(defun c:duiqi ()
(defun MoveToPosition (Blockname p_list / ent refPoint dx dy)
(prompt "\nSelect an object to move: ")
;(setq ent (ssname (ssget) 0))
(setq entlist (entget blockname))
(princ entlist)
(setq targetx (car p_list))
(setq targety (cadr p_list))
(setq zb (cdr (assoc 10 entlist)))
(princ zb)
(if blockname
(prompt "\nSpecify reference point for the object: ")
(setq refPoint zb)
;(setq targetX 0
; targetY 0
(setq dx (- targetX (car refPoint)))
(setq dy (- targetY (cadr refPoint)))
(command "move" blockname "" "" (list dx dy 0) "")
(princ "No entity selected.")
(defun GetPointList (startPoint endPoint n / pointList dx dy dz stepX stepY stepZ i)
(IF (< N 2)
(SETQ N 2)
(setq pointList nil)
(setq dx (- (car endPoint) (car startPoint)))
(setq dy (- (cadr endPoint) (cadr startPoint)))
(setq dz (- (caddr endPoint) (caddr startPoint)))
(setq stepX (/ dx (- n 1)))
(setq stepY (/ dy (- n 1)))
(setq stepZ (/ dz (- n 1)))
(setq i 0)
(while (< i n)
(setq point (list (+ (car startPoint) (* i stepX))
(+ (cadr startPoint) (* i stepY))
(+ (caddr startPoint) (* i stepZ))
(setq pointList (cons point pointList))
(setq i (+ i 1))
;; 示例用法:
;; (c:GetPointList '(0.0 0.0 0.0) '(100.0 100.0 0.0) 5)
;; 这将返回从(0, 0, 0)到(100, 100, 0)的4个等分点的列表
;只选择图块,67 0只得模型空间
(princ "\n请选择图块:")
(Setq SS1 (SsGet (list (cons 0 "INSERT,MTEXT,TEXT") (cons 67 0))))
(princ "\n请选择要对齐的直线:")
(setq L_list (entget lname))
(setq startP (cdr (assoc 10 l_list)))
(setq EndP (cdr (assoc 11 l_list)))
(princ startp)
(princ "\n")
(princ endp)
(list startp endp)
;(setq n (GetInt "请输入分割数量:"))
(setq n (sslength ss1))
(setq Block_Plist (GetPointList startp endp n))
(princ block_plist)
(Repeat (SsLength SS1)
(Setq Blockname (SsName SS1 0))
(SsDel blockname SS1)
(movetoposition blockname (car block_plist))
(setq block_plist (cdr block_plist))
(defun c:duidui ()
(defun MoveToPosition (Blockname p_list / ent refPoint dx dy zb)
(prompt "\nSelect an object to move: ")
;(setq ent (ssname (ssget) 0))
(setq entlist (entget blockname))
(princ entlist)
(setq targetx (car p_list))
(setq targety (cadr p_list))
(setq zb (cdr (assoc 10 entlist)))
(princ zb)
(if blockname
(prompt "\nSpecify reference point for the object: ")
(setq refPoint zb)
;(setq targetX 0
; targetY 0
(setq dx (- targetX (car refPoint)))
(setq dy (- targetY (cadr refPoint)))
(command "move" blockname "" "" (list dx dy 0) "")
(princ "No entity selected.")
(princ "\n请选择多段线:")
(setq ss (ssget))
(setq thename (ssname ss 0))
(ssdel thename ss)
(setq line_info (entget thename))
(setq zuma (caar line_info))
(princ zuma)
(setq zuobiao (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (pair) (= (car pair) 10)) line_info))
;(princ zuobiao)
;(princ zb3)
;(command-s "_.move")
(setq zb ())
(while zuobiao
(setq zb (cons (list (cadr (car zuobiao)) (caddr (car zuobiao))) zb))
(setq zuobiao (cdr zuobiao))
(princ zb)
(princ "\n请选择要对齐的对象:")
(setq ss1(ssget (list (cons 0 "INSERT,TEXT,MTEXT") (cons 67 0))))
(Repeat (SsLength SS1)
(if zb
(Setq Blockname (SsName SS1 0))
(SsDel blockname SS1)
(movetoposition blockname (car zb))
(setq zb (cdr zb))