
news2025/2/21 4:06:32


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Ling-Ning is the Chinese leader in athletic apparel and footwear, rooted in the vision of its founder and namesake,the champion gymnast Mr.Li Ning.


He founded the company in 1990 [with the simple goal of providing Chinese athletes a national brand ] to wear on the world stage of the Olympics - historically one of the West’s rare portals into authentic Chinese culture.This modest original intention has ,almost 30 years later,led to the rise of a global sport pioneer that not only resides at the forefront of 21st-century design and technology,but also owns a storied past worth celebrating.


Consequently, Li-Ning explores the tensions between past and future, man and nature,flexibility and strength.Yet its development is ultimately driven by the boundless potential of the human body.



Fair trade is a way of buying and selling products that aims to promote societal well-being by paying people a fair price for the goods they produce. Trade is unfair when big corporations make lots of money from selling goods that were produced by people who receive incredibly low wages or endure poor working conditions.


Although people are caring about ethical consumption,research has revealed an attitude behavior gap among consumers.This attitude behavior gap can be reduced through partitioned pricing where we make the fair trade price component explicit.This can help highlight the overlooked benefits of the product ,justify the price difference,increase the perception of price transparency,and thus generate higher purchase intentions.



In recent years, our economy develops continuously and stably.The government has successively issued a series of policy documents to encourage the development of advertising industry,which has provided a good macroeconomic environment for the overall development of advertising industry.


The strength of China’s advertising industry is constantly improving,the industrial structure is increasingly optimized,and the market size is growing year by year.Thanks to the rapid development of Internet advertising, the advertising revenue of national advertising institutions and enterprises above designated size exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the first time in 2021,with a year-on-year growth of 20.38%.


Traditional media has accelerated digital transformation,and the advertising revenue growth of public institutions represented by television stations and radio station mainly comes from their Internet advertising business.Advertising has played a positive role in promoting employment,spreading civilization and building harmony.


组织公民行为(Organizational Citizenship Behaviors,OCBs),是指员工愿意投注心力于职责以外的行为,例如帮助其他同事,奉献额外个人时间于工作上,指导新员工,在各类重要事件上不遗余力为公司辩护.组织公民行为至少由七个维度构成: 助人行为,运动员精神,忠诚于组织,遵从于组织,个人主动性,公民道德和自我发展.组织公民行为是一种员工自觉从事的行为,它不包括在员工的正式工作要求中,但这种行为无疑会促进组织的有效运行和提升员工的业绩.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors refers to the behavior that employees are willing to devote themselves to the work beyond their formal roles,such as helping out coworkers,putting in extra hours to complete work,coaching new recruits and sparing no effort to defend the company in various important events.OBC consist of as least seven dimensions:helping behavior,sportsmanship,organizational loyalty,organizational compliance,individual initiative ,civic virture,and self-development.Organizational citizenship behavior is a kind of behavior that employees consciously engage in and is not included in formal job descriptions,but such behavior will undoubtedly promote the effective operation of the organization and the performance of employees.

The Important of Financial Literacy 财商的重要性

literacy : 识字,读写能力;专业知识;精通文学

why how students can overcome it -solution

It’s quite natural for us to ponder over the question of ___

我们很自然地会想到___这一问题 – 提出问题

First and foremost Deadline schedule poor time management skills

Break things into small parts/steps


As the increasing pace of life,it is of great necessity for students to overcome procrastination.It is natural for us to ponder over the question of how to manage time effectively and avoid putting tasks off.

First and foremost,there is no doubt that procrastination is oftem caused by poor time management skills.

Based on big data,a majority of successful students admitted that they spent a/3 of their time creating study schedules or deadlines and sticking to them.

Furthermore,it is obvious that breaking tasks into smaller,manageable parts helps to reduce feeling of overwhelm.Where there is a clear plan,there is increased productivity.

Last but not least,no can can deny that self-discipline plays a crucial role in overcoming procrastination.Though many students struggle with motivation,developing good habits and prioritizing tasks can make a significant difference.

