
news2025/2/23 4:35:35
  • Incorporating a new topology in Booksim
    • 1. 新拓扑结构
    • 2. 需要添加的文件
    • 3. 修改步骤
      • 3.1 添加testnet.hpp
      • 3.2 添加testnet.cpp
      • 3.3 将testnet集成到network.cpp中
      • 3.4 创建配置文件testnetconfig
      • 3.5 在main.cpp和global.hpp中加入gP_testnet和gA_testnet变量
      • 3.6 make进行编译
    • 4. 仿真模拟结果

Incorporating a new topology in Booksim

1. 新拓扑结构



2. 需要添加的文件


  • 拓扑文件
    • testnet.cpp
    • testnet.cpp
  • 配置文件
    • Testnetconfig
  • 修改文件
    • network.cpp

3. 修改步骤

3.1 添加testnet.hpp

 #ifndef _TestNet_HPP_
 #define _TestNet_HPP_

 #include "network.hpp"
 #include "routefunc.hpp"

 class TestNet : public Network {
 TestNet( const Configuration &config, const string & name );
 static void RegisterRoutingFunctions() ;


 int _a;// 路由器总数
 int _p;// 每个路由器管理的处理节点
 int _k;// 每个路由器的端口数

 void _ComputeSize( const Configuration &config );// 计算拓扑大小
 void _BuildNet( const Configuration& config );// 构建网络

 int testnet_port(int rID, int src, int dest);

 // Routing Functions
 void min_testnet( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, OutputSet *outputs, bool inject ) ;


3.2 添加testnet.cpp

  1. 构造函数
TestNet::TestNet( const Configuration& config, const string & name ) 
: Network(config, name) 
cout<< "testnet constructor starts..."<<endl;
cout<< "testnet constructor ends..."<<endl;

  1. _ComputeSize()
void TestNet::_ComputeSize( const Configuration &config ) {

cout<< "_ComputeSize starts..."<<endl;

// _a _p _k 均为硬编码,但可以使用GetInt()从配置文件中获取
_a = 4;// 路由器总数
_p = 3;// 每个路由器管理的处理节点

_k = (_a-1) + _p;// 每个路由器的端口数

// 以下三个参数为network中需要使用的
_nodes    = _a * _p; // Number of nodes in network 总节点数(除却路由器)
_size     = _a + _a * _p;      // Number of routers in network 包括路由器和处理节点
_channels = _a * (_a-1);     // 路由器之间的uni-directional link,不包括处理节点

// 全局变量,路由函数需要
gP_testnet = _p;
gA_testnet = _a;

cout<< "_ComputeSize ends..."<<endl;
  1. _Alloc()

  2. _BuildNet()

void TestNet::_BuildNet( const Configuration& config ) {
// for every router 
    // build the router object
    // add the links to the processing nodes
    // add the links to the other routers

ostringstream router_name;
int node;
int c, cnt;
int port_to_routers = _a - 1;

for (node = 0; node < _a; ++node) {
    // create router
    router_name<< "router";
    router_name<< "_"<< node;
    // k是输入输出端口数
    _routers[node] = Router::NewRouter(config, this, router_name.str(), node, _k, _k);
    // add input and output channels to processing nodes
    for(cnt = 0; cnt < _p; cnt++){
    c = _p * node + cnt; // for router 0, c is 0,1,2; router 1, c is 3,4,5 and so on.
    _routers[node]->AddInputChannel(_inject[c], _inject_cred[c]);

    for(cnt = 0; cnt < _p; cnt++){
    c = _p * node + cnt; // for router 0, c is 0,1,2; router 1, c is 3,4,5 and so on.
    _routers[node]->AddOutputChannel(_eject[c], _eject_cred[c]);

    // add output and input channels to other routers
    // add output channels
    for(cnt = 0; cnt < _a - 1; cnt++){
    c = port_to_routers * node + cnt; // for router 0, c is 0,1,2; router 1, c is 3,4,5 and so on.
    _routers[node]->AddOutputChannel(_chan[c], _chan_cred[c]);

