1 安装过程
2 官方代码测试
3 踩坑说明
1 安装过程
step1: 在页面的SDK标签下,找到对应操作系统的kaiwu包。
step2: 下载python3.8到本地,可以选择如下链接:
Index of python-local/3.8.10 (huaweicloud.com)
step3: 打开pycharm,新建一个工程,为当前功能重新创建一个单独的环境
step4: 将之前下载的whl包解压到当前项目路径下,使用如下指令安装:
pip3 install kaiwu-0.9.3-py3-none-any.whl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
step5: 然后在你的代码中,写入你的授权信息
2 官方代码测试
# Import numpy and kaiwu import numpy as np import kaiwu as kw kw.license.init(user_id="你的ID", sdk_code="你的code") # Import distance matrix w = np.array([[ 0, 13, 11, 16, 8], [13, 0, 7, 14, 9], [11, 7, 0, 10, 9], [16, 14, 10, 0, 12], [ 8, 9, 9, 12, 0]]) # Get the number of nodes n = w.shape[0] # Create qubo variable matrix x = kw.qubo.ndarray((n, n), "x", kw.qubo.Binary) # Get sets of edge and non-edge pairs edges = [(u, v) for u in range(n) for v in range(n) if w[u, v] != 0] no_edges = [(u, v) for u in range(n) for v in range(n) if w[u, v] == 0] # Node constraint: Each node must belong to exactly one position sequence_cons = kw.qubo.quicksum([(1 - kw.qubo.quicksum([x[v, j] for j in range(n)])) ** 2 for v in range(n)]) # Position constraint: Each position can have only one node node_cons = kw.qubo.quicksum([(1 - kw.qubo.quicksum([x[v, j] for v in range(n)])) ** 2 for j in range(n)]) # Edge constraint: Pairs without edges cannot appear in the path connect_cons = kw.qubo.quicksum([kw.qubo.quicksum([x[u, j] * x[v, j + 1] for j in range(n - 1)]) + x[u, n - 1] * x[v, 0] for u, v in no_edges]) # Hamiltonian cycle constraint: Sum of the above three constraints ham_cycle = sequence_cons + node_cons + connect_cons # TSP path cost path_cost = kw.qubo.quicksum([w[u, v] * (kw.qubo.quicksum([x[u, j] * x[v, j + 1] for j in range(n - 1)]) + x[u, n - 1] * x[v, 0]) for u, v in edges]) # Final objective function with penalty factor 100 for the Hamiltonian constraint obj = 100 * ham_cycle + path_cost # Parse QUBO obj = kw.qubo.make(obj) # Convert to Ising model obj_ising = kw.qubo.qubo_model_to_ising_model(obj) # Extract the Ising matrix matrix = obj_ising.get_ising()["ising"] # Perform calculation using CIM simulator worker = kw.cim.SimulatedCIMOptimizer( pump=1.3, noise=0.2, laps=5000, delta_time=0.05, normalization=0.3, iterations=50 ) output = worker.solve(matrix) # Sort the results opt = kw.sampler.optimal_sampler(matrix, output, bias=0, negtail_ff=False) # Select the best solution cim_best = opt[0][0] # If the linear term variable is -1, perform a flip cim_best = cim_best * cim_best[-1] print(cim_best) # Get the list of variable names vars = obj_ising.get_variables() # Substitute the spin vector and obtain the result dictionary sol_dict = kw.qubo.get_sol_dict(cim_best, vars) # Check the hard constraints for validity and path length seq_val = kw.qubo.get_val(sequence_cons, sol_dict) node_val = kw.qubo.get_val(node_cons, sol_dict) ham_val = kw.qubo.get_val(ham_cycle, sol_dict) print('position cons: {}'.format(seq_val)) print('node_cons cons: {}'.format(node_val)) print('ham_cycle: {}'.format(ham_val)) # Calculate the path length using path_cost path_val = kw.qubo.get_val(path_cost, sol_dict) print('path_cost: {}'.format(path_val))
3 踩坑说明
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\MyCode\kwproject\cdsss\tsp.py", line 4, in <module>
kw.license.init(user_id="***", sdk_code="***")
File "target\kaiwu\license\_license_utils.py", line 133, in target.kaiwu.license._license_utils.init
ValueError: License download failed, please log in to platform.qboson.com for support
Can‘t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.