
news2024/10/2 9:14:35

11.8 Class 8: Delivery function交付功能

        Capability of delivering metered electrical energy to the customer’s load circuit and to regulate the quantity and/or availability in accordance with regulating control instructions from the Accounting function and any constraining rules.
        Regulates the amount of electrical energy delivered to the customer’s load circuit in accordance with the available credit in the Accounting function.
        Receives a delivery configuration profile from the Contract function.
        Receives metered electrical energy from the Metering function.
        Provides a load interface for connection to the customer’s load circuit.
        Delivers the electrical energy to the customer’s load circuit.
        Optionally monitors the attribute values of other functions and may interrupt the supply in response to detected changes in accordance with the delivery configuration profile attributes.
        An example of attributes for a delivery configuration profile is:
        service type (electricity, water, gas, etc.);
        constraining rules placed on interruption and restoration of the supply to the customer’s load circuit; (Examples are: non-interrupt times, non-supply times, life-line supply on expiry of credit, power limiting if below certain average consumption level);
        detection control parameters (Examples are: overvoltage, undervoltage, voltage dips,voltage interruptions, power limits, voltage reverse polarity, reverse energy, phase unbalance, expiry of available credit, replenishment of available credit);
        control parameters for automatic interruption of supply to the load;
        control parameters for automatic restoration of supply to the load;
        control parameters for manual restoration of supply to the load;
        control parameters for safety protection (overcurrent limit, earth-leakage limit).
        NOTE 1 This function is not to be confused with the connection of the customer installation to the distribution network, which is a different process (see 10.6, Connection_Authorization process class 6). See also Distribution function.
        NOTE 2 Delivery equipment is typically part of the customer installation and the load interface terminal set is legally and technically the Point_Of_Delivery.
        NOTE 3 Some payment meters have Delivery functions that offer safety protection features like overcurrent,earth-leakage and mains isolation. These functions are the subject of other relevant specifications.
        NOTE 4 The load interface terminals may follow various standards like DIN, BS or other national standards.
        NOTE 5 In some implementations, the payment meter may have an integrated power socket outlet, in which case there is no additional distribution board or house wiring installed at the premises.
        NOTE 6 A load switch typically performs the function of supply interruption and restoration to
the load.
        NOTE 7 Some payment meters have additional switching elements that perform functions other than that of the load switch. These switching elements may be physically separate devices or may actually share the same elements of the load switch, in which case the same load switch performs several functions.
        NOTE 8 Manual restoration requires the presence and intervention of the user. Examples are:manual insertion of a token carrier, entering a code, pushing a button or operating a lever on the user interface.
        NOTE 9 Automatic restoration does not require the presence or intervention of the user. For example: recovery from an undervoltage condition or from a voltage interruption.
        NOTE 10 In the case of a single-part payment meter, the Metering function and the Delivery function would be contained in the same physical unit. These two functions may alternatively be physically separated, in which case an interface exists between them. Such an instance would constitute a multi-part payment meter installation.







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