九、优化强度(Optimizing Intensity)

news2025/1/15 20:44:57


7.Optimizing Intensity

Researchers have known for decades that there is a relationship between the optimal intensity of attention and the complexity of the task you want to perform.

The Yerkes Dodson Law says that increasing alertness has an inverted U function on task performance.Not enough focus, and you perform poorly.Too much arousal and you’re also impaired over someone calmer.Importantly, there’s a relationship between the optimal top of this performance curve and the complexity of the task.Namely, simpler tasks suffer less from being overly alert than do complex ones.

One analogy to think about this is that focus is like shining a spotlight.A high degree of alertness (intense music, a few cups of coffee, etc.), is like making the beam of light very narrow.This helps if the thinking of the task can be neatly enclosed in that beam of light.

However, if you have a complicated or creative task, one that requires a more diffuse set of skills and memories which need to be drawn upon, then this highly focused beam is quite fragile.It needs to flit between things quickly and is more likely to break off and get distracted in the process.

For particularly creative problem solving, even a normal, relaxed state of focus may be too constrained to contain the answer.You may need to engage in a relatively low state of focus to be able to successfully pull together all the diffuse elements of thinking required to solve the problem.

Therefore, highly concentrated focus, while it is an improvement over absent mindedness in 95% of cases, has some situations where it may actually backfire.In those 5% of cases, a distracted mind may be a helpful mind, provided it is distracted in the right way. Even if they are rare, these cases are often the most important, since creative breakthroughs often have disproportionate value over normal work.

The key to productive unfocus is simple:

Focus until you get stuck.If a problem can be solved at a higher level of focus, you’ll be more productive overall to continue. It’s only when this fails that productive unfocus makes sense.

No, really, focus until you get stuck.Staying focused in the “stuck” state for longer is going to mentally prime you to work on a solution in the unfocused stage, so you don’t want to prematurely wander off and forget about the problem altogether. Five to fifteen minutes of being stuck is good for a hard problem.

Allow yourself to stop working on the problem, but don’t get focused on anything else.I recommend taking a “smart” break.This can mean going for a walk, meditating, sitting quietly, drinking some water or something that is otherwise not mentally engaging. Having a conversation with another person can be especially helpful, since it changes the patterns you were using to solve the problem individually before.

In this time, think about things, but don’t try to control your mind towards a solution.You want it to wander a bit, but the priming given to focusing on the problem beforehand should mean you have an urge to solve it that keeps you from getting completely lost.

The way to think of this is like letting your beam of light go maximally broad and diffuse, to pick up wider routes to solve the problem than you might have otherwise envisioned.What you don’t want to do is focus on some distractor, since that will keep your attentive beam tight, but focused in an area of thinking that probably isn’t helpful.

How much time you spend in this absent minded mode of focus and the more standard type will depend a lot on the problems you’re facing.It’s useful, however, to recognize how the intensity of focus relates to the complexity of the task you’re involved in, so that you can maximize the usefulness of your focus.




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