
news2024/10/7 6:57:05





2、huixiangdou仓里的requirements.txt有好多好多依赖,重点记得transformers 要>=4.38就好)

cd /root
git clone https://github.com/internlm/huixiangdou && cd huixiangdou
git checkout 79fa810

apt update
apt install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword unrtf poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr flac ffmpeg lame libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox libjpeg-dev swig libpulse-dev
# python requirements
pip install BCEmbedding==0.1.5 cmake==3.30.2 lit==18.1.8 sentencepiece==0.2.0 protobuf==5.27.3 accelerate==0.33.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
# python3.8 安装 faiss-gpu 而不是 faiss



cd /root/huixiangdou && mkdir repodir

git clone https://github.com/internlm/huixiangdou --depth=1 repodir/huixiangdou
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose    --depth=1 repodir/mmpose

# Save the features of repodir to workdir, and update the positive and negative example thresholds into `config.ini`
mkdir workdir
python3 -m huixiangdou.service.feature_store
/root/.conda/envs/xtuner/lib/python3.10/runpy.py:126: RuntimeWarning: 'huixiangdou.service.feature_store' found in sys.modules after import of package 'huixiangdou.service', but prior to execution of 'huixiangdou.service.feature_store'; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
2024-10-06 19:47:30.986 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:__init__:262 - loading test2vec and rerank models
/root/.conda/envs/xtuner/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/_utils.py:831: UserWarning: TypedStorage is deprecated. It will be removed in the future and UntypedStorage will be the only storage class. This should only matter to you if you are using storages directly.  To access UntypedStorage directly, use tensor.untyped_storage() instead of tensor.storage()
  return self.fget.__get__(instance, owner)()
10/06/2024 19:48:24 - [INFO] -BCEmbedding.models.RerankerModel->>>    Loading from `/root/models/bce-reranker-base_v1`.
10/06/2024 19:48:24 - [INFO] -BCEmbedding.models.RerankerModel->>>    Execute device: cuda;	 gpu num: 1;	 use fp16: True
2024-10-06 19:48:25.063 | DEBUG    | __main__:__init__:67 - loading text2vec model..
2024-10-06 19:48:25.064 | INFO     | __main__:__init__:83 - init dense retrieval database with chunk_size 900
2024-10-06 19:48:50.761 | INFO     | __main__:initialize:250 - initialize response and reject feature store, you only need call this once.
2024-10-06 19:48:55.795 | INFO     | __main__:read_and_save:31 - reading repodir2/dify/api/templates/invite_member_mail_template_en-US.html, would save to workdir/preprocess/0059f8d4.text
2024-10-06 19:48:55.800 | INFO     | __main__:read_and_save:31 - reading repodir2/dify/api/templates/invite_member_mail_template_zh-CN.html, would save to workdir/preprocess/1bfc6b42.text
2024-10-06 19:48:55.807 | INFO     | __main__:read_and_save:31 - reading repodir2/dify/api/templates/reset_password_mail_template_en-US.html, would save to workdir/preprocess/56080a6a.text
2024-10-06 19:48:55.815 | INFO     | __main__:read_and_save:31 - reading repodir2/dify/api/templates/reset_password_mail_template_zh-CN.html, would save to workdir/preprocess/04929e9e.text
2024-10-06 19:48:56.277 | DEBUG    | __main__:preprocess:230 - waiting for file preprocess finish..
Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model (523 > 512). Running this sequence through the model will result in indexing errors
2024-10-06 19:48:57.267 | INFO     | __main__:analyze:170 - text histogram, length count 1186, avg 664.15, median 870
0-94  5.73%
94-188  7.67%
188-282  6.24%
282-376  4.38%
376-470  3.71%
470-564  3.63%
564-658  3.79%
658-752  4.72%
752-846  7.34%
846-940  52.02%
940-1034  0.76%

2024-10-06 19:48:57.268 | INFO     | __main__:analyze:171 - token histogram, length count 1186, avg 283.89, median 315
0-52  9.44%
52-104  11.21%
104-156  7.76%
156-208  6.49%
208-260  7.84%
260-312  7.17%
312-364  4.22%
364-416  8.01%
416-468  36.34%
468-520  1.43%
520-572  0.08%

10/06/2024 19:48:57 - [INFO] -faiss.loader->>>    Loading faiss with AVX2 support.
10/06/2024 19:48:57 - [INFO] -faiss.loader->>>    Could not load library with AVX2 support due to:
ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'faiss.swigfaiss_avx2'")
10/06/2024 19:48:57 - [INFO] -faiss.loader->>>    Loading faiss.
10/06/2024 19:48:57 - [INFO] -faiss.loader->>>    Successfully loaded faiss.

