Day23--learning English

news2024/10/6 12:21:19



2.umami | tangy | bland

3.lactose  dairy


5.stumble | curb

















1.straw  /strɔː/

1. [uncountable]

of stems or other grain plants that have been cut and dried. Straw is used for making wheat, hats, etc., for packing things to protect them, and as food for animals or for them to sleep on. mats(收割后干燥的)禾秆,麦秆,稻草

  • a mattress filled with straw 稻草填充的垫子

  • a straw hat 草帽

  ——compare hay(1)

2. [countable] a single stem or piece of straw 一根禾秆(或麦秆、稻草)

  • He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw.


3. (also drinking straw)

a thin tube of plastic or paper that you suck a drink through (喝饮料用的)吸管



to try all possible means to find a solution or some hope in a difficult or unpleasant situation, even though this seems very unlikely




the last in a series of bad events, etc. that makes it impossible for you to accept a situation any longer



(BrE) a small sign of what might happen in the future


  ——more at brick n. draw v.


3.bland /blænd/(bland·er, bland·est)

1. with little colour, excitement, or interest; without anything to attract attention

平淡的;乏味的SYN nondescript

• bland background music 毫无情调的背景音乐

2. not having a strong or interesting taste清淡的;无滋味的

• a rather bland diet of soup, fish, and bread 一个淡而无味的汤、鱼加面包的食谱

3. showing no strong emotions or excitement; not saying anything very interesting


• a bland smile 淡然一笑

• After the meeting, a bland statement was issued. 会后发布了一条乏味的声明.


bland·ly adv.

bland·ness n. [uncountable]

4.lac·tosen.  /ˈlæktəʊs/ /‑təʊz/

[ U]( chemistry 化)a type of sugar found in milk and used in some baby foods乳糖

5.fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/(fatigues)

1. [uncountable] a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise疲劳;劳累

SYN exhaustion, tiredness

• physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳

• Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident. 这个事故是驾驶员疲劳所致。

• I was dropping with fatigue and could not keep my eyes open.


2. [uncountable] (usually after another noun) a feeling of not wanting to do a particular activity any longer because you have done too much of it厌倦

• battle fatigue 战斗疲劳

3. [uncountable] weakness in metal or wood caused by repeated bending or stretching


• The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显示出金属疲劳的迹象.

4. fatigues [plural] loose clothes worn by soldiers


5. fatigues [plural] (especially NAmE) duties, such as cleaning and cooking, that soldiers have to do, especially as a punishment


Please note that the spelling "fatigues" is used for both the loose clothes worn by soldiers and the duties they have to perform.

6.stumble /ˈstʌmbl/( stumbles, stumbling, stumbled )

1. [intransitive] to hit your foot against something while you are walking or running and almost fall绊脚

SYN trip

• The child stumbled and fell. 孩子绊了一下,摔倒了.

• I stumbled over a rock. 我在石头上绊了一下.

2. [+ adverb/preposition] to walk or move in an unsteady way


• We were stumbling around in the dark looking for a candle.


3. [+ over/through something] to make a mistake or mistakes and stop while you are speaking, reading to somebody, or playing music(不顺畅地)说,读,演奏

• In her nervousness, she stumbled over her words. 她因紧张说话结结巴巴的.

• I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty.



1. stumble across/on/upon something/somebody

to discover something/somebody unexpectedly意外发现;偶然遇见

• Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring.


2. stumble into something

to become involved in something by chance无意间涉足某事

• I stumbled into acting when I left college. 我从大学出来后无意间进了演艺界.


Stumble /ˈstʌmbl/

I hope this formatting is clearer and easier to read for you.

7.pore  /pɔː(r)/

one of the very small holes in your skin that sweat can pass through; one of the similar small holes in the surface of a plant or a rock(皮肤上的)毛孔;(植物的)气孔;孔隙


1.ˈpore over sth

to look at or read sth very carefully仔细打量;审视;认真研读;审阅

SYN examine

•His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract.


8.curb /kɜːrb/( curbs, curbing, curbed )

1. [transitive, often passive] to control or limit something, especially something bad


• He needs to learn to curb his temper. 他得学着控制自己的脾气.

• A range of policies have been introduced aimed at curbing inflation.


2. [countable] something that controls and puts limits on something


• curbs on government spending 对政府开支的限制措施

3. (NAmE) = kerb

I hope this formatting is clearer and easier to read for you.

