numcpp boostvs2017踩坑记录

news2025/2/20 22:42:25


在 Windows 下通过 CMake 使用 Boost 库_cmake boost-CSDN博客

在VS2019中配置Boost C++、NumCpp、Eigen 和opencv4.3.0库环境_visual studio c++配置numcpp-CSDN博客

vs2017+win10配置Boost与NumCpp,以及boost与PLC 1.8.1冲突的解决方法_手动添加 numcpp 标头,您还需要手动包含boost标头-CSDN博客


 直接二进制地址: Boost C++ Libraries - Browse /boost-binaries/1.79.0 at


1 编译boost

.\b2.exe --link=static --toolset=msvc-14.1  --address-model=64 --architecture=x64 variant=release



#include<boost/version.hpp>	//包含boost头文件

int main() {
	using namespace std;
	cout << BOOST_VERSION << endl;
	cout << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << endl;
	cout << BOOST_PLATFORM << endl;
	cout << BOOST_COMPILER << endl;
	cout << BOOST_STDLIB << endl;

	return 0;

注意的是Boost_DIR所在路径BoostConfig.cmake  link


编译过程遇见error MSB3073: 命令“setlocal”错误






#include <NumCpp.hpp>
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
using namespace nc;
int main()
    // Containers
    nc::NdArray<int> a0 = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} };
    nc::NdArray<int> a1 = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6} };
    a1.reshape(2, 3);
    auto a2 = a1.astype<double>();
    // Initializers
    auto a3 = nc::linspace<int>(1, 10, 5);
    auto a4 = nc::arange<int>(3, 7);
    auto a5 = nc::eye<int>(4);
    auto a6 = nc::zeros<int>(3, 4);
    auto a7 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4) = 0;
    auto a8 = nc::ones<int>(3, 4);
    auto a9 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4) = 1;
    auto a10 = nc::nans(3, 4);
    auto a11 = nc::NdArray<double>(3, 4) = nc::constants::nan;
    auto a12 = nc::empty<int>(3, 4);
    auto a13 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4);
    // Slicing/Broadcasting
    //auto a14 = nc::random<int>::randInt({ 10, 10 }, 0, 100);
    auto a14 = nc::random::randInt({ 10, 10 }, 0, 100);
    auto value = a14(2, 3);//randInt
    auto slice = a14({ 2, 5 }, { 2, 5 });
    auto rowSlice = a14(a14.rSlice(), 7);
    auto values = a14[a14 > 50];
    a14.putMask(a14 > 50, 666);
    // Random
    auto a15 = nc::random::randN<double>({ 3, 4 });
    auto a16 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
    auto a17 = nc::random::rand<double>({ 3, 4 });
    auto a18 = nc::random::choice<double>(a17, 3);
    // Concatenation
    auto a = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
    auto b = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
    auto c = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
    auto a19 = nc::stack({ a, b, c }, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto a20 = nc::vstack({ a, b, c });
    auto a21 = nc::hstack({ a, b, c });
    auto a22 = nc::append(a, b, nc::Axis::COL);
    // Diagonal, Traingular, and Flip
    auto d = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 5, 5 }, 0, 10);
    auto a23 = nc::diagonal(d);
    auto a24 = nc::triu(a);
    auto a25 = nc::tril(a);
    auto a26 = nc::flip(d, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto a27 = nc::flipud(d);
    auto a28 = nc::fliplr(d);
    // iteration
    for (auto it = a.begin(); it < a.end(); ++it)
        std::cout << *it << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (auto& arrayValue : a)
        std::cout << arrayValue << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    // Logical
    auto a29 = nc::where(a > 5, a, b);
    auto a30 = nc::any(a);
    auto a31 = nc::all(a);
    auto a32 = nc::logical_and(a, b);
    auto a33 = nc::logical_or(a, b);
    auto a34 = nc::isclose(a, b);
    auto a35 = nc::allclose(a, b);
    // Comparisons
    auto a36 = nc::equal(a, b);
    auto a37 = a == b;
    auto a38 = nc::not_equal(a, b);
    auto a39 = a != b;
    auto a40 = nc::nonzero(a);
    // Minimum, Maximum, Sorting
    auto value1 = nc::min(a);
    auto value2 = nc::max(a);
    auto value3 = nc::argmin(a);
    auto value4 = nc::argmax(a);
