1.1 下载解压Elasticsearch-7.x版本,越高越好,低版本有Log4j漏洞,Easy-es目前支持7.x
1.2 IK中文分词器
将对应Elasticsearch版本IK放进文件夹,Elasticsearch-7.6.1,ik对应版本就是7.6.1,不配置分词器,会将国家 解析为国、家。
1.3 运行Elasticsearch
1.5 修改密码(正式环境)
Multi Elasticsearch Head密码连接
1.6 使用可视化连接工具
需求简单,我用谷歌浏览器插件足够了 Multi Elasticsearch Head
2.1 查看表数据
2.2 查询数据
查询 标题包含中国通史的数据
3.1 pom文件
3.2 springboot配置
enable: true #默认为true,若为false则认为不启用本框架
address : # es的连接地址,必须含端口 若为集群,则可以用逗号隔开 例如:,
username: elastic #若无 则可省略此行配置
password: #若无 则可省略此行配置
3.4 实体类
package com.huida.framework.es.domain;
import lombok.Data;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.IndexField;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.IndexId;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.IndexName;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.rely.Analyzer;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.rely.FieldType;
import org.dromara.easyes.annotation.rely.IdType;
* titleContent
public class EsTitleContent {
* es中的唯一id
@IndexId(type = IdType.UUID)
private String id;
* mysql主键
private String businessId;
* mysql表名
private String tableName;
* 跳转页面
private String pages;
* 标题
@IndexField(fieldType = FieldType.TEXT, analyzer = Analyzer.IK_SMART, searchAnalyzer = Analyzer.IK_MAX_WORD)
private String title;
* 内容
@IndexField(fieldType = FieldType.TEXT, analyzer = Analyzer.IK_SMART, searchAnalyzer = Analyzer.IK_MAX_WORD)
private String content;
3.5 mapper
package com.huida.framework.es.mapper;
import com.huida.framework.es.domain.EsTitleContent;
import org.dromara.easyes.core.core.BaseEsMapper;
* Mapper
* <p>
* Copyright © 2021 xpc1024 All Rights Reserved
public interface EsTitleContentMapper extends BaseEsMapper<EsTitleContent> {
3.6 springboot包扫描
3.7 查询实体
package com.huida.framework.es.domain;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NonNull;
import java.util.List;
public class EsTitleContentQuery {
* 每页的数量
private Integer pageSize;
* 总页数
private Integer pageNum;
* 下一页sort
private List<Object> nextSearchAfter;
* 搜索关键字
private String keyword;
3.8 业务实现代码,查询,初始化数据
public void selectTrainingCourseToEs() {
List<TrainingCourse> trainingCourseList = trainingCourseService.selectTrainingCourseToEs();
List<EsTitleContent> esTitleContentList = new ArrayList<>(trainingCourseList.size() * 2);
EsTitleContent item = null;
for (TrainingCourse trainingCourse : trainingCourseList) {
item = new EsTitleContent();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(trainingCourse.getContent())) {
//用hutool工具类会保存(空格字符  ; &ensp; &emsp;
if (StringUtils.equals(trainingCourse.getType(), "1")) {
} else {
public boolean createIndex() {
// 1.初始化-> 创建索引(相当于mysql中的表)
return esTitleContentMapper.createIndex();
public void deleteAllData() {
Wrapper<EsTitleContent> esTitleContentWrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
public void batchInsert(List<EsTitleContent> list) {
if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(list)){
public SAPageInfo<EsTitleContent> search(EsTitleContentQuery esTitleContentQuery) {
LambdaEsQueryWrapper<EsTitleContent> wrapper = new LambdaEsQueryWrapper<>();
// wrapper.eq(EsTitleContent::getSystemType, "bgtx");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(esTitleContentQuery.getKeyword())) {
wrapper.and(i -> i.match(EsTitleContent::getTitle, esTitleContentQuery.getKeyword(), 10f)
.or().match(EsTitleContent::getContent, esTitleContentQuery.getKeyword(), 5f));
return esTitleContentMapper.searchAfterPage(wrapper, esTitleContentQuery.getNextSearchAfter(), esTitleContentQuery.getPageSize());
return new SAPageInfo<>();
3.9 前端调用查询
"pageNum": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"keyword": "2024",
"nextSearchAfter": null
// {
// "pageNum": 2,
// "pageSize": 10,
// "keyword": "2024",
// "nextSearchAfter": [
// "3b5332ed-7a9b-4ee5-b31a-1c5eadbd519a"
