
news2024/10/6 22:19:03

  在国外图书馆阅读他人的学术文章的时候,是否发现他们英文与你的不一样?虽然他们的Paper与你的有相似的结构,即开头、正文、结论,但是你的写作与他们的比起来还是显得简单多了。就是类似于国内毕业Paper的写作,在国外学术写作也明确地脱离日常口语,这种写作在英文里头叫做«academic writing»。在国外留学时,学生经常需要完成各种各样的学术Paper,因此同学们都有必要掌握学术英语写作的特点和要求。那么,学术Paper是什么?如何写学术Paper?下面小编来解答这些问题,扼要地介绍一下写Paper技巧与要点。

  When reading other people's academic articles in foreign libraries,do you find their English is different from yours?Although their paper is similar to yours in structure,that is,beginning,body and conclusion,your writing is much simpler than theirs.It is similar to the writing of domestic graduation paper,and academic writing abroad is also clearly separated from daily spoken language.This kind of writing is called"academic writing"in English.When studying abroad,students often need to complete a variety of academic papers,so it is necessary for students to master the characteristics and requirements of academic English writing.So,what is academic paper?How to write academic paper?The following editor will answer these questions and briefly introduce the skills and key points of writing paper.


  What is Paper?Standard Academic Paper Format


  Some data show that the word"paper"comes from the Latin word"exception",which means"investigation and test".Its basic academic threshold is not too high.At present,"Paper"in English refers to a kind of composition in which the author expresses his position or personal views on a topic.Although this kind of composition belongs to academic and non fiction writing,Paper occasionally carries a narrative and subjective opinion.

  Paper没有固定的主题范围:其定义包含日常生活观察、文学评论、作者对政治过程的看法、科学调查等。虽然Paper形式多种多样,其结构一般来说是一致的:这是一种简短的作文,往往只有五到七段,每段会有任意长度。同学们以对话题的概括开始(introduction),然后提供论据(main body),最后对自己提出的看法进行总结(conclusion)。一般Paper不带有引文和参考文献列表,就是因为这种写作是个人看法的阐述,常常用第三人称来进行论述。

  Paper has no fixed theme scope:its definition includes daily life observation,literature review,author's views on political process,scientific investigation,etc.Although there are various forms of paper,its structure is generally consistent:this is a short composition,usually only five to seven paragraphs,and each paragraph can have any length.Students begin with a summary of the topic,then provide the main body,and finally summarize their own views.Generally,paper does not contain citations and reference lists,because this kind of writing is a statement of personal views,which is often discussed in the third person.


  Although Paper is a kind of short paper,overseas schools will attach importance to students'ability to complete the paper.In the process of writing,the purpose of students is to make their own arguments clear.At the same time,they should also attract readers and make TA interested in the students'compositions.Therefore,in addition to explaining their own views and providing relevant arguments,teachers will evaluate students'ability to criticize topics,see how students arrange the paper content and choose which way to introduce facts.


  Academic Paper Writing Methods and Main Features

  正如上面所提到的,Paper属于学术英语写作,因此在写作中,学生需要考虑学术英语写作的特点。按照academic writing要求,写作必要有非个人语气、强硬逻辑性、有力的论据以及精确的词语选择。不同学科对于学术写作的要求会有所不同,但基本上所有academic writing具有几项共同特征:

  As mentioned above,Paper belongs to academic English writing,so students need to consider the characteristics of academic English writing in writing.According to the requirements of academic writing,writing must have a non personal tone,strong logic,strong arguments and precise word selection.Different disciplines have different requirements for academic writing,but basically all academic writing have several common features:


  High cold style

  Academic writing是指学术英语写作,与新闻报道写作语气不一样,学术作品不带有情感,也不透露作者对题目的个人态度。Academic writing的目的就是通过客观角度来转达任何观点的论证。这种写作方式避免情感和任何包涵偏见的语言。为了使文章更为严谨,academic writing要求避免使用me、myself&I这些词语。按照academic writing的规则,“I”和“me”使Paper看起来过于主观,而为了加深Paper的客观性和严肃性,同学们应该使用第三人称论述来进行写作。

  Academic writing refers to academic English writing,which is different from the tone of news report writing.Academic writing does not contain emotion,nor does it reveal the author's personal attitude towards the topic.Academic writing aims to convey any argument from an objective perspective.This way of writing avoids emotion and any language containing prejudice.To make the article more rigorous,academic writing requires avoiding the use of words such as me and myself&I.According to the rules of academic writing,"I"and"me"make the paper seem too subjective.In order to deepen the objectivity and seriousness of the paper,students should use the third person discourse to write.



