
news2025/3/12 19:33:19





Collection Snippet


Class Table: SCL





2022年1月25日之后,PROCESSING_BASELINE为“04.00”或以上的Sentinel-2场景的DN(值)范围移动了1000。HARMONIZED集合将新场景中的数据转移到与旧场景相同的范围内。 Sentinel-2是一项宽范围、高分辨率、多光谱成像任务,支持Copernicus土地监测研究,包括监测植被、土壤和水覆盖,以及观察内陆水道和沿海地区。 Sentinel-2 L2数据从scihub下载。它们是通过运行sen 2cor来计算的。警告:ESA没有为所有L1资产生成L2数据,并且早期的L2覆盖范围并非全球性。 这些资产包含12个UINT 16光谱带,代表按10000缩放的SR(与L1数据不同,没有B10)。还有几个L2特定的乐队(详细信息请参阅乐队列表)。有关详细信息,请参阅Sentinel-2用户手册。此外,还存在三个QA频段,其中一个(QA 60)是具有云屏蔽信息的位屏蔽频段。欲了解更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何计算云面罩的完整解释。 Sentinel-2 L2资产的EE资产ID具有以下格式:COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20151128T002653_20151128T102149_T56MNN。这里,第一个数字部分表示传感日期和时间,第二个数字部分表示产品生成日期和时间,最后的6个字符串是指示其UTM网格参考的唯一颗粒标识符(请参阅MGRS)。


