What is memory? The general consensus is that memory is a multitude of cognitive systems which allow us to store information for certain periods of time so that we can learn from our past experiences and predict the future.
Memory impacts every facet of our lives.The first step to remembering things better is to understand how your memory works.
There are two basic kinds of memory retrospective and prospective.Whereas retrospective memory is about remembering what happened in the past, prospective memory is about reminding yourself to do something in the future.Without propective memory, you would not remember to go to work in the morning and you would forget to set your alarm clock in the evening.
One way to divide up retrospective memory is in the kinds of things it stores.A big difference here is between implicit and declarative memory.
Implicit memory is essentially skill memory-the ability to do a task.If your implicit memory failed, you would not be able to brush you teeth, take a shower, drive your car or ride a bike.This kind of memory shows up in our abilities, but we can’t always articulate what it is we know in words and concepts.
Declarative memory, in contrast, is either memory for facts and meaning (semantic) or memory for events(episodic).Without semantic memory, you would not understand the content of what your colleagues or friends were saying.Without episodic memory, you would struggle to recount your day later to someone else.
Another way to examine memory is based on its duration.Working memory (WM) manipulates and stores information for short periods of time.Talking with your colleagues, discussing a point at a meeting and planning your weekend would be entirely impossilbe without WM.In contrast, long-term memory(LTM) serves as a long-term storage of information.Almost all of our everyday activities depend on LTM, such as remembering our way home or how to drive a car.
Here’s a quick recap of the different types of memory:
Retrospective Memory-Remembering the past
…by Content
Semantic-Memeory of facts and meaning
Episodic -Memory of experiences you’vehad r
…by Duration
Working Memory-What you can “keep in mind” at the same time, to think, reason and solve problems.
Long-term Memory- Anything youremember longer than a moment-whatyou ate for breakfast, exam questions oryour friend’s birthday.
Prospective Memory -Remindingyourself to do something in the future
In this guide, we’re going to focusmostly on declarative, semanticmemories. This covers most of thethings you’re trying to “remember”, likefacts, dates, names and ideas.