【HKIE】2011 The HKIE Structural Examination

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    • 2011 The HKIE Structural Examination
    • Question 1 商业大厦 | Commercial Tower
      • 客户要求 | Client's Requirements
      • 荷载要求 | Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件 | Site Conditions
      • 不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration
      • Section A
      • Section B
    • Question 2 办公大楼 | Office Building
      • Client's Requirements
      • 荷载要求 | Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件 | Site Conditions
      • 不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration
      • Section A
      • Section B
    • Question 3 建筑立面保护 | Building Facade Conservation
      • 客户要求 | Client's Requirements
      • 荷载要求 | Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件 | Site Conditions
      • 不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration
      • Section A
      • Section B
    • Question 4 Public Transport Interchange | 公共交通枢纽
      • 客户要求 | Client's Requirements
      • 荷载要求 Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件 Site Conditions
      • 地质条件 Ground Conditions
      • Section A
      • Section B
    • Question 5 飞机机库 | Aircraft Hangar
      • 客户要求 | Client's Requirements
      • 荷载要求Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件Site Conditions
      • 不考虑的内容 Omit from Consideration
      • Section A
      • Section B
    • Question 6 新市镇中的新行人天桥 New Footbridge in a New Town
      • 荷载要求Imposed Loading
      • 场地条件 Site Conditions
      • 不考虑的内容 Omit from Consideration
      • Section A
      • Section B

2011 The HKIE Structural Examination

香港工程师学会结构考试 - 笔试

The HKIE Structural Examination – Written Examination
Section 2: Design Questions
(80% of the Written Examination)

时间:中午12:00 - 下午6:00

Date: 17 November 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 12:00 nn - 06:00 pm
Answer ONE question only

Question 1 商业大厦 | Commercial Tower

客户要求 | Client’s Requirements

  1. 将建造一座三十二层的商业大厦,带有一层地下室(见图Q1)。
    A thirty-two-storey commercial tower with one level of basement is to be constructed (see Figure Q1).

  2. 该商业大厦从地面到2楼为零售楼层。3楼至32楼为办公楼层,21楼为避难层。
    The commercial tower has retail floors from G/F to 2/F. Office floors are at 3/F to 32/F with a refuge floor at 21/F.

  3. 由于建筑设计的原因,该大厦在22楼有后退(见图Q1)。
    Due to the architectural design, the tower is set back at 22/F (see Figure Q1).

  4. 办公楼层采用幕墙系统。
    Curtain wall system is adopted at office floors.

  5. 在平面图上标示的"无柱区"内不允许有柱子(见图Q1)。
    No column is permitted within the “column free zone” as indicated on plan (see Figure Q1).

  6. 零售和办公区的最小柱距为7.5米(中心到中心)。
    Min. column spacing for retail and office is 7.5 m(c/c).

  7. 地面层主入口大堂内不允许有柱子。
    No column is permitted within the main entrance lobby at G/F.

  8. 办公楼层要求2800毫米净高,其中机电服务区400毫米,假天花50毫米,地面装修50毫米。
    Office floors required 2800 mm clear headroom where E&M services zone is 400 mm, false ceiling is 50 mm and floor finish is 50 mm.

  9. 避难层要求2500毫米净高,其中地面装修50毫米。
    At the refuge floor, 2500 mm clear headroom is required where floor finish is 50 mm.

  10. 零售楼层(地面至2楼)必须有最少3500毫米净高,其中机电服务区400毫米,假天花50毫米,地面装修50毫米。
    Retail floors (G/F to 2/F) must have min. headroom of 3500 mm where E&M services zone is 400 mm, false ceiling is 50 mm and floor finish is 50 mm.

  11. 地下室用作机电楼层,最小净高3000毫米,其中机电服务区600毫米,防水层200毫米。
    Basement is used as E&M floor with min. clear headroom of 3000 mm where E&M services zone is 600 mm and 200 mm for waterproofing.

  12. 建筑结构的任何部分,包括基础,不得超出地界线。
    No part of the structure, including foundation, can be built outside the boundary line.

