
news2024/10/7 18:32:20



















求矩阵运算的jar包:Apache Commons Math










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                "geometricError": 59.6401645003559
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1355.99951171875, 16.4887676239014, 12.5251359939575, 18.6517333984375, 0, 0, 0, 50.3155078887939, 0, 0, 0, 8.38973331451416]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+055_+024/Tile_+055_+024.json"
                "geometricError": 54.3132131065945
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1368.37573242188, 77.9040107727051, 6.60480356216431, 6.41845703125, 0, 0, 0, 11.7378349304199, 0, 0, 0, 2.24518442153931]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+055_+025/Tile_+055_+025.json"
                "geometricError": 13.5651838396135
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1407.76196289063, -259.938575744629, 15.907214641571, 35.7642822265625, 0, 0, 0, 26.6888961791992, 0, 0, 0, 11.5050873756409]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+056_+021/Tile_+056_+021.json"
                "geometricError": 46.0841415018922
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1421.63781738281, -183.753875732422, 17.1668101549149, 49.4112548828125, 0, 0, 0, 50.4975280761719, 0, 0, 0, 13.9405335187912]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+056_+022/Tile_+056_+022.json"
                "geometricError": 72.0125747747334
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1423.4345703125, -83.8446617126465, 13.146103978157, 50.58740234375, 0, 0, 0, 50.5813941955566, 0, 0, 0, 9.23278701305389]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+056_+023/Tile_+056_+023.json"
                "geometricError": 72.1304864165157
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1424.056640625, 16.1404838562012, 14.5895075798035, 50.58740234375, 0, 0, 0, 50.5891609191895, 0, 0, 0, 10.2280697822571]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+056_+024/Tile_+056_+024.json"
                "geometricError": 72.2700621963674
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1424.43774414063, 77.5803565979004, 13.805157661438, 50.35009765625, 0, 0, 0, 12.0362205505371, 0, 0, 0, 9.49176692962646]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+056_+025/Tile_+056_+025.json"
                "geometricError": 52.6317069700521
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1482.11926269531, -79.1935214996338, 5.75612854957581, 9.2208251953125, 0, 0, 0, 45.3083171844482, 0, 0, 0, 1.68560910224915]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+057_+023/Tile_+057_+023.json"
                "geometricError": 46.2677911879815
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1490.83251953125, 15.7759399414063, 12.0768136978149, 17.3740234375, 0, 0, 0, 50.3316650390625, 0, 0, 0, 8.07517910003662]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+057_+024/Tile_+057_+024.json"
                "geometricError": 53.8548207081674
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1493.28857421875, 77.2821998596191, 9.15342235565186, 19.2080078125, 0, 0, 0, 11.946231842041, 0, 0, 0, 4.94451904296875]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+057_+025/Tile_+057_+025.json"
                "geometricError": 23.1540123502415
            "geometricError": 440.204868379572
        "geometricError": 440.204868379572,
        "transform": [-0.860048066843865, -0.510213017001851, 0.0, 0.0, 0.268197168561964, -0.452090496848062, 0.850696456695934, 0.0, -0.434036405723617, 0.731639843052264, 0.525657244376012, 0.0, -2770907.60361716, 4670821.10507043, 3333353.96012987, 1.0]
    "asset": {
        "generatetool": "cesiumlab2@www.cesiumlab.com/osgb2tiles3",
        "version": "1.0"
    "geometricError": 371.970268249901,
    "root": {
        "boundingVolume": {
            "box": [-1300.84271240234, -886.116760253906, -6.17444896697998, 139.575012207031, 0, 0, 0, 116.933471679688, 0, 0, 0, 37.8926019668579]
        "children": [{
            "boundingVolume": {
                "box": [-1300.84271240234, -886.116760253906, -6.17444896697998, 139.575012207031, 0, 0, 0, 116.933471679688, 0, 0, 0, 37.8926019668579]
            "children": [{
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1391.99407958984, -933.559753417969, 14.0356489419937, 48.4236450195313, 0, 0, 0, 48.149169921875, 0, 0, 0, 11.1117585897446]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+025_+004/Tile_+025_+004.json"
                "geometricError": 69.1857148557412
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1369.02563476563, -852.159057617188, 2.13443279266357, 25.9090576171875, 0, 0, 0, 34.1532592773438, 0, 0, 0, 21.7199869155884]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+025_+005/Tile_+025_+005.json"
                "geometricError": 48.0570725022815
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1299.24267578125, -994.438171386719, 9.6319876909256, 32.385498046875, 0, 0, 0, 8.612060546875, 0, 0, 0, 5.9280823469162]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+026_+003/Tile_+026_+003.json"
                "geometricError": 34.0313125065579
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1294.17193603516, -936.282165527344, 16.2041157484055, 50.5923461914063, 0, 0, 0, 50.5336303710938, 0, 0, 0, 12.6391478776932]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+026_+004/Tile_+026_+004.json"
