11. LCEL:LangChain Expression Language

news2025/3/12 14:02:46


LCEL(LangChain Expression Language):是把一些有趣python概念抽象成一种格式,从而为构建LangChain组件链提供一种“简约”代码层。


  1. 链的快速开发
  2. 流式输出、异步,以及并发执行等高阶特性
  3. 和LangSmith和LangServe的快速集成




!pip install -qU \
    langchain==0.0.345 \
    anthropic==0.7.7 \
    cohere==4.37 \

为了理解LCEL预发,我们首先构建一个简单的链使用LangChain的传统语法。我们将使用Claude 2.1初始化一个简单的LLMChain。

from langchain.chat_models import ChatAnthropic
from langchain.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.schema.output_parser import StrOutputParser


prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
    "Give me small report about {topic}"
model = ChatAnthropic(
)  # swap Anthropic for OpenAI with `ChatOpenAI` and `openai_api_key`
output_parser = StrOutputParser()


from langchain.chains import LLMChain

chain = LLMChain(

# and run
out = chain.run(topic="Artificial Intelligence")

Here is a brief report on some key aspects of artificial intelligence (AI):

- AI refers to computer systems that are designed to perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. 

Major AI Techniques
- Machine learning uses statistical techniques and neural networks to enable systems to improve at tasks with experience. Common techniques include deep learning, reinforcement learning, and supervised learning.
- Computer vision focuses on extracting information from digital images and videos. It powers facial recognition, self-driving vehicles, and other visual AI tasks.
- Natural language processing enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human languages. Key applications include machine translation, search engines, and voice assistants like Siri.

Current Capabilities
- AI programs have matched or exceeded human capabilities in narrow or well-defined tasks like playing chess and Go, identifying objects in images, and transcribing speech. 
- However, general intelligence comparable to humans across different areas remains an unsolved challenge, often referred to as artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Future Directions
- Ongoing AI research is focused on developing stronger machine learning techniques, achievingexplainability and transparency in AI decision-making, and addressing potential ethical issues like bias.
- If achieved, AGI could have significant societal and economic impacts, potentially enhancing and automating intellectual work. However safety, control and alignment with human values remain active research priorities.

I hope this brief overview of some major aspects of the current state of AI technology and research provides useful context and information. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on or clarify anything further.


lcel_chain = prompt | model | output_parser

# and run
out = lcel_chain.invoke({"topic": "Artificial Intelligence"})
Here is a brief report on artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems that can perform human-like cognitive functions such as learning, reasoning, and self-correction. AI has advanced significantly in recent years due to increases in computing power and the availability of large datasets and open source machine learning libraries.

Some key highlights about the current state of AI:

- Applications of AI - AI is being utilized in a wide variety of industries including finance, healthcare, transportation, criminal justice, and social media platforms. Use cases include personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, automated customer service agents, medical diagnosis, self-driving vehicles, and content moderation.

- Machine Learning - The ability for AI systems to learn from data without explicit programming is driving much of the recent progress. Machine learning methods like deep learning neural networks have achieved new breakthroughs in areas like computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. 

- Limitations - While AI has made great strides, current systems still have major limitations compared to human intelligence including lack of general world knowledge, difficulties dealing with novelty, bias issues from flawed datasets, and lack of skills for complex reasoning, empathy, creativity, etc. Ensuring the safety and controllability of AI systems remains an ongoing challenge.  

- Future Outlook - Experts predict key areas for AI advancement to include gaining contextual understanding and reasoning skills, achieving more human-like communication abilities, algorithmic fairness and transparency, as well as advances in specialized fields like robotics, autonomous vehicles, and human-AI collaboration. Careful management of risks posed by more advanced AI systems remains crucial. Global competition for AI talent and computing resources continues to intensify.

That covers some of the key trends, strengths and limitations, and future trajectories for artificial intelligence technology based on the current landscape. Please let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any part of this overview.





