1. ngmlr简介
CoNvex Gap-cost Ments for Long Reads(ngmlr)是一种长reads比对工具,可以将PacBio或Oxford Nanopore灵敏地与(大)参考基因组(比如人类参考基因组)对齐,能快速和正确地比对reads,包括那些跨越(复杂)结构变异的reads。
Ngmlr使用结构变异(SV)感知的k-mer搜索来找到reads的近似映射位置,然后使用Smith-Waterman比对算法来计算最终比对。Ngmlr使用凸间隙成本模型(convex gap cost model),该模型对较长间隙的间隙扩展的罚分小于较短间隙的间隙扩展,以计算精确的比对。
Accurate detection of complex structural variations using single-molecule sequencing
2. ngmlr安装
# 下载安装包
wget https://github.com/philres/ngmlr/releases/download/v0.2.7/ngmlr-0.2.7-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
# 解压
tar xvzf ngmlr-0.2.7-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd ngmlr-0.2.7/
3. PacBio数据运行
三代fastq数据质控参考:三代测序PacBio&ONT reads过滤和修剪-Chooper和NanoFilt
结构变异Calling参考: 三代测序结构变异分析 - 单样本Germline SV calling和多样本SV Calling
# 数据质控
gunzip -c sample.fastq.gz | NanoFilt -q 10 -l 1000 > sample.clean.fastq
# 比对
ngmlr -t 4 -r reference.fasta \
-q sample.clean.fastq -o sample.sam
# -t: 线程数
# -r: 参考基因组fasta路径
# -q: clean fastq路径
# -o: 比对输出sam文件路径
# Sam2bam
samtools view -bS sample.sam > sample.bam
# 排序
samtools sort sample.bam -o sample.sorted.bam
samtools index sample.sorted.bam
# 查看bam
samtools view sample.sorted.bam|less -S
4. Oxford Nanopore运行
gunzip -c sample.fastq.gz | NanoFilt -q 10 -l 1000 > sample.clean.fastq
# 参数-x: 三代数据类型,默认PacBio
ngmlr -t 4 -r reference.fasta \
-q sample.clean.fastq -o test.sam -x ont
# Sam2bam
samtools view -bS sample.sam > sample.bam
# 排序
samtools sort sample.bam -o sample.sorted.bam
samtools index sample.sorted.bam
# 查看bam
samtools view sample.sorted.bam|less -S
Usage: ngmlr [options] -r <reference> -q <reads> [-o <output>]
-r <file>, --reference <file>
(required) Path to the reference genome (FASTA/Q, can be gzipped)
-q <file>, --query <file>
Path to the read file (FASTA/Q) [/dev/stdin]
-o <string>, --output <string>
Path to output file [stdout]
Don't write reference index to disk [false]
Report reads with > 64k CIGAR operations as unmapped. Required to be compatible with the BAM format [false]
--rg-id <string>
Adds RG:Z:<string> to all alignments in SAM/BAM [none]
--rg-sm <string>
RG header: Sample [none]
--rg-lb <string>
RG header: Library [none]
--rg-pl <string>
RG header: Platform [none]
--rg-ds <string>
RG header: Description [none]
--rg-dt <string>
RG header: Date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) [none]
--rg-pu <string>
RG header: Platform unit [none]
--rg-pi <string>
RG header: Median insert size [none]
--rg-pg <string>
RG header: Programs [none]
--rg-cn <string>
RG header: sequencing center [none]
--rg-fo <string>
RG header: Flow order [none]
--rg-ks <string>
RG header: Key sequence [none]
-t <int>, --threads <int>
Number of threads [1]
-x <pacbio, ont>, --presets <pacbio, ont>
Parameter presets for different sequencing technologies [pacbio]
-i <0-1>, --min-identity <0-1>
Alignments with an identity lower than this threshold will be discarded [0.65]
-R <int/float>, --min-residues <int/float>
Alignments containing less than <int> or (<float> * read length) residues will be discarded [0.25]
Don't detect small inversions [false]
Split alignments with poor quality [false]
Debug output [false]
Don't print progress info while mapping [false]
生信软件1 - 测序下机文件比对结果可视化工具 visNano
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