本文给大家带来的改进机制是MobileNetV4,其发布时间是2024.5月。MobileNetV4是一种高度优化的神经网络架构,专为移动设备设计。它最新的改动总结主要有两点,采用了通用反向瓶颈(UIB)和针对移动加速器优化的Mobile MQA注意力模块(一种全新的注意力机制)。这些创新有助于在不牺牲准确性的情况下,显著提高推理速度和计算效率。MobileNetV4是一种移动端的网络。
二、Swin Transformer原理
2.1 Swin Transformer的基本原理
2.2 层次化特征映射
2.3 局部自注意力计算
2.4 移动窗口自注意力
2.5 移动窗口分区
三、 Swin Transformer的完整代码
四、手把手教你添加Swin Transformer网络结构
4.1 修改一
4.2 修改二
4.3 修改三
4.4 修改四
4.5 修改五
4.6 修改六
4.7 修改七
4.8 修改八
4.9 必备修改!
4.10 RT-DETR不能打印计算量问题的解决
4.11 可选修改
五、Swin Transformer的yaml文件
5.1 yaml文件
5.2 运行文件
5.3 成功训练截图
官方论文地址: 官方论文地址点击此处即可跳转
官方代码地址: 官方代码地址点击此处即可跳转
此外,MobileNetV4还包括一种名为Mobile MQA的新型注意力机制,该机制通过优化算术运算与内存访问的比率,显著提高了移动加速器上的推理速度,这是移动性能的关键因素。该架构通过精细的神经网络架构搜索(NAS)和新颖的蒸馏技术进一步优化,使得MobileNetV4能够在多种硬件平台上达到最优性能,包括移动CPU、DSP、GPU和特定的加速器,如Apple的Neural Engine和Google的Pixel EdgeTPU。
最后,通过一种新的蒸馏技术,MobileNetV4进一步提高了准确性,其混合型大模型在ImageNet-1K数据集上达到了87%的顶级准确率,同时在Pixel 8 EdgeTPU上的运行时间仅为3.8毫秒。这些特性使MobileNetV4成为适用于移动环境中高效视觉任务的理想选择。
1. 通用反转瓶颈(UIB):
2. Mobile MQA注意力机制:
为了优化移动加速器的性能,MobileNetV4设计了一个特殊的注意力模块,名为Mobile MQA。这一模块针对移动设备的计算和存储限制进行了优化,提供了高达39%的推理速度提升。
3. 优化的神经架构搜索(NAS)配方:
4. 模型蒸馏技术:
引入了一种新的蒸馏技术,用以提高模型的准确性。通过这种技术,MNv4-Hybrid-Large模型在ImageNet-1K上达到了87%的准确率,并且在Pixel 8 EdgeTPU上的运行时间仅为3.8毫秒。
个人总结:MobileNetV4是一个专为移动设备设计的高效深度学习模型。它通过整合多种先进技术,如通用反转瓶颈(UIB)、针对移动设备优化的注意力机制(Mobile MQA),以及先进的架构搜索方法(NAS),实现了在不同硬件上的高效运行。这些技术的融合不仅大幅提升了模型的运行速度,还显著提高了准确率。特别是,它的一个变体模型在标准图像识别测试中取得了87%的准确率,运行速度极快。
三、 MobileNetV4的完整代码
from typing import Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
__all__ = ['MobileNetV4ConvLarge', 'MobileNetV4ConvSmall', 'MobileNetV4ConvMedium', 'MobileNetV4HybridMedium', 'MobileNetV4HybridLarge']
"conv0": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[3, 32, 3, 2]
"layer1": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[32, 32, 3, 2],
[32, 32, 1, 1]
"layer2": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[32, 96, 3, 2],
[96, 64, 1, 1]
"layer3": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 6,
"block_specs": [
[64, 96, 5, 5, True, 2, 3],
[96, 96, 0, 3, True, 1, 2],
[96, 96, 0, 3, True, 1, 2],
[96, 96, 0, 3, True, 1, 2],
[96, 96, 0, 3, True, 1, 2],
[96, 96, 3, 0, True, 1, 4],
"layer4": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 6,
"block_specs": [
[96, 128, 3, 3, True, 2, 6],
[128, 128, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[128, 128, 0, 5, True, 1, 4],
[128, 128, 0, 5, True, 1, 3],
[128, 128, 0, 3, True, 1, 4],
[128, 128, 0, 3, True, 1, 4],
"layer5": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[128, 960, 1, 1],
[960, 1280, 1, 1]
MNV4ConvMedium_BLOCK_SPECS = {
"conv0": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[3, 32, 3, 2]
"layer1": {
"block_name": "fused_ib",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[32, 48, 2, 4.0, True]
"layer2": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[48, 80, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[80, 80, 3, 3, True, 1, 2]
"layer3": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 8,
"block_specs": [
[80, 160, 3, 5, True, 2, 6],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 3, 0, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 0, 0, True, 1, 2],
[160, 160, 3, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer4": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 11,
"block_specs": [
[160, 256, 5, 5, True, 2, 6],
[256, 256, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 0, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 2],
[256, 256, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 5, 0, True, 1, 2]
"layer5": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[256, 960, 1, 1],
[960, 1280, 1, 1]
"conv0": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[3, 24, 3, 2]
"layer1": {
"block_name": "fused_ib",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[24, 48, 2, 4.0, True]
"layer2": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[48, 96, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[96, 96, 3, 3, True, 1, 4]
"layer3": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 11,
"block_specs": [
[96, 192, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer4": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 13,