9.toll/təʊl/( tolls, tolling, tolled )

1. [countable] money that you pay to use a particular road or bridge(道路、桥梁的)通行费

• motorway tolls 高速公路通行费

• a toll road/bridge 收费道路/桥梁

2. [countable, usually singular] the amount of damage or the number of deaths and injuries that are caused in a particular war, disaster, etc.


• The official death toll has now reached 7,000.


• the war's growing casualty toll 不断增长的战争伤亡人数

3. [singular] the sound of a bell ringing with slow regular strokes


4. [countable] (NAmE) a charge for a telephone call that is calculated at a higher rate than a local call长途电话费


take a heavy toll (on sb/sth) or take its toll (on sb/sth)

to have a bad effect on sb/sth; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.


• Illness had taken a heavy toll on her. 疾病对她的身体造成极大的损害.

• The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.


When a bell tolls or someone tolls it, it is rung slowly many times, especially as a sign that someone has died


• The Abbey bell tolled for those killed in the war. 大教堂为战争中的死难者鸣钟.

• The bell tolled the hour. 鸣钟报时.


• The revolution tolled the death knell (= signaled the end) for the Russian monarchy. 那场革命敲响了俄国君主制的丧钟.

I hope this formatting is clearer and easier to read for you.

10.robe /rəʊb/( robed, robing, robes )

1. a long loose outer piece of clothing, especially one worn as a sign of rank or office at a special ceremony袍服,礼袍(常于典礼中穿着以显示身份)

• coronation robes 加冕礼袍

• cardinals in scarlet robes 身披红袍的枢机主教

2. = bathrobe [transitive verb, usually passive] (formal) to dress sb/yourself in long loose clothes or in the way mentioned(给某人)穿上礼袍

• a robed choir 身着礼袍的唱诗班

• The priests were robed in black. 各司祭都穿上了黑袍。

I hope this helps clarify the meaning and usage of the word "robe" for you. Let me know if you need further assistance.

11.stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/(adjective)

( approving) fashionable; elegant and attractive


SYN classy

• his stylish wife他那时髦的妻子

• a stylish restaurant雅致的餐馆

• It was a stylish performance by both artists.



1. stylishly (adverb)

2. stylishness (noun, uncountable)

I hope this formatting is clearer and easier to read for you. Let me know if you need further assistance.

12.dash /dæʃ/noun


1. [singular] an act of going somewhere suddenly and/or quickly猛冲;突进;急奔

• When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.


• a 60-mile dash to safety急奔60英里到达安全的地方

• He jumped off the bus and made a dash for the nearest bar.


• We waited for the police to leave then made a dash for it (= left quickly in order to escape).我们等警察离开后便迅速逃走。


2. [singular] an act of doing something quickly because you do not have enough time


• a last-minute dash to buy presents最后一点时间仓促购买礼品


3. [countable usually singular] a small amount of something that is added to something else少量,少许(添加物)

• Add a dash of lemon juice.加少量柠檬汁。

• The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.小地毯为房间增添了一点色彩。


4. [countable] the mark (—) used to separate parts of a sentence, often instead of a colon or in pairs instead of brackets/parentheses破折号


5. [countable, usually singular] (especially NAmE) a race in which the people taking part run very fast over a short distance

短跑SYN sprint

• the 100-meter dash百米赛跑


6. [uncountable] (old-fashioned, approving) a way of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confidence气魄;活力;冲劲;锐气


7. [countable] (informal) = dashboard


1. cut a dash (British English)

to look attractive in a particular set of clothes, especially in a way that makes other people notice you(穿上某套衣服后)风度翩翩,引人注目

• He cut quite a dash in his uniform.他穿着这身制服显得特帅。

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

go quickly

1. [verb + adverb/preposition] to go somewhere very quickly急奔;急驰;猛冲

SYN rush

• I must dash (= leave quickly), I'm late.我得赶紧走,来不及了。

• She dashed off to keep an appointment.她急匆匆地赶去赴约。

• He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.



2. [+ adverb/preposition] to throw something or make something fall violently onto a hard surface; to beat against a surface猛掷;猛击;猛撞

[transitive verb]

• The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.小船一次又一次撞在岩石上.

[intransitive verb]

• The waves were dashing against the harbour wall.海浪撞击着港湾的坝堤.