                "geometricError": 72.6152969470457
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1293.55456542969, -836.444793701172, 6.14014911651611, 50.57958984375, 0, 0, 0, 50.5338439941406, 0, 0, 0, 25.3308382034302]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+026_+005/Tile_+026_+005.json"
                "geometricError": 75.852591660895
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1292.90478515625, -778.007720947266, 15.3367151618004, 27.361083984375, 0, 0, 0, 8.82443237304688, 0, 0, 0, 13.8531003594398]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+026_+006/Tile_+026_+006.json"
                "geometricError": 31.9125040238965
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1219.70953369141, -920.958221435547, 15.8824429512024, 24.8853149414063, 0, 0, 0, 34.5433654785156, 0, 0, 0, 12.3139815330505]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+027_+004/Tile_+027_+004.json"
                "geometricError": 44.3188124785806
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-1202.70550537109, -841.645172119141, -6.17444896697998, 41.4378051757813, 0, 0, 0, 45.6526794433594, 0, 0, 0, 37.8926019668579]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+027_+005/Tile_+027_+005.json"
                "geometricError": 72.3678666395718
            "geometricError": 371.970268249901
        "geometricError": 371.970268249901,
        "transform": [-0.859624213482753, -0.510926816280138, 0.0, 0.0, 0.268445326760204, -0.451653926798071, 0.850850067255383, 0.0, -0.434722115994534, 0.731411319856156, 0.525408567737061, 0.0, -2775282.77578321, 4669358.11021673, 3331774.10493865, 1.0]
    "asset": {
        "generatetool": "cesiumlab2@www.cesiumlab.com/osgb2tiles3",
        "version": "1.0"
    "geometricError": 221.861093368121,
    "root": {
        "boundingVolume": {
            "box": [24.9149742126465, 458.556976318359, 5.52865505218506, 97.6052131652832, 0, 0, 0, 49.4085388183594, 0, 0, 0, 18.3740262985229]
        "children": [{
            "boundingVolume": {
                "box": [24.9149742126465, 458.556976318359, 5.52865505218506, 97.6052131652832, 0, 0, 0, 49.4085388183594, 0, 0, 0, 18.3740262985229]
            "children": [{
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-53.5235767364502, 460.995025634766, 4.8595757484436, 19.1666622161865, 0, 0, 0, 44.6980590820313, 0, 0, 0, 17.1172251701355]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+038_+018/Tile_+038_+018.json"
                "geometricError": 51.5584796491835
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-49.5933418273926, 506.448089599609, 3.60871529579163, 15.2364234924316, 0, 0, 0, 1.51742553710938, 0, 0, 0, 0.110045909881592]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+038_+019/Tile_+038_+019.json"
                "geometricError": 15.3121941995155
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [15.0548553466797, 457.191497802734, 5.52865505218506, 50.5630187988281, 0, 0, 0, 48.0430603027344, 0, 0, 0, 18.3740262985229]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+039_+018/Tile_+039_+018.json"
                "geometricError": 72.1273828425906
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [-33.1613292694092, 505.072769165039, 3.53735184669495, 1.75724983215332, 0, 0, 0, 0.161758422851563, 0, 0, 0, 0.157356977462769]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+039_+019/Tile_+039_+019.json"
                "geometricError": 1.77168111643222
            }, {
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [93.4946136474609, 456.362838745117, 5.13061237335205, 29.0255737304688, 0, 0, 0, 45.5960540771484, 0, 0, 0, 17.7045965194702]
                "content": {
                    "uri": "Tile_+040_+018/Tile_+040_+018.json"
                "geometricError": 56.8765049533316
            "geometricError": 221.861093368121
        "geometricError": 221.861093368121,
        "transform": [-0.859624213482753, -0.510926816280138, 0.0, 0.0, 0.268445326760204, -0.451653926798071, 0.850850067255383, 0.0, -0.434722115994534, 0.731411319856156, 0.525408567737061, 0.0, -2775282.77578321, 4669358.11021673, 3331774.10493865, 1.0]
// *****************************************************
// 功能:合并多个三维瓦片图层。
// +文件系统:
// -+合并图层目录
// --源图层目录符号链接...
// -+入口文件:tileset.json
// --+配置对象
// ----asset:预设对象
// ----geometricError:几何误差
// ---+root:场景根对象
// ----+boundingVolume:边界框对象
// ------box:包围盒数组
// ----+children:子对象数组
// -----+源图层子对象...
// ------+boundingVolume:子对象边界框对象
// --------box:子对象包围盒数组
// ------+content:子对象内容
// --------uri:子对象json|b3dm文件路径
// -------geometricError:子对象几何误差
// -------transform:子对象转换矩阵数组
// -----geometricError:几何误差
// -----transform:转换矩阵数组
// 算法:
// / 1: 判断合并图层目录是否存在,非追加时如已存在则在确认后清空,如不确认则退出,如不存在则创建。
// / 2:依次合并源图层目录。
// / 2.1:在合并图层目录下创建各源图层目录的符号链接。
// / 2.2:依次合并各图层的tileset文件。
// / 2.2.1:首次新建或读取图层配置对象。
// / 2.2.2:非追加合并:取首个源图层配置对象中的转换矩阵为全局转换矩阵。
// / 2.2.3:计算源图层配置对象中子对象的转换矩阵:全局转换矩阵的逆矩阵 x源图层配置对象的转换矩阵。
// / 2.2.4:将源图层配置对象中的子对象放入,并修改uri属性和符号链接对应。
// / 2.2.5:计算图层配置对象的外围框属性值:外围框坐标:(最大坐标+最小坐标)/2,外围框半长:(最大坐标-最小坐标)/2。
// / 2.2.6:计算图层配置对象的外围框几何误差值:外围框外包圆的直径。
// / 2.3:保存tileset文件。
// 用法:node 3DTileJoin <是否追加合并:1|0> <合并图层目录> <源图层目录>,...
// 输出:
// / 开始合并<合并图层目录>...
// / <源图层目录>已合并。
// *****************************************************

// 导入模块
const $m=
  fs: require( "fs"),
  path: require( "path"),
  readline: require( "readline")
$m.matrix= new Matrix();