  13. 该地块毗邻一些现有建筑物,它们的基础为桩基础和基脚(见图Q1)。
    The site is adjacent to some existing buildings which are founded on piled foundation and footings (see Figure Q1).

  14. 除地下室和避难层外,所有结构构件都要求至少一小时的耐火等级。地下室和避难层分别要求四小时和两小时的耐火等级。
    A minimum one-hour fire resistance period is required for all structural elements except basement and refuge floor. Four hours and two hours fire resistance is required for basement and refuge floor respectively.

荷载要求 | Imposed Loading

| Floor Type / 楼层类型                                        | Imposed Load / 荷载 (kN/m² / 千牛/平方米) |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| E&M floor & roof / 机电楼层及屋顶                            | 7.5                                       |
| Ground floor lobby and retail floor / 地面大堂及零售楼层     | 5.0                                       |
| Refuge floor, flat roof at level 3 and 22/F / 避难层、3楼及22楼的平屋顶 | 5.0                                       |
| Office floor / 办公楼层                                      | 3.0                                       |

场地条件 | Site Conditions

  1. 该地块位于湾仔,基准水平约为+4.5 mPD。设计风压必须严格遵循现行香港风力规范。
    The site is located in Wanchai at a datum level of about +4.5 mPD. Design wind pressure shall strictly follow current HK wind code.

  2. 地质条件|Ground conditions:

    Depth (m)深度 (米)Soil Type / 土壤类型SPT Value / 标准贯入试验N值
    0 - 50 - 5Fill / 填土10
    5 - 155 - 15Marine Deposit / 海洋沉积物4
    15 - 2515 - 25Alluvium / 冲积层15
    25 - 4025 - 40CDG (Completely Decomposed Granite) / 完全风化花岗岩30 - 200
    > 50> 50Grade IV rock / 四级岩石Core recovery > 50% / 岩芯采取率 > 50%


    • Ground water is encountered at 2 m below ground. / 地下水位在地面以下2米处

不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration

  1. 服务核心内部结构的详细布置和设计。
    Detailed layout and design of the structure inside the services core.

Section A

a. 为所提议的商业大厦准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,提出两种截然不同且可行的方案,包括两种可行的基础系统。清楚地说明每种方案的功能框架、荷载传递和稳定性方面。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches including two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed commercial tower including two viable foundation systems. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend and give reasons for your choice.
(30 marks)

b. 解释建筑结构如何抵抗风荷载,并准备一份详细的稳定性检查,包括结构抗风框架的详细描述、设计假设、风压计算以及检查建筑物变形是否满足相关要求。
Explain how the building structure will resist wind load and prepare a detailed stability check of the proposed building due to wind load including detailed description of the structural wind frame(s), design assumption, wind pressure calculation and checking of building deflection to meet relevant requirements.
(10 marks)

Section B

For the solution recommended in Section A: -

c. 准备足够的设计计算,以确定所有主要结构构件(包括基础)的形式和尺寸。
Prepare sufficient design calculation to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements including the foundations.
(20 marks)

d. 准备总体结构框架平面图、剖面图和立面图,显示结构构件的尺寸、布局、布置以及关键结构细节,以供估算之用。
Prepare general structural framing plan, section and elevations to show the dimensions, layout, disposition of the structural elements and critical structural details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)

e. 准备一份详细的方法说明,说明包括地下室和基础工程在内的建筑物的安全施工。
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building including basement and foundation works.
(10 marks)

f. 准备一份详细的施工计划,说明工程的顺序和计划。
Prepare a detailed construction programme to illustrate the sequence and planning of works.
(10 marks)

Question 2 办公大楼 | Office Building

Client’s Requirements

Question 2 Office Building
Client’s Requirements

  1. 拟在香港岛海滨沿线建造一座26层高的办公大楼,地面设有商铺和停车场。该地点在半个多世纪前已经填海造地。(见图Q2)
    A twenty-six-storey office building with shops and car parking at G/F is proposed along the waterfront of Hong Kong Island. The site location was reclaimed for more than half a century ago. (See Figure Q2).

