
news2025/3/10 5:22:32


1. 考查方式:段落汉译英

2. 涉及主题:中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。

3. 篇幅:六级为180-200个汉字。

4. *卷面分:106.5 / 710。

5. *考试时长:30分钟。



① 主 +  I cried. 我哭了。

 主 + +  I miss you. 我想你。

③ 主 + + + She gave me a book. 她给了我一本书。

④ 主 + + +  He made me laugh. 他把我逗笑了。

⑤ 主 + + You are pretty. 你好美。

2. 特殊标志句


e.g.1. 中国人不仅在国内旅游,出国旅游越来越普遍。。— 2016.12

e.g.2. 正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术等四大发明才被引介到世界各地。— 2013.12

e.g.3. 青海湖被誉为"中国最美的湖泊" ,是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。— 2021.06

e.g.4. 越来越多其他国家的人也开始学习汉语。—2019.06





1. 定语语序


2. 状语语序


3. 同位语语序


e.g.1. Your English tutor, Marex, is working out recently.

e.g.2. Peking University, one of the greatest universities in China, is located in Haidian District.

e.g.3. I still have the concern what will happen when he gets to know the fact.

e.g.4. We just received the result that you are hired!


① 闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。

The world-famous Silk Road is a series of routes that connect the East and the West

② 革命纪念馆(revolutionary memorial halls)珍藏着中共中央在延安时期留存下来的大量重要物品。

Revolutionary memorial halls collect a large number of important items left by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the Yan'an period.

③ 中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究,这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学、从新能源到机器人等各类高科技领域。

Universities and research institutes in China are actively carrying out innovative researches that cover all kinds of high technology fields, ranging from mass data to biochemistry, from new energy to robots.

④ 在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅,激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。

In traditional Chinese culture, the plum blossom symbolizes toughness, purity and elegance, inspiring people to brave hardships and forge ahead

⑤ 中国许多地方的湖泊和池塘都适宜荷花生长。

Lakes and ponds in many parts of China are suitable for the lotus to grow.

In many parts of China, lakes and ponds are suitable for the lotus to grow.


1. 时态:






do / does



will do

be going to do

be to do

be about to do








am / is / are doing



have / has done



have / has been doing





① 现在,成千上万的国内外游客蜂拥到洛阳参加一年一度的牡丹节(Peony Festival)。 (一般现在时)

Now, thousands of tourists from home and abroad flock to Luoyang for the annual Peony Festival.

Now, thousands of tourists from home and abroad flock to Luoyang to participate in the annual Peony Festival.

② 中央电视台总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区。(一般现在时)

The CCTV Headquarters Building is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing

③ 自古以来,印章就是地位和权力的象征。(现在完成时)

Since antiquity, the seal has been the symbol of status and power

④ 由于气候变化的影响,青藏高原的冰川正在加速融化。(现在进行时)

Owing to the impact of climate change, the glaciers on the QinghaiTibetan Plateau are melting more quickly.

⑤ 在未来几年,中国将着力增加职业学院的招生人数。(一般将来时)

For the next few years, China will be committed to increasing the enrollments of training colleges.

⑥ 不久前,中国获得了在印度尼西亚(Indonesia)建造一条高铁的合同。 (一般过去时)

Not long ago, China signed a contract to build a high-speed rail in Indonesia.

2. 语态:

主动语态 × 被动语态

be done





① 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。

• The Ming Dynasty was depicted as one of the greatest periods of human history for its organized governance and stable society. / that thrived with orderly governance and stable society. / whose governance was orderly and whose society was stable.

The Ming Dynasty, which ruled China for 276 years, was depicted as one of the greatest periods of human history for its organized governance and stable society

② 相对飞机而言,高铁列车的突出优势在于准时,因为基本不受天气或交通管制的影响。

• Compared with the airplane, the outstanding advantage of the CRH train is punctuality, because it is basically not affected by weather or traffic control.


• The bridge is supported by 281 pillars, and on each pillar stands a stone lion. / with a stone lion on each of them. / on each of which stands a stone lion. / each of which has a stone lion

④ 300亿元投资未来三年的植树造林(forestation)。

• 30 billion yuan will be spent on the forestation program in the next three years.

⑤ 由于铁路穿越世界上最脆弱的生态系统,在建设期间和建成后都采取了生态


• As the railway travels through the most fragile ecosystem in the world, /As the world’s most fragile ecosystem is traversed by the railway, ecological protection measures have been taken during and after the construction.

3. 逻辑:






and, both…and, neither…nor…, as well as, together with, with,

meanwhile, in the meantime, at the same time 等


and, both…and, neither…nor…, furthermore, moreover, besides,

even, not only…but (also)…, in addition, additionally 等


but, yet, while, whereas, though, although, as, even though,

even if, despite, in spite of, regardless of, instead, still, however

nevertheless, nonetheless, that said 等


表原因:because, since, as, for, owing to, due to, for the reason

that, thanks to 等

表结果:so, so that, so…that, thus, therefore, consequently, as a

result, hence, turn out, …that is why…等


either…or…, or 等


① 无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋。

• Chinese entrepreneurs are making great efforts to become /are vying to become / are striving to become / whether it is in their products or business models the pioneers of innovation, either in their products or business models.