// 执行主函数

// ******************* 【函数:主函数】 *********************
function main()
  // ================== 取命令行参数 =================
  var argIdx= 2; // 初始化参数索引
  // 取参数:是否追加合并
  var isAppend= process.argv[ argIdx++];
  if( !isAppend)
    return argErr( "缺少是否追加合并参数!");
  isAppend= isAppend== 1? true: isAppend== 0? false: null;
  if( isAppend== null)
    return argErr( "是否追加合并参数错误!");
  // 取参数:合并图层目录
  var joinLayerPath= process.argv[ argIdx++];
  if( !joinLayerPath)
    return argErr( "缺少合并图层目录参数!");
  joinLayerPath= $m.path.resolve( joinLayerPath); // 合并图层目录转绝对路径
  // 取参数:源图层目录
  var srcLayerPaths= delBlk( ( process.argv[ argIdx++]|| "").split( ",")); // 删除空值
  if( !srcLayerPaths.length)
    return argErr( "缺少源图层目录参数!");
  // 源图层目录转绝对路径
  for( var i= 0; i< srcLayerPaths.length; i++)
    srcLayerPaths[ i]= $m.path.resolve( srcLayerPaths[ i]);
  // 检测:源图层目录是否存在、源图层目录是否重复
  for( var i= 0, srcLayerPathm= {}; i< srcLayerPaths.length; i++)
    var srcLayerPath= srcLayerPaths[ i];
    if( !$m.fs.existsSync( srcLayerPath))
      return stdout( "源图层目录不存在:"+ srcLayerPath);
    else if( srcLayerPathm[ srcLayerPath])
      return stdout( "源图层目录重复:"+ srcLayerPath);
      srcLayerPathm[ srcLayerPath]= 1;

  // ================== 新建合并图层目录 ==================
  // 合并图层目录已存在且非追加:确认后清空
  var isExit= $m.fs.existsSync( joinLayerPath);
  if( isExit&& !isAppend)
    // 创建读行器
    var rl= $m.readline.createInterface(
      input: process.stdin,
      output: process.stdout
    // 输入参数:是否删除目录
    rl.question( "请确认是否需要清空此目录:"+ joinLayerPath+ "?(Y/N)  ", function( answer)
      rl.close(), answer= answer.toUpperCase();
      answer== "Y"? ( emptyDir( joinLayerPath), joinLayer()) // 确认:清空
      : answer== "N"? stdout( "未确认!退出。") //
      : stdout( "输入错误!退出。"); // 不确认:退出
  // 合并图层目录不存在:创建
    !isExit&& $m.fs.mkdirSync( joinLayerPath), isAppend= false, joinLayer(); // 创建目录,强制为非追加

