
news2025/3/1 19:55:38











我们来讨论的是如何在内存子系统获取页这种粗粒度。换而言之,我们准备处理一个接口:get_kernel_page(const int pg_cnt)。处理我们的请求需要面对的是两个内存池。

// Pool flags tells to allocate from which pool flags :)
typedef enum { 
    PF_KERNEL = 1,  // allocate from kernel
    PF_USER = 2     // allocate from user
} PoolFlag;


    Memory Page Property Settings
// Define the existence flag for page table or page directory entry
// The PG_P bit is set to 1 if the entry is valid (exists), and 0 if it's invalid (does not exist)
#define PG_P_1   (1)     // Page table or page directory entry exists (valid)
#define PG_P_0   (0)     // Page table or page directory entry does not exist (invalid)
// Define the Read/Write (R/W) attribute flag values for page table or directory entries
// The R/W bit specifies the access rights: read/write or read/execute
#define PG_RW_R  (0)     // Read/execute only (no write permissions)
#define PG_RW_W  (2)     // Read/write/execute (write permissions enabled)
// Define the User/Supervisor (U/S) attribute flag values for page table or directory entries
// The U/S bit specifies whether the page is accessible in user mode or only in supervisor (kernel) mode
#define PG_US_S  (0)     // System-level access (supervisor/privileged mode only)
#define PG_US_U  (4)     // User-level access (accessible by user-mode programs)
  • PG_P_1 表示 P 位的值为 1,表示此页内存已存在。

  • PG_P_0 表示 P 位的值为 0,表示此页内存不存在。

  • PG_RW_W 表示 RW 位的值为 W,即 RW=1,表示此页内存允许读、写、执行。

  • PG_RW_R 表示 RW 位的值为 R,即 RW=0,表示此页内存允许读、执行。

  • PG_US_S 表示US 位的值为 S,即US=0,表示只允许特权级别为 0、1、2 的程序访问此页内存,3 特权级程序不被允许。

  • PG_US_U 表示 US 位的值为 U,即 US=1,表示允许所有特权级别程序访问此页内存。



  • 高10 位是页目录项pde 的索引,用于在页目录表中定位 pde,细节是处理器获取高 10 位后自动将其乘以 4,再加上页目录表的物理地址,这样便得到了 pde 索引对应的pde 所在的物理地址,然后自动在该物理地址中,即该 pde 中,获取保存的页表物理地址(也就是索引我们到PTE的物理地址)

  • 中间 10 位是页表项 pte 的索引,用于在页表中定位 pte。细节是处理器获取中间 10 位后自动将其乘以 4,再加上第一步中得到的页表的物理地址,这样便得到了 pte 索引对应的 pte 所在的物理地址, 然后自动在该物理地址(该 pte)中获取保存的普通物理页的物理地址。

  • 低 12 位是物理页内的偏移量,页大小是4KB,12 位可寻址的范围正好是4KB,因此处理器便直接把低12 位作为第二步中获取的物理页的偏移量,无需乘以4。用物理页的物理地址加上这低 12 位的和 便是这 32 位虚拟地址最终落向的物理地址。




// Function to allocate a specified number of kernel pages and return their virtual addresses
void* get_kernel_pages(const uint32_t kpage_count) { 
    void* vaddr =  malloc_page(PF_KERNEL, kpage_count);  // Request kernel pages
    if (vaddr) {  // If successful, clear the allocated pages and return the address
        k_memset(vaddr, 0, kpage_count * PG_SIZE); 
    return vaddr;  // Return the virtual address of the allocated kernel pages




所以答案呼之欲出:我们之前实际上再解除映射的时候不会完成清空。这之前,可就会存在上一次使用这些内存的数据。这些数据如果被误用,可能导致程序行为异常或者错误的内存映射,这个时候程序的排查就会异常困难。这个事情,笔者建议你去完成一下MIT S6081的操作系统实验:

Lab: System calls中的Attack xv6实验,理解一下如果我们不去使用页表清理的手段,我们的操作系统会如何被攻击。


static bool accept_allocate_policy(const uint32_t pg_cnt)
        pg_cnt > 0 && 
// Function to allocate a specified number of pages and map them between virtual and physical memory
void* malloc_page(const PoolFlag pf, const uint32_t pg_cnt) { 
    KERNEL_ASSERT(accept_allocate_policy(pg_cnt));  // Ensure the requested page count is valid
    /*********** The malloc_page function performs three actions: ***********
    1. Allocates virtual addresses through vaddr_get.
    2. Allocates physical pages through palloc.
    3. Maps the virtual and physical addresses in the page table via page_table_add.
    // Get the starting virtual address for the requested number of pages
    void* vaddr_start = vaddr_get(pf, pg_cnt); 
    if (vaddr_start == NULL) { 
        return NULL;  // Return NULL if the virtual address allocation fails
    uint32_t vaddr = (uint32_t)vaddr_start, cnt = pg_cnt; 
    MemoryPool* mem_pool = pf & PF_KERNEL ? &kernel_pool : &user_pool;  // Select the appropriate memory pool
    // The virtual address is contiguous, but physical addresses may not be. Therefore, handle the mapping one page at a time.
    while (cnt-- > 0) { 
        // Allocate a physical page from the chosen memory pool
        void* page_phyaddr = palloc(mem_pool); 
        if (!page_phyaddr) {  // If allocation fails, revert previously allocated pages
            return NULL; 
        // Add the mapping between the virtual address and physical page in the page table
        page_table_add((void*)vaddr, page_phyaddr); 
        vaddr += PG_SIZE;  // Move to the next virtual page
    return vaddr_start;  // Return the starting virtual address of the allocated space