2017-03-28T00:00:00 -


European Union/ESA/Copernicus

Collection Snippet


B1Aerosols60 meters443.9nm (S2A) / 442.3nm (S2B)0.0001
B2Blue10 meters496.6nm (S2A) / 492.1nm (S2B)0.0001
B3Green10 meters560nm (S2A) / 559nm (S2B)0.0001
B4Red10 meters664.5nm (S2A) / 665nm (S2B)0.0001
B5Red Edge 120 meters703.9nm (S2A) / 703.8nm (S2B)0.0001
B6Red Edge 220 meters740.2nm (S2A) / 739.1nm (S2B)0.0001
B7Red Edge 320 meters782.5nm (S2A) / 779.7nm (S2B)0.0001
B8NIR10 meters835.1nm (S2A) / 833nm (S2B)0.0001
B8ARed Edge 420 meters864.8nm (S2A) / 864nm (S2B)0.0001
B9Water vapor60 meters945nm (S2A) / 943.2nm (S2B)0.0001
B11SWIR 120 meters1613.7nm (S2A) / 1610.4nm (S2B)0.0001
B12SWIR 220 meters2202.4nm (S2A) / 2185.7nm (S2B)0.0001
AOTAerosol Optical Thickness10 meters0.001
WVPWater Vapor Pressure. The height the water would occupy if the vapor were condensed into liquid and spread evenly across the column.10 meterscm0.001
SCLScene Classification Map (The "No Data" value of 0 is masked out)11120 meters0
TCI_RTrue Color Image, Red channel10 meters0
TCI_GTrue Color Image, Green channel10 meters0
TCI_BTrue Color Image, Blue channel10 meters0
MSK_CLDPRBCloud Probability Map (missing in some products)010020 meters0
MSK_SNWPRBSnow Probability Map (missing in some products)010010 meters0
QA10Always empty10 meters0
QA20Always empty20 meters0
QA60Cloud mask60 meters0
QA60 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-9: Unused
  • Bit 10: Opaque clouds
    • 0: No opaque clouds
    • 1: Opaque clouds present
  • Bit 11: Cirrus clouds
    • 0: No cirrus clouds
    • 1: Cirrus clouds present
Class Table: SCL
ValueColorColor ValueDescription
1#ff0004Saturated or defective
2#868686Dark Area Pixels
3#774b0aCloud Shadows
5#ffff52Bare Soils
7#818181Clouds Low Probability / Unclassified
8#c0c0c0Clouds Medium Probability
9#f1f1f1Clouds High Probability
11#52fff9Snow / Ice
AOT_RETRIEVAL_ACCURACYDoubleAccuracy of Aerosol Optical thickness model
CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGEDoubleGranule-specific cloudy pixel percentage taken from the original metadata
CLOUD_COVERAGE_ASSESSMENTDoubleCloudy pixel percentage for the whole archive that contains this granule. Taken from the original metadata
CLOUDY_SHADOW_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as cloud shadow
DARK_FEATURES_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as dark features or shadows
DATASTRIP_IDStringUnique identifier of the datastrip Product Data Item (PDI)
DATATAKE_IDENTIFIERStringUniquely identifies a given Datatake. The ID contains the Sentinel-2 satellite, start date and time, absolute orbit number, and processing baseline.
DATATAKE_TYPEStringMSI operation mode
DEGRADED_MSI_DATA_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of degraded MSI and ancillary data
FORMAT_CORRECTNESSStringSynthesis of the On-Line Quality Control (OLQC) checks performed at granule (Product_Syntax) and datastrip (Product Syntax and DS_Consistency) levels
GENERAL_QUALITYStringSynthesis of the OLQC checks performed at the datastrip level (Relative_Orbit_Number)
GENERATION_TIMEDoubleProduct generation time
GEOMETRIC_QUALITYStringSynthesis of the OLQC checks performed at the datastrip level (Attitude_Quality_Indicator)
GRANULE_IDStringUnique identifier of the granule PDI (PDI_ID)
HIGH_PROBA_CLOUDS_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as high probability clouds
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B1DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B1 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B2DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B2 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B3DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B3 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B4DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B4 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B5DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B5 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B6DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B6 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B7DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B7 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B8DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B8 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B8ADoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B8a and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B9DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B9 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B10DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B10 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B11DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B11 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_AZIMUTH_ANGLE_B12DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence azimuth angle average for band B12 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B1DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B1 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B2DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B2 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B3DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B3 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B4DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B4 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B5DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B5 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B6DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B6 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B7DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B7 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B8DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B8 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B8ADoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B8a and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B9DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B9 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B10DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B10 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B11DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B11 and for all detectors
MEAN_INCIDENCE_ZENITH_ANGLE_B12DoubleMean value containing viewing incidence zenith angle average for band B12 and for all detectors
MEAN_SOLAR_AZIMUTH_ANGLEDoubleMean value containing sun azimuth angle average for all bands and detectors
MEAN_SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLEDoubleMean value containing sun zenith angle average for all bands and detectors
MEDIUM_PROBA_CLOUDS_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as medium probability clouds
MGRS_TILEStringUS-Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) tile
NODATA_PIXEL_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of No Data pixels
NOT_VEGETATED_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as non-vegetated
PROCESSING_BASELINEStringConfiguration baseline used at the time of the product generation in terms of processor software version and major Ground Image Processing Parameters (GIPP) version
PRODUCT_IDStringThe full id of the original Sentinel-2 product
RADIATIVE_TRANSFER_ACCURACYDoubleAccuracy of radiative transfer model
RADIOMETRIC_QUALITYStringBased on the OLQC reports contained in the Datastrips/QI_DATA with RADIOMETRIC_QUALITY checklist name
REFLECTANCE_CONVERSION_CORRECTIONDoubleEarth-Sun distance correction factor
SATURATED_DEFECTIVE_PIXEL_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of saturated or defective pixels
SENSING_ORBIT_DIRECTIONStringImaging orbit direction
SENSING_ORBIT_NUMBERDoubleImaging orbit number
SENSOR_QUALITYStringSynthesis of the OLQC checks performed at granule (Missing_Lines, Corrupted_ISP, and Sensing_Time) and datastrip (Degraded_SAD and Datation_Model) levels
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B1DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B1
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B2DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B2
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B3DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B3
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B4DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B4
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B5DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B5
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B6DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B6
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B7DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B7
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B8DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B8
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B8ADoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B8a
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B9DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B9
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B10DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B10
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B11DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B11
SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_B12DoubleMean solar exoatmospheric irradiance for band B12
SNOW_ICE_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as snow or ice
SPACECRAFT_NAMEStringSentinel-2 spacecraft name: Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B
THIN_CIRRUS_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as thin cirrus clouds
UNCLASSIFIED_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of unclassified pixels
VEGETATION_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as vegetation
WATER_PERCENTAGEDoublePercentage of pixels classified as water
WATER_VAPOUR_RETRIEVAL_ACCURACYDoubleDeclared accuracy of the Water Vapor model


var s2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED').filterDate('2024-04-01', '2024-04-02')
Map.addLayer('MSK_CLASSI_OPAQUE'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New OPAQUE')
Map.addLayer('MSK_CLASSI_CIRRUS'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New CIRRUS')
Map.addLayer('QA60'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New synthetic QA60')

var s2_sr = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_HARMONIZED').filterDate('2024-04-01', '2024-04-02')
Map.addLayer('MSK_CLASSI_OPAQUE'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New SR OPAQUE')
Map.addLayer('MSK_CLASSI_CIRRUS'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New SR CIRRUS')
Map.addLayer('QA60'), {min:0, max:1}, 'New SR synthetic QA60')










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