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of procrastination among students.Only in this way can we have a bright and promising future.

As the increasing competition of workplace, it is of great necessity for young people to prepare well for job interview.

It’s quite natural for us to ponder over the question of how to increase our chances of success in interviews.

First and foremost ,there is no doubt that researching the company beforehand is crucial. Based on big data,a majority of successful candidates have admitted that they spent a significant portion of their time preparing for the job by learning about the companies’ cultures and values.Futhermore,it is obvious that practicing common interview questions building confidence and improves responses. Where there is practice,there are better performance.Last but not least, dressing formally and maintaing good body language can leave a good first impression. Though ,some may feel nervous , a good preparation and self -assurance can ease the anxiety.

In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of job intervieyw preparation for students.Only in this way can we have a bright and promising future.

无人汽车 – repetitive job – routine job – improve efficiency

create new opportunity

soft skills

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has led a widespread concerns about job displacement.It’s of great necessity for society to adapt to these changes and support workers in transition.Reasons and concreate evidence to support my viewpoint are as follows.

In the first place, there is no doubt that AI can replace repetitive and routine tasks, such as driver,cashier,etc,improving efficiency and productivity. Based on big data,most of employees admitted that they have spent a significant portion of their time on tasks that could soon be automated. Moreover ,no one can deny that AI is creating new industries and opportunity.

Where there are challenges,there are also new fields for innovation.Last but not least,I firmly believe that human workers should improve the skills that AI cannot replicate[复制]. The more soft skills you have, the more opportunities you can create.

In conclusion,while AI presents challenges ,it also offers opportunities for growth.If we spare no efforts to equip workers with relevant skills,the future of the workforece will be both dynamic and prosperous.




  1. 引言
    • 简要介绍谚语及其含义。
    • 提出论点:成功往往需要长时间的努力和坚持。
  2. 主体段落
    • 第一段:解释为什么成功需要时间。可以讨论学习新技能、建设事业或实现长期目标的过程。
    • 第二段:提供具体例子支持论点。可以从历史事件(如罗马城的建立)、名人故事(如科学家、作家等)或个人经历中选取。
    • 第三段:讨论面对挑战时如何保持耐心和毅力的重要性。可以提到在遇到困难时坚持不懈的态度。
  3. 结论
    • 重申主要观点。
    • 强调持续努力对于实现目标的价值。
    • 可以提出一些鼓励性的建议给读者。



The saying “Rome was not built in a day” highlights the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving success. It reminds us that great achievements require time, effort, and dedication. In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification is often sought after, this proverb serves as a reminder that true success is the result of consistent hard work over an extended period.

Consider the construction of Rome, which took centuries to become the grand city it is known for. Similarly, in our personal lives, whether we are learning a new language, pursuing a career, or building a business, the journey is long and filled with challenges. For instance, many successful entrepreneurs, such as Jack Ma, faced numerous setbacks before Alibaba became a global e-commerce giant. Their stories demonstrate that success is not achieved overnight but through years of dedication and persistence.

In my own experience, I have found that mastering a skill, like playing the piano, requires daily practice and continuous improvement. There were times when progress seemed slow, and I felt discouraged. However, by staying committed and setting small, achievable goals, I eventually saw significant improvement. This taught me the value of patience and the power of incremental progress.

In conclusion, the saying “Rome was not built in a day” teaches us that success is a marathon, not a sprint. By embracing this philosophy, we can overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and ultimately achieve our goals. Let us remember to be patient, persistent, and dedicated, for these qualities will lead us to our desired destination.

gratification : n.满足,令人喜悦的事物

sought after : 备受追捧的:指被很多人追求的,通常具有高品质或稀缺性。


true success is the result of consistent hard work over an extended period.


extended period:延长的时期:指时间上超过正常或预期的延长期间。

Their stories demonstrate that success is not achieved overnight but through years of dedication and persistence.


power of incremental progress. 渐进式进步的力量。




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