
news2025/2/24 2:42:32










主要是HIPS SVC Enabled,如果后期不加载声速文件,设置为False,否则设置为True。

HIPS SVC Enabled: Defines whether the Georeference Bathymetry process in HIPS and SIPS should perform sound velocity correction (SVC) on data collected with this vessel:

•False: Georeference Bathymetry will never perform SVC on data collected with this vessel.

•True: Georeference Bathymetry must be used to perform SVC on data collected with this vessel, otherwise the proper offsets will not be applied.




当HIPS SVC Enabled的false时,Set X/Y/Z to zero,Set Roll/Pitch/Yaw and Δ Roll/Δ Pitch/Δ Yaw to 0

Kongsberg sonars can add corrections to their data during acquisition. The vessel file can be set up to use these corrections instead of the ones from HIPS (that is, if its HIPS SVC Enabled property is set to False). In this case:

Set X/Y/Z to zero because the Kongsberg data acquisition has already applied static draft and shifted the swath profile to the vessel reference point.

Set Roll/Pitch/Yaw and Δ Roll/Δ Pitch/Δ Yaw to 0 because the angular mount offsets (possibly including calibration) have already been applied. If you need to run further calibration processes in HIPS and SIPS, they will update the Δ values.

Conversely, if the vessel file is set up to use SVC from HIPS and SIPS (HIPS SVC Enabled = True) then set Roll/Pitch/Yaw to the angular offset values that were applied during acquisition.




The Navigation component of a vessel file refers to the location on the vessel to which the stored navigation data was referenced. If no offsets were applied by the positioning system or acquisition system, then the position will be the raw navigation antenna location. If offsets were applied, then the position could be elsewhere, such as the MRU, reference point (RP), or transducer. In either case, the offsets entered into the vessel file need to reference this location to the RP.




Only define the XYZ location of the heave sensor when you intend to apply heave data during Georeference Bathymetry and remote heave compensation is necessary.

If the data is from a Kongsberg system and the vessel’s HIPS SVC Enabled property is False (see VESSEL), then you must set Apply for Heave, Pitch, and Roll to No.

This is necessary because Kongsberg systems apply dynamic heave, pitch, and roll values to the swath data during the data acquisition. If HIPS SVC Enabled is set to False for the vessel and Apply is set to Yes for Heave, Pitch, or Roll, then HIPS will apply both the Kongsberg and the HIPS corrections, resulting in incorrect data.


If the data is from a Kongsberg system and the vessel’s HIPS SVC Enabled property is False (see VESSEL), then you must set Apply for Heave, Pitch, and Roll to No.

This is necessary because Kongsberg systems apply dynamic heave, pitch, and roll values to the swath data during the data acquisition. If HIPS SVC Enabled is set to False for the vessel and Apply is set to Yes for Heave, Pitch, or Roll, then HIPS will apply both the Kongsberg and the HIPS corrections, resulting in incorrect data.


If the data is from a Kongsberg system and the vessel’s HIPS SVC Enabled property is False (see VESSEL), then you must set Apply for Heave, Pitch, and Roll to No.

This is necessary because Kongsberg systems apply dynamic heave, pitch, and roll values to the swath data during the data acquisition. If HIPS SVC Enabled is set to False for the vessel and Apply is set to Yes for Heave, Pitch, or Roll, then HIPS will apply both the Kongsberg and the HIPS corrections, resulting in incorrect data.




For Kongsberg data, Waterline must be set to the same value recorded as WLZ in the Kongsberg Installation Datagram.
Some sonar systems (such as Kongsberg) apply their own waterline value to their observed depths during acquisition. The Georeference Bathymetry process can either keep the sonar’s waterline value or apply the Waterline value set in the Waterline Height component of the vessel file. As of version 12 of HIPS and SIPS, this is controlled by the vessel’s HIPS SVC Enabled property




The HIPS calibration processes (Automatic Boresight Calibration and the calibration tools in Subset Editor) calculate any required corrections to the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw values and enter them into the Δ Pitch, Δ Roll, and Δ Yaw fields. During later processing, HIPS adds the Δ Pitch, Δ Roll, and Δ Yaw values to the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw values to get the final offsets.

The calibration processes do not edit the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw values, which makes it much easier for you recalibrate the system later if the initial calibration is inadequate.

因此,再校准值填在水深传感器即TX和RX上,即TX1、RX1和RX2的Δ Roll/Δ Pitch/Δ Yaw。





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