论文解读 - 城市自动驾驶车辆运动规划与控制技术综述 (第2部分)

news2025/1/11 6:12:33


  • 🚗 II. Overview of the decision-making hierarchy used in driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车的决策层综述)
    • 🔴 A. Route Planning(路径规划)
    • 🟠 B. Behavioral Decision Making(行为决策)
    • 🟡 C. Motion Planning(运动规划)
    • 🟢 D. Vehicle Control(车辆控制)
  • 🚚 III. Modeling for planning and control (规划与控制的建模)
    • 🔴 A. The Kinematic Single-Track Model(单轨运动学模型)
    • 🟠 B. Inertial Effects(惯性效应)

🚗 II. Overview of the decision-making hierarchy used in driverless cars(无人驾驶汽车的决策层综述)

In this section we describe the decision making architecture of a typical self-driving car and comment on the responsibilities of each component. Driverless cars are essentially autonomous decision-making systems that process a stream of observations from on-board sensors such as radars, LIDARs, cameras, GPS/INS units, and odometry. These observations, together with prior knowledge about the road network, rules of the road, vehicle dynamics, and sensor models, are used to automatically select values for controlled variables governing the vehicle’s motion. Intelligent vehicle research aims at automating as much of the driving task as possible. The commonly adopted approach to this problem is to partition and organize perception and decision-making tasks into a hierarchical structure. The prior information and collected observation data are used by the perception system to provide an estimate of the state of the vehicle and its surrounding environment; the estimates are then used by the decision-making system to control the vehicle so that the driving objectives are accomplished.

The decision making system of a typical self-driving car is hierarchically decomposed into four components (cf. Figure II.1): At the highest level a route is planned through the road network. This is followed by a behavioral layer, which decides on a local driving task that progresses the car towards the destination and abides by rules of the road. A motion planning module then selects a continuous path through the environment to accomplish a local navigational task. A control system then reactively corrects errors in the execution of the
planned motion. In the remainder of the section we discuss the responsibilities of each of these components in more detail.


🔴 A. Route Planning(路径规划)

At the highest level, a vehicle’s decision-making system must select a route through the road network from its current position to the requested destination. By representing the road network as a directed graph with edge weights corresponding to the cost of traversing a road segment, such a route can be formulated as the problem of finding a minimum-cost path on a road network graph. The graphs representing road networks can however contain millions of edges making classical shortest path algorithms such as Dijkstra [32] or A* [33] impractical. The problem of efficient route planning in transportation networks has attracted significant interest in the transportation science community leading to the invention of a family of algorithms that after a one-time pre-processing step return an optimal route on a continent-scale network in milliseconds [34], [35]. For a comprehensive survey and comparison of practical algorithms that can be used to efficiently plan routes for both human-driven and self-driving vehicles, see [36].
在最高层上,车辆的决策系统必须选择一条从当前位置到请求的目的地的、通过道路网络的路线。通过将道路网络表示为一个有向图(有向图的边的权重对应所穿过的道路段的成本),可以将路线规划问题构造为在道路网络图上找到一条最小成本路径的问题。然而,表示道路网络的图可以包含数百万条边,使得经典的最短路径算法(如Dijkstra [32]或A * [33])不再实用。交通网络中的高效路线规划问题引起了交通科学界的极大兴趣,催生了一系列算法。这些算法经过一次性的预处理步骤后,能够在毫秒时间内返回大陆规模的道路网络上的一条最优路线[34][35]。有关可用于高效的人类驾驶和自动驾驶车辆路线规划的实用算法的全面综述和比较,请参考[36]。

🟠 B. Behavioral Decision Making(行为决策)

After a route plan has been found, the autonomous vehicle must be able to navigate the selected route and interact with other traffic participants according to driving conventions and rules of the road. Given a sequence of road segments specifying the selected route, the behavioral layer is responsible for selecting an appropriate driving behavior at any point of time based on the perceived behavior of other traffic participants, road conditions, and signals from infrastructure. For example, when the vehicle is reaching the stop line before an intersection, the behavioral layer will command the vehicle to come to a stop, observe the behavior of other vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians at the intersection, and let the vehicle proceed once it is its turn to go.