  0%|          | 0/1186 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
  0%|          | 1/1186 [00:00<11:06,  1.78it/s]
  1%|          | 12/1186 [00:00<00:49, 23.65it/s]
  2%|| 26/1186 [00:00<00:23, 49.12it/s]
  3%|| 40/1186 [00:00<00:16, 69.66it/s]
  5%|| 54/1186 [00:00<00:13, 86.26it/s]
  6%|| 67/1186 [00:01<00:11, 97.72it/s]
  7%|| 81/1186 [00:01<00:10, 107.85it/s]
  8%|| 95/1186 [00:01<00:09, 115.14it/s]
  9%|| 108/1186 [00:01<00:09, 119.06it/s]
 10%|| 121/1186 [00:01<00:08, 122.13it/s]
 11%|█▏        | 135/1186 [00:01<00:08, 125.56it/s]
 13%|█▎        | 149/1186 [00:01<00:08, 123.77it/s]
 14%|█▎        | 163/1186 [00:01<00:08, 127.36it/s]
 15%|█▍        | 176/1186 [00:01<00:07, 127.61it/s]
 16%|█▌        | 189/1186 [00:02<00:07, 126.68it/s]
 17%|█▋        | 203/1186 [00:02<00:07, 129.05it/s]
 18%|█▊        | 217/1186 [00:02<00:07, 131.68it/s]
 19%|█▉        | 231/1186 [00:02<00:07, 129.73it/s]
 21%|██        | 245/1186 [00:02<00:08, 110.33it/s]
 22%|██▏       | 259/1186 [00:02<00:07, 116.48it/s]
 23%|██▎       | 273/1186 [00:02<00:07, 121.17it/s]
 24%|██▍       | 286/1186 [00:02<00:07, 123.30it/s]
 25%|██▌       | 300/1186 [00:02<00:07, 125.92it/s]
 26%|██▋       | 314/1186 [00:03<00:06, 127.48it/s]
 28%|██▊       | 327/1186 [00:03<00:06, 124.66it/s]
 29%|██▉       | 341/1186 [00:03<00:06, 128.37it/s]
 30%|██▉       | 354/1186 [00:03<00:06, 128.78it/s]
 31%|███       | 368/1186 [00:03<00:06, 129.21it/s]
 32%|███▏      | 382/1186 [00:03<00:06, 131.17it/s]
 33%|███▎      | 396/1186 [00:03<00:06, 130.83it/s]
 35%|███▍      | 410/1186 [00:03<00:06, 128.12it/s]
 36%|███▌      | 424/1186 [00:03<00:05, 130.57it/s]
 37%|███▋      | 438/1186 [00:03<00:05, 132.11it/s]
 38%|███▊      | 452/1186 [00:04<00:05, 132.96it/s]
 39%|███▉      | 466/1186 [00:04<00:06, 109.34it/s]
 40%|████      | 480/1186 [00:04<00:06, 115.65it/s]
 42%|████▏     | 494/1186 [00:04<00:05, 121.12it/s]
 43%|████▎     | 508/1186 [00:04<00:05, 124.83it/s]
 44%|████▍     | 521/1186 [00:04<00:05, 125.18it/s]
 45%|████▌     | 535/1186 [00:04<00:05, 127.14it/s]
 46%|████▋     | 549/1186 [00:04<00:04, 128.58it/s]
 47%|████▋     | 562/1186 [00:04<00:04, 128.86it/s]
 49%|████▊     | 576/1186 [00:05<00:04, 130.44it/s]
 50%|████▉     | 590/1186 [00:05<00:04, 131.36it/s]
 51%|█████     | 604/1186 [00:05<00:04, 130.75it/s]
 52%|█████▏    | 618/1186 [00:05<00:04, 131.16it/s]
 53%|█████▎    | 632/1186 [00:05<00:04, 129.96it/s]
 54%|█████▍    | 646/1186 [00:05<00:04, 125.79it/s]
 56%|█████▌    | 659/1186 [00:05<00:04, 126.38it/s]
 57%|█████▋    | 673/1186 [00:05<00:04, 128.10it/s]
 58%|█████▊    | 687/1186 [00:05<00:03, 129.13it/s]
 59%|█████▉    | 701/1186 [00:06<00:03, 130.64it/s]
 60%|██████    | 715/1186 [00:06<00:03, 130.53it/s]
 61%|██████▏   | 729/1186 [00:06<00:03, 130.21it/s]
 63%|██████▎   | 743/1186 [00:06<00:03, 131.04it/s]
 64%|██████▍   | 757/1186 [00:06<00:03, 131.42it/s]
 65%|██████▌   | 771/1186 [00:06<00:03, 129.83it/s]
 66%|██████▌   | 785/1186 [00:06<00:03, 130.78it/s]
 67%|██████▋   | 799/1186 [00:06<00:02, 130.95it/s]
 69%|██████▊   | 813/1186 [00:06<00:02, 131.75it/s]
 70%|██████▉   | 827/1186 [00:07<00:02, 131.35it/s]
 71%|███████   | 841/1186 [00:07<00:02, 125.27it/s]
