@Time:2024/7/10 14:02
import zipfile
import os
import xml. etree. ElementTree as ET
import re
headers_to_extract = [
'Host' , 'Connection' , 'Content-Length' , 'apiversion' , 'apicode' ,
'User-Agent' , 'format' , 'content-type' , 'accept' , 'pagecode' ,
'x-secure-opt-log' , 'appcode' , 'Origin' , 'Referer' ,
'Accept-Language' , 'Accept-Encoding' , 'Cookie'
def extract_saz ( saz_file) :
extract_folder = saz_file. replace( '.saz' , '_extracted' )
os. makedirs( extract_folder, exist_ok= True )
with zipfile. ZipFile( saz_file, 'r' ) as zip_ref:
zip_ref. extractall( extract_folder)
return extract_folder
def convert_to_txt ( extract_folder) :
for root, _, files in os. walk( extract_folder) :
for file in files:
if not file . endswith( '.txt' ) :
original_path = os. path. join( root, file )
new_path = os. path. join( root, os. path. splitext( file ) [ 0 ] + '.txt' )
os. rename( original_path, new_path)
def update_domain_from_comments ( xml_file) :
tree = ET. parse( xml_file)
root = tree. getroot( )
for sampler in root. findall( './/HTTPSamplerProxy' ) :
testplan_comments = sampler. find( ".//stringProp[@name='TestPlan.comments']" )
if testplan_comments is not None :
domain_value = testplan_comments. text
domain_prop = sampler. find( ".//stringProp[@name='HTTPSampler.domain']" )
if domain_prop is not None :
domain_prop. text = domain_value
tree. write( xml_file, encoding= 'utf-8' , xml_declaration= True )
def update_testname ( filename) :
tree = ET. parse( filename)
root = tree. getroot( )
header_managers = root. findall( './/HeaderManager' )
for idx, header_manager in enumerate ( header_managers) :
new_testname = f' { idx: 03 } -HTTP信息头管理器'
header_manager. set ( 'testname' , new_testname)
tree. write( filename, encoding= 'utf-8' , xml_declaration= True )
with open ( filename, 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as file :
content = file . read( )
pattern = r'<HeaderManager guiclass="HeaderPanel" testclass="HeaderManager" testname="000-HTTP信息头管理器" enabled="true">.*?</HeaderManager>\s*<hashTree\s*/>'
new_content = re. sub( pattern, '' , content, flags= re. DOTALL)
with open ( filename, 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as file :
file . write( new_content)
def convert_to_jmeter_xml ( directory, headers_to_extract) :
for filename in os. listdir( directory) :
if filename. endswith( "_c.txt" ) :
file_path = os. path. join( directory, filename)
numeric_value = filename. split( '_' ) [ 0 ] . zfill( 3 )
headers = { }
with open ( file_path, 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as file :
content = file . read( )
for header in headers_to_extract:
match = re. search( rf'^ { header} : (.+)$' , content, flags= re. MULTILINE)
if match :
headers[ header] = match . group( 1 )
header_xml = ''
for header, value in headers. items( ) :
header_xml += f'''
<elementProp name="" elementType="Header">
<stringProp name="Header.name"> { header} </stringProp>
<stringProp name="Header.value"> { value} </stringProp>
jmeter_xml = f'''
<HeaderManager guiclass="HeaderPanel" testclass="HeaderManager" testname=" { numeric_value} -HTTP信息头管理器" enabled="true">
<collectionProp name="HeaderManager.headers"> { header_xml}
output_filename = f' { numeric_value} _jmeter.xml'
output_path = os. path. join( directory, output_filename)
with open ( output_path, 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as output_file:
output_file. write( jmeter_xml)
def extract_testnames ( filename) :
testnames = [ ]
tree = ET. parse( filename)
root = tree. getroot( )
for header_manager in root. findall( './/HeaderManager' ) :
testname = header_manager. get( 'testname' , '' )
if '-' in testname:
testnames. append( testname. split( '-' ) [ 0 ] )
return testnames
def read_file_content ( filename) :
with open ( filename, 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as file :
content = file . read( )
return content
def replace_header_manager_content ( filename, testname, replacement_content) :
tree = ET. parse( filename)
root = tree. getroot( )
for header_manager in root. findall( './/HeaderManager' ) :
if header_manager. get( 'testname' , '' ) . startswith( testname) :
header_manager. clear( )
header_manager. text = replacement_content
tree. write( filename, encoding= 'utf-8' , xml_declaration= True )
def modify_jmx_file ( input_file, output_file) :
try :
with open ( input_file, 'r' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
content = f. read( )
content = content. replace( '<HeaderManager>' , '' )
content = content. replace( '</HeaderManager>' , '' )
content = content. replace( '<' , '<' )
content = content. replace( '>' , '>' )
with open ( output_file, 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
f. write( content)
except FileNotFoundError:
print ( f'Error: File { input_file} not found.' )
jmx_filename = 'jmx/33n.jmx'
output_file = 'jmx/new_modified.jmx'
if __name__ == "__main__" :
saz_file_path = 'files/333.saz'
extract_folder = extract_saz( saz_file_path)
convert_to_txt( extract_folder)
print ( f"step1---fidder转换完成!提取文件存放在: { extract_folder} " )
update_domain_from_comments( jmx_filename)
print ( f"step2---url填充完毕" )
update_testname( jmx_filename)
print ( f"step3---信息头管理器【序号】添加完成" )
convert_to_jmeter_xml( extract_folder+ "/raw" , headers_to_extract)
print ( f"step4---信息头管理器【新节点·生成】生成完成" )
testnames = extract_testnames( jmx_filename)
for testname in testnames:
xml_filename = os. path. join( extract_folder+ "/raw/" , f' { testname} _jmeter.xml' )
if os. path. exists( xml_filename) :
replacement_content = read_file_content( xml_filename)
replace_header_manager_content( jmx_filename, testname, replacement_content)
else :
print ( f"Warning: File { xml_filename} not found." )
print ( f"step5---信息头管理器【新节点·替换】完成" )
modify_jmx_file( jmx_filename, output_file)
print ( f"step6---信息头管理器【新节点·替换清洗】完成" )