"block_specs": [
[192, 512, 5, 5, True, 2, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer5": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[512, 960, 1, 1],
[960, 1280, 1, 1]
def mhsa(num_heads, key_dim, value_dim, px):
if px == 24:
kv_strides = 2
elif px == 12:
kv_strides = 1
query_h_strides = 1
query_w_strides = 1
use_layer_scale = True
use_multi_query = True
use_residual = True
return [
num_heads, key_dim, value_dim, query_h_strides, query_w_strides, kv_strides,
use_layer_scale, use_multi_query, use_residual
MNV4HybridConvMedium_BLOCK_SPECS = {
"conv0": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[3, 32, 3, 2]
"layer1": {
"block_name": "fused_ib",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[32, 48, 2, 4.0, True]
"layer2": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[48, 80, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[80, 80, 3, 3, True, 1, 2]
"layer3": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 8,
"block_specs": [
[80, 160, 3, 5, True, 2, 6],
[160, 160, 0, 0, True, 1, 2],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[160, 160, 3, 5, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 24)],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 24)],
[160, 160, 3, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 24)],
[160, 160, 3, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 24)],
[160, 160, 3, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer4": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 12,
"block_specs": [
[160, 256, 5, 5, True, 2, 6],
[256, 256, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 2],
[256, 256, 3, 5, True, 1, 2],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 2],
[256, 256, 0, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 12)],
[256, 256, 3, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 12)],
[256, 256, 5, 5, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 12)],
[256, 256, 5, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(4, 64, 64, 12)],
[256, 256, 5, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer5": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[256, 960, 1, 1],
[960, 1280, 1, 1]
MNV4HybridConvLarge_BLOCK_SPECS = {
"conv0": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[3, 24, 3, 2]
"layer1": {
"block_name": "fused_ib",
"num_blocks": 1,
"block_specs": [
[24, 48, 2, 4.0, True]
"layer2": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[48, 96, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[96, 96, 3, 3, True, 1, 4]
"layer3": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 11,
"block_specs": [
[96, 192, 3, 5, True, 2, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 3, 5, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 48, 48, 24)],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 48, 48, 24)],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 48, 48, 24)],
[192, 192, 5, 3, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 48, 48, 24)],
[192, 192, 3, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer4": {
"block_name": "uib",
"num_blocks": 14,
"block_specs": [
[192, 512, 5, 5, True, 2, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 3, True, 1, 4],
[512, 512, 5, 5, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 64, 64, 12)],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 64, 64, 12)],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 64, 64, 12)],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4, mhsa(8, 64, 64, 12)],
[512, 512, 5, 0, True, 1, 4]
"layer5": {
"block_name": "convbn",
"num_blocks": 2,
"block_specs": [
[512, 960, 1, 1],
[960, 1280, 1, 1]
"MobileNetV4ConvSmall": MNV4ConvSmall_BLOCK_SPECS,
"MobileNetV4ConvMedium": MNV4ConvMedium_BLOCK_SPECS,
"MobileNetV4ConvLarge": MNV4ConvLarge_BLOCK_SPECS,
"MobileNetV4HybridMedium": MNV4HybridConvMedium_BLOCK_SPECS,
"MobileNetV4HybridLarge": MNV4HybridConvLarge_BLOCK_SPECS
def make_divisible(
value: float,
divisor: int,
min_value: Optional[float] = None,
round_down_protect: bool = True,
) -> int:
This function is copied from here
This is to ensure that all layers have channels that are divisible by 8.