 72%|███████▏  | 855/1186 [00:07<00:02, 127.57it/s]
 73%|███████▎  | 869/1186 [00:07<00:02, 128.56it/s]
 74%|███████▍  | 882/1186 [00:07<00:02, 128.90it/s]
 76%|███████▌  | 896/1186 [00:07<00:02, 129.83it/s]
 77%|███████▋  | 910/1186 [00:07<00:02, 130.16it/s]
 78%|███████▊  | 924/1186 [00:07<00:02, 131.00it/s]
 79%|███████▉  | 938/1186 [00:07<00:01, 130.77it/s]
 80%|████████  | 952/1186 [00:07<00:01, 130.52it/s]
 81%|████████▏ | 966/1186 [00:08<00:01, 130.53it/s]
 83%|████████▎ | 980/1186 [00:08<00:01, 130.64it/s]
 84%|████████▍ | 994/1186 [00:08<00:01, 128.66it/s]
 85%|████████▍ | 1007/1186 [00:08<00:01, 127.59it/s]
 86%|████████▌ | 1021/1186 [00:08<00:01, 130.11it/s]
 87%|████████▋ | 1035/1186 [00:08<00:01, 122.07it/s]
 88%|████████▊ | 1049/1186 [00:08<00:01, 125.99it/s]
 90%|████████▉ | 1063/1186 [00:08<00:00, 128.37it/s]
 91%|█████████ | 1077/1186 [00:08<00:00, 129.71it/s]
 92%|█████████▏| 1091/1186 [00:09<00:00, 130.88it/s]
 93%|█████████▎| 1105/1186 [00:09<00:00, 129.91it/s]
 94%|█████████▍| 1119/1186 [00:09<00:00, 128.57it/s]
 95%|█████████▌| 1132/1186 [00:09<00:00, 124.35it/s]
 97%|█████████▋| 1146/1186 [00:09<00:00, 126.43it/s]
 98%|█████████▊| 1160/1186 [00:09<00:00, 128.87it/s]
 99%|█████████▉| 1173/1186 [00:09<00:00, 124.08it/s]
100%|██████████| 1186/1186 [00:09<00:00, 120.58it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:07.886 | INFO     | huixiangdou.primitive.file_operation:summarize:143 - 累计181文件,成功57个,跳过0个,异常124个
2024-10-06 19:49:08.694 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:update_throttle:82 - The optimal threshold is: 0.3854840287267922, saved it to config.ini
2024-10-06 19:49:09.274 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify是什么
2024-10-06 19:49:09.298 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify怎么用
2024-10-06 19:49:09.326 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify是免费的吗
2024-10-06 19:49:09.342 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 介绍一下dify
2024-10-06 19:49:09.357 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify是哪家公司的
2024-10-06 19:49:09.371 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify是开源的嘛
2024-10-06 19:49:09.392 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 怎么搭建大模型workflow
2024-10-06 19:49:09.408 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 怎么搭建大模型工作流
2024-10-06 19:49:09.423 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify搭建工作流要怎么做
2024-10-06 19:49:09.446 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 不懂代码可以做大模型应用嘛
2024-10-06 19:49:09.467 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: dify怎么搭建workflow
2024-10-06 19:49:09.482 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: what is dify
2024-10-06 19:49:09.497 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 如何在本地部署Dify?
2024-10-06 19:49:09.514 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: 什么是RAG引擎,Dify是如何使用它的?
2024-10-06 19:49:09.529 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: Dify的API和应用程序导向有什么区别
2024-10-06 19:49:09.543 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: Dify的价格是多少,如何获取商业许可
2024-10-06 19:49:09.557 | WARNING  | __main__:test_reject:320 - process query: Dify的Agent是什么,它有什么作用

