
news2024/10/5 7:36:23



We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models (Peters et al, 2018a; Radford et al, 2018), BERT is designed to pretrain deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.





BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).


BERT在概念上简单,经验上强大。它在11个自然语言处理任务上获得了新的最先进的结果,包括将GLUE得分提高到80.5%(绝对提高7.7%),将多项准确性提高到86.7%(绝对提高4.6%),将SQuAD v1.1问答测试F1提高到93.2(绝对提高1.5分)和SQuAD v2.0测试F1提高到83.1(绝对提高5.1分)。


Language model pre-training has been shown to be effective for improving many natural language processing tasks (Dai and Le, 2015; Peters et al, 2018a; Radford et al, 2018; Howard and Ruder, 2018). These include sentence-level tasks such as natural language inference (Bowman et al, 2015; Williams et al, 2018) and paraphrasing (Dolan and Brockett, 2005), which aim to predict the relationships between sentences by analyzing them holistically, as well as token-level tasks such as named entity recognition and question answering, where models are required to produce fine-grained output at the token level (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003; Rajpurkar et al, 2016).


语言模型预训练已被证明对改善许多自然语言处理任务是有效的(Dai and Le, 2015;Peters等人,2018a;Radford et al, 2018;Howard and Ruder, 2018)。其中包括句子级任务,如自然语言推理(Bowman et al, 2015;Williams等人,2018)和释义(Dolan和Brockett, 2005),其目的是通过整体分析来预测句子之间的关系,以及词语级任务,如命名实体识别和问答,其中需要模型在标记级产生细粒度输出(Tjong Kim Sang和De Meulder, 2003;Rajpurkar et al, 2016)。



There are two existing strategies for applying pre-trained language representations to downstream tasks: feature-based and fine-tuning. The feature-based approach, such as ELMo (Peters et al, 2018a), uses task-specific architectures that include the pre-trained representations as additional features. The fine-tuning approach, such as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (OpenAI GPT) (Radford et al, 2018), introduces minimal task-specific parameters, and is trained on the downstream tasks by simply fine-tuning all pretrained parameters. The two approaches share the same objective function during pre-training, where they use unidirectional language models to learn general language representations.


将预训练的语言表示应用于下游任务有两种现有策略:基于特征和微调。基于特征的方法,如ELMo (Peters等人,2018a),使用特定于任务的架构,其中包括预训练的表示作为附加特征。微调方法,如生成式预训练转换器(OpenAI GPT) (Radford等人,2018),引入了最小的任务特定参数,并通过简单地微调所有预训练参数来对下游任务进行训练。这两种方法在预训练过程中具有相同的目标函数,它们使用单向语言模型来学习一般的语言表示。




We argue that current techniques restrict the power of the pre-trained representations, especially for the fine-tuning approaches. The major limitation is that standard language models are unidirectional, and this limits the choice of architectures that can be used during pre-training. For example, in OpenAI GPT, the authors use a left-toright architecture, where every token can only attend to previous tokens in the self-attention layers of the Transformer (Vaswani et al, 2017). Such restrictions are sub-optimal for sentence-level tasks, and could be very harmful when applying finetuning based approaches to token-level tasks such as question answering, where it is crucial to incorporate context from both directions.


我们认为当前的技术限制了预训练表征的力量,特别是对于微调方法。主要的限制是标准语言模型是单向的,这限制了在预训练期间可以使用的体系结构的选择。例如,在OpenAI GPT中,作者使用左-右架构,其中每个token只能关注Transformer自注意力层中的前一个token(Vaswani et al, 2017)。这种限制对于句子级任务来说是次优的,并且在将基于调优的方法应用于诸如问答之类的token级任务时可能非常有害,在这些任务中,结合两个方向的上下文是至关重要的。



In this paper, we improve the fine-tuning based approaches by proposing BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers.

