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虚假数据注入攻击(false data injection attacks,FDIAs)能够利用能量管理系统中的坏数据检测漏洞,恶意篡改状态估计结果,严重危害电力系统的安全可靠运行。同时,配电网因其网络拓扑结构复杂,量测冗余度低等特点,存在更大的潜在网络攻击威胁。
% Power System State Estimation using Weighted Least Square Method..
num = 30; % IEEE - 14 or IEEE - 30 bus system..(for IEEE-14 bus system replace 30 by 14)...
ybus = ybusppg(num); % Get YBus..
zdata = zdatas(num); % Get Measurement data..
bpq = bbusppg(num); % Get B data..
nbus = max(max(zdata(:,4)),max(zdata(:,5))); % Get number of buses..
type = zdata(:,2); % Type of measurement, Vi - 1, Pi - 2, Qi - 3, Pij - 4, Qij - 5, Iij - 6..
z = zdata(:,3); % Measuement values..
fbus = zdata(:,4); % From bus..
tbus = zdata(:,5); % To bus..
Ri = diag(zdata(:,6)); % Measurement Error..
V = ones(nbus,1); % Initialize the bus voltages..
del = zeros(nbus,1); % Initialize the bus angles..
E = [del(2:end); V]; % State Vector..
G = real(ybus);
B = imag(ybus);
vi = find(type == 1); % Index of voltage magnitude measurements..
ppi = find(type == 2); % Index of real power injection measurements..
qi = find(type == 3); % Index of reactive power injection measurements..
pf = find(type == 4); % Index of real powerflow measurements..
qf = find(type == 5); % Index of reactive powerflow measurements..
nvi = length(vi); % Number of Voltage measurements..
npi = length(ppi); % Number of Real Power Injection measurements..
nqi = length(qi); % Number of Reactive Power Injection measurements..
npf = length(pf); % Number of Real Power Flow measurements..
nqf = length(qf); % Number of Reactive Power Flow measurements..
iter = 1;
tol = 5;
while(tol > 1e-4)
%Measurement Function, h
h1 = V(fbus(vi),1);
h2 = zeros(npi,1);
h3 = zeros(nqi,1);
h4 = zeros(npf,1);
h5 = zeros(nqf,1);
for i = 1:npi
m = fbus(ppi(i));
for k = 1:nbus
h2(i) = h2(i) + V(m)*V(k)*(G(m,k)*cos(del(m)-del(k)) + B(m,k)*sin(del(m)-del(k)));
for i = 1:nqi
m = fbus(qi(i));
for k = 1:nbus
h3(i) = h3(i) + V(m)*V(k)*(G(m,k)*sin(del(m)-del(k)) - B(m,k)*cos(del(m)-del(k)));
for i = 1:npf
m = fbus(pf(i));
n = tbus(pf(i));
h4(i) = -V(m)^2*G(m,n) - V(m)*V(n)*(-G(m,n)*cos(del(m)-del(n)) - B(m,n)*sin(del(m)-del(n)));
【1】安培秀. 智能电网中虚假数据注入攻击检测方法研究[D]. 2017.