Driving manuals dictate qualitative actions for specific driving contexts. Since both driving contexts and the behaviors available in each context can be modeled as finite sets, a natural approach to automating this decision making is to model each behavior as a state in a finite state machine with transitions governed by the perceived driving context such as relative position with respect to the planned route and nearby vehicles. In fact, finite state machines coupled with different heuristics specific to considered driving scenarios were adopted as a mechanism for behavior control by most teams in the DARPA Urban Challenge [9].

Real-world driving, especially in an urban setting, is however characterized by uncertainty over the intentions of other traffic participants. The problem of intention prediction and estimation of future trajectories of other vehicles, bikes and pedestrians has also been studied. Among the proposed solution techniques are machine learning based techniques, e.g., Gaussian mixture models [37], Gaussian process regression [38] and the learning techniques reportedly used in Google’s self-driving system for intention prediction [39], as well as model-based approaches for directly estimating intentions from sensor measurements [40], [41].

This uncertainty in the behavior of other traffic participants is commonly considered in the behavioral layer for decision making using probabilistic planning formalisms, such as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and generalizations. For example, [42] formulates the behavioral decision-making problem in MDP framework. Several works [43]–[46] model unobserved different driving scenarios and pedestrian intentions explicitly using a partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP) framework and propose specific approximate solution strategies.

🟡 C. Motion Planning(运动规划)

When the behavioral layer decides on the driving behavior to be performed in the current context, which could be, e.g., cruise-in-lane, change-lane, or turn-right, the selected behavior has to be translated into a path or trajectory that can be tracked by the low-level feedback controller. The resulting path or trajectory must be dynamically feasible for the vehicle, comfortable for the passenger, and avoid collisions with obstacles detected by the on-board sensors. The task of finding such a path or trajectory is a responsibility of the motion planning system, which is discussed in greater detail in Section IV.

🟢 D. Vehicle Control(车辆控制)

In order to execute the reference path or trajectory from the motion planning system a feedback controller is used to select appropriate actuator inputs to carry out the planned motion and correct tracking errors. The tracking errors generated during the execution of a planned motion are due in part to the inaccuracies of the vehicle model. Thus, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the robustness and stability of the closed loop system.

Many effective feedback controllers have been proposed for executing the reference motions provided by the motion planning system. A survey of related techniques are discussed in detail in Section V.

🚚 III. Modeling for planning and control (规划与控制的建模)

In this section we will survey the most commonly used models of mobility of car-like vehicles. Such models are widely used in control and motion planning algorithms to approximate a vehicle’s behavior in response to control actions in relevant operating conditions. A high-fidelity model may accurately reflect the response of the vehicle, but the added detail may complicate the planning and control problems.This presents a trade-off between the accuracy of the selected model and the difficulty of the decision problems. This section provides an overview of general modeling concepts and a survey of models used for motion planning and control.
在本节中,我们将综述最常用的类车车辆(car-like vehicles)的移动模型。此类模型被广泛用于控制和运动规划算法,来近似在相关操作条件下响应于控制动作的车辆行为。高保真模型可以准确地反映车辆的响应,但增加的细节可能会使规划和控制问题复杂化。这要求在所选模型的准确性和决策问题的难度之间做出权衡。本节将对通用的建模概念进行概述,同时将综述用于运动规划和控制的模型。

Modeling begins with the notion of the vehicle configuration, representing its pose or position in the world. For example, configuration can be expressed as the planar coordinate of a point on the car together with the car’s heading. This is a coordinate system for the onfiguration space of the car. This coordinate system describes planar rigid-body motions (represented by the Special Euclidean group in two dimensions, SE(2)) and is a commonly used configuration space [47]–[49]. Vehicle motion must then be planned and regulated to accomplish driving tasks and while respecting the constraints introduced by the selected model.
建模的第一步是车辆构型/配置(configuration)的概念,它表示车辆在世界中的位姿或位置。例如可以用汽车上某一点的平面坐标以及汽车的方向来表示其构型,这便是汽车的构型空间/配置空间(configuration space / C-space)的坐标系。该坐标系描述平面刚体运动(表示为二维的特殊欧氏群 SE(2) ),是常用的构型空间[47-49]。随后,对车辆运动进行规划和控制,以完成驾驶任务,同时必须满足所选模型引入的约束。

🔴 A. The Kinematic Single-Track Model(单轨运动学模型)