#define MB              (1024 * 1024)           // memory_tools.h
#define MAX_ACCEPT_SINGLE_ALLOCATE_MB   (15)    // memory_settings.h


/* Allocate virtual memory pages from the specified pool (kernel or user).
 * If successful, return the starting virtual address; otherwise, return NULL. */
static void *vaddr_get(const PoolFlag pf, const uint32_t pg_cnt)
    int vaddr_start = 0, bit_idx_start = -1;
    uint32_t cnt = 0;
    switch (pf) // Determine which pool to allocate from based on the PoolFlag
        case PF_KERNEL: // If the pool is the kernel memory pool
            bit_idx_start = bitmap_scan(&kernel_vaddr.virtual_mem_bitmap, pg_cnt); // Find the first free block of 'pg_cnt' pages
            if (bit_idx_start == -1)
                return NULL; // If no free block is found, return NULL
            while (cnt < pg_cnt)
                bitmap_set(&kernel_vaddr.virtual_mem_bitmap, bit_idx_start + cnt, 1); // Mark the pages as allocated in the bitmap
                cnt++; // Increment the page count
            vaddr_start = kernel_vaddr.vaddr_start + bit_idx_start * PG_SIZE; // Calculate the starting virtual address of the allocated pages
            break; // Exit the case block
        case PF_USER: // If the pool is the user memory pool
            // waiting for further implementations
    return (void *)vaddr_start; // Return the starting virtual address of the allocated pages





/* Allocate 1 physical page from the memory pool m_pool.
 * If successful, returns the physical address of the page; otherwise, returns
 * NULL */
static void *palloc(MemoryPool *m_pool) {
    /* Bitmap scan or setting should be atomic */
    int bit_idx =
        bitmap_scan(&m_pool->pool_bitmap, 1); // Find an available physical page
    if (bit_idx == -1) {
        return NULL;
    bitmap_set(&m_pool->pool_bitmap, bit_idx,
               1); // Set the bit at index bit_idx to 1
    return (void *)((bit_idx * PG_SIZE) + m_pool->phy_addr_start);


// Function to add a mapping between a virtual address and a physical address in the page table
static void page_table_add(const void *_vaddr, const void *_page_phyaddr)
    uint32_t vaddr = (uint32_t)_vaddr;
    uint32_t page_phyaddr = (uint32_t)_page_phyaddr;
    uint32_t *pde = pde_ptr(vaddr); // Get the pointer to the page directory entry
    uint32_t *pte = pte_ptr(vaddr); // Get the pointer to the page table entry
    /************************   Attention   *************************
     * When accessing *pte, it may refer to an empty pde.
     * Therefore, ensure that the pde is created before accessing *pte.
     * Otherwise, a page fault will occur.
     * If *pde is 0, the *pte can only be accessed after *pde is properly initialized.
    // First, check the existence of the page directory entry (PDE)
    // If the PDE exists (P bit is 1), we can proceed to work with the PTE
    if (*pde & PG_P_1)
        // Check if the PTE exists. If it does, no error; otherwise, create it
        if (*pte & PG_P_1)
            KERNEL_PANIC_SPIN("pte repeat");
            *pte = (page_phyaddr | PG_US_U | PG_RW_W | PG_P_1); // Create the PTE with necessary flags
    { // If the PDE does not exist, we need to create it first
        // Allocate physical memory for the page directory entry (PDE) from the kernel space
        uint32_t pde_phyaddr = (uint32_t)palloc(&kernel_pool);
        // Initialize the PDE with the allocated physical address, setting appropriate flags
        *pde = (pde_phyaddr | PG_US_U | PG_RW_W | PG_P_1);
        // Clear the physical memory allocated for the PDE to avoid any old data being interpreted as page table entries
        k_memset((void *)((int)pte & PG_FETCH_OFFSET), 0, PG_SIZE);
        // Ensure that the PTE is not set already before proceeding to write
        KERNEL_ASSERT(!(*pte & PG_P_1));
        // Now create the PTE with the appropriate flags (US=1, RW=1, P=1)
        *pte = (page_phyaddr | PG_US_U | PG_RW_W | PG_P_1);

