Vue和Element UI 路由跳转

news2025/2/22 3:14:57

在Vue.js中,使用Vue Router可以方便地实现页面之间的路由跳转。Element UI是一个基于Vue 2.0的桌面端组件库,它本身并不直接提供路由跳转的功能,但你可以在使用Element UI的Vue项目中结合Vue Router来实现这一功能。

以下是一个基于Vue和Element UI实现路由跳转的基本步骤:

1.安装Vue Router

如果你还没有安装Vue Router,首先需要安装它。在你的Vue项目目录中打开终端或命令提示符,然后运行以下命令:

npm install vue-router  
# 或者  
yarn add vue-router


2. 配置Vue Router



// src/router/index.js  
import Vue from 'vue'  
import Router from 'vue-router'  
import Home from '@/components/Home'  
import About from '@/components/About'  
export default new Router({  
  routes: [  
      path: '/',  
      name: 'Home',  
      component: Home  
      path: '/about',  
      name: 'About',  
      component: About  


3. 在Vue实例中使用Vue Router

在你的Vue项目的入口文件(通常是src/main.jssrc/main.ts)中,确保你已经导入了Vue Router,并将其添加到Vue的实例中:

// src/main.js  
import Vue from 'vue'  
import App from './App.vue'  
import router from './router'  
new Vue({  
  render: h => h(App),  


4. 使用Element UI组件触发路由跳转

现在,你可以在Vue组件中使用Vue Router的编程式导航功能(如this.$router.push)或声明式导航(<router-link>标签)来触发路由跳转。虽然Element UI本身不直接提供路由跳转组件,但你可以结合Vue Router的<router-link>标签或Vue实例的$router.push方法来在Element UI组件中实现路由跳转。



  <el-button type="primary" @click="goToAbout">Go to About</el-button>  
  <!-- 或者使用router-link -->  
  <router-link to="/about" tag="el-button" type="primary">Go to About</router-link>  
export default {  
  methods: {  
    goToAbout() {  

		<div class="top-wrapper">
			<div class="search el-input el-input--suffix">
		<div class="indicator-wrapper">
			<!--侧边栏   -->
			<div class="indicator-side">
						'indicator-category': true,
						'indicator-category-active': item.checked
					v-for="item in sideList"
					{{ item.groupName }}
			<!--中间选择器   -->
			<div class="indicator-body">
					v-for="item in sideList"
					<div class="indicator-group">
						<span class="indicator-title">{{ item.groupName }} </span>
					<div class="el-row">
						<div class="el-col el-col-8" v-for="el in item.child" :key="">
							<el-checkbox v-model="el.checked" class="el-checkbox__input el-checkbox"
								><span class="el-checkbox__label">{{ el.label }}</span></el-checkbox
			<div class="flex">
				<div class="indicator-drag">
					<div class="indicator-content">
						<div class="drag-title">已选指标</div>
						<div class="drag-sec">拖动可自定义指标顺序</div>
						<div class="indicator-limit_low">
							<div class="drag-block not-allow mg2">账号ID</div>
						<div class="drag-sepreate">以上指标将横向固定</div>
					<div class="indicator-limit-many" style="max-height: 445px">
									animation: 150,
									ghostClass: 'ghost',
									group: 'people',
							class="flex flex-col gap-2 p-4 w-300px h-300px m-auto bg-gray-500/5 rounded overflow-auto"
								v-for="item in drag"
								class="drag-block hover-class all-scroll mg2"
								{{ }}
										float: right;
										align-items: center;
										position: relative;
										top: 8px;
									class="mg-icon-close close"
									<close />
						<div class="flex justify-between">
							<preview-list :list="drag" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { vDraggable } from "vue-draggable-plus";
import { Close } from "@element-plus/icons-vue";

const sideList = ref([
		id: 1,
		groupName: "基本信息",
		child: [
				prop: "uuid",
				label: "账号ID"
				prop: "name",
				label: "名称",
				prop: "companyName",
				label: "公司名称",
				prop: "allBalance",
				label: "总余额",
		id: 2,
		groupName: "展现数据",
		child: [
				prop: "updateTime",
				label: "消耗"
				prop: "summary.spent",
				label: "曝光量"
				prop: "summary.clickCount",
				label: "点击量"
				prop: "summary.downloadCount",
				label: "下载量"
		id: 3,
		groupName: "转化数据",
		child: [
				prop: "summary.activateCount",
				label: "新增激活数"
				prop: "summary.registerCount",
				label: "游戏注册量"
				prop: "summary.formsubmitCount",
				label: "表单提交量"
				prop: "summary.normalActivateCount",
				label: "普通激活数"
				prop: "summary.backActivateCount",
				label: "自定义激活数"
				prop: "summary.backRegisterCount",
				label: "自定义注册量"
				prop: "summary.addDesktopCount",
				label: "加桌数"
				prop: "summary.customRetainCount",
				label: "自定义次留数"
				prop: "summary.gamePayCount",
				label: "游戏付费数"
				prop: "summary.customPayCount",
				label: "自定义付费数"
				prop: "summary.reactivation",
				label: "自定义拉活"
				prop: "summary.webPay",
				label: "网页购买"
				prop: "summary.gameAppointment",
				label: "游戏预约数"
				prop: "summary.buttonClick",
				label: "按钮点击量"
				prop: "summary.fastappPay",
				label: "快应用付费数"
				prop: "summary.personalizedEvents",
				label: "个性化事件数"

