Openwrt 24.10上星期出了,但是恩山没几个人更新,自己编译一个,记录一下方法。
【 】红米AX6000 openwrt V24.10.0 uboot大分区固件-小米无线路由器及小米网络设备-恩山无线论坛
GitHub - openwrt/openwrt: This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins. We will continue to accept Pull Requests here. They will be merged via staging trees then into openwrt.git.
Highlights in OpenWrt 24.10
General changes
- Upgrades of many components to new versions like the Linux kernel from version 5.15 to 6.6
- TLS 1.3 support in default images
- mbedtls was updated to version 3.6 which includes support for TLS 1.3
- Activate POSIX Access Control Lists and file system security attributes for all file systems on devices with big flash sizes. This is needed by docker nowadays.
- This is activated for all targets which do not have the small_flash feature flag. small_flash is set for the ath79/tiny, bcm47xx/legacy, lantiq/ase, lantiq/xrx200_legacy, lantiq/xway_legacy, ramips/mt76x8, ramips/rt288x, ramips/rt305x and ramips/rt3883 targets.
- Activate kernel support for Multipath TCP on devices with big flash sizes.
- Improved support for WiFi6 (802.11ax) and initial support for WiFi7 (802.11be)
- Not many Wifi7 devices are supported by OpenWrt yet
- Improved Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) support
- OpenWrt 24.10 uses OPKG only, APK packages are not supported. Only main branch was changed to APK.
apt update apt upgrade apt install gcc g++ build-essential asciidoc binutils bzip2 gawk gettext git libncurses5-dev libz-dev patch flex bison make autoconf texinfo unzip sharutils subversion ncurses-term zlib1g-dev ccache upx lib32gcc-s1 libc6-dev-i386 uglifyjs git-core gcc-multilib p7zip p7zip-full msmtp libssl-dev libglib2.0-dev xmlto qemu-utils automake libtool -y #安装编译依赖
mkdir openwrt #此为当前用户主文件夹下,也可其他路径 chmod 777 openwrt #提权 cd openwrt #官方(选一) git clone openwrt2410 #lede(选一) git clone openwrt2410 #clone到./openwrt/openwrt2410文件夹
满足feeds 配置固件
cd openwrt2410 ./scripts/feeds update -a #下载feeds列表依赖 ./scripts/feeds install -a #安装依赖 make defconfig #根据defconfig生成.config make menuconfig #GUI配置
选择 处理器架构 机型
注意target profile机型选择 同一机型有官方分区/UBOOT大分区(刷过不死底包的都懂吧 不懂就选官方分区)
target Profile可以选择输出文件格式,一般选完机型他就自动选择好了用不着自己配
注意:选择时 M为包含不使用,要 * 才是包含且使用
make -j16 download V=s #预下载编译所需软件包到dl make -j16 V=s #编译 # -j <cpu核心数> 多了报错 少了慢 几个框写几 # V=s 详细日志
笑死 是上班时候开远程桌面连NAS机顶盒在里面开个hyperv虚拟机跑ubuntu编译出来的。hyperv导入导出不方便还不能粘贴,最后只能在虚拟机里开浏览器用搭的alist上传到主机