desc, NoLock);	/* do not unlock till end of xact */
	table_close(pg_class_desc, RowExclusiveLock);

	return relid;





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