BERT alleviates the previously mentioned unidirectionality constraint by using a “masked language model” (MLM) pre-training objective, inspired by the Cloze task (Taylor, 1953). The masked language model randomly masks some of the tokens from the input, and the objective is to predict the original vocabulary id of the masked word based only on its context. Unlike left-toright language model pre-training, the MLM objective enables the representation to fuse the left and the right context, which allows us to pretrain a deep bidirectional Transformer. In addition to the masked language model, we also use a “next sentence prediction” task that jointly pretrains text-pair representations. 



BERT通过使用受完形填空任务(Taylor, 1953)启发的“掩模语言模型”(MLM)预训练目标,缓解了前面提到的单向性约束。屏蔽语言模型随机屏蔽输入中的一些标记,目标是仅根据其上下文预测被屏蔽词的原始词汇表id。与左右语言模型预训练不同,MLM目标使表示能够融合左右上下文,这允许我们预训练深度双向Transformer。除了屏蔽语言模型,我们还使用了“下一个句子预测”任务,联合预训练文本对表示。




The contributions of our paper are as follows:

We demonstrate the importance of bidirectional pre-training for language representations. Unlike Radford et al (2018), which uses unidirectional language models for pre-training, BERT uses masked language models to enable pretrained deep bidirectional representations. This is also in contrast to Peters et al (2018a), which uses a shallow concatenation of independently trained left-to-right and right-to-left LMs.

• We show that pre-trained representations reduce the need for many heavily-engineered taskspecific architectures. BERT is the first finetuning based representation model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on a large suite of sentence-level and token-level tasks, outperforming many task-specific architectures.

• BERT advances the state of the art for eleven NLP tasks. The code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/ google-research/bert.





BERT在11个NLP任务中推进了最先进的技术。代码和预训练模型可在https://github.com/ google-research/bert上获得。



Related Work

Unsupervised Feature-based Approaches

Learning widely applicable representations of words has been an active area of research for decades, including non-neural and neural methods. Pre-trained word embeddings are an integral part of modern NLP systems, offering significant improvements over embeddings learned from scratch. To pretrain word embedding vectors, left-to-right language modeling objectives have been used, as well as objectives to discriminate correct from incorrect words in left and right context.

These approaches have been generalized to coarser granularities, such as sentence embeddings or paragraph embeddings. To train sentence representations, prior work has used objectives to rank candidate next sentences, left-to-right generation of next sentence words given a representation of the previous sentence, or denoising autoencoder derived objectives.

ELMo and its predecessor generalize traditional word embedding research along a different dimension. They extract context-sensitive features from a left-to-right and a right-to-left language model. The contextual representation of each token is the concatenation of the left-to-right and right-to-left representations.

When integrating contextual word embeddings with existing task-specific architectures, ELMo advances the state of the art for several major NLP benchmarks including question answering, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition. Melamud et al proposed learning contextual representations through a task to predict a single word from both left and right context using LSTMs. Similar to ELMo, their model is feature-based and not deeply bidirectional. Fedus et al shows that the cloze task can be used to improve the robustness of text generation models.








Unsupervised Fine-tuning Approaches

As with the feature-based approaches, the first works in this direction only pre-trained word embedding parameters from unlabeled text.

More recently, sentence or document encoders which produce contextual token representations have been pre-trained from unlabeled text and fine-tuned for a supervised downstream task. The advantage of these approaches is that few parameters need to be learned from scratch. At least partly due to this advantage, OpenAI GPT achieved previously state-of-the-art results on many sentencelevel tasks from the GLUE benchmark. Left-to-right language modeling and auto-encoder objectives have been used for pre-training such models.



最近,产生上下文token表示的句子或文档编码器已经从未标记的文本中进行了预训练,并针对监督的下游任务进行了微调。这些方法的优点是很少有参数需要从头学习。至少部分由于这一优势,OpenAI GPT在GLUE基准测试的许多句子级任务上取得了以前最先进的结果。从左到右的语言建模和自动编码器目标已经被用于预训练这样的模型。



Transfer Learning from Supervised Data

There has also been work showing effective transfer from supervised tasks with large datasets, such as natural language inference (Conneau et al, 2017) and machine translation (McCann et al, 2017). Computer vision research has also demonstrated the importance of transfer learning from large pre-trained models, where an effective recipe is to fine-tune models pre-trained with ImageNet (Deng et al, 2009; Yosinski et al, 2014).