  // 函数:合并图层
  function joinLayer()
    var joinCfgo, joinTrsfInv; // 定义合并图层配置对象、合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
    stdout( "开始合并"+ joinLayerPath+ "..."); // 输出:开始合并图层目录...
    // 依次合并源图层目录
    for( var i= 0; i< srcLayerPaths.length; i++)
      var srcLayerPath= srcLayerPaths[ i], srcLayerNm= $m.path.parse( srcLayerPath).name; // 源图层路径、源图层目录名
      var joinLinkPath= $m.path.join( joinLayerPath, srcLayerNm); // 合并图层链接路径(合并图层链接/源图层目录名)
      // 创建源图层符号链接
      isSymLinkSync( joinLinkPath)&& $m.fs.unlinkSync( joinLinkPath); // 源图层已存在:删除原先的符号链接
      $m.fs.symlinkSync( srcLayerPath, joinLinkPath);
      // 读取源图层的配置文件
      var srcCfgo= readJsonFile( $m.path.join( srcLayerPath, "tileset.json"));
      if( !srcCfgo)
        continue; // 读取失败:继续下一个
      // 首次:生成合并图层配置对象、取合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
      !i&& ( joinCfgo= !isAppend? // 非追加:初始化配置对象
          "asset": srcCfgo.asset,
          "geometricError": 0.0,
              "box": []
            "children": [],
            "geometricError": 0.0,
            "transform": srcCfgo.root.transform
        : readJsonFile( $m.path.join( joinLayerPath, "tileset.json")) // 追加:从合并图层中读取
        , joinTrsfInv= $m.matrix.inv( $m.matrix.dConver( joinCfgo.root.transform))); // 取合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
      // 计算子对象的转换矩阵
      var srcTrsf= $m.matrix.dConver( $m.matrix.mul( joinTrsfInv, $m.matrix.dConver( srcCfgo.root.transform)));
      // 设置源图层子对象的转换矩阵
      var srcRtChos= srcCfgo.root.children;
      for( var l= 0; l< srcRtChos.length; l++)
        var srcRtCho= srcRtChos[ l];
        srcRtCho[ "transform"]= srcTrsf;
        // 替换uri开头为源图层目录名
        srcRtCho.content&& ( srcRtCho.content.uri= srcLayerNm+ "/"+ srcRtCho.content.uri);
        for( var j= 0; j< ( srcRtCho.children|| []).length; j++)
          srcRtCho.children[ j].content.uri= srcLayerNm+ "/"+ srcRtCho.children[ j].content.uri;
        // 合并源图层子对象
        for( var j= 0, chIdx= -1; j< joinCfgo.root.children.length&& chIdx== -1; j++)
          var joinRtCh= joinCfgo.root.children[ j];
          // 子对象无内层对象
          if( joinRtCh.content&& srcRtCho.content&& joinRtCh.content.uri== srcRtCho.content.uri)
            chIdx= j;
          // 子对象有内存对象
          else if( joinRtCh.children&& srcRtCho.children)
            for( var k= 0, found= false; k< joinRtCh.children.length&& !found; k++)
              joinRtCh.children[ k].content.uri!= srcRtCho.children[ k].content.uri&& ( found= true);
            !found&& ( chIdx= j);
        isAppend&& chIdx>= 0&& joinCfgo.root.children.splice( chIdx, 1); // 追加合并已存在源图层:覆盖
        joinCfgo.root.children.push( srcRtCho);
      // 输出:源图层目录已合并
      stdout( srcLayerPath+ "已合并。");
    // 计算合并图层配置对象外围框属性数值
    var joinRtChs= joinCfgo.root.children;
    // 最大的x坐标、最小的x坐标、最大的y坐标、最小的y坐标、最大的z坐标、最小的z坐标、最大的z轴半长
    var maxX= null, minX= null, maxY= null, minY= null, maxZ= null, minZ= null;
    for( var i= 0; i< joinRtChs.length; i++)
      var joinRtCh= joinRtChs[ i];
      var o= [ joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 0]+ joinRtCh.transform[ 12], joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 1]+ joinRtCh.transform[ 13], joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 2]+ joinRtCh.transform[ 14]];
      var r= [ joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 3], joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 7], joinRtCh.boundingVolume.box[ 11]];
      var xa= [ o[ 0]- r[ 0], o[ 0]+ r[ 0]], ya= [ o[ 1]- r[ 1], o[ 1]+ r[ 1]], za= [ o[ 2]- r[ 2], o[ 2]+ r[ 2]];
      minX= !i? xa[ 0]: Math.min( xa[ 0], minX), maxX= !i? xa[ 1]: Math.max( xa[ 1], maxX);
      minY= !i? ya[ 0]: Math.min( ya[ 0], minY), maxY= !i? ya[ 1]: Math.max( ya[ 1], maxY);
      minZ= !i? za[ 0]: Math.min( za[ 0], minZ), maxZ= !i? za[ 1]: Math.max( za[ 1], maxZ);
    // 计算:最外层包围盒x轴坐标、最外层包围盒y轴坐标、最外层包围盒z轴坐标
    var boxs= [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    boxs[ 0]= ( maxX+ minX)/ 2, boxs[ 1]= ( maxY+ minY)/ 2, boxs[ 2]= ( maxZ+ minZ)/ 2;
    // 计算:最外层包围盒x轴半长、最外层包围盒y轴半长、最外层包围盒z轴半长
    boxs[ 3]= ( maxX- minX)/ 2, boxs[ 7]= ( maxY- minY)/ 2, boxs[ 11]= ( maxZ- minZ)/ 2;
    joinCfgo.root.boundingVolume.box= boxs;
    // 计算:最外层包围盒几何误差值
    var geometricError= Math.sqrt( Math.pow( boxs[ 3], 2)+ Math.pow( boxs[ 7], 2))* 2;
    joinCfgo.geometricError= geometricError, joinCfgo.root.geometricError= geometricError;
    // 保存tileset文件
      $m.fs.writeFileSync( $m.path.join( joinLayerPath, "tileset.json"), JSON.stringify( joinCfgo));
    }catch( e)
      stdout( e);
    // 提示完成
    stdout( "图层合并完成。");

  // 函数:参数错误
  function argErr( err)
    var msg= err+ "\n用法:node 3DTileJoin <是否追加合并:1|0> <合并图层目录> <源图层目录>,...";
    stdout( msg);

  // 函数:删除数组空元素
  function delBlk( items)
    for( var i= 0; i< items.length; i++)
      !items[ i].trim()&& items.splice( i--, 1);
    return items;

  // 函数:判断文件是否为符号链接(考虑文件不存在的情况)
  function isSymLinkSync( path)
    var isSymLink= false;
      isSymLink= $m.fs.lstatSync( path).isSymbolicLink();
    }catch( e)
      return false;
    return isSymLink;

// *********************【函数:标准输出】 ************************
function stdout( msg)
  console.log( msg);

// *********************【函数:读取单个json文件内容】 ************************
function readJsonFile( path)
    var jsono= $m.fs.readFileSync( path), jsono= JSON.parse( jsono.toString());
    return jsono;
  }catch( e)
    stdout( e);
    stdout( "无法打开输入文件:"+ path);

// *********************【函数:清空目标目录】 ************************
function emptyDir( tarPath)
  var sons= $m.fs.readdirSync( tarPath);
  for( var i= 0; i< sons.length; i++)
    var son= sons[ i], sonPath= $m.path.join( tarPath, son);
    if( $m.fs.lstatSync( sonPath).isSymbolicLink()|| !$m.fs.statSync( sonPath).isDirectory())
      $m.fs.unlinkSync( sonPath);
      emptyDir( sonPath), $m.fs.rmdirSync( sonPath);