    // add input channels
    for(cnt = 0; cnt < _a; cnt++)
    if(cnt == node)
        continue;// do nothing
    else if(cnt < node)
        c = cnt * port_to_routers - 1 + node;
    else if(cnt > node)
        c = cnt * port_to_routers + node;
    _routers[node]->AddInputChannel(_chan[c], _chan_cred[c]);
  1. RegisterRoutingFunctions()
void TestNet::RegisterRoutingFunctions() {
    gRoutingFunctionMap["min_testnet"] = &min_testnet;

对于一组特定的router, flit和input channel, 需要提供一个output port和output VC用于路由。
6. testnet_port(int rID, int src, int dest)选择正确的输出端口

int testnet_port(int rID, int src, int dest)// find the right port
    int dst_router;
    int out_port;

    dst_router = dest / gP_testnet;

    if(rID == dst_router)// 目标node是在当前路由器管理之下
        out_port = dest % gP_testnet;
    else// 如果是在其他router下管理
        if(dst_router < rID)
        out_port = gP_testnet + dst_router;
        out_port = gP_testnet + dst_router - 1;

    return out_port;

  1. min_testnet()进行路由
void min_testnet( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  int debug = f->watch;

      int inject_vc = RandomInt(gNumVCs-1);
      outputs->AddRange(-1, inject_vc, inject_vc);

  int rID = r->GetID();

  int out_port = -1;
  int out_vc = 0;

  if(in_channel < gP_testnet)// source node assign to vc0
      out_vc = 0;
  else// dest node assign it to vc1
      out_vc = 1;

  out_port = testnet_port(rID, f->src, f->dest);

  outputs->AddRange(out_port, out_vc, out_vc);

      *gWatchOut << GetSimTime()<<" | "<<r->FullName()<<" | "
          <<" through output port : "<< out_port
          <<" out vc: "<< out_vc << endl;

3.3 将testnet集成到network.cpp中

- 添加testnet.hpp


- 加入testnet拓扑


3.4 创建配置文件testnetconfig

// Topology
topology = testnet;

//a = 4;
//p = 3;

routing_function = min;

// Flow control
num_vcs = 2;

// Traffic
traffic = uniform;
injection_rate = 0.25;

3.5 在main.cpp和global.hpp中加入gP_testnet和gA_testnet变量

3.6 make进行编译

4. 仿真模拟结果

  • a = 4, p = 3时运行booksim得到如下结果:
====== Overall Traffic Statistics ======
====== Traffic class 0 ======
Packet latency average = 14.392 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 78 (1 samples)
Network latency average = 14.3911 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 78 (1 samples)
Flit latency average = 14.4049 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 78 (1 samples)
Fragmentation average = 0 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0 (1 samples)
Injected packet rate average = 0.250979 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.24025 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.26 (1 samples)
Accepted packet rate average = 0.251208 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.23125 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.27025 (1 samples)
Injected flit rate average = 0.250979 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.24025 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.26 (1 samples)
Accepted flit rate average = 0.251208 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.23125 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.27025 (1 samples)
Injected packet size average = 1 (1 samples)
Accepted packet size average = 1 (1 samples)
Hops average = 1.74948 (1 samples)
Total run time 0.0592558
  • a = 8, p = 4时运行booksim得到如下结果:
====== Overall Traffic Statistics ======
====== Traffic class 0 ======
Packet latency average = 14.1645 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 40 (1 samples)
Network latency average = 14.1645 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 40 (1 samples)
Flit latency average = 14.1681 (1 samples)
        minimum = 7 (1 samples)
        maximum = 40 (1 samples)
Fragmentation average = 0 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0 (1 samples)
Injected packet rate average = 0.248344 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.236 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.261667 (1 samples)
Accepted packet rate average = 0.248417 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.223667 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.273667 (1 samples)
Injected flit rate average = 0.248344 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.236 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.261667 (1 samples)
Accepted flit rate average = 0.248417 (1 samples)
        minimum = 0.223667 (1 samples)
        maximum = 0.273667 (1 samples)
Injected packet size average = 1 (1 samples)
Accepted packet size average = 1 (1 samples)
Hops average = 1.87333 (1 samples)
Total run time 0.14817




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