In the most basic model of practical use, the car consists of two wheels connected by a rigid link and is restricted to move in a plane [48]–[52]. It is assumed that the wheels do not slip at their contact point with the ground, but can rotate freely about their axes of rotation. The front wheel has an added degree of freedom where it is allowed to rotate about an axis normal to the plane of motion. This is to model steering. These two modeling features reflect the experience most passengers have where the car is unable to make lateral displacement without simultaneously moving forward. More formally, the limitation on maneuverability is referred to as a nonholonomic constraint [47], [53]. The nonholonomic constraint is expressed as a differential constraint on the motion of the car. This expression varies depending on the choice of coordinate system. Variations of this model have been referred to as the car-like robot, bicycle model, kinematic model, or single track model.

The following is a derivation of the differential constraint in several popular coordinate systems for the configuration. In reference to Figure III.1, the vectors p r p_r pr and p f p_f pf denote the location of the rear and front wheels in a stationary or inertial coordinate system with basis vectors ( e ^ x , e ^ y , e ^ z ) \left(\hat{e}_x, \hat{e}_y, \hat{e}_z\right) (e^x,e^y,e^z). The heading θ \theta θ is an angle describing the direction that the vehicle is facing. This is defined as the angle between vectors e ^ x \hat{e}_x e^x and p f − p r p_f-p_r pfpr.
接下来我们将推导这种构型在几种常用坐标系中的微分约束。参考图III.1,向量 p r p_r pr p f p_f pf 分别表示静止坐标系或惯性坐标系中后轮和前轮的位置,坐标系由三个基向量 ( e ^ x , e ^ y , e ^ z ) \left(\hat{e}_x, \hat{e}_y, \hat{e}_z\right) (e^x,e^y,e^z) 所决定。航向 θ \theta θ 是描述车辆朝向的角度,定义为向量 e ^ x \hat{e}_x e^x p f − p r p_f-p_r pfpr 的夹角。

图III.1:单轨模型的运动学,其中 p r p_r pr p f p_f pf分别是后轮和前轮与地面的接触点, θ \theta θ 是车辆航向, δ \delta δ 是前轮的转向角。由于非完整约束, p r p_r pr p f p_f pf 的时间导数被限制在蓝色箭头指示的方向上。

Differential constraints will be derived for the coordinate systems consisting of the angle θ \theta θ, together with the motion of one of the points p r p_r pr as in [54], and p f p_f pf as in [55].
一个坐标系下的微分约束的表达式包括该坐标系下的角度 θ \theta θ 以及车辆上一点的运动,如向量 p r p_r pr(参考[54])或 p f p_f pf(参考[55])。

The motion of the points p r p_r pr and p f p_f pf must be collinear with the wheel orientation to satisfy the no-slip assumption. Expressed as an equation, this constraint on the rear wheel is
p r p_r pr p f p_f pf 的运动必须与车轮的朝向共线,以满足无滑移假设。对于后轮的该约束可以表示为
( p ˙ r ⋅ e ^ y ) cos ⁡ ( θ ) − ( p ˙ r ⋅ e ^ x ) sin ⁡ ( θ ) = 0 ( I I I . 1 ) \left(\dot{p}_r \cdot \hat{e}_y\right) \cos (\theta)-\left(\dot{p}_r \cdot \hat{e}_x\right) \sin (\theta)=0 \quad(III.1) (p˙re^y)cos(θ)(p˙re^x)sin(θ)=0(III.1)

and for the front wheel:
( p ˙ f ⋅ e ^ y ) cos ⁡ ( θ + δ ) − ( p ˙ f ⋅ e ^ x ) sin ⁡ ( θ + δ ) = 0 ( I I I . 2 ) \left(\dot{p}_f \cdot \hat{e}_y\right) \cos (\theta+\delta)-\left(\dot{p}_f \cdot \hat{e}_x\right) \sin (\theta+\delta)=0 \quad(III.2) (p˙fe^y)cos(θ+δ)(p˙fe^x)sin(θ+δ)=0(III.2)