value: A `float` of original value.
divisor: An `int` of the divisor that need to be checked upon.
min_value: A `float` of minimum value threshold.
round_down_protect: A `bool` indicating whether round down more than 10%
will be allowed.
The adjusted value in `int` that is divisible against divisor.
if min_value is None:
min_value = divisor
new_value = max(min_value, int(value + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor)
# Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%.
if round_down_protect and new_value < 0.9 * value:
new_value += divisor
return int(new_value)
def conv_2d(inp, oup, kernel_size=3, stride=1, groups=1, bias=False, norm=True, act=True):
conv = nn.Sequential()
padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2
conv.add_module('conv', nn.Conv2d(inp, oup, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias=bias, groups=groups))
if norm:
conv.add_module('BatchNorm2d', nn.BatchNorm2d(oup))
if act:
conv.add_module('Activation', nn.ReLU6())
return conv
class InvertedResidual(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inp, oup, stride, expand_ratio, act=False, squeeze_excitation=False):
super(InvertedResidual, self).__init__()
self.stride = stride
assert stride in [1, 2]
hidden_dim = int(round(inp * expand_ratio))
self.block = nn.Sequential()
if expand_ratio != 1:
self.block.add_module('exp_1x1', conv_2d(inp, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, stride=stride))
if squeeze_excitation:
conv_2d(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, groups=hidden_dim))
self.block.add_module('red_1x1', conv_2d(hidden_dim, oup, kernel_size=1, stride=1, act=act))
self.use_res_connect = self.stride == 1 and inp == oup
def forward(self, x):
if self.use_res_connect:
return x + self.block(x)
return self.block(x)
class UniversalInvertedBottleneckBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,
"""An inverted bottleneck block with optional depthwises.
Referenced from here https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/official/vision/modeling/layers/nn_blocks.py
# Starting depthwise conv.
self.start_dw_kernel_size = start_dw_kernel_size
if self.start_dw_kernel_size:
stride_ = stride if not middle_dw_downsample else 1
self._start_dw_ = conv_2d(inp, inp, kernel_size=start_dw_kernel_size, stride=stride_, groups=inp, act=False)
# Expansion with 1x1 convs.
expand_filters = make_divisible(inp * expand_ratio, 8)
self._expand_conv = conv_2d(inp, expand_filters, kernel_size=1)
# Middle depthwise conv.
self.middle_dw_kernel_size = middle_dw_kernel_size
if self.middle_dw_kernel_size:
stride_ = stride if middle_dw_downsample else 1
self._middle_dw = conv_2d(expand_filters, expand_filters, kernel_size=middle_dw_kernel_size, stride=stride_,
# Projection with 1x1 convs.
self._proj_conv = conv_2d(expand_filters, oup, kernel_size=1, stride=1, act=False)
