【Coroutines】Implement Lua Coroutine by Kotlin - 2

news2024/12/21 20:09:21

Last Chapter Link


          • Symmetric Coroutines
          • Non-Symmetric Coroutine Sample
          • Symmetric Coroutine Sample
          • How to Implement Symmetric Coroutines
          • Wonderful Tricks
          • Code Design
          • Tail Recursion Optimization
          • Full Sources

Symmetric Coroutines

in last blog, we have talked about how to implement lua-style coroutine

there are two kinds of coroutines, symmetric and non-symmetric

  • symmetric

    when coroutine suspend or complete, execution go back to the point resume it

    that means coroutines have a hierarchical relation of calling

  • non-symmetric

    each coroutine is independent, coroutine can specify where to go when suspend

Non-Symmetric Coroutine Sample

like this, implemented in last blog

package x.coroutine

suspend fun main() {

    val producer = GlobalScope.launch<Unit, Int>(Dispatchers.new()) {
        for (i in 1..3)
        return@launch 0

    val consumer = GlobalScope.launch<Int, Unit>(Dispatchers.new()) {
        for (i in 1..3)
        return@launch Unit

    while (!producer.completed() && !consumer.completed()) {
        val param1 = producer.resume(Unit)
        val param2 = consumer.resume(param1)
Symmetric Coroutine Sample

which we will talk about soon in this blog

package x.coroutine

suspend fun main() {
    lateinit var coroutine1: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    lateinit var coroutine2: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    lateinit var coroutine3: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    coroutine1 = createSymmetric {
        println("parameter ${getParameter()}")
        transfer(coroutine3, "d")
    coroutine2 = createSymmetric {
        transfer(coroutine1, "c")
    coroutine3 = createSymmetric {
        println("symmetric start")
        transfer(coroutine2, "b")
        transfer(coroutine1, "e")
    val main = launchSymmetric(coroutine3, "a")
    println("symmetric end")

each coroutine can randomly goto another coroutine, with a input param carried

How to Implement Symmetric Coroutines

kotlin built-in coroutine is the non-symmetric one

but we can implement symmetric coroutines through non-symmetric ones

obviously transfer is the core api that we need to implement

transfer suspend current coroutine, and resume another coroutine, with a yielded param carried

this point is same to non-symmetric coroutines

the difference is, symmetric coroutine will never go back to previous coroutine

Wonderful Tricks

if we create a implicit main coroutine

when coroutine a want to transfer to coroutine b

it can deliver coroutine b and resume parameter to main coroutine

then let the main coroutine resume coroutine b

that is, a suspend, return back to main, then main resume b

now, it is totally same with the non-symmetric coroutines

the yield result is target coroutine + resume param

Code Design

SymmetricCoroutine hold a Coroutine object, that responsible for execution schedule

when main coroutine calls transfer , it will resume work coroutine and wait for its result

when work coroutine calls transfer , it will yield a TransferContext object as result, then resume main coroutine

TransferContext is composed of next coroutine object and a coroutine resume parameter

when main coroutine received the TransferContext as a result, it will transfer the next coroutine again

internal val coroutine: CoroutineImpl<T, TransferContext<*>?> = CoroutineImpl(context) {
    return@CoroutineImpl null
data class TransferContext<T>(
    val coroutine: SymmetricCoroutine<T>,
    val parameter: T?
private tailrec suspend fun <R> transferInner(other: SymmetricCoroutine<R>, param: Any?) {
    if (!isMain) {
        val transferContext = TransferContext(other, param as R)
    if (!other.isMain()) {
        val impl = other as SymmetricCoroutineImpl<R>
        val transferContext = impl.coroutine.resume(param as R)
        transferContext?.let {
            transferInner(it.coroutine, it.parameter)

these are core codes, while the remains are auxiliary, just to fulfill details and offer easy-to-use apis

Tail Recursion Optimization

we notice that, all transfer work in work coroutines

are actually implemented by recursive execution of MainCoroutine.transfer , until all work coroutines finished

when work coroutines works for a long time, calling stack of main coroutine will become bigger and bigger

eventually caused StackOverflowError error

kotlin offers a tailrec keyword to optimize recursive execution

the theroy of tailrec is, use while instead of recursion, to avoid stack size increase

Full Sources
package x.coroutine

suspend fun main() {
    lateinit var coroutine1: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    lateinit var coroutine2: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    lateinit var coroutine3: SymmetricCoroutine<String>
    coroutine1 = createSymmetric {
        println("parameter ${getParameter()}")
        transfer(coroutine3, "d")
    coroutine2 = createSymmetric {
        transfer(coroutine1, "c")
    coroutine3 = createSymmetric {
        println("symmetric start")
        transfer(coroutine2, "b")
        transfer(coroutine1, "e")
    val main = launchSymmetric(coroutine3, "a")
    println("symmetric end")
package x.coroutine

import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext

interface SymmetricCoroutine<T> {

    fun isMain(): Boolean

    suspend fun clean()

interface SymmetricCoroutineScope<T> {

    fun getParameter(): T

    suspend fun <R> transfer(other: SymmetricCoroutine<R>, param: R)

data class TransferContext<T>(
    val coroutine: SymmetricCoroutine<T>,
    val parameter: T?

fun <T> createSymmetric(
    block: suspend SymmetricCoroutineScope<T>.() -> Unit
): SymmetricCoroutine<T> {
    return SymmetricCoroutineImpl(EmptyCoroutineContext, block)

suspend fun <T> launchSymmetric(
    symmetric: SymmetricCoroutine<T>, param: T
): SymmetricCoroutine<Unit> {
    val main = SymmetricCoroutineImpl<Unit>(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
        transfer(symmetric, param)
    main.isMain = true
    return main
package x.coroutine

import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext

internal class SymmetricCoroutineImpl<T>(
    context: CoroutineContext,
    block: suspend SymmetricCoroutineScope<T>.() -> Unit
) : SymmetricCoroutine<T>, SymmetricCoroutineScope<T> {

    internal var isMain = false

    internal val coroutine: CoroutineImpl<T, TransferContext<*>?> = CoroutineImpl(context) {
        return@CoroutineImpl null

    override fun isMain() = isMain

    override fun getParameter(): T {
        return coroutine.parameter!!

    override suspend fun <R> transfer(other: SymmetricCoroutine<R>, param: R) = transferInner(other, param)

    private tailrec suspend fun <R> transferInner(other: SymmetricCoroutine<R>, param: Any?) {
        if (!isMain) {
            val transferContext = TransferContext(other, param as R)
        if (!other.isMain()) {
            val impl = other as SymmetricCoroutineImpl<R>
            val transferContext = impl.coroutine.resume(param as R)
            transferContext?.let {
                transferInner(it.coroutine, it.parameter)

    override suspend fun clean() {
        while (!coroutine.completed()) {





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