八、克服冲动(Overcoming Impulses)

news2025/1/20 18:27:11


6.Overcoming Impulses

The skill of focus basically boils down to a tension between two different forces: the desire to work and the desire to quit.

What makes focus hard is that the desire to work is often low, and may even be associated with anxiety or negative feeling that create a feeling of aversion.Distractions, conversely, might feel tempting and the desire to quit might be strong.

Improving focus is largely about recognizing these affective obstacles and reconditioning them.

The downside of this reconditioning process is that it is often task specific. Meaning it’s not something you do once and are done with forever, but something that way come up again and again, and which you need to recognize before it gets too bad.

I recently had this problem when writing a book.My imagination kept bringing up images of what a critic might say of my arguments, so whenever I thought about it, I’d get anxiety and negative feeling that pushed me away. These could be overcome by working for a few minutes, but I’d often procrastinate for days with “writer’s block” when I’d hit a hard part.

This aversive obstacle to focus is much more powerful than the others, because you are going to avoid working on something until the pain of ignoring it becomes so great that you can’t procrastinate any more.The only way to handle this problem is to deal with it head on.

Here’s what to do when you’re faced with an aversion to doing the work you need to focus on:

Expose yourself to your fears.In my case, that meant seeking out some of the people I imagined would criticize my book and talking to them first.Like a nightmare, you need to confront the absurdity of it before it stops scaring you . Getting that actual feedback, even if it is everything you were afraid of, can often desensitize you to its aversive effects.

Stoke your enthusiasm.Action is the difference between the enthusiasm and aversion.If you desire something enough, this can push you over your fears about it.Motivation, in this sense, can help overcome those hiccups(especially until you can get contact with reality and diffuse some imagined aversions.) Spending time imagining your goals, visualizing the reasons you’re pursuing them and having conversations with positive people can all help in tilting that equation in your favor.

Systematic desensitization. If you feel chronic aversion to a set of tasks, the right solution might be to approach it head on.Push yourself in a situation that world make you feel extra uncomfortable, and make that(not whatever goal you’re trying to pursue)your main priority.That discomfort will eventually lessen as you’re exposed to it more and more. Exams making you feel tense?Sign up and write exams you know you’ll fail. Presentation gives you aversion?Afraid of criticism?Ask someone to critique your work in the harshest possible terms, rinse and repeat until it doesn’t feel so bad.
3. 系统性脱敏。

The other coin of the affective dimension of focus is on the desire to quit or do something else.This can be an equally powerful drive, and sometimes is the one that’s more prevalent. Many people suffer from excess and diffuse enthusiasm that pulls them is too many directions so they achieve little.

Here’s how to manage that:

Examine your vices. Look at the patterns you’ve set up that constitute your main distraction addictions. Tiktok?Games?Checking your phone?Cutting out these vices can reduce their immediate pull on your psyche.

Box in your distractions.There are many tools which exist now that can allow you to control your consumption of things that might distract you.Website blockers can limit your access to addicting sources to certain allotted periods of the day.Electric timers can make turning on your television or accessing the internet harder when you want to focus without them.

Don’t respond.Ultimately, one of the biggest tools you can apply to dealing with the distractions is simply not to engage in them when you feel the desire to the most.This is hard, but it reduces their intensity for the next time.Even if you can simply interrupt them-waiting a few minutes before succumbing-you interrupt the pattern and weaken its grip on you.

Too many people focus on the easy aspects of focus, and too little attention is paid to the emotional side of focus.Very often powerful aversions and cravings are responsible for our inability to focus, and these take time and conscious effort to weed out.Recognizing what the problem is, however, is always the first step.




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