# Ending depthwise conv.
# this not used
# _end_dw_kernel_size = 0
# self._end_dw = conv_2d(oup, oup, kernel_size=_end_dw_kernel_size, stride=stride, groups=inp, act=False)
def forward(self, x):
if self.start_dw_kernel_size:
x = self._start_dw_(x)
# print("_start_dw_", x.shape)
x = self._expand_conv(x)
# print("_expand_conv", x.shape)
if self.middle_dw_kernel_size:
x = self._middle_dw(x)
# print("_middle_dw", x.shape)
x = self._proj_conv(x)
# print("_proj_conv", x.shape)
return x
class MultiQueryAttentionLayerWithDownSampling(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inp, num_heads, key_dim, value_dim, query_h_strides, query_w_strides, kv_strides,
dw_kernel_size=3, dropout=0.0):
"""Multi Query Attention with spatial downsampling.
Referenced from here https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/official/vision/modeling/layers/nn_blocks.py
3 parameters are introduced for the spatial downsampling:
1. kv_strides: downsampling factor on Key and Values only.
2. query_h_strides: vertical strides on Query only.
3. query_w_strides: horizontal strides on Query only.
This is an optimized version.
1. Projections in Attention is explict written out as 1x1 Conv2D.
2. Additional reshapes are introduced to bring a up to 3x speed up.
self.num_heads = num_heads
self.key_dim = key_dim
self.value_dim = value_dim
self.query_h_strides = query_h_strides
self.query_w_strides = query_w_strides
self.kv_strides = kv_strides
self.dw_kernel_size = dw_kernel_size
self.dropout = dropout
self.head_dim = key_dim // num_heads
if self.query_h_strides > 1 or self.query_w_strides > 1:
self._query_downsampling_norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(inp)
self._query_proj = conv_2d(inp, num_heads * key_dim, 1, 1, norm=False, act=False)
if self.kv_strides > 1:
self._key_dw_conv = conv_2d(inp, inp, dw_kernel_size, kv_strides, groups=inp, norm=True, act=False)
self._value_dw_conv = conv_2d(inp, inp, dw_kernel_size, kv_strides, groups=inp, norm=True, act=False)
self._key_proj = conv_2d(inp, key_dim, 1, 1, norm=False, act=False)
self._value_proj = conv_2d(inp, key_dim, 1, 1, norm=False, act=False)
self._output_proj = conv_2d(num_heads * key_dim, inp, 1, 1, norm=False, act=False)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
def forward(self, x):
batch_size, seq_length, _, _ = x.size()
if self.query_h_strides > 1 or self.query_w_strides > 1:
q = F.avg_pool2d(self.query_h_stride, self.query_w_stride)
q = self._query_downsampling_norm(q)
q = self._query_proj(q)
q = self._query_proj(x)
px = q.size(2)
q = q.view(batch_size, self.num_heads, -1, self.key_dim) # [batch_size, num_heads, seq_length, key_dim]
if self.kv_strides > 1:
k = self._key_dw_conv(x)
k = self._key_proj(k)
v = self._value_dw_conv(x)
v = self._value_proj(v)
k = self._key_proj(x)
v = self._value_proj(x)
k = k.view(batch_size, self.key_dim, -1) # [batch_size, key_dim, seq_length]
v = v.view(batch_size, -1, self.key_dim) # [batch_size, seq_length, key_dim]
# calculate attn score
attn_score = torch.matmul(q, k) / (self.head_dim ** 0.5)
attn_score = self.dropout(attn_score)
attn_score = F.softmax(attn_score, dim=-1)
context = torch.matmul(attn_score, v)
context = context.view(batch_size, self.num_heads * self.key_dim, px, px)
output = self._output_proj(context)
return output
class MNV4LayerScale(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, init_value):
"""LayerScale as introduced in CaiT: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.17239
Referenced from here https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/official/vision/modeling/layers/nn_blocks.py
As used in MobileNetV4.
init_value (float): value to initialize the diagonal matrix of LayerScale.