This expression is usually rewritten in terms of the component-wise motion of each point along the basis vectors. The motion of the rear wheel along the e ^ x \hat{e}_x e^x-direction is x r : = p r ⋅ e ^ x x_r:=p_r \cdot \hat{e}_x xr:=pre^x. Similarly, for e ^ y \hat{e}_y e^y-direction, y r : = p r ⋅ e ^ y y_r:=p_r \cdot \hat{e}_y yr:=pre^y. The forward speed is v r : = p ˙ r ⋅ ( p f − p r ) / ∥ ( p f − p r ) ∥ v_r:=\dot{p}_r \cdot\left(p_f-p_r\right) /\left\|\left(p_f-p_r\right)\right\| vr:=p˙r(pfpr)/(pfpr), which is the magnitude of p ˙ r \dot{p}_r p˙r with the correct sign to indicate forward or reverse driving. In terms of the scalar quantities x r x_r xr , y r y_r yr , and θ \theta θ, the differential constraint is
利用每个点沿基向量的运动分量,可以重写上式。后轮沿 e ^ x \hat{e}_x e^x方向的运动可以写作 x r : = p r ⋅ e ^ x x_r:=p_r \cdot \hat{e}_x xr:=pre^x,相似地,沿
e ^ y \hat{e}_y e^y 方向的运动写作 y r : = p r ⋅ e ^ y y_r:=p_r \cdot \hat{e}_y yr:=pre^y 。前向速度 v r : = p ˙ r ⋅ ( p f − p r ) / ∥ ( p f − p r ) ∥ v_r:=\dot{p}_r \cdot\left(p_f-p_r\right) /\left\|\left(p_f-p_r\right)\right\| vr:=p˙r(pfpr)/(pfpr),表示 p ˙ r \dot{p}_r p˙r的大小,同时带有正确的正负号,该正负号用于描述当前的行驶是正向或反向驾驶。利用 x r x_r xr , y r y_r yr θ \theta θ这几个标量,微分约束可以写作

x ˙ r = v r cos ⁡ ( θ ) y ˙ r = v r sin ⁡ ( θ ) θ ˙ = v r l tan ⁡ ( δ ) ( I I I . 3 ) \begin{aligned} \\ & \dot{x}_r=v_r \cos (\theta) \\ & \dot{y}_r=v_r \sin (\theta) \\ & \dot{\theta}=\frac{v_r}{l} \tan (\delta)\end{aligned} \quad(III.3) x˙r=vrcos(θ)y˙r=vrsin(θ)θ˙=lvrtan(δ)(III.3)

Alternatively, the differential constraint can be written in terms the motion of p f p_f pf,
类似地,也可以利用 p f p_f pf的运动将微分约束写作
x ˙ f = v f cos ⁡ ( θ + δ ) y ˙ f = v f sin ⁡ ( θ + δ ) θ ˙ = v f l sin ⁡ δ ( I I I . 4 ) \begin{aligned} &\dot{x}_f=v_f \cos (\theta+\delta) \\ &\dot{y}_f=v_f \sin (\theta+\delta) \\ &\dot{\theta}=\frac{v_f}{l} \sin \delta \end{aligned} \quad(III.4) x˙f=vfcos(θ+δ)y˙f=vfsin(θ+δ)θ˙=lvfsinδ(III.4)

where the front wheel forward speed v f v_f vf is now used. The front wheel speed, v r v_r vr , is related to the rear wheel speed by
其中 v f v_f vf是前轮的前向速度,它与后轮速度 v r v_r vr满足关系
v r v f = cos ⁡ ( δ ) ( I I I . 5 ) \frac{v_r}{v_f}=\cos (\delta) \quad(III.5) vfvr=cos(δ)(III.5)

The planning and control problems for this model involve selecting the steering angle δ \delta δ within the mechanical limits of the vehicle δ ∈ [ δ min ⁡ , δ max ⁡ ] \delta \in\left[\delta_{\min }, \delta_{\max }\right] δ[δmin,δmax], and forward speed v r v_r vr within an acceptable range, v r ∈ [ v min ⁡ , v max ⁡ ] v_r \in\left[v_{\min }, v_{\max }\right] vr[vmin,vmax].
利用这个模型求解规划和控制问题涉及在车辆的机械限制范围内选择转向角 δ ∈ [ δ min ⁡ , δ max ⁡ ] \delta \in\left[\delta_{\min }, \delta_{\max }\right] δ[δmin,δmax],以及在合适的范围内选择前向速度 v r ∈ [ v min ⁡ , v max ⁡ ] v_r \in\left[v_{\min }, v_{\max }\right] vr[vmin,vmax]