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 10.86it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:09.687 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README.md content length 12059
2024-10-06 19:49:09.693 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:09.698 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:09.709 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:09.712 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify是什么' files:['repodir2/dify/README.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 11.63it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:09.890 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:09.907 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_CN.md content length 4916
2024-10-06 19:49:09.913 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_VI.md content length 9213
2024-10-06 19:49:09.917 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_VI.md content length 9213
2024-10-06 19:49:09.947 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify怎么用' files:['repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_VI.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  7.19it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  3.92it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:10.558 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:10.722 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:10.768 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:10.843 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:10.852 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify是免费的吗' files:['repodir2/dify/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 28.58it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:10.917 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README.md content length 12059
2024-10-06 19:49:10.927 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:10.951 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:10.965 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_ES.md content length 13387
2024-10-06 19:49:10.972 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='介绍一下dify' files:['repodir2/dify/README.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_ES.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 46.00it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.049 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:11.051 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:11.064 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:11.070 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/templates/invite_member_mail_template_zh-CN.html content length 977
2024-10-06 19:49:11.074 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify是哪家公司的' files:['repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/templates/invite_member_mail_template_zh-CN.html']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 21.91it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.154 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README.md content length 12059
2024-10-06 19:49:11.160 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:11.165 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:11.175 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:11.184 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify是开源的嘛' files:['repodir2/dify/README.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  8.23it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  8.22it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.337 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md content length 5974
2024-10-06 19:49:11.344 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/customizable_model_scale_out.md content length 6964
2024-10-06 19:49:11.353 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/provider_scale_out.md content length 4964
2024-10-06 19:49:11.361 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/provider_scale_out.md content length 4964
2024-10-06 19:49:11.369 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='怎么搭建大模型workflow' files:['repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/customizable_model_scale_out.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/provider_scale_out.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 58.18it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.436 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md content length 5974
2024-10-06 19:49:11.448 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/customizable_model_scale_out.md content length 6964
2024-10-06 19:49:11.464 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/README_CN.md content length 2805
2024-10-06 19:49:11.472 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/provider_scale_out.md content length 4964
2024-10-06 19:49:11.480 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='怎么搭建大模型工作流' files:['repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/customizable_model_scale_out.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/provider_scale_out.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 36.34it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.571 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:11.577 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:11.587 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:11.597 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:11.605 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify搭建工作流要怎么做' files:['repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 117.14it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.638 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md content length 5974
2024-10-06 19:49:11.642 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='不懂代码可以做大模型应用嘛' files:['repodir2/dify/api/core/model_runtime/docs/zh_Hans/schema.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 12.62it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:11.866 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/api/core/tools/README_JP.md content length 847
2024-10-06 19:49:11.868 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:11.877 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README.md content length 12059
2024-10-06 19:49:12.155 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_JA.md content length 6133
2024-10-06 19:49:12.155 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='dify怎么搭建workflow' files:['repodir2/dify/api/core/tools/README_JP.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README.md', 'repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_JA.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 28.98it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:12.627 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README.md content length 12059
2024-10-06 19:49:12.734 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:12.891 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:13.000 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:13.017 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='what is dify' files:['repodir2/dify/README.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 15.81it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:13.122 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KR.md content length 9643
2024-10-06 19:49:13.124 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_VI.md content length 9213
2024-10-06 19:49:13.136 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:13.145 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_CN.md content length 4916
2024-10-06 19:49:13.154 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='如何在本地部署Dify?' files:['repodir2/dify/README_KR.md', 'repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/CONTRIBUTING_CN.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 114.30it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:13.184 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:13.212 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='什么是RAG引擎,Dify是如何使用它的?' files:['repodir2/dify/README_CN.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 39.16it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:13.332 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:13.383 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:13.404 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:13.462 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:13.556 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='Dify的API和应用程序导向有什么区别' files:['repodir2/dify/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 20.95it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:13.934 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:14.147 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_AR.md content length 11486
2024-10-06 19:49:14.231 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:14.304 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KR.md content length 9643
2024-10-06 19:49:14.308 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='Dify的价格是多少,如何获取商业许可' files:['repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_AR.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KR.md']