// 类:矩阵
function Matrix()
  var to= this;
  // ***********************【行列式】 ************************
  this.det= function( ms)
    // 矩阵阶数
    var n= ms.length, detVal= 0;
    // n阶矩阵求行列式
    if( n> 3)
      for( var column= 0; column< n; column++) // 去掉第 0行第column列的矩阵
        var matrix= new Array( n- 1).fill( 0).map( function()
          return new Array( n- 1).fill( 0);
        for( var i= 0; i< n- 1; i++)
          for( var j= 0; j< n- 1; j++)
            j< column? matrix[ i][ j]= ms[ i+ 1][ j]: matrix[ i][ j]= ms[ i+ 1][ j+ 1];
        detVal+= ms[ 0][ column]* Math.pow( -1, 0+ column)* to.det( matrix);
    // 3阶矩阵求行列式
    else if( n== 3)
      detVal= ms[ 0][ 0]* ms[ 1][ 1]* ms[ 2][ 2]+ ms[ 0][ 1]* ms[ 1][ 2]* ms[ 2][ 0] //
        + ms[ 0][ 2]* ms[ 1][ 0]* ms[ 2][ 1]- ms[ 0][ 2]* ms[ 1][ 1]* ms[ 2][ 0] //
        - ms[ 0][ 1]* ms[ 1][ 0]* ms[ 2][ 2]- ms[ 0][ 0]* ms[ 1][ 2]* ms[ 2][ 1];
    // 2阶矩阵求行列式
    else if( n== 2)
      detVal= ms[ 0][ 0]* ms[ 1][ 1]- ms[ 0][ 1]* ms[ 1][ 0];
    // 1阶矩阵求行列式
    else if( n== 1)
      detVal= ms[ 0][ 0];
    return detVal;

  // ************************* 【伴随矩阵】 *************************
  this.adjoint= function( ms)
    // 初始化二维矩阵(置零)
    var adjM= new Array( ms.length).fill( 0).map( function()
      return new Array( ms.length).fill( 0);
    // 求各位置的代数余子式
    for( var row= 0; row< ms.length; row++)
      for( var column= 0; column< ms.length; column++) // 去掉第 row 行第 column 列的矩阵
        // 求各位置的余子式
        for( var i= 0, matrix= []; i< ms.length; i++)
          if( i!= row)
            for( var j= 0, arr= []; j< ms.length; j++)
              j!= column&& arr.push( ms[ i][ j]);
            matrix.push( arr);
        // 求代数余子式
        adjM[ row][ column]= Math.pow( -1, row+ column)* to.det( matrix);
    // 转置后返回
    return to.transpose( adjM);

  // *********************** 【转置矩阵】 ************************
  this.transpose= function( ms)
    var transM= new Array( ms.length).fill( 0).map( function()
      return new Array( ms[ 0].length).fill( 0);
    for( var i= 0; i< transM.length; i++)
      for( var j= 0; j< transM[ 0].length; j++)
        transM[ i][ j]= ms[ j][ i];
    return transM;

  // *********************** 【逆矩阵】 ************************
  this.inv= function( ms)
    var detVal= to.det( ms), invM= to.adjoint( ms);
    for( var i= 0; i< invM.length; i++)
      for( var j= 0; j< invM.length; j++)
        invM[ i][ j]/= detVal;
    return invM;

  // ********************** 【矩阵相乘】 **********************
  this.mul= function( m1, m2)
    var m3= [];
    // 求m1的列数
    for( var i= 0, cn1= 0; i< m1.length; i++)
      cn1= Math.max( cn1, m1[ i].length);
    // 求m2的列数
    for( var i= 0, cn2= 0; i< m2.length; i++)
      cn2= Math.max( cn2, m2[ i].length);
    // 乘
    for( var i= 0; i< m1.length; i++)
      var l1= m1[ i], l3= m3[ i]= [];
      for( var j= 0; j< cn2; j++)
        l3[ j]= 0;
        for( var l= 0; l< cn1; l++)
          l3[ j]+= ( l1[ l]|| 0)* ( m2[ l][ j]|| 0);
    return m3;

  // ********************** 【矩阵数组维度转换】 **********************
  // 一维矩阵数组转二维数组/二维矩阵数组转一维数组
  this.dConver= function( ms)
    var matrix, is2D= ms.every( function( item)
      return Array.isArray( item);
    // 二维转一维
    if( is2D)
      matrix= new Array( Math.pow( ms.length, 2)).fill( 0);
      for( var i= 0; i< ms.length; i++)
        var rows= ms[ i];
        for( var j= 0; j< rows.length; j++)
          matrix[ i+ j* rows.length]= rows[ j];
    // 一维转二维
      var n= Math.sqrt( ms.length); // 矩阵阶数
      matrix= new Array( n).fill( 0).map( function()
        return new Array( n).fill( 0);
      for( var i= 0; i< ms.length; i++)
        matrix[ i% n][ parseInt( i/ n)]= ms[ i];
    return matrix;

node D:\JAVA\3dtiles\js\3DTileJoin2_test 0 D:\JAVA\3dtiles\js_test_success D:\JAVA\3dtiles\data\aa,D:\JAVA\3dtiles\data\bb,D:\JAVA\3dtiles\data\cc,D:\JAVA\3dtiles\data\dd,D:\JAVA\3dtiles\data\ee

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            "geometricError": 371.970268249901,
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        }, {
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                "content": {
                    "uri": "ee/Tile_+039_+018/Tile_+039_+018.json"
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                "geometricError": 1.77168111643222
            }, {
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                "content": {
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            "geometricError": 221.861093368121,
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package org.example.threedtiles;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Matrix {
     * 一维转二维
     * @param ms
     * @return
    public static double[][] dConver(double[] ms) {
        double[][] matrix;
        int n = (int) Math.sqrt(ms.length);
        matrix = new double[n][n];
        for (int i = 0; i < ms.length; i++) {
            int row = i % n;
            int col = (int) Math.floor(i / n);
            matrix[row][col] = ms[i];
        return matrix;

