
news2024/10/3 4:39:14

1.什么是真正的传输线?(What is a real transmission line?)


A real transmission line is composed of any two conductors with some extended length. One
conductor you label as the signal path and the other conductor as the return path.

2.理想的传输线模型与理想的 R、L 或 C 模型有何不同?(How is an ideal transmission line model different from an ideal R, L, or C model?)

答:在低频下,理想的传输线输入阻抗与简单 L 或 C 元件的阻抗匹配,具体取决于远端是开路还是短路。但是,在超出某个频率的频率下,L 或 C 模型的行为会大大偏离理想的传输线。
这意味着 L 或 C 元件可以很好地近似于低频下的理想传输线模型。但在高频下很难和理想传输线模型近似。理想的传输线模型是一种全新的电路元件,其特性与单个 L 或 C 元件完全不同,这在非常高的频率下会变得很明显。

At low frequency, the ideal transmission line input impedance matches the impedance of a simple L or C element depending on if the far end is open or shorted. But, at frequencies beyond some frequency, the behaviors of the L or C model drastically departs from the ideal transmission line.
This means the L or C elements are good approximations to an ideal transmission line model at low frequency. They are terrible approximations to an ideal transmission line at higher frequency. An ideal transmission line model is a brand-new circuit element with properties that are completely different from a single L or C element, which becomes apparent at very high frequency.

3.什么是GND?为什么它对于信号完整性应用来说是一个令人困惑的词?(What is ground? Why is it a confusing word for signal-integrity applications?)


The term ground should only be used to refer to the single reference point in a circuit from which all other voltages are referenced. The ground point should not carry any current.
On a plane with current flowing, not all points on the plane labeled as ground are the same voltage. This makes it difficult to use a ground plane as a reference enplane.
The term ground is often misused in the industry and confused with return path. The return path is the conductor that carries the return current. It can be at any DC voltage, and often has a different voltage across it form one region to another.


4.底盘和地球有什么区别?(What is the difference between chassis and earth ground?)


机箱接地是与仪器或设备的外部金属外壳的连接。在塑料外壳的情况下,没有底盘接地。出于安全原因,UL 要求将底盘接地连接到大地。这降低了用户因机箱接地电压差异很大而受到电击的风险。

Earth ground, often referred to as safety ground, is literally a connection to the ground. There is a lowresistance path between all points labeled as earth ground to a copper pipe sticking into the ground somewhere nearby. This pipe defines a common reference point tied to the Earth from which other points can be references. As long as all points connect to the same earth ground, they will be at the same voltage and there is less chance of someone getting a shock.

Chassis ground is the connection to the external metal housing of an instrument or device. In the case of a plastic enclosure, there is no chassis ground. For safety reasons, the UL requires that chassis ground be connected to earth ground. This reduces the risk of a user getting a shock due to widely different chassis ground voltages.

5.线上的电压和线上的信号有什么区别?(What is the difference between the voltage on a line and the signal on a line?)


The voltage on a transmission line is what would be measured by a scope if the probes were touching between the signal and an adjacent point on the return path. This is a scalar voltage in the sense there is no measure of the propagating nature of this voltage. It is just the total voltage between the signal and return path.
The signal is the voltage that is propagating down the line. It has a direction associated with it. When the voltage of a signal is measured, the magnitude can be the same as the magnitude of the signal, but there is no information measured about the direction of propagation of the signal.
The real difference arises when there are multiple signals propagating on the transmission line. Two signals may be propagating in opposite directions on the transmission line. When measured at one point, the voltage measured is the sum of the two voltages. It could be less than, greater than, or the same as the two signal voltages, depending on their specific properties.

6.什么是均匀传输线,为什么这是首选的互连设计?(What is a uniform transmission line and why is this the preferred interconnect design?)

A uniform transmission line means the cross section of the transmission line is the same up and down the length of the line. This means the instantaneous impedance of the line is the same. Engineering the instantaneous impedance the signal sees as the
same up and down the line means the signal will propagate with no reflections and no distortions, improving the signal quality.
If the transmission line is not uniform, there will be impedance changes that will cause reflections and signal distortions.

7.电子在导线中的传播速度有多快?(How fast do electrons travel in a wire?)


Surprisingly, even with as much as 1 A of current in a narrow wire, the speed of the electrons is really small, on the order of 1 cm/sec. This means that it is not the motion of the electrons which is the signal, but the propagating of the changing electric and magnetic fields.
It is like the case of a tube filled with marbles. If you push one marble in one end, another will push out the far end in the time it takes for the pressure wave to flow down between the marbles. The speed of the marble moving down the tube is slow, but the speed of the impact of the motion of the marble is very fast.

8.传导电流、极化电流和位移电流之间的区别是什么?(What is the difference between conduction current, polarization current, and displacement current?)


极化电流是当束缚电荷的极化发生变化时在绝缘体中流动的电流。这实际上是一种电荷运动,但它们仅限于附着在电介质分子上。它们只会在材料的极化发生变化时流动,也就是外部电场发生变化时。这些电流是瞬态的,与 dE/dt 成正比。


Conduction current is the flow of free charges in a conductor. There can be DC current flow with a DC voltage applied.
Polarization current is the current that flows in an insulator when the polarization of bound charges changes. This is literally a motion of charges, but they are restricted to staying attached to the molecules of the dielectric. They will only flow when the polarization of the material changes, which is when the extern E field changes. These currents are transient and are proportional to dE/dt.

Displacement current is the current that flows in the air when the electric field changes. Maxwell called the displacement current the current that flows due to the changing polarization of the charges in the ether. Today, you do not have to invoke the ether, but describe displacement current, as a current that flows when the electric field changes, as a feature of electric fields built into the fabric of space time.

9.什么是互连信号速度的良好经验法则?(What is a good rule of thumb for the speed of a signal on an interconnect?)

在空气中,信号的速度或光速为 12 英寸/纳秒。当通过介电常数为 Dk 的电介质传播时,变化的电场(即光)的速度随着 Dk 的平方根而减慢。
大多数互连材料的典型 Dk 约为 4。这意味着典型层压互连基板上的信号速度约为 12/sqrt(4) = 6 英寸/纳秒。
这是互连信号速度的一个很好的经验法则,大约 6 英寸/纳秒。
In air, the speed of a signal, or the speed of light, is 12 inches/nsec. When propagating through a dielectric with dielectric constant Dk, the speed of the changing electric field, which is light, slows down with the square root of the Dk.
The typical Dk for most interconnect materials is about 4. This means the speed of a signal on a typical laminate interconnect substrate is about 12/sqrt(4) = 6 inches/nsec.
This is a good rule of thumb for the speed of a signal on an interconnect, about 6 inches/nsec.

10.对于 50 欧姆微带线的纵横比,什么是好的经验法则?(What is a good rule of thumb for the aspect ratio of a 50-Ohm microstrip?)

对于 FR4 基板,50 欧姆传输线的线宽与电介质厚度之比为 2/1。
With an FR4 substrate, the ratio of the line width to dielectric thickness of a 50-Ohm transmission line is 2/1.





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