  2. 标准楼层需要设置无柱区,如平面图所示。此外,标准楼层的柱距不应少于8米(中心到中心)。
    A column free zone is required on the typical floors as marked on the floor plan. Furthermore, the column spacing at the typical floors should not be less than 8 m centres.

  3. 在地面层,大堂入口和车道区域不允许有柱子。
    At ground floor, no columns are allowed within the grand entrance lobby and the driveway.

  4. 大堂入口占用1楼的中空空间,其最小净高应为7米,不包括所有结构和建筑设备。
    The grand entrance lobby, which is to occupy a void space at 1/F, should have a minimum headroom of 7 m, clear of all structures and building services.

  5. 标准楼层的最小净高不应少于3米,不包括所有结构和建筑设备。
    The minimum headroom for the typical floors should not be less than 3 m, clear of all structures and building services.

  6. 所有楼层下方应预留450毫米深的建筑设备区。
    A 450 mm deep building services zone should be allowed underneath all floors.

  7. 所有建筑构件的防火等级要求为1小时。
    The required fire resistance period for all elements of construction is 1 hour.

荷载要求 | Imposed Loading

  1. 荷载要求应符合2011年香港《建筑物荷载规范》。
    The imposed loadings should be in accordance with the Hong Kong Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads 2011.

场地条件 | Site Conditions

  1. 该地块毗邻一座3层高的旧建筑,该建筑采用浅基础和承重砖墙(见图Q2中的A-A剖面)。
    Abutting the site is a 3-storey old building with shallow footing foundation and load-bearing party brick wall (Section A-A of Figure Q2 refers).

  2. 该地块南北方向的地质情况如图Q2的B-B剖面所示。基岩面从北向南倾斜,假设东西方向不变。地下水位较高。
    The site geology along the north-south direction is depicted on Section B-B of Figure Q2. The bedrock level dips from north to south and is assumed not to vary along the east-west direction. The groundwater table is high.


不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration

  1. 服务核心的详细设计。
    Detailed design of the service cores.

Section A

a. 为拟建的上部结构准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,提出两种截然不同且可行的方案。清楚地说明每种方案的功能框架、荷载传递路径和稳定性方面。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。(30分)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches, providing two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed superstructure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer path and stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, give the reasons for your choice.(30 marks)

b. 解释如果办公大楼增加10层,推荐的上部结构如何抵抗侧向风力,并建议措施来增强该建筑结构抵抗侧向风力的能力。(5分)
Explain how the recommended superstructure will resist lateral wind forces if the office building is increased by ten storeys and suggest measures to enhance the resistance of this building structure to lateral wind forces.(5 marks)

c. 说明场地内基岩面的变化如何影响基础设计以抵抗侧向荷载;并提出解决方案。(5分)
Give an account of how the variation of bedrock level across the site will affect the foundation design in respect of resisting the lateral loading; and propose solution to tackle it.(5 marks)

Section B

For the solution recommended in Section A: -

d. 准备设计计算以确定上部结构所有主要结构构件的形式和尺寸。(20分)
Prepare design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements for the superstructure.(20 marks)

e. 为1楼、2楼和一个典型的上层楼层准备尺寸框架平面图。(15分)
Prepare dimensional framing plans for 1/F, 2/F and one of the upper typical floors.(15 marks)

f. 为主要结构构件准备结构细节,以供成本估算之用。(10分)
Prepare structural details for the principal structural elements for cost estimation purposes.(10 marks)

g. 准备设计计算以确定基础的尺寸,并证明基础沿图Q2中A-A剖面抵抗侧向荷载的方式。(5分)
Prepare design calculations to establish the size of the foundations and to demonstrate mode of resistance of foundations to lateral loads along Section A-A of Figure Q2.(5 marks)

h. 为支撑拟建车道和现有隔墙之间柱子的桩帽部分准备设计计算和结构细节。(5分)
Prepare design calculations and the structural details for the part of pile cap that will support the columns between the proposed driveway and the existing party wall.(5 marks)

i. 准备一份从基础开始到建筑物完工的概要施工计划。(5分)
Prepare an outline construction programme from commencement of foundation to the completion of building.(5 marks)

Question 3 建筑立面保护 | Building Facade Conservation

A historic building in the peak area of Hong Kong is to be re-developed. One of the conditions of re-development is to conserve the facade of the existing historic building. Client decided to adopt the in-situ conservation approach (See Figure Q3).



