BDD - SpecFlow SpecRun Web UI 多浏览器测试

news2025/2/20 19:38:18

BDD - SpecFlow & SpecRun 一个 Cases 匹配多个浏览器

  • 引言
  • 方案
    • SpecFlow+ Runner profiles
  • 实现
    • 被测 Web Application
    • 创建一个 Class Libary 项目
    • 添加 NuGet Packages
      • SpecFlow & SpecRun 包
      • 添加 Selenium包
      • 其它包
    • 创建 Feature 文件
    • 配置 Default.srprofile
      • Default.srprofile 添加 Targets
      • 添加 DeploymentTransformation
    • 配置 App.config
    • 设计 Driver 层
      • ConfigurationDriver.cs
      • BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory.cs
      • WebDriver.cs
      • CalculatorPageDriver.cs
    • 实现 Step Definition
    • 添加 Hooks
    • 执行测试


在进行 Web UI 测试,通常需要在多个浏览器上进行兼容性测试,例如:Chrome,IE,Edge 和 Firefox。但是为所有浏览器都分别写 Cases 似乎是费时,也是没有必要的事。今天我们就来介绍一种方案,一套 Cases 可以在所有浏览器上运行。如果你不太了解 BDD SpecFlow Web UI 测试,请先阅读之前的文章 《 BDD - SpecFlow Web UI 测试实践 》


SpecFlow+ Runner 可通过 Targets 来实现,Targets 定义在 SpecFlow+ Runner profile 文件中,可以定义不同环境的设置,filters 和 为每个 target 部署转换步骤 (deployment transformation steps)

为每个浏览器定义 targets 使得一个 cases 可以在所有的浏览器上执行。

SpecFlow+ Runner profiles

SpecFlow+ Runner profiles (.srprofile 扩展名文件) 是 XML 结构文件,用来决定 SpecFlow+ Runner 如何运行测试用例,例如:失败的测试是可以再执行 1 次或多次, 定义测试环境的不同 target(定义不同的浏览器或 x64/x86),启动多线程,配置文件及文件夹路径,应用 transformations 规则为不同的 target 环境来改变配置变量等。

默认,SpecFlow+ Runner 会有一个名为 Default.srprofile 的文件。注意:对于 SpecFlow 2,当添加 SpecFlow.SpecRun NuGet 包时,这个 Default.srprofile 文件会自动加到项目中。对于 SpecFlow 3,需要后动添加这个文件,但是我试过,SpecFlow 3 没法手动添加这个文件。 出于这个考虑,所以本文将采用 SpecFlow 2.


被测 Web Application

我们的实践测试项目是一个 Web 版的简单的计算器实现,Web Calculator, 实现了两个数相加的功能。


创建一个 Class Libary 项目


添加 NuGet Packages

SpecFlow & SpecRun 包

SpecFlow 2.4
SpecRun.SpecFlow 1.8.5

安装成功后,项目中会自动添加这些文件,重点关注 Default.srprofile 文件

添加 Selenium包

下面这些 Selenium 包只需最新版本就可以了


添加成功后,编译一下整个 Solution,Bin 目录下会下载各个浏览器的 Web Dirver,用来启动浏览器,并进行元素定位操作。


可根据代码需要添加一些依赖包,例如 FluentAssertions 包用来断言的。

创建 Feature 文件


Feature: CalculatorFeature
	 In order to avoid silly mistakes 
	As a math idiot
	I want to be told the sum of two numbers

Scenario: Add two numbers
	Given the first number is 50
	And the second number is 70
	When the two numbers are added
	Then the result should be 120

Scenario Outline: Add two numbers permutations
	Given the first number is <First number>
	And the second number is <Second number>
	When the two numbers are added
	Then the result should be <Expected result>

	| First number | Second number | Expected result |
	| 0            | 0             | 0               |
	| -1           | 10            | 9               |
	| 6            | 9             | 15              |

