spark graph基础(一)

news2025/1/11 23:56:34

1 overView

1.1 图的构成

图由节点和边组成,其中VertexRDD[VD] 和EdgeRDD[ED] 继承和优化了 RDD[(VertexId, VD)] 和RDD[Edge[ED]] 。

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  val vertices: VertexRDD[VD]
  val edges: EdgeRDD[ED]

1.2 图使用示例

如下图所示,使用spark Graph表示为图 ,其中用户节点有两个属性。每条边有一个属性。
① 构建图

// Assume the SparkContext has already been constructed
val sc: SparkContext
// Create an RDD for the vertices
val users: RDD[(VertexId, (String, String))] =
  sc.parallelize(Array((3L, ("rxin", "student")), (7L, ("jgonzal", "postdoc")),
                       (5L, ("franklin", "prof")), (2L, ("istoica", "prof"))))
// Create an RDD for edges
val relationships: RDD[Edge[String]] =
  sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(3L, 7L, "collab"),    Edge(5L, 3L, "advisor"),
                       Edge(2L, 5L, "colleague"), Edge(5L, 7L, "pi")))
// Define a default user in case there are relationship with missing user
val defaultUser = ("John Doe", "Missing")
// Build the initial Graph
val graph = Graph(users, relationships, defaultUser)

② 获取节点和边
graph.vertices 返回 VertexRDD[(String, String)] 其中 VertexRDD[(String, String)]继承于 RDD[(VertexId, (String, String))] 。

graph.edges 返回 EdgeRDD ,EdgeRDD 包含 Edge[String] 对象。

val graph: Graph[(String, String), String] // Constructed from above
// Count all users which are postdocs
graph.vertices.filter { case (id, (name, pos)) => pos == "postdoc" }.count
// Count all the edges where src > dst
graph.edges.filter(e => e.srcId > e.dstId).count

graph.edges.filter { case Edge(src, dst, prop) => src > dst }.count

③ EdgeTriplet
EdgeTriplet 包含 srcAttr 和 dstAttr属性 ,继承于Edge,

val graph: Graph[(String, String), String] // Constructed from above
// Use the triplets view to create an RDD of facts.
val facts: RDD[String] = =>
    triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1)


2 图的基本操作

2.1 常用图操作算子

/** Summary of the functionality in the property graph */
class Graph[VD, ED] {
  // Information about the Graph ===================================================================
  val numEdges: Long
  val numVertices: Long
  val inDegrees: VertexRDD[Int]
  val outDegrees: VertexRDD[Int]
  val degrees: VertexRDD[Int]
  // Views of the graph as collections =============================================================
  val vertices: VertexRDD[VD]
  val edges: EdgeRDD[ED]
  val triplets: RDD[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]
  // Functions for caching graphs ==================================================================
  def persist(newLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY): Graph[VD, ED]
  def cache(): Graph[VD, ED]
  def unpersistVertices(blocking: Boolean = true): Graph[VD, ED]
  // Change the partitioning heuristic  ============================================================
  def partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy): Graph[VD, ED]
  // Transform vertex and edge attributes ==========================================================
  def mapVertices[VD2](map: (VertexId, VD) => VD2): Graph[VD2, ED]
  def mapEdges[ED2](map: Edge[ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapEdges[ED2](map: (PartitionID, Iterator[Edge[ED]]) => Iterator[ED2]): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapTriplets[ED2](map: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapTriplets[ED2](map: (PartitionID, Iterator[EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]]) => Iterator[ED2])
    : Graph[VD, ED2]
  // Modify the graph structure ====================================================================
  def reverse: Graph[VD, ED]
  def subgraph(
      epred: EdgeTriplet[VD,ED] => Boolean = (x => true),
      vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean = ((v, d) => true))
    : Graph[VD, ED]
  def mask[VD2, ED2](other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED]
  def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD, ED]
  // Join RDDs with the graph ======================================================================
  def joinVertices[U](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(mapFunc: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD): Graph[VD, ED]
  def outerJoinVertices[U, VD2](other: RDD[(VertexId, U)])
      (mapFunc: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
    : Graph[VD2, ED]
  // Aggregate information about adjacent triplets =================================================
  def collectNeighborIds(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[VertexId]]
  def collectNeighbors(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[(VertexId, VD)]]
  def aggregateMessages[Msg: ClassTag](
      sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, Msg] => Unit,
      mergeMsg: (Msg, Msg) => Msg,
      tripletFields: TripletFields = TripletFields.All)
    : VertexRDD[A]
  // Iterative graph-parallel computation ==========================================================
  def pregel[A](initialMsg: A, maxIterations: Int, activeDirection: EdgeDirection)(
      vprog: (VertexId, VD, A) => VD,
      sendMsg: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexId,A)],
      mergeMsg: (A, A) => A)
    : Graph[VD, ED]
  // Basic graph algorithms ========================================================================
  def pageRank(tol: Double, resetProb: Double = 0.15): Graph[Double, Double]
  def connectedComponents(): Graph[VertexId, ED]
  def triangleCount(): Graph[Int, ED]
  def stronglyConnectedComponents(numIter: Int): Graph[VertexId, ED]