客户要求 | Client’s Requirements

  1. 拟建的新建筑为两层,地面以下有两层地下室。下层地下室用作停车场,与相邻公路齐平。
    The proposed new building is of two storeys with two basements below the existing ground level. The lower basement, which is for car-parking, will be level with the adjoining public road.

  2. 上层地下室用于容纳公用设施和服务设备,要求平面上的净柱距为5米,净高为2.8米。
    The upper basement is used to house the utility plants and service equipment, requiring a clear column spacing on plan of 5 m and clear headroom of 2.8 m.

  3. 现有建筑立面在施工阶段可以通过临时和/或永久系统/构件进行原位支撑,但在任何情况下都不能移动。
    The existing building facade can be supported in-situ, during construction stage, on temporary and or permanent systems/members, but not to be moved under all circumstances.

荷载要求 | Imposed Loading

  1. 拟建新建筑:
    Proposed new building: -
Floor Type / 楼层类型Imposed Load / 荷载 (kN/m² / 千牛/平方米)
Upper basement / 上层地下室10.0
Ground floor / 地面层5.0
First floor / 一层3.5
Lower basement / 下层地下室3.0
Roof / 屋顶2.5

场地条件 | Site Conditions

  1. 只能在"绿化带区域"搭建临时结构,并且必须在建筑项目完成后拆除。
    Only temporary structures can be erected on the “green belt area” and have to be removed upon completion of the building project.

  2. 现有的历史建筑有两层,没有关于其结构系统和完整性的记录。现场检查显示,立面是一堵300毫米厚的砖墙。
    The existing historic building is of two storeys and there is no record about its structural system and integrity. Site inspection reveals that the facade is a 300 mm thick brick wall.

  3. 场地勘察显示以下地质条件:
    Site investigation indicates the following ground conditions: -

Depth / 深度Borehole 1 / 钻孔1Borehole 2 / 钻孔2
Surface / 表面Loose fill / 松散填土 (0 - 0.5 m)Loose fill / 松散填土 (0 - 0.3 m)
Shallow / 浅层Completely decomposed granite / 完全风化花岗岩
(0.5 - 5 m, N = 5 to 20)
Completely decomposed granite / 完全风化花岗岩
(0.3 - 6 m, N = 10 to 25)
Medium / 中层Highly decomposed granite / 高度风化花岗岩
(5 - 10 m, N = 20 to 40)
Highly decomposed granite / 高度风化花岗岩
(6 - 12 m, N = 25 to 50)
Deep / 深层Strong, grey and pink slightly decomposed granite /
(Below 10 m, 95% core recovery)
Strong, grey and pink slightly decomposed granite /
(Below 12 m, 96% core recovery)

Note / 注释:

No groundwater is encountered in either borehole. / 两个钻孔均未遇到地下水。

The soil profile varies linearly between the boreholes and is representative of the whole site.

不考虑的内容 | Omit from Consideration

  1. (i) 施工期间和永久阶段的场地边坡稳定性检查。
    (i) Slope stability checking of the site during construction and permanent stages.
    (ii) 拟建新建筑的设计。
    (ii) Design of the proposed new building.

(iii) 拆除现有建筑的程序和方法说明。
(iii) Procedures and method statement of demolishing the existing building.

