「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第13篇

news2025/3/7 0:05:25


「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第13篇

1. How was __?


How was the concert last night? (昨晚的音乐会怎么样?)

How was your trip to the museum? (你去博物馆的旅行怎么样?)

How was your first job interview? (你的第一次工作面试怎么样?)

How was the game last weekend? (上周末的比赛怎么样?)

How was the movie you watched last night? (你昨晚看的电影怎么样?)

How was the weather during your hike? (你徒步旅行时的天气怎么样?)

2. How come __ ?


How come you didn’t answer my call? (为什么你没接我的电话?)

How come he’s not at work today? (为什么他今天没来上班?)

How come she’s so good at math? (为什么她数学这么好?)

How come we’re out of coffee already? (为什么我们的咖啡这么快就没了?)

How come you didn’t tell me about this earlier? (为什么你早点没告诉我这个?)

How come your room is so clean today? (为什么你今天房间这么干净?)

3. What are the chances of __ing?


What are the chances of me winning the lottery? (我赢彩票的可能性是多少?)

What are the chances of passing the exam without studying? (不学习就通过考试的可能性是多少?)

What are the chances of encountering a wild tiger in the jungle? (在丛林中遇到野生老虎的可能性是多少?)

What are the chances of making a million dollars by next year? (明年赚一百万的可能性是多少?)

What are the chances of snowing on Christmas Day? (圣诞节下雪的可能性是多少?)

What are the chances of him quitting? (他放弃的可能性是多少?)


win the lottery 中文的习惯是“中”彩票,英文的习惯是“赢”彩票

4. There’s something wrong with __


There’s something wrong with the TV signal(电视信号有点问题)

There’s something wrong with the water supply in my building(我住的楼供水有点问题)

There’s something wrong with the sound of my guitar(我的吉他声音有点问题)

There’s something wrong with the door lock(门锁有点问题)

There’s something wrong with the air conditioning in my office(我办公室的空调有点问题)

There’s something wrong with the printer in the library(图书馆里的打印机有点问题)

5. Here’s to __


Here’s to our friendship (为了我们的友谊)

Here’s to your graduation (为了你的毕业)

Here’s to the hardworking team (为了辛勤工作的团队)

Here’s to overcoming all challenges (为了战胜所有挑战)

Here’s to our happy reunion (为了我们快乐的团聚)

Here’s to the memories we share (为了我们共享的记忆)

6. It’s no use __ing


It’s no use blaming others (责怪别人没有用)

It’s no use worrying about the past (担心过去没有意义)

It’s no use waiting for him to change (等他改变没有用)

It’s no use trying to explain (试图解释没有意义)

It’s no use denying the truth (否认事实没有用)

It’s no use regretting the past (后悔过去没有用)

7. Rumor has it that __


Rumor has it that the movie is a huge success (据说这部电影非常成功)

Rumor has it that they’re getting married next year (据说他们明年要结婚了)

Rumor has it that the new restaurant is really good (据说那家新开的餐厅很不错)

Rumor has it that the concert tickets are already sold out (据说音乐会的票已经卖光了)

Rumor has it that the company is planning a big expansion (据说这家公司正在计划大规模扩张)

Rumor has it that he quit his job to travel the world (据说他辞去了工作去环游世界)

8. I was about to __

我正要__来着 (过去式)

I was about to call you when my phone died(我正要给你打电话来着,手机就没电了)

I was about to start cooking dinner when I realized I had no ingredients(我正要开始做饭来着,才发现没有食材了)

I was about to finish the report, but my computer crashed(我正要完成报告来着,电脑突然崩溃了)

I was about to tell him the truth, but he interrupted me(我正要告诉他真相来着,他打断了我)

I was about to leave the office, and then my boss called me back(我正要离开办公室来着,老板又把我叫回去了)

I was about to start my workout, but it started raining(我正要开始锻炼来着,突然下起雨来了)

9. Out of __


I’m out of ideas for the project(我对这个项目没有想法了)

The printer is out of ink(打印机没有墨水了)

We’re out of time to finish the task(我们没有时间完成这个任务了)

The store is out of my favorite flavor of ice cream(商店里没有我最喜欢的冰淇淋口味了)

The fridge is out of milk(冰箱里没有牛奶了)

He’s out of shape (他身材走形了)


out of shape 身材走形

in shape 有型,身材有形

10. If it hadn’t been for__ , __ (接虚拟语气,类似might, would’ve, wouldn’t’ve, could’ve)

如果不是因为__ , __

If it hadn’t been for your help, I wouldn’t be here today (如果不是因为你的帮助,我今天不会在这里)

If it hadn’t been for the rain, we would’ve gone for a walk(如果不是因为雨,我们会去散个步)

If it hadn’t been for your warning, I would’ve made a huge mistake (如果不是因为你的警告,我会犯一个很大的错误)

If it hadn’t been for his advice, I would’ve failed (如果不是因为他的建议,我会失败)

If it hadn’t been for the alarm, I would’ve overslept (如果不是因为闹钟,我会睡过头)

If it hadn’t been for you, I might not be successful (如果不是因为你,我可能不会成功)





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