C++ Primer Plus Sixth Edition - 下载电子书与源代码

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C++ Primer Plus Sixth Edition - 下载电子书与源代码

  • 1. C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition
    • 1.1. Download the source code files
    • 1.2. 下载源代码文件
  • 2. C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition (PDF)
  • 3. Table of Contents
  • References

1. C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition

C++ Primer Plus, 6th Edition


1.1. Download the source code files


1.2. 下载源代码文件

C++ Primer Plus 第 6 版 中文版


2. C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition (PDF)


3. Table of Contents

C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition

Table of Contents
C++ Primer Plus, Sixth Edition
New C++11 Coverage

Chapter 1: Getting Started with C++

Learning C++: What Lies Before You

The Origins of C++: A Little History

Portability and Standards

The Mechanics of Creating a Program

Chapter 2: Setting Out to C++

C++ Initiation

C++ Statements

More C++ Statements


Chapter 3: Dealing with Data

Simple Variables

The const Qualifier

Floating-Point Numbers

C++ Arithmetic Operators

Chapter 4: Compound Types

Introducing Arrays


Introducing the string Class

Introducing Structures



Pointers and the Free Store

Pointers, Arrays, and Pointer Arithmetic

Combinations of Types

Array Alternatives

Chapter 5: Loops and Relational Expressions

Introducing for Loops

The while Loop

The do while Loop

The Range-Based for Loop (C++11)

Loops and Text Input

Nested Loops and Two-Dimensional Arrays

Chapter 6: Branching Statements and Logical Operators

The if Statement

Logical Expressions

The cctype Library of Character Functions

The ?: Operator

The switch Statement

The break and continue Statements

Number-Reading Loops

Simple File Input/Output

Chapter 7: Functions: C++’s Programming Modules

Function Review

Function Arguments and Passing by Value

Functions and Arrays

Functions and Two-Dimensional Arrays

Functions and C-Style Strings

Functions and Structures

Functions and string Class Objects

Functions and array Objects


Pointers to Functions

Chapter 8: Adventures in Functions

C++ Inline Functions

Reference Variables

Default Arguments

Function Overloading

Function Templates

Chapter 9: Memory Models and Namespaces

Separate Compilation

Storage Duration, Scope, and Linkage


Chapter 10: Objects and Classes

Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming

Abstraction and Classes

Class Constructors and Destructors

Knowing Your Objects: The this Pointer

An Array of Objects

Class Scope

Abstract Data Types

Chapter 11: Working with Classes

Operator Overloading

Time on Our Hands: Developing an Operator Overloading Example

Introducing Friends

Overloaded Operators: Member Versus Nonmember Functions

More Overloading: A Vector Class

Automatic Conversions and Type Casts for Classes

Chapter 12: Classes and Dynamic Memory Allocation

Dynamic Memory and Classes

The New, Improved String Class

Things to Remember When Using new in Constructors

Observations About Returning Objects

Using Pointers to Objects

Reviewing Techniques

A Queue Simulation

Chapter 13: Class Inheritance

Beginning with a Simple Base Class

Inheritance: An Is-a Relationship

Polymorphic Public Inheritance

Static and Dynamic Binding

Access Control: protected

Abstract Base Classes

Inheritance and Dynamic Memory Allocation

Class Design Review

Chapter 14: Reusing Code in C++

Classes with Object Members

Private Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance

Class Templates

Chapter 15: Friends, Exceptions, and More


Nested Classes


Runtime Type Identification

Type Cast Operators

Chapter 16: The string Class and the Standard Template Library

The string Class

Smart Pointer Template Classes

The Standard Template Library

Generic Programming

Function Objects (a.k.a. Functors)


Other Libraries

Chapter 17: Input, Output, and Files

An Overview of C++ Input and Output

Output with cout

Input with cin

File Input and Output

Incore Formatting

Chapter 18: Visiting with the New C++ Standard

C++11 Features Revisited

Move Semantics and the Rvalue Reference

New Class Features

Lambda Functions


Variadic Templates

More C++11 Features

Language Change

What Now?


A Number Bases

B C++ Reserved Words

C The ASCII Character Set

D Operator Precedence

E Other Operators

F The stringTemplate Class

G The Standard Template Library Methods and Functions

H Selected Readings and Internet Resources

I Converting to ISO Standard C++

J Answers to Chapter Reviews


[1] Yongqiang Cheng, https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/
[2] C++ Primer Plus 第 6 版 中文版, https://shenjun4cplusplus.github.io/cplusplushtml/
[3] C++ Primer Plus 第六版中文版原书代码和习题解答, https://github.com/ShujiaHuang/Cpp-Primer-Plus-6th





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