Revit 的事务 Transaction
从官方文档中可以看到 Revit 和事务相关的类为 Transaction,这个类的关键接口有 Start、Commit 和 Rollback。
在 Revit 中是需要显式得调用 Start,然后在操作完成后进行 Commit,或者操作失败后调用 Rollback。
public void CreatingSketch(UIApplication uiApplication)
Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document document = uiApplication.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application application = uiApplication.Application;
// Create a few geometry lines. These lines are transaction (not in the model),
// therefore they do not need to be created inside a document transaction.
XYZ Point1 = XYZ.Zero;
XYZ Point2 = new XYZ(10, 0, 0);
XYZ Point3 = new XYZ(10, 10, 0);
XYZ Point4 = new XYZ(0, 10, 0);
Line geomLine1 = Line.CreateBound(Point1, Point2);
Line geomLine2 = Line.CreateBound(Point4, Point3);
Line geomLine3 = Line.CreateBound(Point1, Point4);
// This geometry plane is also transaction and does not need a transaction
XYZ origin = XYZ.Zero;
XYZ normal = new XYZ(0, 0, 1);
Plane geomPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(normal, origin);
// In order to a sketch plane with model curves in it, we need
// to start a transaction because such operations modify the model.
// All and any transaction should be enclosed in a 'using'
// block or guarded within a try-catch-finally blocks
// to guarantee that a transaction does not out-live its scope.
using (Transaction transaction = new Transaction(document))
if (transaction.Start("Create model curves") == TransactionStatus.Started)
// Create a sketch plane in current document
SketchPlane sketch = SketchPlane.Create(document,geomPlane);
// Create a ModelLine elements using the geometry lines and sketch plane
ModelLine line1 = document.Create.NewModelCurve(geomLine1, sketch) as ModelLine;
ModelLine line2 = document.Create.NewModelCurve(geomLine2, sketch) as ModelLine;
ModelLine line3 = document.Create.NewModelCurve(geomLine3, sketch) as ModelLine;
// Ask the end user whether the changes are to be committed or not
TaskDialog taskDialog = new TaskDialog("Revit");
taskDialog.MainContent = "Click either [OK] to Commit, or [Cancel] to Roll back the transaction.";
TaskDialogCommonButtons buttons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok | TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel;
taskDialog.CommonButtons = buttons;
if (TaskDialogResult.Ok == taskDialog.Show())
// For many various reasons, a transaction may not be committed
// if the changes made during the transaction do not result a valid model.
// If committing a transaction fails or is canceled by the end user,
// the resulting status would be RolledBack instead of Committed.
if (TransactionStatus.Committed != transaction.Commit())
TaskDialog.Show("Failure", "Transaction could not be committed");
Revit 事务机制可能的实现
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Transaction
private bool isStarted;
private Stack<Action> undoStack;
private Stack<Action> redoStack;
public Transaction()
undoStack = new Stack<Action>();
redoStack = new Stack<Action>();
public void Start(string transactionName)
if (isStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction has already started.");
isStarted = true;
Console.WriteLine($"Transaction '{transactionName}' started.");
public void Commit()
if (!isStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No transaction has been started.");
isStarted = false;
redoStack.Clear(); // Clear the redo stack because a new commit creates a new point of no return
Console.WriteLine("Transaction committed.");
public void Rollback()
if (!isStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No transaction has been started.");
while (undoStack.Count > 0)
undoStack.Pop().Invoke(); // Execute all undo actions
isStarted = false;
Console.WriteLine("Transaction rolled back.");
public void AddAction(Action action, Action undoAction)
if (!isStarted)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No transaction has been started. Start a transaction before adding actions.");
undoStack.Push(undoAction); // Push the undo action onto the stack
action.Invoke(); // Execute the action
public void Undo()
if (undoStack.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No actions to undo.");
Action undoAction = undoStack.Pop();
undoAction.Invoke(); // Execute the undo action
redoStack.Push(() => undoAction); // Push the inverse action onto the redo stack
public void Redo()
if (redoStack.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("No actions to redo.");
Action redoAction = redoStack.Pop();
redoAction.Invoke(); // Execute the redo action
undoStack.Push(() => redoAction); // Push the inverse action onto the undo stack
// Example usage:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
transaction.Start("Sample Transaction");
// Add actions with corresponding undo actions
() => Console.WriteLine("Action 1 performed."),
() => Console.WriteLine("Action 1 undone.")
() => Console.WriteLine("Action 2 performed."),
() => Console.WriteLine("Action 2 undone.")
// Commit the transaction
// Undo the last action
// Redo the last action
// Rollback the transaction (undo all actions)