flutter 五点一点五:MaterialApp Theme一堆主题

news2024/10/7 4:32:49

一堆主题 大部分都是统一设置组件的默认样式的主题

  • 具体属性基本上与相关组件一致 具体再学习组件时 说明
 IconThemeData? iconTheme, // 设置icon的颜色 Appbar中的icon无效
IconThemeData primaryIconTheme, // 与primaryColor形成对比的图标主题
 IconThemeData accentIconTheme, // 与accentColor形成对比的图标主题。
TextTheme? primaryTextTheme, //与primary color形成对比的文本主题
TextTheme? textTheme, // 文本的颜色与卡片和画布的颜色形成对比。
Typography typography, // 用于配置TextTheme、primaryTextTheme和accentTextTheme的颜色和几何TextTheme值。
 ActionIconThemeData? actionIconTheme, //它用[ActionIconTheme.of]或整个[Theme]的[ThemeData.ActionIconTheme]覆盖[BackButton]、[CloseButton]、[DrawerButton和[EndDrawerButton的默认图标。
AppBarTheme appBarTheme, // 用于自定义Appbar的颜色、高度、亮度、iconTheme和textTheme的主题。
BadgeThemeData? badgeTheme,  //用于定义Badge小部件主题
MaterialBannerThemeData? bannerTheme,   //定义[MaterialBanner] 主题  Defines the visual properties of [MaterialBanner] widgets.
    BottomAppBarTheme? bottomAppBarTheme, //BottomAppBar主题   Defines default property values for descendant [BottomAppBar] widgets.
    BottomNavigationBarThemeData? bottomNavigationBarTheme,//BottomNavigationBar主题  Defines default property values for descendant [BottomNavigationBar] widgets. 
    BottomSheetThemeData? bottomSheetTheme, 
    //Defines default property values for [BottomSheet]'s [Material].
    ButtonBarThemeData? buttonBarTheme,  // Defines the visual properties of [ButtonBar] widgets.
    ButtonThemeData? buttonTheme, //计划在将来的版本中弃用此类。
    请改用以下一个或多个按钮和相关主题:[TextButton], [TextButtonTheme], [TextButtonThemeData],  [ElevatedButton], 
    [ElevatedButtonTheme], [ElevatedButtonThemeData],[OutlinedButton], [OutlinedButtonTheme], [OutlinedButtonThemeData]
    CardTheme? cardTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [Card] widgets.

    CheckboxThemeData? checkboxTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [Checkbox] widget
    ChipThemeData? chipTheme,  //Use this class to configure a [ChipTheme] widget, or to set the  [ThemeData.chipTheme] for a [Theme] widget.
    ///  * [Chip], a chip that displays information and can be deleted.
///  * [InputChip], a chip that represents a complex piece of information, such
///    as an entity (person, place, or thing) or conversational text, in a
///    compact form.
///  * [ChoiceChip], allows a single selection from a set of options. Choice
///    chips contain related descriptive text or categories.
///  * [FilterChip], uses tags or descriptive words as a way to filter content.
///  * [ActionChip], represents an action related to primary content.
///  * [CircleAvatar], which shows images or initials of entities.
///  * [Wrap], A widget that displays its children in multiple horizontal or
///    vertical runs.
///  * [ChipTheme] widget, which can override the chip theme of its
///    children.
///  * [Theme] widget, which performs a similar function to [ChipTheme],
///    but for overall themes.
///  * [ThemeData], which has a default [ChipThemeData].

    DataTableThemeData? dataTableTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [DataTable] widgets

    DatePickerThemeData? datePickerTheme, // Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant [DatePickerDialog] widgets.

    DialogTheme? dialogTheme, // Defines a theme for [Dialog] widgets.

    DividerThemeData? dividerTheme, // Defines the visual properties of [Divider], [VerticalDivider], dividers between [ListTile]s, and dividers between rows in [DataTable]s. 定义[Divider]、[VerticalDivider]、[ListTile]之间的分隔符以及[DataTable]中行之间的分隔器的视觉属性。

    DrawerThemeData? drawerTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [Drawer] widgets.

    DropdownMenuThemeData? dropdownMenuTheme, // Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant [DropdownMenu] widgets.

    ElevatedButtonThemeData? elevatedButtonTheme, // A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of [ElevatedButton]s when it's used with [ElevatedButtonTheme] or with the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.elevatedButtonTheme].
一个[ButtonStyle],当它与[ElectedButtonTheme]或整个[Theme]的[ThemeData.electedButton Theme]一起使用时,它会覆盖[ElectedButton]的默认外观。

    ExpansionTileThemeData? expansionTileTheme, // Used with [ExpansionTileTheme] to define default property values for descendant [ExpansionTile] widgets.

    FilledButtonThemeData? filledButtonTheme, //  A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of	[FilledButton]s when it's used with [FilledButtonTheme] or with the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.filledButtonTheme]. // Defines default property values for descendant [FloatingActionButton] widgets.