也有研究表明,大型数据集的监督任务可以有效转移,例如自然语言推理(Conneau等人,2017)和机器翻译(McCann等人,2017)。计算机视觉研究也证明了从大型预训练模型迁移学习的重要性,其中一个有效的方法是对使用ImageNet预训练的模型进行微调(Deng et al ., 2009;Yosinski et al, 2014)。





We introduce BERT and its detailed implementation in this section. There are two steps in our framework: pre-training and fine-tuning. During pre-training, the model is trained on unlabeled data over different pre-training tasks. For finetuning, the BERT model is first initialized with the pre-trained parameters, and all of the parameters are fine-tuned using labeled data from the downstream tasks. Each downstream task has separate fine-tuned models, even though they are initialized with the same pre-trained parameters. The question-answering example in Figure 1 will serve as a running example for this section.




A distinctive feature of BERT is its unified architecture across different tasks. There is minimal difference between the pre-trained architecture and the final downstream architecture.



Model Architecture

BERT’s model architecture is a multi-layer bidirectional Transformer encoder based on the original implementation described in Vaswani et al (2017) and released in the tensor2tensor library.1 Because the use of Transformers has become common and our implementation is almost identical to the original, we will omit an exhaustive background description of the model architecture and refer readers to Vaswani et al (2017) as well as excellent guides such as “The Annotated Transformer”.





In this work, we denote the number of layers (i.e., Transformer blocks) as L, the hidden size as H, and the number of self-attention heads as A.

3 We primarily report results on two model sizes: BERTBASE (L=12, H=768, A=12, Total Parameters=110M) and BERTLARGE (L=24, H=1024, A=16, Total Parameters=340M).

BERTBASE was chosen to have the same model size as OpenAI GPT for comparison purposes.

Critically, however, the BERT Transformer uses bidirectional self-attention, while the GPT Transformer uses constrained self-attention where every token can only attend to context to its left.



我们主要报告了两种模型尺寸的结果:BERTBASE (L=12, H=768, A=12, Total Parameters=110M)和BERTLARGE (L=24, H=1024, A=16, Total Parameters=340M)。

为了进行比较,选择BERTBASE与OpenAI GPT具有相同的模型大小。

然而,关键的是,BERT Transformer使用双向自注意力,而GPT Transformer使用约束自注意力,其中每个token只能关注其左侧的上下文。


BERT的模型复杂度与层数L是线性关系,与宽度H是平方关系,因此BERT Large层数变成之前的两倍,宽度的平方也要变成之前的两倍

Input/Output Representations 

To make BERT handle a variety of down-stream tasks, our input representation is able to unambiguously represent both a single sentence and a pair of sentences (e.g., h Question, Answeri) in one token sequence.

Throughout this work, a “sentence” can be an arbitrary span of contiguous text, rather than an actual linguistic sentence. A “sequence” refers to the input token sequence to BERT, which may be a single sentence or two sentences packed together.


为了使BERT处理各种下游任务,我们的输入表示能够在一个token序列中明确地表示单个句子和一对句子(例如,h Question, Answeri)。




We use WordPiece embeddings (Wu et al, 2016) with a 30,000 token vocabulary. The first token of every sequence is always a special classification token ([CLS]). The final hidden state corresponding to this token is used as the aggregate sequence representation for classification tasks. Sentence pairs are packed together into a single sequence. We differentiate the sentences in two ways. First, we separate them with a special token ([SEP]). Second, we add a learned embedding to every token indicating whether it belongs to sentence A or sentence B. As shown in Figure 1, we denote input embedding as E, the final hidden vector of the special [CLS] token as C 2 R H, and the final hidden vector for the i th input token as Ti 2 R H.

For a given token, its input representation is constructed by summing the corresponding token, segment, and position embeddings. A visualization of this construction can be seen in Figure 2.


