ITS290F Human Computer Interaction

news2025/2/1 19:12:43

ITS290F Human Computer Interaction & User Experience Design

Lab 1. Introduction to CodePen

What you’ll learn in this lab:

• Understanding CodePen

• Creating a front-end page

• Using Google form to submit your lab work

CodePen is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and sharing front-end code. It would be useful for us to try out our code in certain lab practices. 

1. Sign up CodePen  

Sign up a CodePen free account

1. Visit .

2. Sign up with email or your preferred methods, as shown in Figure 1. 

3. Check your mailbox to activate your account, if applicable.

4. Login CodePen with your login credentials.


CodePen sign up page.

2. Understanding the CodePen Editor

Figure 2 shows the user interface of the CodePen Editor. It consists of 3 editor panels for HTML, CSS and JS that you can edit your code and scripts, and a live preview panel that shows the resulting webpage of your code. 


CodePen Editor.


Taking an Editor Tour

CodePen provides an online tutorial for you to get familiar with the user interface of the CodePen editor:

1. Go to .

2. Follow the instructions and try it out.

3. Lab Exercises

On your own, spend time becoming familiar with the CodePen interface. For this part, practice creating a Pen and attempting to finish the exercises.

You need to answer the follow-up questions and submit your answers (see submission section).

Exercise 1

Create buttons that change the color of an HTML paragraph.

1. Create a new Pen.

2. Put the following code into the HTML window

<p id='hello'>Hello, World!</p>

<button onclick=changeColor('red')>Red</button>

3. Put the following code into the JS window

function changeColor(color) {



4. Save and try clicking the “Red” button.

5. Add two buttons for changing color of “Hello, World” to green and blue.

6. Save and try clicking the new buttons.

Follow-up Questions

Q1. How many buttons you see on the screen?

Q2. A function is called when you click on the button. What is the name of the function?

Q3. The function uses a reference ID to lookup for the HTML <p> element. What is the ID?

Exercise 2

Learn reading JS reference from w3schools and create buttons that change the font style and weight of an HTML paragraph.

1. Continue to work on the code of Exercise 1. Add two buttons for changing the font style of “Hello, World” with Normal and Italic styles.

2. Create a new JS function with a parameter called changeFontStyle(style) .

3. Study the fontStyle property of JS on w3schools JSreference( and complete the function.

4. Associate the new function with the corresponding parameters to the onClick event of the new buttons. Save and try clicking the new buttons.

5. Add three buttons for changing the font size of “Hello, World” with size “x-large”, “250%”, and “100px”. The outcome of the page should look like the follows:

6. Create a new JS function with a parameter called changeFontSize(size) . 

7. Study the fontSize property of JS on w3schools JS reference /prop_sand complete the function.

8. Associate the new function with the corresponding parameters to the onClick event of the new buttons. Save and try clicking the new buttons.

Follow-up Questions

Q4. On the page, which font size property value produces largest font size?

Q5. Submit your solution HTML code of Exercise 2. The first line is given to you.

<p id='hello'>Hello, World!</p>


Q6. Submit your solution JS code of Exercise 2. The first function is given to you.

function changeColor(color) {






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