
news2025/1/6 19:49:00

Reference Path Estimation for Lateral Vehicle Control



Autonomous driving cars have been a hot topic in the media in recent years, with more and more tech companies and universities presenting projects with fully automated vehicles. Most of these vehicles rely on highly sophisticated and expensive sensors that are not yet feasible for commercial vehicles. On the other hand automated systems that are implemented in commercially available vehicles are largely limited to active safety scenarios where the system only assists the driver in dangerous situations such as collision avoidance or lane support.
The goal of this thesis project is to use sensors on commercially available vehicles for automating lateral control in selected scenarios. The evaluated scenarios are limited to roads where the sensors can detect lane markings or a preceding vehicle or both. The approach was to generate two different reference paths, one from lane markings and one from the preceding vehicle information. The lane marking path is generated from filtering measurements from the lane detection cameras using a nonlinear Kalman filter. The preceding vehicle path is generated by fusing the radar and camera measurements of the preceding vehicle. In order to develop and tune the filters a detailed analysis was done on the sensor measurements collected for this project.
The implemented filters improve the current system in several ways. When the lane marking are lost for short period of time the prediction from the last measurement update can provide a reference while driving up to 40 meters. The path generated from the estimates of the preceding vehicle describe the trajectory which the vehicle has driven. This way a more accurate reference signal can be generated than using only the current position of the preceding vehicle, especially in turns and at long distances. By having two references paths the lateral control is more robust and an algorithm that takes the covariances of the estimation for both paths into account guarantees a smooth transition between them.

4.4 Generating a reference with preceding vehicle

When a vehicle is driving in front of the Ego vehicle its position can be detected by the object detection sensors (radar and camera). These positions can be used as a reference for the lateral control of Ego vehicle.
当一辆车在自车(Ego vehicle)前方行驶时,其位置可以通过物体检测传感器(雷达和摄像头)被探测到。这些位置可以作为自车横向控制的参考。

4.4.1 Generating reference path

A reference path can be constructed from the filtered position of the preceding vehicle. The path contains N number of points in the Ego vehicles coordinate system. The points are placed equidistantly in the x-axis of the Vcs with a fixed longitudinal distance deltaPrec between them.
可以从前车经过滤波的位置构建一条参考路径。该路径包含N个点,这些点位于自车坐标系统中。这些点在 V c s V_{cs} Vcs x x x 轴上等距放置,它们之间有一个固定的纵向距离 d e l t a P r e c delta_{Prec} deltaPrec

Initial path generated

When there is no vehicle visible to the sensors no path is generated. As soon as a vehicle appears in the field of view of the Ego vehicle a path between the Ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle is generated depending if the lane markings path is available or not. The path is a series of N points in the vehicle coordinate system. If the lane markings are available the points are placed parallel to the lane markings with an offset. The offset is the lateral difference between the position of the preceding vehicle to the lane markings. The lane marking path consists of N-1 points in the vehicle coordinate system, therefore the Nth point in the preceding vehicle path is the position of the preceding vehicle. This method of generating the initial path can be seen in figure 4.6 A. If no lane marking path is available the initial points are placed by linear interpolating six points between the Ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle (figure 4.6 B).
传感器没有检测到任何车辆时,不会生成路径。一旦自车的视野中出现车辆,就会根据是否可用车道标记路径生成自车与前车之间的路径。路径是车辆坐标系统中的一系列N个点如果车道标记可用,这些点会与车道标记平行放置,并有一个偏移量偏移量是前车位置与车道标记之间的横向差异。车道标记路径由车辆坐标系统中的N-1个点组成,因此前车路径中的第N个点是前车的位置。生成初始路径的这种方法可以在图4.6 A 中看到。如果没有可用的车道标记路径,初始点是通过在自车和前车之间线性插值六个点来放置的(见图4.6 B)。