Section A

a. 准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,说明两种截然不同且可行的支护系统方案,包括相关的开挖和侧向支撑(ELS),用于项目施工期间对建筑立面的支护。清楚地说明每种方案的功能框架、荷载传递和稳定性方面。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the proposed supporting system, including relevant excavation and lateral supports (ELS), to the building facade during the project construction period. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, give reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)

Section B

For the solutions recommended in Section A: -

b. 准备足够的设计计算以确定支护系统所有主要结构构件(包括基础)的形式和尺寸。(20分)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations for the supporting system.(20 marks)

c. 准备总体布置平面图、剖面图和立面图,显示结构构件的尺寸、布局和布置,以供估算之用。(14分)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for estimating purposes.(14 marks)

d. 准备一份详细的方法说明,说明项目施工阶段支护系统的安全施工,并附有注释的草图说明结构构件施工和安装的各个阶段细节。(18分)
Prepare a detail method statement for the safe construction of the supporting system during the project construction stage, with annotated sketches to illustrate details of the stages of construction and erection of the structural members.(18 marks)

e. 提出一份概念性的方法说明,说明如何将保护的立面锚固到新的永久结构上,并附有注释的草图说明连接/锚固的细节和阶段。(8分)
Propose a conceptual method statement on anchoring the conserved facade to the new permanent structure with annotated sketches to illustrate the details and stages of connection/anchoring.(8 marks)

Question 4 Public Transport Interchange | 公共交通枢纽

客户要求 | Client’s Requirements

  1. 图Q4所示为一个公共交通枢纽。站台一侧是一座两层建筑,地面层有乘客候车区和行政办公室,一楼部分为咖啡厅。
    A public transport interchange is shown in Figure Q4. On one side of the terminal is a two-storey building housing a passenger waiting area with an administration office on the ground floor and a cafeteria on part of the first floor.

  2. 地面以上的整个结构应采用钢结构设计。
    The entire structure above ground should be designed in steel.

  3. 巴士停靠区三面开放,以便空气流通和车辆移动。
    The bus bay area is open on three sides to allow air ventilation and movement of vehicles.

  4. 如图Q4所示,巴士停靠区内只允许有两根柱子。
    As shown in Figure Q4, only two columns are allowed inside the bus bay area.

  5. 2层建筑内的柱子数量和位置没有限制。
    There is no restriction on the number or position of columns in the 2-storey building.

  6. 两层建筑面向巴士停靠区的一侧应采用玻璃幕墙。
    The side of the 2-storey building facing the bus bays should be glazed.

  7. 巴士停靠区的屋顶和两层建筑的其他三面应采用金属板包覆。
    The roof of the bus bays and the other 3 sides of the two-storey building should be clad in metal cladding.

  8. 以下是各层的层高要求:
    The followings are the floor-to-floor heights: -

Area / 区域Span / 跨度 (m)
Administration office on the ground floor / 地面层行政办公室12
Bus bay area / 巴士停靠区12
Passenger waiting area on the ground floor / 地面层乘客候车区8
Cafeteria on the first floor / 一楼咖啡厅4
  1. 结构区域要求:巴士停靠区为4米,两层建筑的所有楼层为1米。
    Structural zone requirements are 4 m for bus bay area and 1 m for all floors of the two-storey building.

  2. 基础顶部应至少在地面以下2米。这是为了在场地内铺设公用设施管线。
    Top of the foundations should be at least 2 m below the ground surface. This is to allow for the laying of utility services within the site.

  3. 所有结构构件都要求至少2小时的耐火等级。
    A minimum 2-hour fire resistance period is required for all the structural elements.

荷载要求 Imposed Loading

  1. 荷载要求 Imposed Loading
Area / 区域Imposed Load / 荷载 (kN/m² / 千牛/平方米)
Cafeteria / 咖啡厅5.00
Passenger waiting area / 乘客候车区5.00
Administration office / 行政办公室3.00
Roof over the bus bays / 巴士停靠区屋顶0.75
Roof of the 2-storey building / 两层建筑屋顶0.75

The imposed loads include allowance for light-weight partitions, finishes, services and ceilings. The columns are protected by barriers. So, there is no need to consider horizontal impact loads on the columns.