    FloatingActionButtonThemeData? floatingActionButtonTheme, //  A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of [IconButton]s when it's used with the [IconButton], the [IconButtonTheme] or the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.iconButtonTheme].
    IconButtonThemeData? iconButtonTheme, // A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of [IconButton]s when it's used with the [IconButton], the [IconButtonTheme] or the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.iconButtonTheme]. 
    ListTileThemeData? listTileTheme, // Used with [ListTileTheme] to define default property values for descendant [ListTile] widgets, as well as classes that build [ListTile]s, like [CheckboxListTile], [RadioListTile], and [SwitchListTile].
    MenuBarThemeData? menuBarTheme, //  A data class that [MenuBarTheme] uses to define the visual properties of [MenuBar] widgets.
    MenuButtonThemeData? menuButtonTheme, // A [ButtonStyle] theme that overrides the default appearance of [SubmenuButton]s and [MenuItemButton]s when it's used with a [MenuButtonTheme] or with the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.menuTheme].
    MenuThemeData? menuTheme, //  Defines the configuration of the submenus created by the [SubmenuButton], [MenuBar], or [MenuAnchor] widgets.
    NavigationBarThemeData? navigationBarTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [NavigationBar] widgets.
    NavigationDrawerThemeData? navigationDrawerTheme, //  Defines default property values for descendant [NavigationDrawer] widgets.
    NavigationRailThemeData? navigationRailTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [NavigationRail] widgets.
    OutlinedButtonThemeData? outlinedButtonTheme, //  A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of [OutlinedButton]s when it's used with [OutlinedButtonTheme] or with the  overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.outlinedButtonTheme].
    PopupMenuThemeData? popupMenuTheme, // Defines the visual properties of the routes used to display popup menus as well as [PopupMenuItem] and [PopupMenuDivider] widgets.
    ProgressIndicatorThemeData? progressIndicatorTheme, // Defines the visual properties of [ProgressIndicator] widgets.
    RadioThemeData? radioTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [Radio] widgets.
    SearchBarThemeData? searchBarTheme, // Defines default property values for descendant [SearchBar] widgets.
    SearchViewThemeData? searchViewTheme, // Defines the configuration of the search views created by the [SearchAnchor] widget.
    SegmentedButtonThemeData? segmentedButtonTheme, // Overrides the default values of visual properties for descendant [SegmentedButton] widgets.
    SliderThemeData? sliderTheme,//Use this class to configure a [SliderTheme] widget, or to set the [ThemeData.sliderTheme] for a [Theme] widget.
    SnackBarThemeData? snackBarTheme,//Customizes default property values for [SnackBar] widgets.
    SwitchThemeData? switchTheme,//Defines default property values for descendant [Switch] widgets.
    TabBarTheme? tabBarTheme,//Defines a theme for [TabBar] widgets.
    TextButtonThemeData? textButtonTheme,//  A [ButtonStyle] that overrides the default appearance of  [TextButton]s when it's used with [TextButtonTheme] or with the overall [Theme]'s [ThemeData.textButtonTheme].
    TextSelectionThemeData? textSelectionTheme,// Defines the visual properties needed for text selection in [TextField] and [SelectableText] widgets.
    TimePickerThemeData? timePickerTheme,//Defines the visual properties of the widget displayed with [showTimePicker].
    ToggleButtonsThemeData? toggleButtonsTheme,//Defines the color and border properties of [ToggleButtons] widgets.

    TooltipThemeData? tooltipTheme,// Defines the visual properties of [Tooltip] widgets. 

iconTheme:IconThemeData 设置icon的颜色 Appbar中的icon无效

 iconTheme: IconThemeData(
         color: Colors.deepPurple
  Icon(Icons.abc,size: 50,),
            IconButton(onPressed: (){}, icon: Icon(Icons.ac_unit)),


  • 换个颜色
 iconTheme: IconThemeData(
         color: Colors.deepOrangeAccent


ActionIconThemeData? actionIconTheme,

  • 它用[ActionIconTheme.of]或整个[Theme]的[ThemeData.ActionIconTheme]覆盖[BackButton]、[CloseButton]、[DrawerButton和[EndDrawerButton的默认图标。
 actionIconTheme: ActionIconThemeData(
          backButtonIconBuilder: (context){
            return Icon(Icons.abc,size: 50,color: Colors.deepPurple,);
  IconButton(icon: Icon(Icons.access_alarms), onPressed: () {}),


BadgeThemeData? badgeTheme, 用于定义Badge小部件主题

              child: Icon(Icons.abc),
              backgroundColor: Colors.yellow,
              textColor: Colors.deepPurple,
              label: Text("122"),


              child: Icon(Icons.abc),
              label: Text("122"),
badgeTheme: BadgeThemeData(
          smallSize: 100,
          backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurple





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