Calculate scores:   0%|          | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Calculate scores: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 29.01it/s]
2024-10-06 19:49:14.396 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_JA.md content length 9476
2024-10-06 19:49:14.402 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_KL.md content length 12243
2024-10-06 19:49:14.412 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_VI.md content length 12467
2024-10-06 19:49:14.425 | INFO     | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:152 - target repodir2/dify/README_CN.md content length 9396
2024-10-06 19:49:14.434 | DEBUG    | huixiangdou.service.retriever:rerank_fuse:181 - query:text='Dify的Agent是什么,它有什么作用' files:['repodir2/dify/README_JA.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_KL.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_VI.md', 'repodir2/dify/README_CN.md']
2024-10-06 19:49:14.447 | INFO     | __main__:test_query:360 - 
|        Query         |  State   |    Part of Chunks    |     References      |
| dify是什么           | Accepted |  </p>                | README.md,README_JA |
|                      |          | dify is an open-     | .md,README_VI.md,RE |
|                      |          | source llm app       | ADME_CN.md          |
|                      |          | development          |                     |
|                      |          | platform. its        |                     |
|                      |          | intuitive interface  |                     |
|                      |          | combines ai wor..    |                     |
| dify怎么用           | Accepted |  Difyの使用方法 - **クラウド | README_JA.md,CONTRI |
|                      |          | </br>**              | BUTING_CN.md,CONTRI |
|                      |          | [こちら](https://dify.a | BUTING_VI.md        |
|                      |          | i)のdify cloudサービスを利用 |                     |
|                      |          | して、セットアップ不要で試すことができま |                     |
|                      |          | す。サンドボックスプラン.. |                     |
| dify是免费的吗       | Accepted |  使用 Dify - **云    | README_CN.md,README |
|                      |          | </br>**              | _KL.md              |
|                      |          | 我们提供[ dify 云服务](http |                     |
|                      |          | s://dify.ai),任何人都可以零 |                     |
|                      |          | 设置尝试。它提供了自部署版本的所有功能, |                     |
|                      |          | 并在沙盒计划中包含 200 次免费.. |                     |
| 介绍一下dify         | Accepted |  </p>                | README.md,README_JA |
|                      |          | dify is an open-     | .md,README_VI.md,RE |
|                      |          | source llm app       | ADME_ES.md          |
|                      |          | development          |                     |
|                      |          | platform. its        |                     |
|                      |          | intuitive interface  |                     |
|                      |          | combines ai wor..    |                     |
| dify是哪家公司的     | Accepted |  <p align="center">  | README_JA.md,README |
|                      |          | <a href="https://tre | _KL.md,README_CN.md |
|                      |          | ndshift.io/repositor | ,invite_member_mail |
|                      |          | ies/2152"            | _template_zh-       |
|                      |          | target="_blank"><img | CN.html             |
|                      |          | src="http..          |                     |
| dify是开源的嘛       | Accepted |  </p>                | README.md,README_JA |
|                      |          | dify is an open-     | .md,README_CN.md,RE |
|                      |          | source llm app       | ADME_KL.md          |
|                      |          | development          |                     |
|                      |          | platform. its        |                     |
|                      |          | intuitive interface  |                     |
|                      |          | combines ai wor..    |                     |
| 怎么搭建大模型workflow | Accepted | 配置规则 ModelFeature - | schema.md,customiza |
|                      |          | `agent-thought`      | ble_model_scale_out |
|                      |          | agent 推理,一般超过 70b | .md,provider_scale_ |
|                      |          | 有思维链能力。       | out.md              |
|                      |          | - `vision`           |                     |
|                      |          | 视觉,即:图像理解。 |                     |
|                      |          | - `tool-call` 工具.. |                     |
| 怎么搭建大模型工作流 | Accepted | 配置规则 ModelFeature - | schema.md,customiza |
|                      |          | `agent-thought`      | ble_model_scale_out |
|                      |          | agent 推理,一般超过 70b | .md,README_CN.md,pr |
|                      |          | 有思维链能力。       | ovider_scale_out.md |
|                      |          | - `vision`           |                     |
