题意:OpenAI Gym CarRacing-v2 赛道终止处理
I am using gym==0.26.0
library and am trying to understand what means that an episode is finished/done in the CarRacing-v2 environment. In the documentation is written this.
我正在使用 `gym==0.26.0` 库,并尝试理解在 CarRacing-v2 环境中“episode finished/done”意味着什么。文档中写道:
### Rewards
The reward is -0.1 every frame and +1000/N for every track tile visited,
where N is the total number of tiles visited in the track. For example,
if you have finished in 732 frames, your reward is
1000 - 0.1*732 = 926.8 points.
### Episode Termination
The episode finishes when all of the tiles are visited. The car can also go
outside of the playfield - that is, far off the track, in which case it will receive -100 reward and die.
How many tiles does the track have? They write that the episode finishes when all of the tiles are visited but I cannnot find how many tiles does the track have. And is there a limit on how many steps can each episode have?
赛道有多少个瓷砖(tiles)?他们写道,当所有瓷砖都被访问后,回合(episode)就结束了,但我找不到赛道到底有多少个瓷砖。另外,每个回合有步数限制吗?gym/gym/envs/box2d/car_racing.py at master · openai/gym · GitHub Car Racing - Gym Documentation
The maximum number of steps is 1000 per episode. It seems unclear how many track tiles each episode has.
每个回合的最大步数是 1000 步。目前每个回合的赛道瓷砖数量似乎不太明确。
You can get more information calling .spec
你可以通过调用 `.spec` 获取更多信息。
spec: EnvSpec(id='CarRacing-v2', entry_point='gymnasium.envs.box2d.car_racing:CarRacing', reward_threshold=900, nondeterministic=False, max_episode_steps=1000, order_enforce=True, autoreset=False, disable_env_checker=False, apply_api_compatibility=False, kwargs={'continuous': False, 'render_mode': None}, namespace=None, name='CarRacing', version=2)