聊天组件 Vue3-beautiful-chat

news2025/1/10 3:08:46


最近很多公司都在搞大模型,类似于 chatgpt 的功能;而 chatgpt 的界面其实就是个对话框。今天就介绍一个不错的对话框组件 Vue3-beautiful-chat


vite + vue3 + TS + Vue3-beautiful-chat



npm install Vue3-beautiful-chat

2、在 main.ts 中添加依赖

import Chat from 'vue3-beautiful-chat'


3、创建 chatView.vue 组件

      @edit="editMessage" />
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { reactive } from 'vue'

const localVars = reactive({
    participants: [
        id: 'user1',
        name: 'Matteo',
        imageUrl: 'https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/1915989?s=230&v=4'
        id: 'user2',
        name: 'Support',
        imageUrl: 'https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/37018832?s=200&v=4'
    ], // the list of all the participant of the conversation. `name` is the user name, `id` is used to establish the author of a message, `imageUrl` is supposed to be the user avatar.
    titleImageUrl: 'https://a.slack-edge.com/66f9/img/avatars-teams/ava_0001-34.png',
    messageList: [
        { type: 'text', author: `me`, data: { text: `Say yes!` } },
        { type: 'text', author: `user1`, data: { text: `No.` } }
    ], // the list of the messages to show, can be paginated and adjusted dynamically
    newMessagesCount: 0,
    isChatOpen: false, // to determine whether the chat window should be open or closed
    showTypingIndicator: '', // when set to a value matching the participant.id it shows the typing indicator for the specific user
    colors: {
      header: {
        bg: '#4e8cff',
        text: '#ffffff'
      launcher: {
        bg: '#4e8cff'
      messageList: {
        bg: '#ffffff'
      sentMessage: {
        bg: '#4e8cff',
        text: '#ffffff'
      receivedMessage: {
        bg: '#eaeaea',
        text: '#222222'
      userInput: {
        bg: '#f4f7f9',
        text: '#565867'
    }, // specifies the color scheme for the component
    alwaysScrollToBottom: false, // when set to true always scrolls the chat to the bottom when new events are in (new message, user starts typing...)
    messageStyling: true // enables *bold* /emph/ _underline_ and such (more info at github.com/mattezza/msgdown)

const sendMessage = (text) => {
    if (text.length > 0) {
        localVars.newMessagesCount = localVars.isChatOpen ? localVars.newMessagesCount : localVars.newMessagesCount + 1
        onMessageWasSent({ author: 'support', type: 'text', data: { text } })
const onMessageWasSent = (message) => {
      // called when the user sends a message
    localVars.messageList = [ ...localVars.messageList, newMessages ]
const openChat = () => {
      // called when the user clicks on the fab button to open the chat
    localVars.isChatOpen = true
    localVars.newMessagesCount = 0
const closeChat = () => {
    // called when the user clicks on the botton to close the chat
    localVars.isChatOpen = false
const handleScrollToTop = () => {
    // called when the user scrolls message list to top
    // leverage pagination for loading another page of messages
const handleOnType = () => {
    console.log('Emit typing event')
const editMessage = (message) => {
    const m = localVars.messageList.find(m=>m.id === message.id);
    m.isEdited = true;
    m.data.text = message.data.text;




1、我们在实际项目中最好是将这个 chatView.vue 作为一个组件在其他页面进行引用。
import ChatView from '/chatView.vue'
2、如果嫌弃这个 chat 图标太丑,我们也可以进行更换
组件上有一个 icons 属性,这个可以设置 open 和 close 图标

icons: {
    open: {
      img: string
    close: {
      img: string

3、大家在点击 header 的时候会出现一个用户弹窗,这个实际用得比较少,而且还影响美观;这个功能也是可以关闭的 disableUserListToggle 属性改成 true





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