函数page_table_add接受两个参数,虚拟地址_vaddr 和物理地址page_phyaddr,功能是 添加虚拟地址_vaddr与物理地址page_phyaddr的映射。 虚拟地址和物理地址的映射关系是在页表中完成的,本质上是在页表中添加此虚拟地址对应的页表项 pte, 并把物理页的物理地址写入此页表项pte 中。


// Define the macro to extract the Page Directory Entry (PDE) index from a virtual address
// The virtual address is divided into multiple parts for paging: 
// The top 10 bits (bits 22–31) correspond to the Page Directory index.
// The macro uses bitwise operations to mask and shift the address to isolate these bits.
#define PDE_IDX(addr)   ((addr & 0xffc00000) >> 22)  // Extract the top 10 bits for the PDE index

// Define the macro to extract the Page Table Entry (PTE) index from a virtual address
// The next 10 bits (bits 12–21) correspond to the Page Table index.
// The macro uses bitwise operations to mask and shift the address to isolate these bits.
#define PTE_IDX(addr)   ((addr & 0x003ff000) >> 12)  // Extract bits 12–21 for the PTE index


#include "include/memory/memory_tools.h"
// Function to get the pointer to the Page Table Entry (PTE) corresponding to a virtual address
uint32_t* pte_ptr(uint32_t vaddr) { 
    /* First, access the page table itself + 
    Then, use the Page Directory Entry (PDE) (which is an index in the page directory) to access the Page Table + 
    Finally, use the Page Table Entry (PTE) index to calculate the offset within the page. */
    // Calculate the PTE address: 
    // 1. Start from the base address for the page tables (0xffc00000).
    // 2. Shift the virtual address to extract the Page Directory index and use it to locate the page table.
    // 3. Use the PTE index to find the specific entry within the page table and multiply by 4 to account for 32-bit (4-byte) entries.
    return (uint32_t*)(0xffc00000 + 
            ((vaddr & 0xffc00000) >> 10) +   // Extract PDE index and shift it for the page table location
            PTE_IDX(vaddr) * 4);             // Use PTE index to find the exact entry in the page table

// Function to get the pointer to the Page Directory Entry (PDE) corresponding to a virtual address
uint32_t* pde_ptr(uint32_t vaddr) { 
    /* Use 0xfffff000 to access the base address of the page directory. */
    // Calculate the PDE address: 
    // 1. Start from the base address of the page directory (0xfffff000).
    // 2. Use the Page Directory Entry index to calculate the offset and multiply by 4 for the 32-bit entries.
    return (uint32_t*)((PG_FETCH_OFFSET) + PDE_IDX(vaddr) * 4); // Return the calculated PDE pointer

继续回到我们的代码上。pte 隶属于某个页表,而页表地址保存在 pde 中。一个 pte 代表一个物理页,物理页是 4KB 大小,一 个页表中可支持 1024 个 pte,故一个页表最大支持 4MB 内存。由于我们目前已经有了一个页表,故在 4MB(0x0~0x3ff000)的范围内新增pte 时,只要申请个物理页并将此物理页的物理地址写入新的pte 即 可,无需再做额外操作。可是,当我们访问的虚拟地址超过了此范围时,比如 0x400000,这不仅是添加 pte 的问题,同时还要申请个物理页来新建页表,同时将用作页表的物理页地址写入页目录表中的第 1 个 页目录项 pde 中。也就是说,只要新增的虚拟地址是 4MB 的整数倍时,就一定要申请两个物理页,一个 物理页作为新的页表,同时在页目录表中创建个新的 pde,并把此物理页的物理地址写入此 pde。另一个 物理页作为普通的物理页,同时在新建的页表中添加个新的 pte,并把此物理页的物理地址写入此 pte。 因此,在添加一个页表项pte 时,我们务必要判断该pte 所在的页表是否存在。在第 96 行就是在判断页表项中的 P 位,如果此位为 1,则表示页目录项已存在,不需要再建立。 后面,我们会清空PTE,来保证我们的映射是干净的,随后再赋值我们新的物理地址写入。

回到起头的malloc page函数,我们就是封装了这三步骤:

  • 通过 vaddr_get 在虚拟内存池中申请虚拟地址。

  • 通过 palloc 在物理内存池中申请物理页。

  • 通过 page_table_add 将以上两步得到的虚拟地址和物理地址在页表中完成映射。


CCOperateSystem/Documentations/7_Memory_Management/7.2_implement_page_fetch_code at main · Charliechen114514/CCOperateSystemhttps://github.com/Charliechen114514/CCOperateSystem/tree/main/Documentations/7_Memory_Management/7.2_implement_page_fetch_code



#include "include/library/ccos_print.h"
#include "include/kernel/init.h"
#include "include/library/kernel_assert.h"
#include "include/memory/memory.h"
int main(void)
    void* addr = get_kernel_pages(3);
    ccos_puts("\nget_kernel_page start vaddr is "); 
    ccos_puts("\nlet's do another query: start vaddr is "); 
    addr = get_kernel_pages(3);
    // interrupt_enabled(); // comment the intr for the display
    return 0;






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