A simplification that is sometimes utilized, e.g. [56], is to select the heading rate ω \omega ω instead of steering angle δ \delta δ. These quantities are related by
一种经常采用的简化方式是选择一个航向率 ω \omega ω 而非选择一个转向角 δ \delta δ 。这些变量满足关系
δ = arctan ⁡ l ω v r ( I I I . 6 ) \delta=\arctan \frac{l \omega}{v_r} \quad(III.6) δ=arctanvrlω(III.6)

simplifying the heading dynamics to
θ ˙ = ω , ω ∈ [ v r l tan ⁡ δ min ⁡ , v r l tan ⁡ δ max ⁡ ] ( I I I . 7 ) \dot{\theta}=\omega, \quad \omega \in\left[\frac{v_r}{l} \tan \delta_{\min }, \frac{v_r}{l} \tan \delta_{\max }\right] \quad(III.7) θ˙=ω,ω[lvrtanδmin,lvrtanδmax](III.7)

In this situation, the model is sometimes referred to as the unicycle model since it can be derived by considering the motion of a single wheel.

An important variation of this model is the case when v r v_r vr is fixed. This is sometimes referred to as the Dubins car, after Lester Dubins who derived the minimum time motion between to points with prescribed tangents [57]. Another notable variation is the Reeds-Shepp car for which minimum length paths are known when v r v_r vr takes a single forward and reverse speed [58]. These two models have proven to be of some importance to motion planning and will be discussed further in Section IV.
该模型的一个重要变体是 v r v_r vr 固定时的情况,此时的模型又被称为Dubins车(Dubins Car),以纪念Lester Dubins推导出了具有指定切线的两点之间的最小时间运动[57]。另一个值得注意的变体是Reeds-Shepp车,此时对于最短路径的求解允许 v r v_r vr 是正向或者反向行驶的速度[58]。这两种模型已被证明对运动规划具有一定的重要性,因此将在第四节中作进一步讨论。

The kinematic models are suitable for planning paths at low speeds (e.g. parking maneuvers and urban driving) where inertial effects are small in comparison to the limitations on mobility imposed by the no-slip assumption. A major drawback of this model is that it permits instantaneous steering angle changes which can be problematic if the motion planning module generates solutions with such instantaneous changes.

Continuity of the steering angle can be imposed by augmenting (III.4), where the steering angle integrates a commanded rate as in [49]. Equation (III.4) becomes
x ˙ f = v f cos ⁡ ( θ + δ ) y ˙ f = v f sin ⁡ ( θ + δ ) θ ˙ = v f l sin ⁡ δ δ ˙ = v δ ( I I I . 8 ) \begin{aligned} &\dot{x}_f=v_f \cos (\theta+\delta) \\ &\dot{y}_f=v_f \sin (\theta+\delta) \\ &\dot{\theta}=\frac{v_f}{l} \sin \delta \\ & \dot{\delta}=v_\delta \end{aligned}\quad(III.8) x˙f=vfcos(θ+δ)y˙f=vfsin(θ+δ)θ˙=lvfsinδδ˙=vδ(III.8)

In addition to the limit on the steering angle, the steering rate can now be limited: v δ ∈ [ δ ˙ min ⁡ , δ ˙ max ⁡ ] v_\delta \in\left[\dot{\delta}_{\min }, \dot{\delta}_{\max }\right] vδ[δ˙min,δ˙max]. The same problem can arise with the car’s speed v r v_r vr and can be resolved in the same way. The drawback to this technique is the increased dimension of the model which can complicate motion planning and control problems.
此时除了限制转向角,还要约束转向率 v δ ∈ [ δ ˙ min ⁡ , δ ˙ max ⁡ ] v_\delta \in\left[\dot{\delta}_{\min }, \dot{\delta}_{\max }\right] vδ[δ˙min,δ˙max]。同样的问题也可能发生在车速 v r v_r vr上,但可以通过与转向角相同的方式来解决。这种方法的缺点是增加了模型的维度,使得运动规划与控制问题被复杂化了。

While the kinematic bicycle model and simple variations are very useful for motion planning and control, models considering wheel slip [59], inertia [18], [60]–[62], and chassis dynamics [60] can better utilize the vehicle’s capabilities for executing agile maneuvers. These effects become significant when planning motions with high acceleration and jerk.