场地条件 Site Conditions

  1. 该场地位于市中心,地面平坦,基准水平为+6.0 mPD。设计风压必须符合现行的当地风力规范。
    The site is flat and is in the city centre at a datum level of +6.0 mPD. Design wind pressure has to be in accordance with the current local wind code.

地质条件 Ground Conditions

  1. 地质条件:
    Ground conditions: -
Depth / 深度Soil Type / 土壤类型N Value / N值Additional Info / 附加信息
0 - 5 mVery loose and compressible fill / 非常松散且可压缩的填土2 - 4-
5 - 10 mVery soft marine clays / 非常软的海洋粘土3 - 5-
10 - 15 mAlluvium, medium dense silts / 冲积层,中密实的淤泥12 - 20-
15 - 25 mCompletely decomposed tuff, dense to very dense clayey sands / 完全风化凝灰岩,密实至非常密实的粘土质砂50 - 180-
> 25 mModerately decomposed tuff / 中等风化凝灰岩-Total core recovery > 85% / 总岩芯采取率 > 85%

Section A

a. 准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,说明两种截然不同且可行的方案,包括基础。考生应清楚地说明结构的功能框架、荷载传递机制和稳定性,包括抗浮。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable schemes for the proposed structure including the foundations. Candidates should indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer mechanisms and stability of the structure including uplift. Identify the solution that you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)

Section B

For the solution recommended in Section A: -

b. 准备足够的计算以确定所有主要结构构件的尺寸,包括基础、抗风构件和金属外墙板。(20分)
Prepare sufficient calculations to establish the size of all the principal structural elements including the foundations, wind resisting elements and metal claddings.(20 marks)

c. 准备框架平面图、剖面图和立面图,显示结构构件的尺寸、布局和布置以及关键细节,以供估算之用。(20分)
Prepare framing plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.(20 marks)

d. 准备一份详细的方法说明,说明结构的安全施工,并附有注释的草图说明施工的细节和阶段。(12分)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the structure with annotated sketches to illustrate the details and stages of construction.(12 marks)

e. 准备一份详细的施工计划,从基础工程开始直至完工。(8分)
Prepare a detailed construction programme from commencement of foundation work to completion.(8 marks)

Question 5 飞机机库 | Aircraft Hangar

客户要求 | Client’s Requirements

  1. 需要在机场附近建造一个单跨机库用于维护目的(见图Q5)。机库三面要用隔热的、垂直跨度的外墙系统包覆。轻质屋顶外墙也要隔热,并可进入进行维护。
    A single bay hangar for maintenance purposes is to be constructed near the airport (see Figure Q5). The hangar is to be clad on three sides with an insulated, vertically spanning cladding system. The lightweight roof cladding is to be insulated and accessible for maintenance.

  2. 机库将容纳波音747-400飞机。
    Hangar will accommodate Boeing 747-400 aircraft.

  3. 前门入口处要提供在地面轨道上垂直支撑的滑动门。本阶段不需要设计门。在施加屋顶荷载或风荷载时,相对于门顶部的屋顶结构最大挠度应限制在跨度/360以内。
    Sliding doors supported vertically on tracks at ground level are to be provided at the front entrance. Design for the doors is not required at this stage. Maximum deflection of roof structure relative to top of the doors shall be limited to span/360 under imposed roof load or wind load.

  4. 如图Q5所示,三个立面上要提供6米宽、5米高的卷帘门。
    Roller shutter doors, 6 m wide by 5 m high, are to be provided on three elevations as shown in Figure Q5.

  5. 目前机库内不需要设置天车。机库前部附近要预留两个各100千牛的悬挂荷载,用于飞机尾部对接脚手架(见图Q5)。
    There is currently no requirement for overhead cranes within the hangar. Two hanging loads of 100 kN each for aircraft tail docking scaffolding are to be allowed for near front of hangar (see Figure Q5).

  6. 如图Q5所示位置,机库内要提供两层办公室。办公室的总高度(包括屋顶结构)为8.5米。办公室上方不允许有柱子,以保持未来的灵活性。
    Two-storey offices are to be provided within the hangar at the locations as shown in Figure Q5. Overall height of the offices including roof structure to be 8.5 m. Columns above the offices are not permitted so as to maintain future flexibility.