我们使用WordPiece嵌入(Wu et al ., 2016)和30,000个标记词汇表。每个序列的第一个标记总是一个特殊的分类标记([CLS])。与此token对应的最终隐藏状态用作分类任务的聚合序列表示。句子对被打包成一个单一的序列。我们用两种方法区分句子。首先,我们用一个特殊的token([SEP])将它们分开。其次,我们为每个标记添加一个学习嵌入,表明它是属于句子a还是句子b。如图1所示,我们将输入嵌入表示为E,特殊[CLS]标记的最终隐藏向量表示为c2rh,第i个输入标记的最终隐藏向量表示为Ti 2rh。







Pre-training BERT

Unlike Peters et al (2018a) and Radford et al

(2018), we do not use traditional left-to-right or right-to-left language models to pre-train BERT.

Instead, we pre-train BERT using two unsupervised tasks, described in this section. This step is presented in the left part of Figure 1.





Task #1: Masked LM 

Intuitively, it is reasonable to believe that a deep bidirectional model is strictly more powerful than either a left-to-right model or the shallow concatenation of a left-toright and a right-to-left model. Unfortunately, standard conditional language models can only be trained left-to-right or right-to-left, since bidirectional conditioning would allow each word to indirectly “see itself”, and the model could trivially predict the target word in a multi-layered context.



In order to train a deep bidirectional representation, we simply mask some percentage of the input tokens at random, and then predict those masked tokens. We refer to this procedure as a “masked LM” (MLM), although it is often referred to as a Cloze task in the literature (Taylor, 1953). In this case, the final hidden vectors corresponding to the mask tokens are fed into an output softmax over the vocabulary, as in a standard LM. In all of our experiments, we mask 15% of all WordPiece tokens in each sequence at random. In contrast to denoising auto-encoders (Vincent et al, 2008), we only predict the masked words rather than reconstructing the entire input.


为了训练深度双向表示,我们只是随机屏蔽一定比例的输入token,然后预测这些被屏蔽的token。我们将这一过程称为“掩码LM”(MLM),尽管在文献中它通常被称为完形填空任务(Taylor, 1953)。在这种情况下,与掩码token相对应的最终隐藏向量被输入到词汇表上的输出softmax中,就像在标准LM中一样。在我们所有的实验中,我们随机屏蔽了每个序列中15%的WordPiece token。与去噪自编码器(Vincent et al ., 2008)相比,我们只预测被屏蔽的单词,而不是重建整个输入。

Although this allows us to obtain a bidirectional pre-trained model, a downside is that we are creating a mismatch between pre-training and fine-tuning, since the [MASK] token does not appear during fine-tuning. To mitigate this, we do not always replace “masked” words with the actual [MASK] token. The training data generator chooses 15% of the token positions at random for prediction. If the i-th token is chosen, we replace the i-th token with (1) the [MASK] token 80% of the time (2) a random token 10% of the time (3) the unchanged i-th token 10% of the time. Then, Ti will be used to predict the original token with cross entropy loss. We compare variations of this procedure in Appendix C.2.






Task #2: Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)

Many important downstream tasks such as Question Answering (QA) and Natural Language Inference (NLI) are based on understanding the relationship between two sentences, which is not directly captured by language modeling. In order to train a model that understands sentence relationships, we pre-train for a binarized next sentence prediction task that can be trivially generated from any monolingual corpus. Specifically, when choosing the sentences A and B for each pretraining example, 50% of the time B is the actual next sentence that follows A (labeled as IsNext), and 50% of the time it is a random sentence from the corpus (labeled as NotNext). As we show in Figure 1, C is used for next sentence prediction (NSP).5 Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate in Section 5.1 that pre-training towards this task is very beneficial to both QA and NLI.


许多重要的下游任务,如问答(QA)和自然语言推理(NLI),都是基于理解两个句子之间的关系,这是语言建模无法直接捕获的。为了训练一个理解句子关系的模型,我们对一个二值化的下一个句子预测任务进行了预训练,该任务可以从任何单语语料库中轻松生成。具体来说,当为每个预训练示例选择句子A和B时,50%的时间B是A之后的下一个句子(标记为IsNext), 50%的时间B是语料库中的随机句子(标记为NotNext)。如图1所示,C用于下一个句子预测(NSP)尽管它很简单,但我们在5.1节中演示了针对该任务的预训练对QA和NLI都非常有益。




The NSP task is closely related to representationlearning objectives used in Jernite et al (2017) and Logeswaran and Lee (2018). However, in prior work, only sentence embeddings are transferred to down-stream tasks, where BERT transfers all parameters to initialize end-task model parameters.