🟠 B. Inertial Effects(惯性效应)

When the acceleration of the vehicle is sufficiently large, the no-slip assumption between the tire and ground becomes invalid. In this case a more accurate model for the vehicle is as a rigid body satisfying basic momentum principles. That is, the acceleration is proportional to the force generated by the ground on the tires. Taking p c p_c pc to be the vehicles center of mass, and a coordinate of the configuration (cf. Figure III.2), the motion of the vehicle is governed by
当车辆的加速度足够大时,轮胎与地面之间的无滑移假设不再成立。此时,一个更加准确的模型是将车辆视为一个满足动量定理的刚体,即,加速度正比于地面施加在轮胎上的力。取 p c p_c pc 作为车辆的质心以及构型坐标(参考图3.2),车辆的运动有以下关系:
m p ¨ c = F f + F r I z z θ ¨ = ( p c − p f ) × F f + ( p c − p r ) × F r ( I I I . 9 ) \begin{aligned} &m \ddot{p}_c=F_f+F_r \\ & I_{z z} \ddot{\theta}=\left(p_c-p_f\right) \times F_f+\left(p_c-p_r\right) \times F_r \end{aligned}\quad(III.9) mp¨c=Ff+FrIzzθ¨=(pcpf)×Ff+(pcpr)×Fr(III.9)

where F r F_r Fr and F f F_f Ff are the forces applied to the vehicle by the ground through the ground-tire interaction, m m m is the vehicles total mass, and I z z I_{zz} Izz is the polar moment of inertia in the e ^ z \hat{e}_z e^z direction about the center of mass. In the following derivations we tacitly neglect the motion of p c p_c pc in the e ^ z \hat{e}_z e^z direction with the assumptions that the road is level, the suspension is rigid and vehicle remains on the road.
其中 F r F_r Fr F f F_f Ff是地面通过与轮胎的接触而施加于车辆的力, m m m是车辆的总质量, I z z I_{zz} Izz是在 e ^ z \hat{e}_z e^z方向上关于质心的极惯性矩。在接下来的推导中,我们将基于平坦地面、刚体悬架以及车辆保持在道路上的假设,默认忽略 p c p_c pc e ^ z \hat{e}_z e^z方向上的运动。

The expressions for Fr and Ff vary depending on modeling assumptions [18], [59], [60], [62], but in any case the expression can be tedious to derive. Equations (III.10)-(III.15) therefore provide a detailed derivation as a reference.
F r F_r Fr F f F_f Ff的表达式随建模假设[18][59][60][62]而变化,但在任何情况下,推导该表达式都可能很繁琐。因此,方程(III.10)-(III.15)提供了详细的推导作为参考。

The force between the ground and tires is modeled as being dependent on the rate that the tire slips on the ground. Although the center of mass serves as a coordinate for the configuration, the velocity of each wheel relative to the ground is needed to determine this relative speed. The kinematic relations between these three points are
p r = p c + ( − l r cos ⁡ θ − l r sin ⁡ θ 0 ) p ˙ r = p ˙ c + ( 0 0 θ ˙ ) × ( − l r cos ⁡ θ − l r sin ⁡ θ 0 ) p f = p c + ( l f cos ⁡ θ l f sin ⁡ θ 0 ) p ˙ f = p ˙ c + ( 0 0 θ ˙ ) × ( l f cos ⁡ θ l f sin ⁡ θ 0 ) ( I I I . 10 ) \begin{aligned} &p_r=p_c+\left(\begin{array}{c} -l_r \cos \theta \\ -l_r \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \\ & \dot{p}_r=\dot{p}_c+\left(\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ & \dot{\theta} \end{array}\right) \times\left(\begin{array}{c} -l_r \cos \theta \\ -l_r \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \\ &p_f=p_c+\left(\begin{array}{c} l_f \cos \theta \\ l_f \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \\ &\dot{p}_f=\dot{p}_c+\left(\begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ \dot{\theta} \end{array}\right) \times\left(\begin{array}{c} l_f \cos \theta \\ l_f \sin \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \end{aligned}\quad(III.10) pr=pc+ lrcosθlrsinθ0 p˙r=p˙c+ 00θ˙ × lrcosθlrsinθ0 pf=pc+ lfcosθlfsinθ0 p˙f=p˙c+ 00θ˙ × lfcosθlfsinθ0 (III.10)