self.init_value = init_value
def forward(self, x):
gamma = self.init_value * torch.ones(x.size(-1), dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
return x * gamma
class MultiHeadSelfAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(
self.query_h_strides = query_h_strides
self.query_w_strides = query_w_strides
self.kv_strides = kv_strides
self.use_layer_scale = use_layer_scale
self.use_multi_query = use_multi_query
self.use_residual = use_residual
self._input_norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(inp)
if self.use_multi_query:
self.multi_query_attention = MultiQueryAttentionLayerWithDownSampling(
inp, num_heads, key_dim, value_dim, query_h_strides, query_w_strides, kv_strides
self.multi_head_attention = nn.MultiheadAttention(inp, num_heads, kdim=key_dim)
if self.use_layer_scale:
self.layer_scale_init_value = 1e-5
self.layer_scale = MNV4LayerScale(self.layer_scale_init_value)
def forward(self, x):
# Not using CPE, skipped
# input norm
shortcut = x
x = self._input_norm(x)
# multi query
if self.use_multi_query:
x = self.multi_query_attention(x)
x = self.multi_head_attention(x, x)
# layer scale
if self.use_layer_scale:
x = self.layer_scale(x)
# use residual
if self.use_residual:
x = x + shortcut
return x
def build_blocks(layer_spec):
if not layer_spec.get('block_name'):
return nn.Sequential()
block_names = layer_spec['block_name']
layers = nn.Sequential()
if block_names == "convbn":
schema_ = ['inp', 'oup', 'kernel_size', 'stride']
for i in range(layer_spec['num_blocks']):
args = dict(zip(schema_, layer_spec['block_specs'][i]))
layers.add_module(f"convbn_{i}", conv_2d(**args))
elif block_names == "uib":
schema_ = ['inp', 'oup', 'start_dw_kernel_size', 'middle_dw_kernel_size', 'middle_dw_downsample', 'stride',
'expand_ratio', 'msha']
for i in range(layer_spec['num_blocks']):
args = dict(zip(schema_, layer_spec['block_specs'][i]))
msha = args.pop("msha") if "msha" in args else 0
layers.add_module(f"uib_{i}", UniversalInvertedBottleneckBlock(**args))
if msha:
msha_schema_ = [
"inp", "num_heads", "key_dim", "value_dim", "query_h_strides", "query_w_strides", "kv_strides",
"use_layer_scale", "use_multi_query", "use_residual"
args = dict(zip(msha_schema_, [args['oup']] + (msha)))
layers.add_module(f"msha_{i}", MultiHeadSelfAttentionBlock(**args))
elif block_names == "fused_ib":
schema_ = ['inp', 'oup', 'stride', 'expand_ratio', 'act']
for i in range(layer_spec['num_blocks']):
args = dict(zip(schema_, layer_spec['block_specs'][i]))
layers.add_module(f"fused_ib_{i}", InvertedResidual(**args))
raise NotImplementedError
return layers
class MobileNetV4(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model):
# MobileNetV4ConvSmall MobileNetV4ConvMedium MobileNetV4ConvLarge
# MobileNetV4HybridMedium MobileNetV4HybridLarge
"""Params to initiate MobilenNetV4
model : support 5 types of models as indicated in
assert model in MODEL_SPECS.keys()
self.model = model
self.spec = MODEL_SPECS[self.model]
# conv0
self.conv0 = build_blocks(self.spec['conv0'])
# layer1
self.layer1 = build_blocks(self.spec['layer1'])
# layer2
self.layer2 = build_blocks(self.spec['layer2'])
# layer3
self.layer3 = build_blocks(self.spec['layer3'])
# layer4
self.layer4 = build_blocks(self.spec['layer4'])
# layer5
self.layer5 = build_blocks(self.spec['layer5'])
self.width_list = [i.size(1) for i in self.forward(torch.randn(1, 3, 640, 640))]
def forward(self, x):
