- Lab: Exploiting DOM clobbering to enable XSS
Lab: Exploiting DOM clobbering to enable XSS
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<h2>Exploiting DOM clobbering to enable XSS</h2>
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<h1>Wedding Bells</h1>
<p><span id=blog-author>Roger That</span> | 20 July 2024</p>
<p>There's a new craze that is crazier than the craziest crazes so far - in my opinion. This is the one where a couple fall in love, get engaged, then invite their family and friends to pay for the wedding. What could possibly go wrong?</p>
<p>Pretty much everything can go wrong. To start with the assumption is that the guests would have stumped up a reasonable amount of money on a gift in the first place. The theory, replace that gift with money. Money paid in advance of the reception so that it can be booked and paid for ready for the big day.</p>
<p>I'm guessing the only person happy about this set up would be the Father of the bride who has always been expected to dig deep to send off his one and only beloved daughter. Fast forward to social media groups.</p>
<p>'My best friend is getting married and wants us to contribute to the cost of the wedding. I think this is really rude, what do y'all think?'</p>
<p>Here follows 500 opinions until admin finally turns off comments. The general consensus is less than romantic, as strangers suggest the relationship might break down, and then you're out of pocket having already contributed to the non-refundable sandwiches and sparkle.</p>
<p>Should this plan actually make it to the table, can you imagine the chaos at the buffet as everyone rushes forward to get their money's worth? Aunt Val insists on taking the table decorations home with her, and Uncle Ross fills his pockets with the complimentary mints at the front desk. If you let people pay for stuff, they then have the right to complain. About everything. And complain they will.</p>
<p>Normally civilized people will become feral as they expect their $50 contribution to provide them with something a little fancier than a single serving of doughnuts, instead of a nice slab of wedding cake. Blame Cousin Eve, she only paid in $5, something had to give. Soon the whispering will begin, 'how much did you put in?' Followed by, 'I heard Val only donated $5, she should not be allowed to have anything to eat.' Resentment will grow. Relatives will fall out and probably never speak to each other again, until the next family gathering at least.</p>
<p>If you want the wedding of your dreams, save up like the rest of us and pay for it yourself.</p>
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