② 2011年是中国城市化(urbanization)进程中的历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。

• The year of 2011 is a historic moment in the process of urbanization in China, when the urban population exceeds the rural population for the first time. / with the urban population outnumbering the rural one for the first time

③ 在中国,父母总是竭力帮助孩子,甚至为孩子做重要决定。

• In China, parents always try every means to help their children /parents are always doing their utmost to help their children , and even make important decisions for them.  

④ 也就是说,土豪(tuhao)有钱,却没有品味。

• In other words, tuhao is wealthy but doesn’t have good taste.

4. 逻辑:


① 牡丹花色艳丽,形象高雅,象征着和平与繁荣,因而在中国被称为“花中之王” 。

• The peony has bright colors and the elegant image, symbolizing peace and prosperity, so it is known as the "King of Flowers" in China.  

With gorgeous colors and the graceful image, peonies symbolize peace and prosperity so that they are called "King of flowers" in China.

The peony, symbolizing peace and prosperity, are so brightly-colored and gracefully shaped that it is termed "King of Flowers" in China.

② 海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈。

• Hainan Island has beautiful scenery, a pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, biological diversity, dense hot springs, and clear water.

With agreeable weather and abundant sunshine, Hainan Island is of magnificent

scenery and biodiversity, densely covered with hot spring and surrounded by

clear water.

③ 荷花色彩鲜艳,夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合,花期长达两三个月,吸引来自各


• The colorful lotuses, which bloom in summer mornings and close at night, last for two or three months, attracting tourists across the country to enjoy.

Blooming in summer mornings and closing at night, the colorful lotuses generally have flowering phases spanning two to three months, attracting tourists across the country to enjoy.


行文检查:1. 拼写 2. 主谓一致 3. 冠词与单复数 4. 谓语唯一性 5. 词性对应


1. 中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。

China's innovation is booming at an unprecedented rate.

China's innovation is thriving / flourishing / prospering at an unprecedented rate.

China's innovation is having a great boom at an unprecedented rate.

2. 南京长江大桥是南北交通的重要枢纽,也是南京的著名景点之一。

The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge serves as an important junction of north-south traffic and is one of the famous scenic spots in Nanjing.

As an important junction of north-south traffic, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is also known as one of the famous scenic spots in Nanjing.

3. 许多体育馆通过应用现代信息技术大大提高了服务质量。

Many gyms have greatly improved their service quality by applying modern information technology.

4. 云贵高原(the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau)大部分位于云南、贵州省境内,总面积约50万平方公里,平均海拔2000-4000米,是中国第四大高原。

Located mostly in Yunnan and Guizhou Province, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is the fourth largest plateau in China, with a total area of 0.5 million square kilometers and an average altitude of 2,000-4,000 meters.

5. 赵州桥建于隋朝,公元605年左右,长50.82米,宽9.6米,跨度 37.37米。

Constructed in the Sui Dynasty about 605 AD, the Zhaozhou Bridge …

The Zhaozhou Bridge, which was constructed in the Sui Dynasty around 605 AD, is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide with a span of 37.37 meters

6. 中国园林(The Chinese Garden)是经过了三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观(landscape)。

The Chinese Garden has become a landscape of unique style after an evolution for more than 3 000 years.

7. 正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术等四大发明被引介到世界各地。

It was through the Silk Road that the Four Great Inventions of ancient China, namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing, were introduced to other parts of the world.

8. 青海湖位于跨越亚洲的几条候鸟迁徙路线的交叉处。许多鸟类把青海湖作为迁徙过程中的暂息地。

Located at the crossroads of several bird migration routes across Asia, Qinghai Lake offers many species of birds an intermediate stop during their migration.

Qinghai Lake serves as a temporary habitat for many species of birds during their migration.

9. 自行车曾经是中国城乡最主要的交通工具,中国一度被称为“自行车王国” 。

Bicycles used to be such a leading means of transportation in China’s cities and villages that China was once called “the Kingdom of Bicycles”.

10. 成语(Chinese idioms)在日常会话和文学创作中广泛使用。

Chinese idioms are widely used in daily conversation and literary creation.


China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the international community eliminate extreme poverty by 2030.

Since the reform and opening up policy was implemented in the late 1970s

Since the implementation of the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, China has helped as many as four hundred million people out of poverty.Over the next five years, China will provide assistance to other developing countries in poverty reduction, education development, agricultural

modernization, environmental protection and health care.

• in reducing poverty, developing education, modernizing agriculture, protecting environment

and health-caring

China has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty, and has made unremitting efforts to promote economic growth, which will encourage other poor countries to respond to the challenges of their own developments. These countries can learn from the experience of China when they seek paths of development




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