x0 = self.conv0(x)
x1 = self.layer1(x0)
x2 = self.layer2(x1)
x3 = self.layer3(x2)
x4 = self.layer4(x3)
# x5 = self.layer5(x4)
# x5 = nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x5, 1)
return [x1, x2, x3, x4]
def MobileNetV4ConvSmall():
model = MobileNetV4('MobileNetV4ConvSmall')
return model
def MobileNetV4ConvMedium():
model = MobileNetV4('MobileNetV4ConvMedium')
return model
def MobileNetV4ConvLarge():
model = MobileNetV4('MobileNetV4ConvLarge')
return model
def MobileNetV4HybridMedium():
model = MobileNetV4('MobileNetV4HybridMedium')
return model
def MobileNetV4HybridLarge():
model = MobileNetV4('MobileNetV4HybridLarge')
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Generating Sample image
image_size = (1, 3, 640, 640)
image = torch.rand(*image_size)
# Model
model = MobileNetV4HybridLarge()
out = model(image)
for i in range(len(out)):
4.1 修改一
4.2 修改二
4.3 修改三
4.4 修改四
4.5 修改五
elif m in {自行添加对应的模型即可,下面都是一样的}:
m = m(*args)
c2 = m.width_list # 返回通道列表
backbone = True
4.6 修改六
if isinstance(c2, list):
m_ = m
m_.backbone = True
m_ = nn.Sequential(*(m(*args) for _ in range(n))) if n > 1 else m(*args) # module
t = str(m)[8:-2].replace('__main__.', '') # module type
m.np = sum(x.numel() for x in m_.parameters()) # number params
m_.i, m_.f, m_.type = i + 4 if backbone else i, f, t # attach index, 'from' index, type
if verbose:
LOGGER.info(f'{i:>3}{str(f):>20}{n_:>3}{m.np:10.0f} {t:<45}{str(args):<30}') # print
x % (i + 4 if backbone else i) for x in ([f] if isinstance(f, int) else f) if x != -1) # append to savelist
if i == 0:
ch = []
if isinstance(c2, list):
if len(c2) != 5:
ch.insert(0, 0)
4.7 修改七
def predict(self, x, profile=False, visualize=False, batch=None, augment=False, embed=None):
Perform a forward pass through the model.
x (torch.Tensor): The input tensor.
profile (bool, optional): If True, profile the computation time for each layer. Defaults to False.
visualize (bool, optional): If True, save feature maps for visualization. Defaults to False.
batch (dict, optional): Ground truth data for evaluation. Defaults to None.
augment (bool, optional): If True, perform data augmentation during inference. Defaults to False.
embed (list, optional): A list of feature vectors/embeddings to return.
(torch.Tensor): Model's output tensor.
y, dt, embeddings = [], [], [] # outputs
for m in self.model[:-1]: # except the head part
if m.f != -1: # if not from previous layer
x = y[m.f] if isinstance(m.f, int) else [x if j == -1 else y[j] for j in m.f] # from earlier layers
if profile:
self._profile_one_layer(m, x, dt)
if hasattr(m, 'backbone'):
x = m(x)
if len(x) != 5: # 0 - 5
x.insert(0, None)
for index, i in enumerate(x):
if index in self.save:
x = x[-1] # 最后一个输出传给下一层
x = m(x) # run
y.append(x if m.i in self.save else None) # save output
if visualize:
feature_visualization(x, m.type, m.i, save_dir=visualize)
if embed and m.i in embed:
embeddings.append(nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, (1, 1)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1)) # flatten
if m.i == max(embed):
return torch.unbind(torch.cat(embeddings, 1), dim=0)
head = self.model[-1]
x = head([y[j] for j in head.f], batch) # head inference
return x
4.8 修改八
4.9 必备修改!
class RepC3(nn.Module):
"""Rep C3."""
def __init__(self, c1, c2, n=3, e=1.0):
"""Initialize CSP Bottleneck with a single convolution using input channels, output channels, and number."""