# object approach
chain = a.__or__(b)
chain("some input")

# pipe approach
chain = a | b
chain("some input")


class Runnable:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __or__(self, other):
        def chained_func(*args, **kwargs):
            # the other func consumes the result of this func
            return other(self.func(*args, **kwargs))
        return Runnable(chained_func)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)


def add_five(x):
    return x + 5

def multiply_by_two(x):
    return x * 2

# wrap the functions with Runnable
add_five = Runnable(add_five)
multiply_by_two = Runnable(multiply_by_two)

# run them using the object approach
chain = add_five.__or__(multiply_by_two)
chain(3)  # should return 16


chain = add_five | multiply_by_two






from langchain.embeddings import CohereEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import DocArrayInMemorySearch


embedding = CohereEmbeddings(

vecstore_a = DocArrayInMemorySearch.from_texts(
    ["half the info will be here", "James' birthday is the 7th December"],
vecstore_b = DocArrayInMemorySearch.from_texts(
    ["and half here", "James was born in 1994"],


from langchain_core.runnables import (

retriever_a = vecstore_a.as_retriever()
retriever_b = vecstore_b.as_retriever()

prompt_str = """Answer the question below using the context:

Context: {context}

Question: {question}

Answer: """
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_str)

retrieval = RunnableParallel(
    {"context": retriever_a, "question": RunnablePassthrough()}

chain = retrieval | prompt | model | output_parser




out = chain.invoke("when was James born?")
 Unfortunately I do not have enough context to definitively state when James was born. The only potentially relevant information is "James' birthday is the 7th December", but this does not specify the year he was born. To answer the question of when specifically James was born, I would need more details or context such as his current age or the year associated with his birthday.


prompt_str = """Answer the question below using the context:


Question: {question}

Answer: """
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_str)

retrieval = RunnableParallel(
        "context_a": retriever_a, "context_b": retriever_b,
        "question": RunnablePassthrough()

chain = retrieval | prompt | model | output_parser


out = chain.invoke("when was James born?")
Based on the context provided, James was born in 1994. This is stated in the second document with the page content "James was born in 1994". Therefore, the answer to the question "when was James born?" is 1994.

out = chain.invoke("what date exactly was James born?")
Unfortunately, the given context does not provide definitive information to answer the question "what date exactly was James born?". The context includes:

- James' birthday is the 7th December (no year specified)
- James was born in 1994

While it states James was born in 1994, there is no additional detail provided about the exact date. The context only specifies that his birthday, referring to the day and month he was born, is December 7th. But without the specific year provided with his birthday, there is not enough information to determine the exact date he was born.

Since an exact date of James' birth is not able to be determined from the given context, I do not have enough information to provide an answer specifying his exact birth date. The context provides his year of birth but does not include the required detail about the day and month in order for me to state his complete exact date of birth.


Runnable Lambdas


from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda

def add_five(x):
    return x + 5

def multiply_by_two(x):
    return x * 2

# wrap the functions with RunnableLambda
add_five = RunnableLambda(add_five)
multiply_by_two = RunnableLambda(multiply_by_two)


chain = add_five | multiply_by_two




prompt_str = "Tell me an short fact about {topic}"
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_str)

chain = prompt | model | output_parser


chain.invoke({"topic": "Artificial Intelligence"})
" Here's a short fact about artificial intelligence:\n\nAI systems can analyze huge amounts of data and detect patterns that humans may miss. For example, AI is helping doctors diagnose diseases earlier by processing medical images and spotting subtle signs that a human might not notice."
chain.invoke({"topic": "Artificial Intelligence"})
" Here's a short fact about artificial intelligence:\n\nAI systems are able to teach themselves over time. Through machine learning, algorithms can analyze large amounts of data and improve their own processes and decision making without needing to be manually updated by humans. This self-learning ability is a key attribute enabling AI progress."

返回的文本经常包含一个“Here's a short fact about ...\n\n”作为开头--让我们添加一个函数,按照两个连续的“\n\n”进行分割,并且仅返回事实本身。

def extract_fact(x):
    if "\n\n" in x:
        return "\n".join(x.split("\n\n")[1:])
        return x
get_fact = RunnableLambda(extract_fact)

chain = prompt | model | output_parser | get_fact


chain.invoke({"topic": "Artificial Intelligence"})
'Most AI systems today are narrow AI, meaning they are focused on and trained for a specific task like computer vision, natural language processing or playing chess. General artificial intelligence that has human-level broad capabilities across many domains does not yet exist. AI has made tremendous progress in recent years thanks to advances in deep learning, big data and computing power, but still has limitations and scientists are working to make AI systems safer and more beneficial to humanity.'
chain.invoke({"topic": "Artificial Intelligence"})
'AI systems can analyze massive amounts of data and detect patterns that humans may miss. This ability to find insights in large datasets is one of the key strengths of AI and enables many practical applications like personalized recommendations, fraud detection, and medical diagnosis.'









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