Movement of the path

The points of the path represent the trajectory of the preceding vehicle in Ego vehicle coordinate system. Since the coordinate system moves with the Ego vehicle the points need to move within the coordinate system according to the distance traveled (dx) and change in orientation (dϕ) of the Ego vehicle. The distance and the orientation is calculated using the yaw rate (ϕ˙), the velocity measurement(v) and the step length(dt):
路径上的点代表了前车在自车坐标系统中的轨迹。由于坐标系随自车移动,因此这些点需要根据自车行驶的距离 ( d x ) (dx) (dx)和方向变化 ( d ϕ ) (d \phi) (dϕ)在坐标系内移动。距离和方向的变化是利用偏航率 ( ϕ ˙ ) (\dot \phi) (ϕ˙) 、速度测量 ( v ) (v) (v)和步长 ( d t ) (dt) (dt)来计算的:

Update points of the path

When the distance between the point in path which is closest to the preceding vehicle and the current filtered point on the preceding vehicle is equal to deltaPrec, oldest point (furthest away from the preceding vehicle) is discarded and current filtered point added to the path. The update is illustrated in figure 4.7.
当路径上离前车最近的点与前车上当前经过滤波的点之间的距离等于 d e l t a P r e c deltaPrec deltaPrec 时,最旧的点(离前车最远的点)会被丢弃并将当前经过滤波的点添加到路径中。更新过程如图4.7 所示。



The movement of the points can be considered as pure prediction since there are no measurements of the points in the path to update with. The prediction step is the same as for the lane marking sampled points and therefore the same prediction model can be used. The covariance is based on the noise of the yaw rate and the velocity. Since there is no update step, the uncertainties increase over time, which results in very uncertain points on the path especially if the preceding vehicle is far ahead. By filtering the states of the vehicle such as vehicle and heading a more accurate movement of the vehicle between time instances can be achieved. This was not in the scope of this thesis but discussed in future work chapter 8.

4.5 Preceding Vehicle Filter

The position of the preceding vehicle is measured with the camera and radar. The camera measures longitudinal and lateral distances to the preceding vehicle relative to the Ego vehicle. The radar has the same measurements as the camera but also outputs the relative velocity in longitudinal and lateral direction. These sensor information can be fused together to obtain an estimate of the position of the preceding vehicle relative to Ego vehicle. Based on the measurements of the preceding vehicle the most straight forward choice of a state vector would be [x, y, vx, vy] where x and y is the longitudinal and lateral distances respectively, vx and vy are the corresponding velocities in longitudinal and lateral direction. All of the states are relative to the Ego vehicle.
前车的位置是通过摄像头和雷达进行测量的。摄像头测量与自车相对的前车的纵向和横向距离。雷达具有与摄像头相同的测量功能,并且还输出纵向和横向的相对速度。这些传感器信息可以结合在一起,以获得相对于自车的前车位置的估计。基于对前车的测量,状态向量最直接的选择是包含 x 、 y 、 v x 和 v y x、y、v_x和v_y xyvxvy,其中 x 和 y 分别是相对于自车的纵向和横向距离, v x 和 v y v_x和v_y vxvy 是相应的纵向和横向速度。所有这些状态都是相对于自车来定义的。

4.5.1 Prediction step

When choosing a process model the changes between the measurements samples need to be considered. The measurements are relative to the Ego vehicle and the assumption can be made that the two vehicles travel on the same lane with similar velocity which makes the changes in velocity slow. Therefore a constant velocity (CV) model was chosen. Adding acceleration to the model would not be bring much improvements since the change in acceleration are very small. Since the CV process model is linear the optimal prediction method would be using the Kalman prediction. Since the measurements are not synchronous the step length dt might need to be adaptive, analysis on different step lengths can be seen in section 6.4. The Kalman prediction equations and a discretized CV model can be seen in equation4.11.
在选择过程模型时,需要考虑测量样本之间的变化。由于测量是相对于自车进行的,可以假设两辆车在同一车道上以相似的速度行驶,这使得速度变化较为缓慢。因此,选择了一个恒定速度(CV)模型。在模型中加入加速度不会带来太大的改进,因为加速度的变化非常小。由于CV过程模型是线性的,最优的预测方法就是使用卡尔曼预测。由于测量不是同步进行的,步长 dt 可能需要是自适应的,不同步长的分析可以在第6.4节中找到。卡尔曼预测方程和离散化的CV模型可以在公式4.11中查看。