     * 二维转一维
     * @param
     * @return
    public static double[] converttwotoone(double[][] ms) {
        // 计算二维数组的元素个数
        int totalElements = 0;
        for (double[] row : ms) {
            totalElements += row.length;
        double matrix[] = new double[totalElements];
        for (int i = 0; i < ms.length; i++) {
            double[] rows = ms[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < rows.length; j++)
                matrix[i + j * rows.length] = rows[j];
        return matrix;

    static double det(double[][] ms) {
        // 矩阵阶数
        int n = ms.length;
        double detVal = 0;
        // n阶矩阵求行列式
        if (n > 3) {
            for (int column = 0; column < n; column++) // 去掉第 0行第column列的矩阵
                double[][] matrix = new double[n - 1][n - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
                        if (j < column) {
                            matrix[i][j] = ms[i + 1][j];
                        } else {
                            matrix[i][j] = ms[i + 1][j + 1];
                detVal += ms[0][column] * Math.pow(-1, 0 + column) * det(matrix);
        // 3阶矩阵求行列式
        else if (n == 3)
            detVal = ms[0][0] * ms[1][1] * ms[2][2] + ms[0][1] * ms[1][2] * ms[2][0] //
                    + ms[0][2] * ms[1][0] * ms[2][1] - ms[0][2] * ms[1][1] * ms[2][0] //
                    - ms[0][1] * ms[1][0] * ms[2][2] - ms[0][0] * ms[1][2] * ms[2][1];
            // 2阶矩阵求行列式
        else if (n == 2)
            detVal = ms[0][0] * ms[1][1] - ms[0][1] * ms[1][0];
            // 1阶矩阵求行列式
        else if (n == 1)
            detVal = ms[0][0];
        return detVal;

     * 伴随矩阵
     * @param
     * @return

    public static double[][] adjoint(double[][] ms) {

        double[][] adjM = new double[ms.length][ms.length];

        for (int row = 0; row < ms.length; row++) {
            for (int column = 0; column < ms.length; column++) { // 去掉第 row 行第 column 列的矩阵
                ArrayList matrix = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < ms.length; i++) {
                    if (i != row) {
                        //double[] arr = new double[ms.length];
                        ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
                        for (int j = 0; j < ms.length; j++) {
                            if (j != column) {
                // 将arraylist转化为二维矩阵
                double[][] matrix2 = new double[ms.length - 1][ms.length - 1];
                matrix2 = convertArrayToTwo(matrix);
                double a = Matrix.det(matrix2);
                adjM[row][column] = (Math.pow(-1, row + column) * Matrix.det(matrix2));

        // 转置并返回结果
        return Matrix.transpose(adjM);

    public static double[][] transpose(double[][] ms) {
        double[][] transM = new double[ms.length][ms[0].length];
        for (int i = 0; i < transM.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < transM[0].length; j++) {
                transM[i][j] = ms[j][i];
        return transM;

     * 逆矩阵
     * @param ms
     * @return
    public static double[][] inv(double[][] ms) {
        RealMatrix a = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(ms);
        double detVal = (int) (Matrix.det(a.getData()) + 0.5);
        double[][] invM = Matrix.adjoint(ms);
        for (int i = 0; i < invM.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < invM.length; j++)
                invM[i][j] /= detVal;
        return invM;


     * // ********************** 【矩阵相乘】 **********************
     * @param m1
     * @param m2
     * @return
    public static double[][] mul(double[][] m1, double[][] m2) {
        RealMatrix a = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m1);
        RealMatrix b = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m2);
        RealMatrix actual = a.multiply(b);
        return actual.getData();
    private static double[][] convertArrayToTwo(ArrayList matrix) {
        // 将arraylist转化为一维数组
        double tra[][] = new double[matrix.size()][((ArrayList) matrix.get(0)).size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ((ArrayList) matrix.get(0)).size(); j++) {
                tra[i][j] = (double) ((ArrayList) matrix.get(i)).get(j);
        return tra;

package org.example.threedtiles;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ThreeDTilesJoin2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // 取参数:是否追加合并
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); // 创建Scanner对象

        // System.out.println("请输入追加合并参数0/1:");
        //int isAppendInt = scanner.nextInt(); // 接受用户输入的一行文本
        int isAppendInt = 0; // 接受用户输入的一行文本

        Boolean isAppend = isAppendInt == 1 ? true : isAppendInt == 0 ? false : null;
        // 取参数:合并图层目录
        // String joinLayerPath = scanner.next();
        String joinLayerPath = "D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\java_test";
        // 取参数:源图层目录
//        String srcLayerPaths = scanner.next();
        String srcLayerPaths = "D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\aa,D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\bb,D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\cc,D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\dd,D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\ee";

        // ================== 新建合并图层目录 ==================
        // 合并图层目录已存在且非追加:确认后清空
        File joinLayerFile = new File(joinLayerPath);
        if (joinLayerFile.exists() && !isAppend) {
            joinLayer(joinLayerPath, srcLayerPaths.split(","), isAppend);
        } else {
            // 合并图层目录不存在:创建
            if (!joinLayerFile.exists()) {

            isAppend = Boolean.FALSE;
            joinLayer(joinLayerPath, srcLayerPaths.split(","), isAppend);
        scanner.close(); // 关闭scanner对象

    public static JSONObject readJsonFile(String path) throws IOException {
        String jsonString = "";
        jsonString = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path)));
        return JSON.parseObject(jsonString);