// ]
// }
<view class="container">
<view class="search-header">
<view class="input-box">
<view class="cuIcon-search"></view>
<input name="input" class="keyword" :focus="true" v-model="queryParams.keyword"
@input="inputChange" @focus="inputFocus" @confirm="onKeywordConfirm"
:placeholder="defaultKeyword.keyword" confirm-type="search"/>
<text v-if="queryParams.keyword" class="cuIcon-close del" @tap="clearKeyword"></text>
<view class="right" @tap="closeSearch">取消</view>
<view class="search-result" v-if="searchResultOpen && searchResultList">
<view class="result-box">
<view class="result-item" v-for="item in searchResultList" :key="item.id" @click="clickResult(item)">
<text class="train-type">
{{ item.module }}
<view class="title u-line-1" v-html="item.title"></view>
<view v-html="item.content"></view>
<view class="search-result-empty" v-if="searchResultOpen && searchResultList.length===0">
<image class="icon" :src="`${TrainFileBasUrl}/app_resource/portal/static/images/zgt/search.png`"></image>
<text class="text">换个关键词试试</text>
<view class="padding-tb" v-if="searchResultOpen && searchResultList.length>0">
<u-loadmore :status="loadStatus" :load-text="loadText"/>
import tools from '@/commons/tools.js';
export default {
data() {
return {
queryParams: {
keyword: '',
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
nextSearchAfter: null,
hasData: true
searchResultOpen: false,
searchResultList: [],
helpKeyword: [],
historyKeyword: [],
defaultKeyword: '',
hotKeyword: [],
categoryFilter: false,
filterCategory: [],
currentSortType: 'default',
currentSortOrder: 'desc',
loadStatus: 'loadmore',
loadText: {
loadmore: '加载更多',
loading: '正在加载...',
nomore: '没有更多数据了'
onReachBottom() {
if (this.queryParams.hasData) {
this.queryParams.pageNum += 1
onShow() {
methods: {
clickResult: function (item) {
if (item.tableName === 'tz_ly_book') {
tools.openPage('/pagesBook/pages/book/view', item.title, {
id: item.businessId
closeSearch: function () {
clearKeyword: function () {
this.queryParams = {
keyword: '',
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 10,
nextSearchAfter: null,
hasData: true
this.searchResultOpen = false
this.searchResultList = []
inputFocus: function () {
this.searchResultOpen = false
this.searchResultList = []
if (this.keyword) {
inputChange: function (e) {
this.keyword = e.detail.value
this.searchResultOpen = false
onKeywordConfirm(event) {
getSearchResult(keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword
this.queryParams.pageNum = 1
this.queryParams.nextSearchAfter = null
getSearchResultList() {
this.loadStatus = 'loading';
tools.post(tools.Server + '/es/titleContent/search', this.queryParams, {
isPostData: true,
showLoading: false
}).then((res) => {
if (res.success) {
if (this.queryParams.pageNum < res.data.pages) {
this.loadStatus = 'loadmore';
this.queryParams.hasData = true;
this.queryParams.nextSearchAfter = res.data.nextSearchAfter
} else {
this.loadStatus = 'nomore';
this.queryParams.hasData = false;
if (res.data.list) {
if (1 === this.queryParams.pageNum) {
this.searchResultList = res.data.list
} else {
res.data.list.forEach(item => {
this.searchResultOpen = true
getSearchKeyword() {
// let that = this;
// util.request(api.SearchIndex).then(function(res) {
// if (res.errno === 0) {
// that.historyKeyword = res.data.historyKeywordList
// that.defaultKeyword = res.data.defaultKeyword
// that.hotKeyword = res.data.hotKeywordList
// }
// });
getHelpKeyword: function () {
let that = this;
// util.request(api.SearchHelper, {
// keyword: that.keyword
// }).then(function(res) {
// if (res.errno === 0) {
// that.helpKeyword = res.data;
// }
// });
onLoad: function () {
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// font-size: 16px;
padding: 8px 0;
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