配置 Default.srprofile

Default.srprofile 添加 Targets

定义各种浏览器 Target,用 Scenarios 的 tag 做为 filter。
例如:打上 @Browser_IE tag 的 Scenario target 为 IE 浏览器。

    <Target name="IE">
    <Target name="Chrome">
    <Target name="Firefox">
   <Target name="Edge">

但是官网例子中下面这种方式,EnvironmentVariable tag 识别不了,很是奇怪。

    <Target name="IE">
        <EnvironmentVariable variable="Test_Browser" value="IE" />

添加 DeploymentTransformation

用来解析 target 中的值,转换 app.config 文件,将 browser key 的值 设置成 target 的 name,用 {Target} 作为占位符。在转换过程中用当前 target 的 name 来替换这个占位符。

      <ConfigFileTransformation configFile="App.config">
        <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <configuration xmlns:xdt="">
        <add key="browser" value="{Target}"
        xdt:Transform="SetAttributes(value)" />


配置 App.config

添加下面这个配置,用来配置被测 APP 的 URL,以及 browser 变量,这个变量的值不用赋值,通过 Default.srprofile 中添加的 DeploymentTransformation 来动态转换成对应的 target。

    <add key="seleniumBaseUrl" value="" />
    <add key="browser" value="" />


设计 Driver 层

整个设计都设计到 Context Injection,具体细节可以参考 《 BDD - SpecFlow Context Injection 上下文依赖注入 》


用来读取 App.config 中的配置的被测 APP URL 及 browser 信息。

为了读取 App.config 中的配置,需要添加 Add Reference “System.Configuration


using System;
using System.Configuration;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers
    public class ConfigurationDriver
        private const string SeleniumBaseUrlConfigFieldName = "seleniumBaseUrl";
        private const string BrowserName = "browser";

        public ConfigurationDriver()
            Console.WriteLine("ConfigurationDriver construct begin");
            Console.WriteLine("ConfigurationDriver construct end");

        public string SeleniumBaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[SeleniumBaseUrlConfigFieldName];
        public string Browser => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[BrowserName];




基于 App.config 配置的 browser 来创建对应的 WebDriver

using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Edge;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using System;
using TechTalk.SpecRun;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers
    public class BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory
        private readonly ConfigurationDriver _configurationDriver;
        private readonly TestRunContext _testRunContext;

        public BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory(ConfigurationDriver configurationDriver, TestRunContext testRunContext)
            Console.WriteLine("BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory construct begin");
            _configurationDriver = configurationDriver;
            _testRunContext = testRunContext;
            Console.WriteLine("BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory construct End");

        public IWebDriver GetForBrowser()
            string lowerBrowserId = _configurationDriver.Browser.ToUpper();
            Console.WriteLine($"browser is {lowerBrowserId}");
            switch (lowerBrowserId)
                case "IE": return GetInternetExplorerDriver();
                case "CHROME": return GetChromeDriver();
                case "FIREFOX": return GetFirefoxDriver();
                case "EDGE": return GetEdgeDriver();
                case string browser: throw new NotSupportedException($"{browser} is not a supported browser");
                default: throw new NotSupportedException("not supported browser: <null>");

        private IWebDriver GetFirefoxDriver()
            return new FirefoxDriver(FirefoxDriverService.CreateDefaultService(_testRunContext.TestDirectory))
                Url = _configurationDriver.SeleniumBaseUrl,


        private IWebDriver GetChromeDriver()
            return new ChromeDriver(ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(_testRunContext.TestDirectory))
                Url = _configurationDriver.SeleniumBaseUrl

        private IWebDriver GetEdgeDriver()
            return new EdgeDriver(EdgeDriverService.CreateDefaultService(_testRunContext.TestDirectory));
            //    Url = _configurationDriver.SeleniumBaseUrl

        private IWebDriver GetInternetExplorerDriver()
            var internetExplorerOptions = new InternetExplorerOptions
                InitialBrowserUrl = null,
                IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true,
                IgnoreZoomLevel = true,
                EnableNativeEvents = true,
                RequireWindowFocus = true,
                EnablePersistentHover = true

            return new InternetExplorerDriver(InternetExplorerDriverService.CreateDefaultService(_testRunContext.TestDirectory), internetExplorerOptions)
                Url = _configurationDriver.SeleniumBaseUrl,