    // 将jsonarray转化为一维数组
    public static double[] converttoone(JSONArray jsonArray) {
        // 将arraylist转化为一维数组
        double tra[] = new double[jsonArray.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            tra[i] = jsonArray.getDoubleValue(i);
        return tra;

    // 函数:合并图层
    public static void joinLayer(String joinLayerPath, String[] srcLayerPaths, Boolean isAppend) throws IOException {
        JSONObject joinCfgo = new JSONObject();
        double[][] joinTrsfInv = new double[4][4];
        System.out.println("开始合并..." + joinLayerPath);
        // 依次合并源图层目录
        ArrayList srcRtChoList = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < srcLayerPaths.length; i++) {
            String srcLayerPath = srcLayerPaths[i];
            System.out.println("开始合并目录" + srcLayerPath);
            // 读取源图层的配置文件
            JSONObject srcCfgo = readJsonFile(srcLayerPath + "\\" + "tileset.json");
            if (srcCfgo == null) {
                continue; // 读取失败:继续下一个
            // 首次:生成合并图层配置对象、取合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
            if (i == 0) {

                JSONObject asset = new JSONObject();
                asset.put("asset", srcCfgo.get("asset"));
                asset.put("geometricError", 0.0);
                JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
                JSONObject boundingVolume = new JSONObject();
                boundingVolume.put("box", new JSONArray());
                root.put("boundingVolume", boundingVolume);
                root.put("children", new JSONArray());
                root.put("geometricError", 0.0);
                root.put("transform", srcCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("transform"));

                asset.put("root", root);
                joinCfgo = !isAppend ? // 非追加:初始化配置对象
                        : readJsonFile(joinLayerPath + "\\" + "tileset.json"); // 追加:从合并图层中读取
                // 取合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
                double[] a = converttoone(joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("transform"));
                double[][] a2 = Matrix.dConver(a);
                joinTrsfInv = Matrix.inv(a2); // 取合并图层转换矩阵的逆矩阵
            // 计算子对象的转换矩阵
            double[] b = converttoone(srcCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("transform"));
            double[] srcTrsf = Matrix.converttwotoone(Matrix.mul(joinTrsfInv, Matrix.dConver(b)));
            // 设置源图层子对象的转换矩阵
            JSONArray srcRtChos = srcCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("children");

            for (int l = 0; l < srcRtChos.size(); l++) {
                JSONObject srcRtCho = srcRtChos.getJSONObject(l);
                //JSONObject srcRtCho = new JSONObject();
                srcRtCho.put("transform", srcTrsf);
                // 替换uri开头为源图层目录名
                if (srcRtCho.getString("content") != null) {
                    srcRtCho.getJSONObject("content").put("uri", srcLayerPath + "/" + srcRtCho.getJSONObject("content").getString("uri"));
                for (int j = 0; j < srcRtCho.getJSONArray("children").size(); j++) {
                    srcRtCho.getJSONArray("children").getJSONObject(j).getJSONObject("content").put("uri", srcLayerPath + "/" + srcRtCho.getJSONArray("children").getJSONObject(j).getJSONObject("content").getString("uri"));
                // 合并源图层子对象
                int chIdx = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("children").size() && chIdx == -1; j++) {
                    JSONObject joinRtCh = joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("children").getJSONObject(j);
                    // 子对象无内层对象
                    if (joinRtCh.getJSONObject("content") != null && srcRtCho.getJSONObject("content") != null && joinRtCh.getJSONObject("content").getString("uri").equals(srcRtCho.getJSONObject("content").getString("uri"))) {
                        chIdx = j;
                    // 子对象有内存对象
                    if (joinRtCh.getJSONArray("children") != null && srcRtCho.getJSONArray("children") != null) {
                        Boolean found = false;

                        for (int k = 0; k < joinRtCh.getJSONArray("children").size() && !found; k++) {
                            if (!joinRtCh.getJSONArray("children").getJSONObject(k).getJSONObject("content").getString("uri").equals(srcRtCho.getJSONArray("children").getJSONObject(k).getJSONObject("content").getString("uri"))) {
                                found = true;
                        if (!found) {
                            chIdx = j;

                if (isAppend && chIdx >= 0) {
                    joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("children").get(chIdx); // 追加合并已存在源图层:覆盖



            System.out.println(srcLayerPath + " 已合并。");
        joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").put("children", srcRtChoList);
        // 计算合并图层配置对象外围框属性数值
        JSONArray joinRtChs = joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONArray("children");
        // 最大的x坐标、最小的x坐标、最大的y坐标、最小的y坐标、最大的z坐标、最小的z坐标、最大的z轴半长
        double maxX = 0.0, minX = 0.0, maxY = 0.0, minY = 0.0, maxZ = 0.0, minZ = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < joinRtChs.size(); i++) {
            JSONObject joinRtCh = joinRtChs.getJSONObject(i);
            double[] o = new double[]{
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(0)).doubleValue() +
                            ((double) (joinRtCh.getJSONArray("transform").get(12))),
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(1)).doubleValue() +
                            ((double) (joinRtCh.getJSONArray("transform").get(13))),
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(2)).doubleValue()
                            + ((double) joinRtCh.getJSONArray("transform").get(14))
            double[] r = new double[]{
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(3)).doubleValue(),
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(7)).doubleValue(),
                    ((BigDecimal) joinRtCh.getJSONObject("boundingVolume").getJSONArray("box").get(11)).doubleValue()
            double[] xa = new double[]{o[0] - r[0], o[0] + r[0]};
            double[] ya = new double[]{o[1] - r[1], o[1] + r[1]};
            double[] za = new double[]{o[2] - r[2], o[2] + r[2]};
            if (i == 0) {
                minX = xa[0];
                maxX = xa[1];
                minY = ya[0];
                maxY = ya[1];
                minZ = za[0];
                maxZ = za[1];
            } else {
                minX = Math.min(xa[0], minX);
                maxX = Math.max(xa[1], maxX);
                minY = Math.min(ya[0], minY);
                maxY = Math.max(ya[1], maxY);
                minZ = Math.min(za[0], minZ);
                maxZ = Math.max(za[1], maxZ);
        // 计算:最外层包围盒x轴坐标、最外层包围盒y轴坐标、最外层包围盒z轴坐标
        double[] boxs = new double[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
        boxs[0] = (maxX + minX) / 2;
        boxs[1] = (maxY + minY) / 2;
        boxs[2] = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;