|                      |          | 视觉,即:图像理解。 |                     |
|                      |          | - `tool-call` 工具.. |                     |
| dify搭建工作流要怎么做 | Accepted |  クイックスタート > difyをインス | README_JA.md,README |
|                      |          | トールする前に、お使いのマシンが以下の最 | _VI.md,README_KL.md |
|                      |          | 小システム要件を満たしていることを確認し | ,README_CN.md       |
|                      |          | てください:         |                     |
|                      |          | >                    |                     |
|                      |          | >- cpu >= 2コア      |                     |
|                      |          | >- ram >= 4gb        |                     |
|                      |          | <..                  |                     |
| 不懂代码可以做大模型应用嘛 | Accepted | 配置规则 ModelFeature - | schema.md           |
|                      |          | `agent-thought`      |                     |
|                      |          | agent 推理,一般超过 70b |                     |
|                      |          | 有思维链能力。       |                     |
|                      |          | - `vision`           |                     |
|                      |          | 视觉,即:图像理解。 |                     |
|                      |          | - `tool-call` 工具.. |                     |
| dify怎么搭建workflow | Accepted | Tools このモジュールは、difyの | README_JP.md,README |
|                      |          | エージェントアシスタントやワークフローで | _JA.md,README.md,CO |
|                      |          | 使用される組み込みツールを実装しています | NTRIBUTING_JA.md    |
|                      |          | 。このモジュールでは、フロントエンドのロ |                     |
|                      |          | ジックを変更することなく、独自のツールを |                     |
|                      |          | ..                   |                     |
| what is dify         | Accepted |  </p>                | README.md,README_JA |
|                      |          | dify is an open-     | .md,README_VI.md,RE |
|                      |          | source llm app       | ADME_KL.md          |
|                      |          | development          |                     |
|                      |          | platform. its        |                     |
|                      |          | intuitive interface  |                     |
|                      |          | combines ai wor..    |                     |
| 如何在本地部署Dify? | Accepted |  빠른 시작 >dify를 설치하기 | README_KR.md,CONTRI |
|                      |          | 전에 컴퓨터가 다음과 같은 최소 | BUTING_VI.md,README |
|                      |          | 시스템 요구 사항을 충족하는지 | _VI.md,CONTRIBUTING |
|                      |          | 확인하세요 :         | _CN.md              |
|                      |          | >- cpu >= 2 core     |                     |
|                      |          | >- ram >= 4gb        |                     |
|                      |          | </br>..              |                     |
| 什么是RAG引擎,Dify是如何使用它的 | Accepted |  <div                | README_CN.md        |
| ?                   |          | align="center">      |                     |
|                      |          | <a href="https://tre |                     |
|                      |          | ndshift.io/repositor |                     |
|                      |          | ies/2152"            |                     |
|                      |          | target="_blank"><img |                     |
|                      |          | src="ht..            |                     |
| Dify的API和应用程序导向有什么区别 | Accepted |  功能比较 <table     | README_CN.md,README |
|                      |          | style="width:        | _JA.md,README_KL.md |
|                      |          | 100%;">              |                     |
|                      |          | <tr>                 |                     |
|                      |          | <th align="center">|                     |
|                      |          |</th>              |                     |
|                      |          | <th align="center">d |                     |
|                      |          | ify.ai</th>          |                     |
|                      |          | <..                  |                     |
| Dify的价格是多少,如何获取商业许可 | Accepted |  Difyの使用方法 - **クラウド | README_JA.md,README |
|                      |          | </br>**              | _AR.md,README_CN.md |
|                      |          | [こちら](https://dify.a | ,README_KR.md       |
|                      |          | i)のdify cloudサービスを利用 |                     |
|                      |          | して、セットアップ不要で試すことができま |                     |
|                      |          | す。サンドボックスプラン.. |                     |
| Dify的Agent是什么,它有什么作用 | Accepted |  ![providers-        | README_JA.md,README |
|                      |          | v5](https://github.c | _KL.md,README_VI.md |
|                      |          | om/langgenius/dify/a | ,README_CN.md       |
|                      |          | ssets/13230914/5a17b |                     |
|                      |          | dbe-097a-4100-8363-  |                     |
|                      |          | 40255b70..           |                     |