1. dash sb's hopes

to destroy somebody's hopes by making what they were hoping for impossible


2. dash (it)! dash it all!

(British English, old-fashioned) used to show that you are annoyed about something


phrasal verbs

1. dash sth ←→ off

to write or draw something very quickly仓促写出;草草画成

• I dashed off a note to my brother.我急急忙忙给我弟弟写了个字条。

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

13.mischief noun /ˈmɪstʃɪf/[uncountable]

1. bad behavior (especially of children) that is annoying but does not cause any serious damage or harm


• Those children are always getting into mischief.那些孩子总是淘气。

• I try to keep out of mischief.我尽量不胡闹。

• It's very quiet upstairs; they must be up to some mischief!


2. the wish or tendency to behave or play in a way that causes trouble


• Her eyes were full of mischief.她眼睛里满是使坏的神情。

3. (formal) harm or injury that is done to somebody or to their reputation


• The incident caused a great deal of political mischief.



1. do yourself a mischief (British English, informal)

to hurt yourself physically


• Watch how you use those scissors—you could do yourself a mischief!


2. make mischief

to do or say something deliberately to upset other people or cause trouble between them搬弄是非;挑拨离间

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

14.sponsorship noun /ˈspɒnsəʃɪp/

1. [uncountable] financial support from a sponsor资助;赞助款

• a $50 million sponsorship deal5,000万元的赞助协议

• The project needs to raise £8 million in sponsorship.


• We need to find sponsorships for the expedition.我们需要为这次探险找到赞助。

2. [uncountable] the act of sponsoring somebody/something or being sponsored


• the senator's sponsorship of the job training legislation


Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

15.podcast /ˈpɒdˌkɑːst/

N-COUNTA podcast is an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, that can be downloaded and listened to on a computer or iPod. 播客

•Now there are thousands of podcasts available daily.


16.villain noun /ˈvɪlən/

1. a villain is someone who deliberately harms other people or breaks the law in order to get what he or she wants恶棍

• I left the room, feeling like a villain and a murderer.


2. the villain in a novel, movie, or play is the main bad character

(小说、电影、戏剧中的) 反面主角

• He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992).


Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

17.clutch /klʌtʃ/

1. to hold someone or something tightly SYN grip

[verb]• He clutched the child to him.他紧紧地抱住小孩。

• She stood there, the flowers still clutched in her hand.


[verb + adverb/preposition]

• I clutched onto the chair for support.我紧紧抓住椅子撑着身体。

2. to take hold of something suddenly, because you are afraid or in pain

[verb]• He gasped and clutched his stomach.他喘着气突然按住自己的胃部。


• Fear clutched at her heart.她突然感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。

IDM see straw


1. clutch/catch at something/someone

to try to quickly get hold of something/someone


• Put your foot on the clutch.把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。

2. [COUNTABLE] a pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot so that you can change gear

• The car needs a new clutch.这辆车需要换一个新的离合器了.

3. [COUNTABLE] a device in a machine that connects and disconnects working parts, especially the engine and the gears

• The car needs a new clutch.这辆车需要换一个新的离合器了.

4. [SINGULAR] (British English) a group of people, animals, or things

• He's won a whole clutch of awards.他获得一大堆奖。

5. [PLURAL] (informal) power or control

• He managed to escape from their clutches.他设法摆脱了他们的控制。

• Now that she had him in her clutches, she wasn't going to let go.


6. [COUNTABLE, usually singular] a tight hold on someone or something

SYN grip


• She felt the sudden clutch of fear.她突然感到一阵恐惧。

7. [COUNTABLE] a group of eggs that a bird lays at one time; the young birds that come out of a group of eggs at the same time

8. [COUNTABLE] (North American English) = clutch bag

18.en·vis·ion [verb] /ɪnˈvɪʒn/

1. to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation you intend to work towards


• They envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease.


— Note at imagine

2. (especially North American English) = envisage

• They didn't envision any problems with the new building.