        // 计算:最外层包围盒x轴半长、最外层包围盒y轴半长、最外层包围盒z轴半长
        boxs[3] = (maxX - minX) / 2;
        boxs[7] = (maxY - minY) / 2;
        boxs[11] = (maxZ - minZ) / 2;

        joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").getJSONObject("boundingVolume").put("box", boxs);

        // 计算:最外层包围盒几何误差值
        double geometricError = (double) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(boxs[3], 2) + Math.pow(boxs[7], 2)) * 2;
        joinCfgo.put("geometricError", geometricError);
        joinCfgo.getJSONObject("root").put("geometricError", geometricError);

        // 保存tileset文件
        try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(joinLayerPath + "\\" + "tileset.json")) {
            if (new File(joinLayerPath + "\\" + "tileset.json").exists()) {
                new File(joinLayerPath + "\\" + "tileset.json").delete();
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // 提示完成
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-math3 -->



    "geometricError": 9325.869057604898,
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                "content": {
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                "geometricError": 7.30462462257396,
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                "content": {
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                "content": {
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                "geometricError": 21.9752339830746,
                "content": {
                    "uri": "D:\\JAVA\\3dtiles\\data\\bb/Tile_+057_+025/Tile_+057_+025.json"
                "boundingVolume": {
                    "box": [1557.44226074219, 77.4114685058594, 8.79704344272614, 17.3408203125, 0, 0, 0, 12.489372253418, 0, 0, 0, 5.12078511714935]
            }, {
                "geometricError": 59.0020951037097,
                "content": {
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    static double det(double[][] ms) {
        RealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(ms);
        LUDecomposition lu1 = new LUDecomposition(matrix);

求矩阵运算的jar包:Apache Commons Math
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.commons/commons-math3 -->
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularValueDecomposition;

public class MatrixExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double[][] matrixData = {
            {1, 2, 3},
            {4, 5, 6},
            {7, 8, 9}
        RealMatrix matrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(matrixData);
        // 获取子矩阵
        RealMatrix subMatrix = matrix.getSubMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1);
        // 计算子矩阵的行列式值
        double minorDeterminant = subMatrix.getDeterminant();
        System.out.println("代数余子式的行列式值为: " + minorDeterminant);
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 创建一个二维数组表示矩阵
        double[][] matrixData = {
                {1, 2, 3},
                {4, 5, 6},
                {7, 8, 9}

        // 将二维数组转换为实数矩阵对象
        RealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrixData);

        // 创建LUDecomposition对象
        LUDecomposition luDecomposition = new LUDecomposition(matrix);

        // 获取行列式的值
        double determinant = luDecomposition.getDeterminant();

        // 打印行列式的值
        System.out.println("Determinant of the matrix: " + determinant);
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 创建一个二维数组表示矩阵
        double[][] matrixData = {
                {1, 2, 3},
                {4, 5, 6},
                {7, 8, 9}

        // 将二维数组转换为实数矩阵对象
        RealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrixData);

        // 计算矩阵的转置
        RealMatrix transposedMatrix = matrix.transpose();

        // 打印转置后的矩阵
        System.out.println("Original Matrix:");
        System.out.println("\nTransposed Matrix:");

    // 辅助方法:打印矩阵
    public static void printMatrix(RealMatrix matrix) {
        int rows = matrix.getRowDimension();
        int columns = matrix.getColumnDimension();

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                System.out.print(matrix.getEntry(i, j) + "\t");
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.DecompositionSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 创建一个二维数组表示矩阵
        double[][] matrixData = {
                {1, 2, 3},
                {4, 5, 6},
                {7, 8, 9}

        // 将二维数组转换为实数矩阵对象
        RealMatrix matrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matrixData);

        // 创建LUDecomposition对象
        LUDecomposition luDecomposition = new LUDecomposition(matrix);

        // 获取分解求解器
        DecompositionSolver solver = luDecomposition.getSolver();

        // 计算逆矩阵
        RealMatrix inverseMatrix = solver.getInverse();

        // 打印逆矩阵
        System.out.println("Original Matrix:");
        System.out.println("\nInverse Matrix:");

    // 辅助方法:打印矩阵
    public static void printMatrix(RealMatrix matrix) {
        int rows = matrix.getRowDimension();
        int columns = matrix.getColumnDimension();

        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
                System.out.print(matrix.getEntry(i, j) + "\t");
public static double[][] mul(double[][] m1, double[][] m2) {
    RealMatrix a = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m1);
    RealMatrix b = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(m2);
    RealMatrix actual = a.multiply(b);
    return actual.getData();





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