    auto a41 = nc::sort(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto a42 = nc::argsort(a, nc::Axis::COL);
    auto a43 = nc::unique(a);
    auto a44 = nc::setdiff1d(a, b);
    auto a45 = nc::diff(a);
    // Reducers
    auto value5 = nc::sum<int>(a);
    auto a46 = nc::sum<int>(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto value6 = nc::prod<int>(a);
    auto a47 = nc::prod<int>(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto value7 = nc::mean(a);
    auto a48 = nc::mean(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
    auto value8 = nc::count_nonzero(a);
    auto a49 = nc::count_nonzero(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
    // I/O
    std::cout << a << std::endl;
    auto tempDir = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path();
    auto tempTxt = (tempDir / "temp.txt").string();
    auto a50 = nc::fromfile<int>(tempTxt);
    auto tempBin = (tempDir / "temp.bin").string();
    nc::dump(a, tempBin);
    auto a51 = nc::load<int>(tempBin);
    // Mathematical Functions
    // Basic Functions
    auto a52 = nc::abs(a);
    auto a53 = nc::sign(a);
    auto a54 = nc::remainder(a, b);
    auto a55 = nc::clip(a, 3, 8);
    auto xp = nc::linspace<double>(0.0, 2.0 * nc::constants::pi, 100);
    auto fp = nc::sin(xp);
    auto x = nc::linspace<double>(0.0, 2.0 * nc::constants::pi, 1000);
    auto f = nc::interp(x, xp, fp);
    // Exponential Functions
    auto a56 = nc::exp(a);
    auto a57 = nc::expm1(a);
    auto a58 = nc::log(a);
    auto a59 = nc::log1p(a);
    // Power Functions
    auto a60 = nc::power<int>(a, 4);
    auto a61 = nc::sqrt(a);
    auto a62 = nc::square(a);
    auto a63 = nc::cbrt(a);
    // Trigonometric Functions
    auto a64 = nc::sin(a);
    auto a65 = nc::cos(a);
    auto a66 = nc::tan(a);
    // Hyperbolic Functions
    auto a67 = nc::sinh(a);
    auto a68 = nc::cosh(a);
    auto a69 = nc::tanh(a);
    // Classification Functions
    auto a70 = nc::isnan(a.astype<double>());
    // Linear Algebra
    auto a71 = nc::norm<int>(a);
    auto a72 = nc::dot<int>(a, b.transpose());
    auto a73 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 3 }, 0, 10);
    auto a74 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 4, 3 }, 0, 10);
    auto a75 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 1, 4 }, 0, 10);
    auto value9 = nc::linalg::det(a73);
    auto a76 = nc::linalg::inv(a73);
    auto a77 = nc::linalg::lstsq(a74, a75);
    auto a78 = nc::linalg::matrix_power<int>(a73, 3);
    auto a79 = nc::linalg::multi_dot<int>({ a, b.transpose(), c });
    nc::NdArray<double> u;
    nc::NdArray<double> s;
    nc::NdArray<double> vt;
    nc::linalg::svd(a.astype<double>(), u, s, vt);

 遇见问题参考link 注释改行解决

最后有人说NumCpp 中看不中用

#include <NumCpp.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>

int main(int, char **) {
	auto a = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 1000, 1000 }, 0, 10);
	nc::NdArray<double> u, s, vt;

	// 计时开始
	auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	nc::linalg::svd(a.astype<double>(), u, s, vt);

	// 计时结束
	auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds> (t1 - t0);
	std::cout << duration.count() << std::endl;

	return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "NumCpp.hpp"

int main() {
	// 设置数组大小
	constexpr uint32_t arraySize = 1000000;
	nc::NdArray<double> largeArray = nc::linspace<double>(0, 100, arraySize);

	// 定义测试次数
	constexpr int numTests = 1000;

	// 执行性能测试
	std::chrono::duration<double> totalDuration(0);
	for (int i = 0; i < numTests; ++i) {
		auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		auto maxIndex = nc::argmax(largeArray);
		auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		totalDuration += end - start;

	// 输出平均执行时间
	double averageTime = totalDuration.count() / numTests;
	std::cout << "Average time for argmax function: " << averageTime << " seconds." << std::endl;

	return 0;





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