4.5.2 Update step

In the update step both the radar and the camera measure the x and y states. Different methods can be used to derive the estimate. The optimal method would be to update first using one sensor and then update with the second one. In equation 4.12 the radar and the camera update steps can be seen.
在更新步骤中,雷达和摄像头都测量 x 和 y 状态。可以使用不同的方法来推导出估计值。最优的方法是首先使用一个传感器进行更新然后使用第二个传感器进行更新。在公式4.12中,可以看到雷达和摄像头的更新步骤。
Since the radar and camera measurements are not synchronous there are few cases to consider dependent on which measurements are available when the filter is executed:
Radar and camera measurements available The update step includes both updates according to equation 4.12.
Only radar measurement available The update step runs update 1 from equation 4.12.
Only camera measurement available The update step runs update 2 from equation 4.12.
No measurements available Update step is skipped.

  1. 雷达和摄像头测量数据都可用:更新步骤包括根据公式4.12进行的两次更新。
  2. 只有雷达测量数据可用:更新步骤执行公式4.12中的更新1。
  3. 只有摄像头测量数据可用:更新步骤执行公式4.12中的更新2。
  4. 没有测量数据可用:跳过更新步骤。

4.6 Control Signals

The reference paths from the lane marking and preceding vehicle are represented in same way. The control signals can therefore be calculated in same way for both paths. The control signals are lateral error and heading error of the truck relative to the lane at a look ahead distance (see figure 4.8). The look ahead distance is dependent on the trucks velocity and a look ahead time (lookAheadDistance = velocity · lookAheadTime), the look ahead time is set to 1 second. A decision has to be made which path to follow and that is done by using the uncertainty of the paths at the look ahead point.
车道标记和前车的参考路径以相同的方式表示。因此,对于两条路径都可以以相同的方式计算控制信号。控制信号是卡车相对于车道的横向误差和航向误差,在预瞄距离上(见图4.8)。预瞄距离取决于卡车的速度和一个预瞄时间(预瞄距离 = 速度 × 预瞄时间),预瞄时间设定为1秒。需要做出决定,选择跟随哪条路径,这是通过使用路径在预瞄点的不确定性来完成的。
Lane Marking Path Calculate the control signal from the lane marking path. If the uncertainty of the lane marking gets larger than uncertainty of preceding vehicle path change to the state “Preceding Path”.
Preceding Path Calculate the control signal from the preceding vehicle path. If the uncertainty of the preceding vehicle path grows larger than uncertainty of lane marking path, change to the state “Lane Marking Path”.
Another approach could be to fuse the two paths together obtaining a single path that can be used as reference. This approach was not chosen since the lane marking path is in the middle of the lane but the preceding path is varied from the middle. This is because it is difficult to keep a constant lateral position in a lane while driving. This can be seen in figure 6.14. Also the uncertainty of the lane marking is much smaller than the uncertainty of the preceding vehicle path when lane marking measurements are available.
In the case of coefficient filter the lateral error is calculated using the approximation in equation 4.2 and the heading error is then its derivative. The equations can be seen in equation 4.13.

6 Results

6.5 Preceding vehicle path

A reference path was constructed from the filtered preceding vehicle position according to section 4.4.1. The coordinate transformation of the points that represent the path in Ego’s coordinate system is based on dead reckoning of the Ego vehicle. This results in increasing uncertainty as the points move away from the preceding vehicle. The path from the preceding vehicle can be seen in figure 6.14. The path from the preceding vehicle is not as smooth as the lane path since the preceding vehicle does not always drive in the middle of the road. It might be of interest to smoothen the path before calculating the control signals but that was not investigated further in this thesis.

8 Future Work

Initial preceding vehicle path estimation The estimation of the initial preceding vehicle path when no lane marking path is available could be improved. In the proposed solution the path is set by linear interpolation between the Ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle. Since the heading of the Ego vehicle is known a cubic interpolation could be used to get the estimated path to follow the curve of the road.

Reference paths The reference paths are currently represented with 5 to 6 points which could cause problems for the controller. The paths could be smoothed by drawing a bezier curve through the points before calculating the control signal. This method was looked into but not investigated further because of time constraints on the project.




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