		id: 4,
		groupName: "转化数据(计费时间)",
		child: [
				prop: "summary.activateC",
				label: "新增激活数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.backActivateC",
				label: "自定义激活数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.backRegisterC",
				label: "游戏注册量(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.addDesktopC",
				label: "加桌数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cDownloadCount",
				label: "下载数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.customRetainC",
				label: "自定义次留数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.gamePayC",
				label: "游戏付费数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.customPayC",
				label: "自定义付费数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.reactivationC",
				label: "自定义拉活(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.gameAppointmentC",
				label: "游戏预约数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.firstDayRecoveryAdMonetizationC",
				label: "首日回收金额-广告变现(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.totalRecoveryAdMonetizationC",
				label: "累计回收金额-广告变现(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.firstDayRecoveryPaidRechargeC",
				label: "首日回收金额-充值付费(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.totalRecoveryPaidRechargeC",
				label: "累计回收金额-充值付费(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cFastappPay",
				label: "快应用付费数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cPersonalizedEvents",
				label: "个性化事件数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cNormalActivateCount",
				label: "普通激活数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cCreditCount",
				label: "自定义授信数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cInstallDoneCount",
				label: "安装完成数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.wechatgameRegisterC",
				label: "微信小游戏注册数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.wechatgamePayC",
				label: "微信小游戏付费数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.cReactivationRetentionCount",
				label: "拉活自定义次留数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.creditCount",
				label: "自定义授信数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.installDoneCount",
				label: "安装完成数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.wechatgameRegisterCount",
				label: "微信小游戏注册数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.wechatgamePayCount",
				label: "微信小游戏付费数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.reactivationRetentionCount",
				label: "拉活自定义次留数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.reserveCount",
				label: "日历预约数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.taCount",
				label: "目标用户量(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.cTaCount",
				label: "目标用户量(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.payOneTimeCount",
				label: "应用付费次数(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.cPayOneTimeCount",
				label: "应用付费次数(按计费时间)"
				prop: "summary.payOneTimeAmount",
				label: "应用付费金额(按转化时间)"
				prop: "summary.cPayOneTimeAmount",
				label: "应用付费金额(按计费时间)"
		id: 5,
		groupName: "互动数据",
		child: [
				prop: "summary.identifyCodeCount",
				label: "微信-识别二维码数"
				prop: "summary.addWechatMpaCount",
				label: "微信-添加微信数"
				prop: "summary.dialogueMpaCount",
				label: "微信-用户首次消息数"
				prop: "summary.oneDialogueCount",
				label: "有效咨询数"
				prop: "summary.firstDayRecoveryPaidCount",
				label: "游戏首日首次付费"


const categoryClick = (item) => {
	sideList.value.forEach((el) => (el.checked = false));
	item.checked = !item.checked;
	const element = document.getElementById(;
	if (element) {
		element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });

const count = ref(0);

const removeItem = (id) => {
	drag.value = drag.value.filter((item) => != id);
// const domeRef = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
// const handleClick = (MouseEvent) => {
// 	e.preventDefault();
// };
const drag = ref([
		id: 1,
		name: "账号ID"
		id: 2,
		name: "名称"
		id: 3,
		name: "账户主体"
		id: 4,
		name: "总余额"
const dragClick = (item) => {
	drag.value.forEach((el) => (el.checked = false));
	item.checked = !item.checked;

function onUpdate() {

function onAdd() {

function onRemove() {

<style scoped lang="scss">
::v-deep .el-scrollbar {
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::v-deep .el-checkbox__inner {
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.top-wrapper {
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.top-wrapper .search {
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.el-input {
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.el-input__inner {
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.el-dialog .el-dialog__body .el-input .el-input__inner {
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.el-input .el-input__inner {
	height: 32px;
	line-height: 32px;
	border-radius: 2px;

.indicator-side .indicator-category {
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	font-size: 14px;
	line-height: 40px;
	color: #333;
	cursor: pointer;
	display: block;

.indicator-side .indicator-category-active {
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.indicator-block {
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.indicator-group {
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	justify-content: flex-start;

.indicator-title {
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	color: #333;
} .el-checkbox__label {
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.el-checkbox__label {
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.el-radio__label {
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.el-checkbox__label {
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.indicator-drag .indicator-content {
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.indicator-drag .drag-title {
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.indicator-drag .drag-sec {
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.indicator-drag .drag-sepreate {
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	color: #999;
	text-align: center;

.indicator-drag .indicator-limit-many {
	max-height: 445px;
	padding: 0 16px;
	margin-top: 16px;
	overflow-x: hidden;
	overflow-y: auto;

.indicator-drag .mg2 {
	margin-bottom: 2px;

.indicator-drag .drag-block {
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.indicator-drag .drag-block .close {
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.infinite-list .infinite-list-item + .list-item {
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.indicator-wrapper {
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.indicator-side {
	flex-shrink: 0;
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.indicator-body {
	width: 672px;
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.indicator-drag {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
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	flex-shrink: 0;
	width: 216px;
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	padding: 25px 0;
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leetcode 周赛(406)全AC留念

纪念第一次 leetcode 周赛&#xff08;406&#xff09;全AC 1.(100352. 交换后字典序最小的字符串) 题目描述&#xff1a; 给你一个仅由数字组成的字符串 s&#xff0c;在最多交换一次 相邻 且具有相同 奇偶性 的数字后&#xff0c;返回可以得到的 字典序最小的字符串 。 如…


基于mcu固件反汇编逆向入门示例-stm32c8t6平台 本文目标&#xff1a;基于mcu固件反汇编逆向入门示例-stm32c8t6平台 按照本文的描述&#xff0c;应该可以在对应的硬件上通实验并举一反三。 先决条件&#xff1a;拥有C语言基础&#xff0c;集成的开发环境&#xff0c;比如&am…