  7. 机库内最小净高要求:距滑动门12米范围内为25米,其他地方为18米(见图Q5,剖面2-2)。最小净跨度要求为75米。除了指定为办公室的区域外,机库内不允许有内部柱子。
    Minimum clear headroom within the hangar is 25 m within a zone of 12 m from the sliding doors and 18 m elsewhere (see Figure Q5, Section 2-2). Minimum clear span of 75 m is to be provided. No internal columns are permitted within the hangar other than within areas designated as offices.

  8. 对完工后的机库和施工阶段没有整体高度限制。支撑结构可以超出屋顶水平。
    There are no overall height restrictions for the completed hangar and during the construction phase. Supporting structure may project above the roof level.

荷载要求Imposed Loading

机库屋顶 Hangar roof0.75 千牛/平方米 (0.75 kN/m²)
地面层 Ground floor10.0 千牛/平方米 (10.0 kN/m²)
飞机轴向轮载 Aircraft wheel loads能承受飞机500千牛轴向轮载 (Capacity for 500kN axial wheel loads from aircraft)
办公室一层 Offices first floor4.0 千牛/平方米 (4.0 kN/m²)
办公室屋顶 Offices roof5.0 千牛/平方米 (5.0 kN/m²) (轻型储存 light storage)

场地条件Site Conditions

  1. 该场地位于距离海边不到2公里的开阔机场。基本风速为55米/秒,基于3秒阵风速度;相当于28米/秒的小时平均风速。
    The site is situated on an open airfield less than 2 km from the sea. Basic wind speed is 55 m/s based on a 3 second gust speed; the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 28 m/s.

  2. 地质条件:Ground conditions: -

深度 Depth土层描述 Soil Description附加信息 Additional Information
Ground level to 3.0 m
Loose Fill
3 m – 10 m
Sand /gravel
标准贯入试验N值 = 25
SPT value = 25
Below 10 m

地下水位 Groundwater: 地面以下3米处
3m below ground level

不考虑的内容 Omit from Consideration

  1. 门和门轨道的设计,以及办公室的设计。
    Design of doors and door tracks, and offices.

Section A

a. 准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,说明两种截然不同且可行的机库结构方案。清楚地说明每种方案的功能框架、荷载传递和稳定性方面。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable structural solutions for the hangar. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution that you recommend, give reasons for your choice.
(30 marks)

b. 在完成设计后,客户要求你提出建议以移除图Q5中标记为B的墙。给客户写一封信,解释这对你当前设计的影响,以及如何满足他的要求。
After the design has been completed, the client asks for your proposals to remove the wall marked B in Figure Q5. Write a letter to the client explaining the impact on your current design and how his requirements may be incorporated.
(10 marks)

Section B

For the solution recommended in Section A: -

c. 准备足够的设计计算,以确定所有主要结构构件的形式和尺寸,包括基础和新的地面楼板。
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements including the foundations and the new ground floor slab.
(20 marks)

d. 准备总体布置平面图、剖面图和立面图,显示结构构件的尺寸、布局和布置,以供成本估算之用。
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition of the structural elements for cost estimating purposes.
(20 marks)

e. 准备清晰注释的草图,说明以下细节:
Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of: -
(10 marks)

i) 典型的屋顶构件支撑连接
i) Typical bracing connection to roof element

ii) 典型的柱基板支撑连接
ii) Typical bracing connection to column baseplate

iii) 典型区域的地面楼板剖面,以及飞机500千牛轴向轮载作用下的楼板剖面
iii) A section through the ground floor slab at typical areas and at a section beneath the aircraft where it is subjected to the 500 kN axial wheel loads

f. 准备一份机库施工的方法说明,清楚地说明如何在各个阶段保持稳定性。
Prepare a method statement for the erection of the hangar, showing clearly how stability will be maintained at all stages.
(10 marks)

Question 6 新市镇中的新行人天桥 New Footbridge in a New Town

Client’s Requirements

  1. 需要在一个新市镇中建造一座新的行人天桥,连接跨越水道的两座现有建筑,如图Q6所示。
    It is required to construct a new footbridge connecting two existing buildings over a water channel in a new town as shown in Figure Q6.