用来得到当前 WebDriver 实例

using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
using System;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers
    public class WebDriver : IDisposable
        private readonly BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory _browserSeleniumDriverFactory;
        private readonly Lazy<IWebDriver> _currentWebDriverLazy;
        private readonly Lazy<WebDriverWait> _waitLazy;
        private readonly TimeSpan _waitDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
        private bool _isDisposed;

        public WebDriver(BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory browserSeleniumDriverFactory)
            Console.WriteLine("WebDriver construct begin");
            _browserSeleniumDriverFactory = browserSeleniumDriverFactory;
            _currentWebDriverLazy = new Lazy<IWebDriver>(GetWebDriver);
            _waitLazy = new Lazy<WebDriverWait>(GetWebDriverWait);
            Console.WriteLine("WebDriver construct end");

        public IWebDriver Current => _currentWebDriverLazy.Value;

        public WebDriverWait Wait => _waitLazy.Value;

        private WebDriverWait GetWebDriverWait()
            return new WebDriverWait(Current, _waitDuration);

        private IWebDriver GetWebDriver()
            return _browserSeleniumDriverFactory.GetForBrowser();

        public void Dispose()
            if (_isDisposed)

            if (_currentWebDriverLazy.IsValueCreated)

            _isDisposed = true;



用来封装被测 APP 的页面元素和行为

using OpenQA.Selenium;
using System;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers
    public class CalculatorPageDriver
        private readonly WebDriver _webDriver;
        private readonly ConfigurationDriver _configurationDriver;

        public CalculatorPageDriver(WebDriver webDriver, ConfigurationDriver configurationDriver)
            Console.WriteLine("CalculatorPageDriver construct begin");
            _webDriver = webDriver;
            _configurationDriver = configurationDriver;
            Console.WriteLine("CalculatorPageDriver construct end");

        public void GoToCalculatorPage()
            string baseUrl = _configurationDriver.SeleniumBaseUrl;

        //Finding elements by ID
        private IWebElement FirstNumberElement => _webDriver.Current.FindElement(By.Id("first-number"));
        private IWebElement SecondNumberElement => _webDriver.Current.FindElement(By.Id("second-number"));
        private IWebElement AddButtonElement => _webDriver.Current.FindElement(By.Id("add-button"));
        private IWebElement ResultElement => _webDriver.Current.FindElement(By.Id("result"));
        private IWebElement ResetButtonElement => _webDriver.Current.FindElement(By.Id("reset-button"));

        public void EnterFirstNumber(string number)
            //Clear text box
            //Enter text

        public void EnterSecondNumber(string number)
            //Clear text box
            //Enter text

        public void ClickAdd()
            //Click the add button

        public string WaitForNonEmptyResult()
            //Wait for the result to be not empty
            return WaitUntil(
                () => ResultElement.GetAttribute("value"),
                result => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result));

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to wait until the expected result is available on the UI
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of result to retrieve</typeparam>
        /// <param name="getResult">The function to poll the result from the UI</param>
        /// <param name="isResultAccepted">The function to decide if the polled result is accepted</param>
        /// <returns>An accepted result returned from the UI. If the UI does not return an accepted result within the timeout an exception is thrown.</returns>
        private T WaitUntil<T>(Func<T> getResult, Func<T, bool> isResultAccepted) where T : class

            return _webDriver.Wait.Until(driver =>
                var result = getResult();
                if (!isResultAccepted(result))
                    return default;

                return result;



