LD3600F A circuit breaker refers to a switching device that can close, carry, and break current under normal circuit conditions and can close, carry, and break current under abnormal circuit conditions within a specified time. Circuit breakers are divided into high-voltage circuit breakers and low-voltage circuit breakers according to their scope of use. The boundary between high and low voltage is relatively vague. Generally, those above 3kV are called high-voltage electrical appliances.
LD3600F Circuit breakers can be used to distribute electric energy, start asynchronous motors infrequently, and protect power lines and motors. They can automatically cut off the circuit when serious overloads, short circuits, undervoltage and other faults occur. Its function is equivalent to a fuse switch. Combination with overheating and underheating relays, etc. Moreover, there is generally no need to change parts after breaking the fault current. Has been widely used.
LD3600F In the generation, transmission and use of electricity, power distribution is an extremely important link. The power distribution system includes transformers and various high and low voltage electrical equipment. The low voltage circuit breaker is a widely used electrical appliance.
SJDE-08ANA 1395-B78-C4-P12-X1 DCS800-S02-0200-05-0 | PM866AK02 3BSE081637R1 3BSE081636R1 PM862K02 3BSE069449R1 CI854BK01 |
CI867A 5SHY3545L0009 3BHB013085R0001 6ES5247−4UA21 | PXI-1033 TBUX297247 GE 239-RTD-AN |
ABB DSSB-01C 68300746 6AV6646-1AD22-0AX0 6AV7884-0AB10-3BA0 | A02B-0259-C211 6AV7100-0AE11-1CC1 A06B-6400-H002 |