These kinematic relations are used to determine the velocities of the point on each tire in contact with the ground, s r s_r sr and s f s_f sf . The velocity of these points are referred to as the tire slip velocity. In general, s r s_r sr and s f s_f sf differ from p ˙ r \dot{p}_r p˙r and p ˙ f \dot{p}_f p˙f through the angular velocity of the wheel. The kinematic relation is
这些运动学关系用于确定每个轮胎与地面的接触点的速度 s r s_r sr s f s_f sf 。这些点的速度又被称为轮胎滑动速度。通常,由于存在轮胎的角速度,因此 s r s_r sr s f s_f sf 不同于 p ˙ r \dot{p}_r p˙r p ˙ f \dot{p}_f p˙f 。它们之间的运动学关系如下:
s r = p ˙ r + ω r × R s f = p ˙ f + ω f × R ( I I I . 11 ) \begin{aligned} & s_r=\dot{p}_r+\omega_r \times R \\ & s_f=\dot{p}_f+\omega_f \times R \end{aligned}\quad(III.11) sr=p˙r+ωr×Rsf=p˙f+ωf×R(III.11)

The angular velocities of the wheels are given by
ω r = ( Ω r sin ⁡ θ − Ω r cos ⁡ θ 0 ) , ω f = ( Ω f sin ⁡ ( θ + δ ) − Ω f cos ⁡ ( θ + δ ) 0 ) ( I I I . 12 ) \omega_r=\left(\begin{array}{c} \Omega_r \sin \theta \\ -\Omega_r \cos \theta \\ 0 \end{array}\right), \quad \omega_f=\left(\begin{array}{c} \Omega_f \sin (\theta+\delta) \\ -\Omega_f \cos (\theta+\delta) \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \quad(III.12) ωr= ΩrsinθΩrcosθ0 ,ωf= Ωfsin(θ+δ)Ωfcos(θ+δ)0 (III.12)

and R = ( 0 , 0 , − r ) T R=(0,0,-r)^T R=(0,0,r)T . The wheel radius is the scalar quantity r r r, and Ω { r , f } \Omega_{\{r, f\}} Ω{r,f} are the angular speeds of each wheel relative to the car. This is illustrated for the rear wheel in Figure III.3
R = ( 0 , 0 , − r ) T R=(0,0,-r)^T R=(0,0,r)T 。车轮半径用标量 r r r 表示,每个轮胎相对于汽车的角速率用 Ω { r , f } \Omega_{\{r, f\}} Ω{r,f} 表示。图3.3描绘了后轮上的各个变量之间的关系。


图III.2:没有无滑移假设的单轨模型的运动学图解,其中 ω { r , f } \omega_{\{r, f\}} ω{r,f} 是车轮相对于车辆的相对角速度


图III.3:二维的后轮运动学图解表明了车轮滑移 S r S_r Sr 与后轮速度 p ˙ r \dot{p}_r p˙r 以及角速率

Under static conditions, or when the height of the center of mass can be approximated as p c ⋅ e ^ z ≈ 0 p_c \cdot \hat{e}_z \approx 0 pce^z0, the component of the force normal to the ground, F { r , f } ⋅ e ^ z F_{\{r, f\}} \cdot \hat{e}_z F{r,f}e^z can be computed from a static force-torque balance as
在静态条件下,或者当质心的高度可以近似满足 p c ⋅ e ^ z ≈ 0 p_c \cdot \hat{e}_z \approx 0 pce^z0 时,地面施加给轮胎的力在垂直于地面的方向上的分量 F { r , f } ⋅ e ^ z F_{\{r, f\}} \cdot \hat{e}_z F{r,f}e^z 可以通过静力学的力矩平衡而给出:
F f ⋅ e ^ z = l r m g l f + l r , F r ⋅ e ^ z = l f m g l f + l r ( I I I . 13 ) F_f \cdot \hat{e}_z=\frac{l_r m g}{l_f+l_r}, \quad F_r \cdot \hat{e}_z=\frac{l_f m g}{l_f+l_r} \quad(III.13) Ffe^z=lf+lrlrmg,Fre^z=lf+lrlfmg(III.13)