c_ = int(c2 * e) # hidden channels
self.cv1 = Conv(c1, c_, 1, 1)
self.cv2 = Conv(c1, c_, 1, 1)
self.m = nn.Sequential(*[RepConv(c_, c_) for _ in range(n)])
self.cv3 = Conv(c_, c2, 1, 1) if c_ != c2 else nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
"""Forward pass of RT-DETR neck layer."""
return self.cv3(self.m(self.cv1(x)) + self.cv2(x))
4.10 RT-DETR不能打印计算量问题的解决
计算的GFLOPs计算异常不打印,所以需要额外修改一处, 我们找到如下文件'ultralytics/utils/torch_utils.py'文件内有如下的代码按照如下的图片进行修改,大家看好函数就行,其中红框的640可能和你的不一样, 然后用我给的代码替换掉整个代码即可。
def get_flops(model, imgsz=640):
"""Return a YOLO model's FLOPs."""
model = de_parallel(model)
p = next(model.parameters())
# stride = max(int(model.stride.max()), 32) if hasattr(model, 'stride') else 32 # max stride
stride = 640
im = torch.empty((1, 3, stride, stride), device=p.device) # input image in BCHW format
flops = thop.profile(deepcopy(model), inputs=[im], verbose=False)[0] / 1E9 * 2 if thop else 0 # stride GFLOPs
imgsz = imgsz if isinstance(imgsz, list) else [imgsz, imgsz] # expand if int/float
return flops * imgsz[0] / stride * imgsz[1] / stride # 640x640 GFLOPs
except Exception:
return 0
4.11 可选修改
有些读者的数据集部分图片比较特殊,在验证的时候会导致形状不匹配的报错,如果大家在验证的时候报错形状不匹配的错误可以固定验证集的图片尺寸,方法如下 ->
找到下面这个文件ultralytics/models/yolo/detect/train.py然后其中有一个类是DetectionTrainer class中的build_dataset函数中的一个参数rect=mode == 'val'改为rect=False
5.1 yaml文件
# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# RT-DETR-l object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For details see https://docs.ultralytics.com/models/rtdetr
# Parameters
nc: 80 # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolov8n-cls.yaml' will call yolov8-cls.yaml with scale 'n'
# [depth, width, max_channels]
l: [1.00, 1.00, 1024]
# [from, repeats, module, args]
# MobileNetV4ConvSmall, MobileNetV4ConvLarge, MobileNetV4ConvMedium,
# MobileNetV4HybridMedium, MobileNetV4HybridLarge 支持这五种版本
- [-1, 1, MobileNetV4ConvSmall, []] # 4 将左面的MobileNetV4ConvSmall改为上面任意一个即替换对应的MobileNetV4版本
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]] # 5 input_proj.2
- [-1, 1, AIFI, [1024, 8]] # 6
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]] # 7, Y5, lateral_convs.0
- [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']] # 8
- [3, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]] # 9 input_proj.1
- [[-2, -1], 1, Concat, [1]] # 10
- [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]] # 11, fpn_blocks.0
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]] # 12, Y4, lateral_convs.1
- [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']] # 13
- [2, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]] # 14 input_proj.0
- [[-2, -1], 1, Concat, [1]] # 15 cat backbone P4
- [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]] # X3 (16), fpn_blocks.1
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 17, downsample_convs.0
- [[-1, 12], 1, Concat, [1]] # 18 cat Y4
- [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]] # F4 (19), pan_blocks.0
- [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]] # 20, downsample_convs.1
- [[-1, 7], 1, Concat, [1]] # 21 cat Y5
- [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]] # F5 (22), pan_blocks.1
- [[16, 19, 22], 1, RTDETRDecoder, [nc, 256, 300, 4, 8, 3]] # Detect(P3, P4, P5)
5.2 运行文件
import warnings
from ultralytics import RTDETR
if __name__ == '__main__':
model = RTDETR('替换你想要运行的yaml文件')
# model.load('') # 可以加载你的版本预训练权重
# amp=True