Keysight E4991A射频阻抗/材料分析仪3GHz
KEYSIGHT E4991A(安捷伦)(要求提供)
Keysight E4991A 射频阻抗/材料分析仪提供出色的阻抗测量性能和强大的内置分析功能。它将为评估 3 GHz 范围内组件的组件和电路设计师提供研发创新。E4991A 使用 RF-IV 技术,而不是反射测量技术,在宽阻抗范围内进行更准确的阻抗测量。基本阻抗精度为 +/-0.8%。高 Q 精度可实现低损耗分量分析。内部合成器以 1 mHz 的分辨率扫描 1 MHz 至 3 GHz 的频率。
材料评估: Agilent E4991A 提供了宽频率范围(1 MHz 至 1 GHz)的整体介电/磁性材料测量解决方案。
On-Wafer Measurement: The Keysight E4991A-010 (Agilent), Probe Station Connection Kit, enables us to easily connect the Keysight E4991A (Agilent) to a RF probe system from Cascade Microtech for making on-wafer impedance measurements.
Temperature Characteristic Evaluation: The temperature characteristic test kit, the E4991A-007, is a new solution of temperature characteristic measurement for components and materials. This option provides highly accurate temperature characteristic analysis capability within the wide temperature range from - 55°C to + 150°C with a powerful temperature drift compensation function.
Key specifications of the Keysight E4991A RF Impedance / Material Analyzer include:
Basic Accuracy:
+/- 0.8 % basic accuracy
Sweep Parameters
Frequency: 1 MHz to 3 GHz
振荡器电平:高达 1 dBm/0.5 Vrms/10 mArms
直流偏置电平(选件 E4991A-001):+/- 40V 或 +/- 50 mA
Windows 风格的用户界面
通过 LAN 接口传输数据
介电/磁性材料测量(选件 E4991A-002)
可靠的晶圆测量(选件 E4991A-010)
温度特性测量(选件 E4991A-007)