(xtuner) root@intern-studio-50006073:~# lmdeploy chat /share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2_5-7b-chat --model-format hf
ChatTemplateConfig(model_name='internlm2', system=None, meta_instruction=None, eosys=None, user=None, eoh=None, assistant=None, eoa=None, separator=None, capability='chat', stop_words=None)
TurbomindEngineConfig(model_name='/share/new_models/Shanghai_AI_Laboratory/internlm2_5-7b-chat', model_format='hf', tp=1, session_len=32768, max_batch_size=1, cache_max_entry_count=0.8, cache_block_seq_len=64, enable_prefix_caching=False, quant_policy=0, rope_scaling_factor=0.0, use_logn_attn=False, download_dir=None, revision=None, max_prefill_token_num=8192, num_tokens_per_iter=0, max_prefill_iters=1)
[WARNING] gemm_config.in is not found; using default GEMM algo                                                                                     

double enter to end input >>> 请告诉我dify怎么用?

You are an AI assistant whose name is InternLM (书生·浦语).
- InternLM (书生·浦语) is a conversational language model that is developed by Shanghai AI Laboratory (上海人工智能实验室). It is designed to be helpful, honest, and harmless.
- InternLM (书生·浦语) can understand and communicate fluently in the language chosen by the user such as English and 中文.

double enter to end input >>> dify是开源的嘛




# cli测试
# python3 -m huixiangdou.main --standalone

# gradio页面测试
python3 -m huixiangdou.gradio
# ssh -CNg -L 7860: root@ssh.intern-ai.org.cn -p <port>






现在有许多免费的音频剪辑软件可供选择&#xff0c;它们为广大用户提供了丰富的功能和便捷的操作体验&#xff0c;让音频编辑变得更加轻松和有趣。接下来&#xff0c;让我们一起走进这些免费音频剪辑软件的世界&#xff0c;探索它们的独特魅力和强大功能。 1.福昕音频剪辑 链…


图卷积的开源代码网站DGL 好用的还是 GAT, GIN&#xff08;指出最好的卷积 就是 hi 邻居特征&#xff08;而且只能用 sum&#xff09;&#xff09; Introduction GNN 可以理解为是由 Graph&#xff08;图) Nerual Networks 组合而成的&#xff0c;图结构应该都在数据结构与…

No.12 笔记 | 网络基础:ARP DNS TCP/IP与OSI模型

一、计算机网络&#xff1a;安全的基石 1. 网络的本质&#xff1a;数字世界的神经系统 定义&#xff1a;计算机的互联互通&#xff0c;实现资源共享和信息交换组成要素&#xff1a;发送者、接收者、介质、数据、协议&#xff08;五大要素&#xff09; 2. 网络架构&#xff1…


一、输出比较(OC) OC&#xff08;Output Compare&#xff09;输出比较 可以通过比较CNT与CCR寄存器值的关系&#xff0c;来对输出电平进行置1、置0或翻转的操作&#xff0c;用于输出一定频率和占空比的PWM波形每个高级定时器和通用定时器都拥有4个输出比较通道高级定时器的前…


一、FX3u系列基本单元(DC24V输入) 二、FX3u系列基本单元(晶体管输出) 脉冲输出用端子Y000、 Y001、 Y002为高速响应输出。 三、FX3UPLC链接MR-J4-A伺服连接实例 1、为了安全起见&#xff0c;不仅仅在可编程控制器侧&#xff0c;在伺服放大器侧也请设计正转限位和反转限位的限位…


注意事项1&#xff1a; 首先区分超时和收到3个冗余ACK&#xff0c;显然超时更加严重。如下图所示&#xff1a; 如果网络出现超时&#xff0c;那么发送窗口cwnd变为1&#xff0c;门限值ssthresh变为原来拥塞窗口的一半 如果收到3个冗余ACK&#xff0c;发送窗口cwnd门限值ssth…

Java重修笔记 第六十一天 坦克大战(十一)IO 流 - 节点流和处理流、BufferedReader 和 BufferedWriter

节点流和处理流的区别和联系 1. 节点流是底层流/低级流&#xff0c;直接和数据源联系 2. 处理流是经过包装过后的节点流&#xff0c;也叫包装流&#xff0c;既可以消除不同节点流的实现差异&#xff0c;也可以提供更方便的方法来完成输入输出 3. 处理流&#xff08;包装流&…


一.树的概念 1.概念 树是⼀种非线性的数据结构&#xff0c;它是由 n&#xff08;n>0&#xff09;个有限结点组成⼀个具有层次关系的集合。把它叫 做树是因为它看起来像⼀棵倒挂的树&#xff0c;也就是说它是根朝上&#xff0c;而叶朝下的。 有⼀个特殊的结点&#xff0c…

动态规划基础一>面试题 08.01. 三步问题

1.题目&#xff1a; 2.解析&#xff1a; 代码&#xff1a; public int waysToStep(int n) {/**1.创建dp表2.初始化3.填表4.返回值*/int MOD (int)1e9 7;//注意不能超出int范围&#xff0c;每做一次操作要取模//处理边界情况if(n 1 || n 2) return n;if(n 3) return 4;//1…