实现 Step Definition

CalculatorFeatureSteps.cs 通过调用 CalculatorPageDriver 封装的 UI 元素和方法来实现 Feature 文件中的 Steps。

using SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
using FluentAssertions;
using System;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Steps
    public class CalculatorFeatureSteps
        private readonly CalculatorPageDriver _calculatorPageDriver;

        public CalculatorFeatureSteps(CalculatorPageDriver calculatorPageDriver)
            Console.WriteLine("CalculatorFeatureSteps construct end");
            _calculatorPageDriver = calculatorPageDriver;
            Console.WriteLine("CalculatorFeatureSteps construct end");

        [Given("the first number is (.*)")]
        public void GivenTheFirstNumberIs(int number)
            //delegate to Page Object

        [Given("the second number is (.*)")]
        public void GivenTheSecondNumberIs(int number)
            //delegate to Page Object

        [When("the two numbers are added")]
        public void WhenTheTwoNumbersAreAdded()
            //delegate to Page Object

        [Then("the result should be (.*)")]
        public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(int expectedResult)
            //delegate to Page Object
            var actualResult = _calculatorPageDriver.WaitForNonEmptyResult();



添加 Hooks

Hooks.cs 用于添加 BeforeScenario Hook,Scenario 执行前先导航到被测 APP 的 Home page。当然如果不添加 Hook,就得在每个 Scenario 中添加一个前置 Step 也是可以的,例如:Given I navigated to the Calculator page

using SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Drivers;
using System;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

namespace SpecflowSpecRunMutiBrowser.Hooks
    public class Hooks
        ///  Reset the calculator before each scenario tagged with "Calculator"
        /// </summary>
        public static void BeforeScenario(WebDriver webDriver, ConfigurationDriver configurationDriver)
            Console.WriteLine("BeforeScenario begin");
            var pageDriver = new CalculatorPageDriver(webDriver, configurationDriver);
            Console.WriteLine("BeforeScenario end");



Build 整个 Solution,打开 Test Explore,会发现每个 Scenario 都会自动生成了 4 个 测试用例,因为分别打上了 4 个浏览器标签,就会 target 到对应的浏览器上运行。

为了更好的理解 Context Injection,在各个 Class 的 Public 的构造函数中都加了一些输出日志。

我们来运行一个 target chrome 的测试用例,会启动 Chrome 浏览器来执行



 Add two numbers in CalculatorFeature (target: Chrome)
   Source: CalculatorFeature.feature line 10
   Duration:10.2 sec

  Standard Output: 
SpecRun Evaluation Mode: Please purchase at to remove test execution delay.

-> -> Using app.config

-> ConfigurationDriver construct begin
-> ConfigurationDriver construct end
-> BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory construct begin
-> BrowserSeleniumDriverFactory construct End
-> WebDriver construct begin
-> WebDriver construct end
-> BeforeScenario begin
-> CalculatorPageDriver construct begin
-> CalculatorPageDriver construct end
-> browser is CHROME
-> BeforeScenario end

Given the first number is 50
-> CalculatorPageDriver construct begin
-> CalculatorPageDriver construct end
-> CalculatorFeatureSteps construct end
-> CalculatorFeatureSteps construct end
-> done: CalculatorFeatureSteps.GivenTheFirstNumberIs(50) (0.1s)

And the second number is 70
-> done: CalculatorFeatureSteps.GivenTheSecondNumberIs(70) (0.1s)

When the two numbers are added
-> done: CalculatorFeatureSteps.WhenTheTwoNumbersAreAdded() (0.1s)

Then the result should be 120
-> done: CalculatorFeatureSteps.ThenTheResultShouldBe(120) (0.7s)

再运行一个 target Edge 的用例,会启动 Edge 浏览器运行
对于IE, FireFox 就不一一运行了,提醒一下 FireFox 有必要需要设置环境变量,将 geckodriver.exe 所在路径添加到 Path 中,例如:






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