
news2024/10/2 3:18:54
  • 中国人工智能企业中集飞瞳全球港航人工智能领军者,
  • 箱况残缺检测视频流动态感知超级智能闸口,自动化港口码头数字化智慧港航。
  • CIMCAI已完成全球250万人工智能集装箱箱况检验,完成全球上亿集装箱信息,
  • 先进产品在全球各港区及集装箱枢纽生产环境投产,产品在全球生产环境总运行时间超过700万+小时。
  • 世界人工智能领军者CIMCAI全球顶尖集装箱人工智能产品,打造国际航运港口人工智能标杆,
  • 领跑全球集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能应用落地。
  • CIMCAI全球领先的成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,
  • 全自动化进出闸/零接触,智慧闸口智能化闸口无人闸口。
  • Super smart gate advanced technology container condition defect detection video stream dynamic perception port terminal smart gate,
  • Intelligent port entrance and exit gate intelligent terminal intelligent customs, built by CIMCAI the world leading AI.
  • CIMCAI has completed the inspection of 2.5 million artificial intelligence containers worldwide and completed the information of hundreds of millions of containers worldwide,
  • Advanced products have been put into production in the production environment of ports and container hubs around the world, and the total operation time of products in the global production environment has exceeded 7 million+hours.
  • CIMCAI the world leading AI, creating an artificial intelligence benchmark for international shipping ports,
  • Leading the global container AI/port shipping AI application landing.
  • CIMCAI world-leading mature port AI gate ceaspectusG has a world-leading technology recognition rate of more than 99.95%,
  • Fully automatic entrance and exit gate/zero contact, intelligent gate, intelligent gate, unmanned gate.
  • 成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG™核心优势识别率/准确率/实时性各指标在处于国际顶尖水平,
  • 进出闸智能化/自动化,大大提高进出闸效率,无人化闸口。
  • ceaspectusG™全球领先科技全自动化识别检测集装箱箱况残损包括:
  • 各箱面变形BT,破损BR,破裂CK,锈洞CO等。
  • 全自动化识别检测集装箱信息包括:
  • 箱号箱型/重量标识/危标有无/铅封有无/单双箱/作业号/空重车/小箱位置。
  • Mature port AI gate ceaspectusG ™ The recognition rate, accuracy rate and real-time performance of core advantages are at the top level in the world,
  • Intelligent/automatic entrance and exit gates greatly improve the efficiency of entrance and exit gates and unmanned gates.
  • ceaspectusG ™ The world's leading technology fully automatic identification and detection of container damage includes:
  • The container surface is deformed BT, damaged BR, cracked CK, rust hole CO, etc.
  • Full automatic identification and detection of container information includes:
  • Container number/type/weight identification/danger mark/lead seal/single and double container /operation number/empty and loaded vehicle/small container position.
  • 成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG™核心优势全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,
  • ceaspectusG™在港口码头/堆场集卡进出闸过程中,完全基于摄像头视频流,
  • 集卡无需停顿高效过闸,没有地磅红外线等触发装置运行维护远低于触发性闸口,
  • 领先科技自动感知集卡经过/位置,全自动化完成箱况残损识别检验/箱息识别/集卡信息识别。
  • Mature port AI gate ceaspectusG ™ The recognition rate of global leading technology for core advantages is more than 99.95%,
  • ceaspectusG ™ In the process of entering and leaving the gate of the dock/storage yard, it is completely based on the video stream of the camera,
  • The truck does not need to stop and pass the gate efficiently, and there is no trigger device such as weighbridge infrared ray. The operation and maintenance are far lower than the trigger gate,
  • The leading technology automatically senses the passing/position of the container, and fully automates the identification and inspection of the container condition and damage/the identification of the container information/the identification of the container information.
  • 中国人工智能企业中集飞瞳全球港航人工智能领军者,
  • 箱况残缺检测视频流动态感知超级智能闸口,自动化港口码头数字化智慧港航。
  • CIMCAI已完成全球超250万人工智能集装箱箱况检验,完成全球上亿集装箱信息,
  • 先进产品在全球各港区及集装箱枢纽生产环境投产,
  • 产品在全球生产环境总运行时间超过700万+小时。
  • 世界人工智能领军者全球顶尖集装箱人工智能产品,
  • 打造国际航运港口人工智能标杆,领跑全球集装箱人工智能/港口航运人工智能应用落地。
  • 2全球领先的成熟港口人工智能闸口ceaspectusG全球领先科技识别率99.95%以上,
  • 全自动化进出闸/零接触,智慧闸口智能化闸口无人闸口。
  • Super smart gate advanced technology container condition defect detection video stream dynamic perception port terminal smart gate,
  • Intelligent port entrance and exit gate intelligent terminal intelligent customs, built by CIMCAI the world leading AI.
  • CIMCAI has completed the inspection of more than 2.5 million AI containers worldwide, and completed the information of hundreds of millions of containers worldwide,
  • Advanced products are put into production in the production environment of ports and container hubs around the world,
  • The total operation time of the product in the global production environment exceeds 7 million+hours.
  • The world leader in AI, the world's top container AI products,
  • Build the benchmark of AI for international shipping ports, and lead the implementation of global container AI/port shipping AI applications.
  • 2. The world's leading mature port AI gate ceaspectusG has a world-leading technology recognition rate of more than 99.95%,
  • Fully automatic entrance and exit gate/zero contact, intelligent gate, intelligent gate, unmanned gate.
  • For more products, please visit CIMCAI official website
  • 中国上海人工智能企业CIMCA全球第一家完成250万次AI自动验箱,
  • 智能化航运船公司港口数字化海关智能化铁路场站堆场减人降本增效。
  • 全球集装箱贸易中,快速箱况检验及集装箱信息录入对集装箱作业速度至关重要。
  • CIMCAI作为全球集装箱人工智能应用规模最大/范围最广供应商,
  • 全球率先大规模人工智能全自动化箱况残损检验/箱信息识别检测,
  • 自动化集装箱信息检测录入,为企业打造可复制/可推广的自动化智能化方案。
  • CIMCAI artificial intelligence enterprise in Shanghai, China, is the first company in the world to complete 2.5 million times of AI automatic inspection,
  • Intelligent shipping companies, ports, digital customs, intelligent railway yards and yards reduce personnel, reduce costs and increase efficiency.
  • In the global container trade, rapid container condition inspection and container information entry are crucial to the speed of container operation.
  • CIMCAI, as the largest/widest supplier of container AI applications in the world,
  • The world takes the lead in large-scale AI fully automated container condition damage inspection/container information identification detection,
  • Automated container information detection and entry, creating a replicable/scalable automated and intelligent solution for enterprises.
  • For more information, please visit the official website




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