【小沐学CAD】ParaView Web的学习笔记(Python)

文章目录 1、简介1.1 visualizer1.2 Divvy1.3 Lite1.4 LightViz1.5 ArcticViewer1.6 HPCCloud1.7 glance1.8 trame 结语 1、简介 https://pvw.kitware.com/ VTK/ParaView Web&#xff0c;用于 Web 数据处理和可视化的框架 ParaViewWeb 是一个 Web 框架&#xff0c;用于在 Web …


目录 1.介绍2.安装1.安装 build22.安装 odb-compiler3.安装 ODB 运行时库4.安装MySQL和客户端开发包5.安装 boost profile 库6.总体操作7.测试样例 3.ODB 常见操作1.ODB 类型映射2.ODB 编程1.指令2.示例 4.类与接口5.使用 1.介绍 ODB框架&#xff1a;数据库ORM框架 --> 对象…

vulnhub-Web Developer 1靶机

vulnhub&#xff1a;Web Developer: 1 ~ VulnHub 导入靶机&#xff0c;放在kali同网段&#xff0c;扫描 靶机在192.168.114.129&#xff0c;扫描端口 有网站服务&#xff0c;访问 没什么东西&#xff0c;扫目录 真不少&#xff0c;访问一下&#xff0c;也只是一些普通的Wordpr…


&#x1f4dd;个人主页&#x1f339;&#xff1a;Eternity._ &#x1f339;&#x1f339;期待您的关注 &#x1f339;&#x1f339; ❀目录 &#x1f50d;1. 引言&#xff1a;探索机器学习在食品生产中的革新之路&#x1f4d2;2. 机器学习在食品质量控制中的应用&#x1f31e;实…


前言&#xff1a;剧情六 提示&#xff1a; 下载 手动&#xff1a; 脚本&#xff1a;我不会 参考大佬&#xff1a; 转轮机加密详解两种解题方法 -攻防世界-CSDN博客 import re sss1: < ZWAXJGDLUBVIQHKYPNTCRMOSFE < 2: < KPBELNACZDTRXMJQOYHGVSFUWI < 3: < …


摘要 用错数定量解释计算机的错误计算&#xff08;一百一十四&#xff09;中的错误计算原因。 例1. 已知 计算 在 的错数&#xff0c;并与计算机的错误计算&#xff08;一百一十四&#xff09;中的相应错误数字个数做比较。 由 知&#xff0c; 再由 可得&#xff0c…


文章目录 1、工具获取2、基础使用教程2.1 Postman2.2 Fiddler2.2.1 简介2.2.2 工作原理2.2.3 功能设置2.2.4 使用方法1、工具获取 PostmanFiddler2、基础使用教程 2.1 Postman Postman是一款API调试工具,它简化了HTTP请求的构建、发送、响应查看以及测试流程,帮助开发人员高…

No.9 笔记 | PHP学习指南:从入门到精通的要点总结

一、PHP概述 1. Web技术基础 Web&#xff1a;由互相链接的超文本文件组成的系统URL&#xff1a;定位Web资源的地址HTTP&#xff1a;Web数据交换协议架构类型&#xff1a;B/S&#xff08;浏览器/服务器&#xff09;和C/S&#xff08;客户端/服务器&#xff09; 2. PHP简介 定…

无法加载响应数据: No data found for resourcewith given identifier

背景 学习黑马2022Redis教程&#xff0c;在开发P78达人探店功能&#xff0c;重新在前端登录的时候发现&#xff0c;所有的请求都需要发两遍才能成功。 失败的请求报错&#xff1a; 无法加载响应数据: No data found for resourcewith given identifier 排查 因为用到nginx,…

No.8 笔记 | SQL 查询语句:数据探索的钥匙

2024/10/7 心记 - 致在路上默默奋斗的你 在当今数字化的时代&#xff0c;网络安全已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。它如同守护数字世界的隐形盾牌&#xff0c;保护着我们的隐私、数据和整个社会的稳定运行。 学习网络安全&#xff0c;是踏上一段充满挑战与机遇的征程。 每一…


Pytorch实现心跳信号分类识别(支持LSTM,GRU,TCN模型&#xff09; 目录 Pytorch实现心跳信号分类识别(支持LSTM,GRU,TCN模型&#xff09; 1. 项目说明 2. 数据说明 &#xff08;1&#xff09;心跳信号分类预测数据集 3. 模型训练 &#xff08;1&#xff09;项目安装 &am…