  研究者使用academic writing来转达某种观点并在学术界展开有关某种话题的对话。但如果我们说academic writing具有非个人性的语气,那么作者如何可以表明自己对被研究问题的看法?学术Paper通过说服力和基于论据的辩证可以让读者进入辩论。通过资料收集以及其审查我们能够抽出相关信息或实事来支撑某个观点或反对他人所做出的声明。不过,请不要简单的抄袭其他人的想法和论点,最好使用这些论点来解释他人与你们自己的想法是否有区别,为什么?同时,认真考虑一下使用哪些数据资源和文献,目前网上有好多不可靠的信息,同学们必须对每块信息进行评估。

  Researchers use academic writing to convey a certain point of view and start a dialogue on a certain topic in the academic community.But if we say that academic writing has a non personal tone,how can the author express his opinion on the question being studied?Academic Paper enables readers to enter into debate through persuasiveness and argument based dialectics.Through data collection and its review,we can draw out relevant information or facts to support an opinion or oppose statements made by others.However,please do not simply copy other people's ideas and arguments.It is better to use these arguments to explain whether other people's ideas are different from your own,and why?At the same time,carefully consider which data resources and literature to use.There are many unreliable information on the Internet at present,and students must evaluate each piece of information.


  With academic value

  Academic writing应该有创新性,提出一个新的问题也好,在已经研究过的问题提供新角度来看也好,学术写作绝对不会整文车轱辘话,写了几十页一点意思都没有。

  Academic writing should be innovative,whether it is to propose a new problem or to provide a new perspective on the problems that have been studied,academic writing will never be a whole article.It is meaningless to write dozens of pages.


  Tips for Writing Paper


  Follow logical discourse structure


  There must be at least three parts in academic paper writing:introduction,text and conclusion–this is the simplest form of academic writing.English conjunctions are very helpful in the body paragraphs.Each paragraph should start from the topic sentence to give the reader a general support point,while conjunctions connect all the body paragraphs together.In this way,each sentence and support point is connected to the next one,thus confirming the author's ideas and helping the author's reasoning process.It is worth mentioning here that no matter how many paragraphs you write,all parts of Paper should be connected with the main focus.


  Pay attention to the consistency of citation format

  Academic writing对引用格式非常严格,甚至好多教授还没看你们写的内容而先看引用格式就会说文章不合格。回到我们第二点“论证性”那个,正确文献引用是Paper客观性最重要的指标,不但如此,通过学生标出的references教授很快就会评估本学生对话题的掌握。在整个写作过程中要保持资料格式的一致性。我们建议在学校网站找”Style guide”,一般来说Style guide具有具体的写作风格要求。

  Academic writing is very strict with the reference format.Many professors even say that the article is unqualified if they look at the reference format before they have seen the content you wrote.Returning to our second point of"argumentation",correct literature reference is the most important indicator of Paper objectivity.Moreover,professor references marked by students will soon assess students'mastery of topics.Keep the format of the materials consistent throughout the writing process.We suggest looking for"Style guide"on the school website.Generally speaking,Style guide has specific writing Style requirements.


  Vocabulary and correct expression in english academic writing

  Academic writing与英文口语绝对不同,这种作文当中可以遇到较复杂句子结构和各种术语。对国内同学来说,英文已经很难。写了一篇Paper语法都对了宝宝已经很棒喔,说什么academic writing呢?实际上,要是同学们决定去国外学习,恐怕学术英文表达不能忽略。Academic writing要求使用正式的语言,不可包括习语和话语,甚至不可用缩写:would've,we'll,didn't等。比如:

  Academic writing is absolutely different from spoken English.In this kind of composition,more complex sentence structures and various terms can be encountered.For domestic students,English is already very difficult.I wrote a piece of paper grammar,which is right.It's great for babies.What about academic writing?In fact,if students decide to study abroad,I am afraid that academic English expression can not be ignored.Academic writing requires the use of formal language,not including idioms and discourses,or even abbreviations:would've,we'll,didn't,etc.For example:

  When it comes to the health of our children,it’s hard not to be concerned.

  When it comes to the health of our children,it is hard not to be concerned.


  Germs grow well in dirty and warm temperatures.

  Bacteria thrive in unhygienic and warm conditions.



  Sweden’s Prime Minister,Fredrik Reinfeldt,totally flipped out when he read the latest report from the press.

  The Prime Minister of Sweden,Fredrik Reinfeldt,expressed his concern when he viewed the most recent report from the press.





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