  2. 新行人天桥将在平台层连接两座现有建筑,并将直接位于一座现有混凝土平底行人天桥的下方。新行人天桥的荷载不允许传递到两座现有建筑。因此,新行人天桥的两端将设置伸缩缝。
    The new footbridge will connect two existing buildings at podium level and will be directly underneath an existing footbridge of concrete construction with flat soffit. Loading from the new footbridge is not allowed to be transmitted to the two existing buildings. Hence, expansion joints will be provided at both ends of the new footbridge.

  3. 在地面层,必须始终保持10米宽的人行道供公众使用。人行道的净空包络为10米宽x4米高。行人可以使用新行人天桥两端的楼梯从地面层到达新行人天桥。
    At ground level, pedestrian walkway of 10 m wide must be maintained at all time for the general public. Clear envelop of the pedestrian walkway is 10 m wide x 4 m high. Pedestrian can use the staircases from the ground level to the new footbridge at both ends of the new footbridge.

  4. 在水道内,必须始终保持一个35米宽x7米高的通航净空包络,该包络从高水位标记测量。
    Within the water channel, a navigational clearance envelop of 35 m wide x 7 m high measured from high water level mark must be maintained at all time.

  5. 不允许在通航净空包络内放置任何永久性或临时性工程。在人行道区域内,+3.0 mPD水平以上也不允许有永久性工程。
    No permanent nor temporary work can be placed within the navigational clearance envelop. Permanent work above +3.0 mPD level is also not permitted within the pedestrian walkway area.

  6. 为了建造基础,可以暂时拆除水道的海堤,但必须在施工后恢复到原来的状态。
    For the construction of foundation, seawall of the water channel can be temporarily removed but must be reinstated to the original condition after construction.

荷载要求Imposed Loading

  1. 人行道荷载 5 千牛/平方米
    Footpath load 5 kN/m2

场地条件 Site Conditions

  1. 该场地位于乡村地区。设计风压必须符合现行的当地风力规范。
    The site is in the rural area. Design wind pressure has to be in accordance with the current local wind code.

  2. 钻孔揭示的地质条件如下:
    Ground conditions as revealed by boreholes are: -

深度 Depth土层描述 Soil Description附加信息 Additional Information
Ground level – 0.8 m
Made up ground
0.8 m -12.0 m
CDG (Completely Decomposed Granite)
SPT N-value varies from 10 to 30
Below 12.0 m
Grade III rock
Total core recovery > 50%

地下水位 Groundwater: 地面以下3.8米处
3.8 m below ground level

不考虑的内容 Omit from Consideration

  1. 楼梯的设计计算。
    Design calculations of the staircases.

Section A

a. 准备一份设计评估,包括适当的草图,说明两种截然不同且可行的新行人天桥方案,包括两个楼梯。必须清楚地说明每种方案的功能框架、荷载传递、安全性和稳定性方面。确定你推荐的方案并说明理由。(40分)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the new footbridge including the two staircases. The functional framing, load transfer, safety and stability aspects of the each scheme must be clearly indicated. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.(40 marks)

Section B

For the solution you recommended in Section A: -

b. 准备足够的设计计算,以确定所有主要构件(包括基础)的形式和尺寸。
(25分)Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all main components including foundations.(25 marks)

c. 准备总体布置图,包括足够的平面图、立面图、剖面图等,用于新行人天桥的工程量计算。(20分)
Prepare general arrangement drawings including sufficient plans, elevations, sections, etc., for the new footbridge for quantity taking off purpose.(20 marks)

d. 准备一份方法说明,包括临时行人交通疏导和安全施工行人天桥的计划。(15分)
Prepare a method statement including temporary traffic diversion for pedestrian and programme for the safe construction of the footbridge.(15 marks)





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