2.2 属性操作

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def mapVertices[VD2](map: (VertexId, VD) => VD2): Graph[VD2, ED]
  def mapEdges[ED2](map: Edge[ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]
  def mapTriplets[ED2](map: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => ED2): Graph[VD, ED2]

2.3 图结构操作

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def reverse: Graph[VD, ED]
  def subgraph(epred: EdgeTriplet[VD,ED] => Boolean,
               vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean): Graph[VD, ED]
  def mask[VD2, ED2](other: Graph[VD2, ED2]): Graph[VD, ED]
  def groupEdges(merge: (ED, ED) => ED): Graph[VD,ED]


// Create an RDD for the vertices
val users: RDD[(VertexId, (String, String))] =
  sc.parallelize(Array((3L, ("rxin", "student")), (7L, ("jgonzal", "postdoc")),
                       (5L, ("franklin", "prof")), (2L, ("istoica", "prof")),
                       (4L, ("peter", "student"))))
// Create an RDD for edges
val relationships: RDD[Edge[String]] =
  sc.parallelize(Array(Edge(3L, 7L, "collab"),    Edge(5L, 3L, "advisor"),
                       Edge(2L, 5L, "colleague"), Edge(5L, 7L, "pi"),
                       Edge(4L, 0L, "student"),   Edge(5L, 0L, "colleague")))
// Define a default user in case there are relationship with missing user
val defaultUser = ("John Doe", "Missing")
// Build the initial Graph
val graph = Graph(users, relationships, defaultUser)
// Notice that there is a user 0 (for which we have no information) connected to users
// 4 (peter) and 5 (franklin).
  triplet => triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1
// Remove missing vertices as well as the edges to connected to them
val validGraph = graph.subgraph(vpred = (id, attr) => attr._2 != "Missing")
// The valid subgraph will disconnect users 4 and 5 by removing user 0
  triplet => triplet.srcAttr._1 + " is the " + triplet.attr + " of " + triplet.dstAttr._1

2.4 join 操作

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def joinVertices[U](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(map: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD)
    : Graph[VD, ED]
  def outerJoinVertices[U, VD2](table: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(map: (VertexId, VD, Option[U]) => VD2)
    : Graph[VD2, ED]

2.5 Neighborhood Aggregation

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def aggregateMessages[Msg: ClassTag](
      sendMsg: EdgeContext[VD, ED, Msg] => Unit,
      mergeMsg: (Msg, Msg) => Msg,
      tripletFields: TripletFields = TripletFields.All)
    : VertexRDD[Msg]

the aggregateMessages operator to compute the average age of the more senior followers of each user.

import org.apache.spark.graphx.{Graph, VertexRDD}
import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.GraphGenerators

// Create a graph with "age" as the vertex property.
// Here we use a random graph for simplicity.
val graph: Graph[Double, Int] =
  GraphGenerators.logNormalGraph(sc, numVertices = 100).mapVertices( (id, _) => id.toDouble )
// Compute the number of older followers and their total age
val olderFollowers: VertexRDD[(Int, Double)] = graph.aggregateMessages[(Int, Double)](
  triplet => { // Map Function
    if (triplet.srcAttr > triplet.dstAttr) {
      // Send message to destination vertex containing counter and age
      triplet.sendToDst(1, triplet.srcAttr)
  // Add counter and age
  (a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2) // Reduce Function
// Divide total age by number of older followers to get average age of older followers
val avgAgeOfOlderFollowers: VertexRDD[Double] =
  olderFollowers.mapValues( (id, value) =>
    value match { case (count, totalAge) => totalAge / count } )
// Display the results

2.6Map Reduce Triplets Transition Guide

class Graph[VD, ED] {
  def mapReduceTriplets[Msg](
      map: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Iterator[(VertexId, Msg)],
      reduce: (Msg, Msg) => Msg)
    : VertexRDD[Msg]

The following code block using mapReduceTriplets:

val graph: Graph[Int, Float] = ...
def msgFun(triplet: Triplet[Int, Float]): Iterator[(Int, String)] = {
  Iterator((triplet.dstId, "Hi"))
def reduceFun(a: String, b: String): String = a + " " + b
val result = graph.mapReduceTriplets[String](msgFun, reduceFun)

can be rewritten using aggregateMessages as:

val graph: Graph[Int, Float] = ...
def msgFun(triplet: EdgeContext[Int, Float, String]) {
def reduceFun(a: String, b: String): String = a + " " + b
val result = graph.aggregateMessages[String](msgFun, reduceFun)

2.7 Computing Degree Information

// Define a reduce operation to compute the highest degree vertex
def max(a: (VertexId, Int), b: (VertexId, Int)): (VertexId, Int) = {
  if (a._2 > b._2) a else b
// Compute the max degrees
val maxInDegree: (VertexId, Int)  = graph.inDegrees.reduce(max)
val maxOutDegree: (VertexId, Int) = graph.outDegrees.reduce(max)
val maxDegrees: (VertexId, Int)   = graph.degrees.reduce(max)

2.8 Collecting Neighbors

class GraphOps[VD, ED] {
  def collectNeighborIds(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[Array[VertexId]]
  def collectNeighbors(edgeDirection: EdgeDirection): VertexRDD[ Array[(VertexId, VD)] ]

These operators can be quite costly as they duplicate information and require substantial communication. If possible try expressing the same computation using the aggregateMessages operator directly.







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