1. I used a straw to sip my drink. (我用稻草吸我的饮料。)

2. The soup has a rich umami flavor. (这汤有丰富的鲜味。)

3. The sauce has a tangy taste that makes it delicious. (这个酱汁有一种刺激的味道,使它很美味。)

4. The plain rice was bland and needed some seasoning. (普通的米饭很乏味,需要一些调味料。)

5. Some people are lactose intolerant and cannot consume dairy products.


6. After a long day of work, I felt fatigue setting in.


7. Be careful not to stumble on the uneven path. (小心不要在不平坦的路上绊倒。)

8. We need to curb our expenses and save money. (我们需要控制开支,节省钱。)

9. I could see the tiny pores on her face. (我能看到她脸上的小毛孔。)

10. The toll for crossing the bridge is $5. (过桥的通行费是5美元。)

11. He has fallen into arrears with his rent payments. (他的房租拖欠了。)

12. She wore a beautiful silk robe for the wedding.


13. She always dresses in a stylish and fashionable manner.


14. The athlete sprinted with a quick dash to the finish line.


15. Playing pranks on others is considered mischief.


16. They own a large ranch with many horses and cattle.


17. The company received generous sponsorship for their event.


18. I enjoy listening to podcasts during my commute.


19. The villain plotted an evil scheme to take over the city.


20. She tightly held onto the clutch as she drove the car. (她开车时紧握离合器。)

21. He could envision a world where technology revolutionizes everyday life.



After a long day of work, Sarah felt a wave of fatigue wash over her. She decided to stop by a quaint café for a quick pick-me-up. Ordering a vegetable soup known for its umami flavor, she eagerly took a sip using a straw. The broth was rich and satisfying, with just the right amount of tangy seasoning to excite her taste buds.

As she savored her soup, Sarah couldn't help but notice the bland interior of the café. The walls were painted a dull white, and the furniture looked like it had seen better days. It lacked the stylish charm she preferred in a dining spot. Nonetheless, she focused on enjoying her meal and pushed aside any thoughts of the lackluster décor.

Midway through her meal, Sarah received a notification on her phone reminding her to pay the toll for crossing the bridge on her way home. She made a mental note to settle the arrears as soon as she got back. Just then, a man at the next table accidentally knocked over his coffee, causing Sarah to stumble as she tried to avoid the spill.

Feeling a bit flustered from the near mishap, Sarah decided to curb her impatience and take a moment to relax. She noticed a woman at the counter with flawless skin and tiny pores, exuding a sense of effortless style in a silk robe. Intrigued, Sarah struck up a conversation and learned that the woman owned a ranch nearby where she produced a popular podcast about life on the farm.

As they chatted, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that something about the woman was off. There was a hint of mischief in her smile that sent a shiver down Sarah's spine. Could this seemingly stylish ranch owner be harboring a darker secret? Sarah couldn't help but envision a thrilling mystery unfolding before her eyes, involving a villainous plot and a clutch of clues waiting to be unraveled.







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我国作为世界第一的物流大国&#xff0c;但是在目前的物流信息系统还存在着几大的痛点。主要包括以下几个方面&#xff1a; 数据孤岛&#xff1a;有些物流企业各个部门之间的数据标准不一致&#xff0c;难以实现数据共享和协同&#xff0c;容易导致信息孤岛。 操作繁琐&#x…


Abstract 我们介绍YOLO-pose&#xff0c;一种无热图联合检测的新方法&#xff0c;基于流行的YOLO目标检测框架的图像二维多人姿态估计。 【现有方法的问题】现有的基于热图的两阶段方法是次优的&#xff0c;因为它们不是端到端可训练的&#xff0c;训练依赖于surrogate L1 loss…


目录 一、消息中间件 1、简介 2、作用 3、两种模式 1、P2P模式 2、Pub/Sub模式 4、常用中间件介绍与对比 1、Kafka 2、RabbitMQ 3、RocketMQ RabbitMQ和Kafka的区别 二、RabbiMQ集群 RabbiMQ特点 RabbitMQ模式⼤概分为以下三种: 集群中的基本概念&#xff1a; 集…


逆向服务器用了三天的时间&#xff0c;但此时觉得一切都值&#xff0c;又可以继续学习了。 服务器中登录请求和注册请求由command变量进行区分&#xff0c;上一层的type变量都是login。 public void process(Session session, SocketModel model) {switch (model.Command){ca…


本文将详细的介绍Linux中各常见指令的用法&#xff0c;并且在每个指令都有使用样例。一共有以下指令&#xff1a; 1. man指令 2.目录基础指令&#xff1a;2.1 pwd指令、2.2 ls指令、2.3 cd指令 3.文件创建与删除&#xff1a;3.1 touch指令、3.2 mkdir指令、3.3 rmdir 指令 &…