The normal force is then used to compute the traction force on each tire together with the slip and a friction coefficient model, μ \mu μ, for the tire behavior. The traction force on the rear tire is given component-wise by
法向力随后同滑移以及一个描述轮胎特性的摩擦系数模型 μ \mu μ 一起,用于计算每个轮胎上的牵引力。后轮上的牵引力的分量给出如下:
F r ⋅ e ^ x = − ( F r ⋅ e ^ z ) μ ( ∥ s r ∥ Ω r r ) s r ∥ s r ∥ ⋅ e ^ x F r ⋅ e ^ y = − ( F r ⋅ e ^ z ) μ ( ∥ s r ∥ Ω r r ) s r ∥ s r ∥ ⋅ e ^ y ( I I I . 14 ) \begin{aligned} & F_r \cdot \hat{e}_x=-\frac{\left(F_r \cdot \hat{e}_z\right) \mu\left(\frac{\left\|s_r\right\|}{\Omega_r r}\right) s_r}{\left\|s_r\right\|} \cdot \hat{e}_x \\ & F_r \cdot \hat{e}_y=-\frac{\left(F_r \cdot \hat{e}_z\right) \mu\left(\frac{\left\|s_r\right\|}{\Omega_r r}\right) s_r}{\left\|s_r\right\|} \cdot \hat{e}_y \end{aligned} \quad(III.14) Fre^x=sr(Fre^z)μ(Ωrrsr)sre^xFre^y=sr(Fre^z)μ(Ωrrsr)sre^y(III.14)

The same expression describes the front tire with the r r r-subscript replaced by an f f f-subscript. The formula above models the traction force as being anti-parallel to the slip with magnitude proportional to the normal force with a nonlinear dependence on the slip ratio (the magnitude of the slip normalized by Ω r r \Omega_r r Ωrr for the rear and Ω f r \Omega_f r Ωfr for the front). Combining (III.10)-(III.15) yields expressions for the net force on each wheel of the car in terms of the control variables, generalized coordinates, and their velocities. Equation (III.14), together with the following model for μ \mu μ, are a frequently used model for tire interaction with the ground. Equation (III.15) is a simplified version of the well known model due to Pacejka [63].
将上式中的下标 r r r 替换为 f f f,就可以得到前轮上的牵引力的表达式。上式将牵引力建模为反向平行于滑移,且其大小正比于法向力,同时与滑移率非线性相关(滑移率由滑移经过后轮的 Ω r r \Omega_r r Ωrr 或前轮的 Ω f r \Omega_f r Ωfr 的归一化而给出)。结合公式(III.10)-(III.15),可以得到关于控制变量、广义坐标以及轮胎速度的每个车轮上的合力的表达式。将方程(III.14)以及如下有关 μ \mu μ 的模型结合起来,是一种常用的、处理车轮和地面接触的情况的模型。方程(III.15)是Pacejka提出的知名模型的一种简化版本。
μ ( ∥ s r ∥ Ω r r ) = D sin ⁡ ( C arctan ⁡ ( B ∥ s r ∥ Ω r r ) ) ( I I I . 15 ) \mu\left(\frac{\left\|s_r\right\|}{\Omega_r r}\right)=D \sin \left(C \arctan \left(B \frac{\left\|s_r\right\|}{\Omega_r r}\right)\right) \quad (III.15) μ(Ωrrsr)=Dsin(Carctan(BΩrrsr))(III.15)

The rotational symmetry of (III.14) together with the peak in (III.15) lead to a maximum norm force that the tire can exert in any direction. This peak is referred to as the friction circle depicted in Figure III.4
方程(III.14)的旋转对称性以及方程(III.15)存在的峰值将导致轮胎产生一个能在任何方向上施加的范数最大的力。该峰值又被称为摩擦圆(friction circle),如图III.4所示。


The models discussed in this section appear frequently in the literature on motion planning and control for driverless cars. They are suitable for the motion planning and control tasks discussed in this survey. However, lower level control tasks such as electronic stability control and active suspension systems typically use more sophisticated models for the chassis, steering and, drive-train.








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