Pre-training data 

The pre-training procedure largely follows the existing literature on language model pre-training. For the pre-training corpus we use the BooksCorpus (800M words) (Zhu et al, 2015) and English Wikipedia (2,500M words).

For Wikipedia we extract only the text passages and ignore lists, tables, and headers. It is critical to use a document-level corpus rather than a shuffled sentence-level corpus such as the Billion Word Benchmark (Chelba et al, 2013) in order to extract long contiguous sequences.


预训练过程在很大程度上遵循了已有的语言模型预训练文献。对于预训练语料库,我们使用BooksCorpus(800万字)(Zhu et al ., 2015)和英语维基百科(2500万字)。

对于维基百科,我们只提取文本段落,而忽略列表、表格和标题。为了提取长连续序列,使用文档级语料库而不是像十亿词基准(Chelba et al, 2013)这样的打乱句子级语料库是至关重要的。



Fine-tuning BERT

Fine-tuning is straightforward since the selfattention mechanism in the Transformer allows BERT to model many downstream tasks— whether they involve single text or text pairs—by swapping out the appropriate inputs and outputs.

For applications involving text pairs, a common pattern is to independently encode text pairs before applying bidirectional cross attention, such as Parikh et al (2016); Seo et al (2017). BERT instead uses the self-attention mechanism to unify these two stages, as encoding a concatenated text pair with self-attention effectively includes bidirectional cross attention between two sentences.






For each task, we simply plug in the taskspecific inputs and outputs into BERT and finetune all the parameters end-to-end. At the input, sentence A and sentence B from pre-training are analogous to (1) sentence pairs in paraphrasing, (2) hypothesis-premise pairs in entailment, (3) question-passage pairs in question answering, and (4) a degenerate text-? pair in text classification or sequence tagging. At the output, the token representations are fed into an output layer for tokenlevel tasks, such as sequence tagging or question answering, and the [CLS] representation is fed into an output layer for classification, such as entailment or sentiment analysis.





Compared to pre-training, fine-tuning is relatively inexpensive. All of the results in the paper can be replicated in at most 1 hour on a single Cloud TPU, or a few hours on a GPU, starting from the exact same pre-trained model.7 We describe the task-specific details in the corresponding subsections of Section 4. More details can be found in Appendix A.5.


与预训练相比,微调相对便宜。从完全相同的预训练模型开始,论文中的所有结果可以在单个Cloud TPU上最多1小时内复制,或者在GPU上复制几个小时我们将在第4节的相应子节中描述特定于任务的详细信息。详情见附录A.5。




SQuAD v1.1




When fine-tuning on the SWAG dataset, we construct four input sequences, each containing the concatenation of the given sentence (sentence A) and a possible continuation (sentence B). The only task-specific parameters introduced is a vector whose dot product with the [CLS] token representation C denotes a score for each choice which is normalized with a softmax layer.



Ablation Studies


Effect of Model Size

It has long been known that increasing the model size will lead to continual improvements on large-scale tasks such as machine translation and language modeling, which is demonstrated by the LM perplexity of held-out training data shown in Table 6. However, we believe that this is the first work to demonstrate convincingly that scaling to extreme model sizes also leads to large improvements on very small scale tasks, provided that the model has been sufficiently pre-trained. Peters et al (2018b) presented mixed results on the downstream task impact of increasing the pre-trained bi-LM size from two to four layers and Melamud et al (2016) mentioned in passing that increasing hidden dimension size from 200 to 600 helped, but increasing further to 1,000 did not bring further improvements. Both of these prior works used a featurebased approach — we hypothesize that when the model is fine-tuned directly on the downstream tasks and uses only a very small number of randomly initialized additional parameters, the taskspecific models can benefit from the larger, more expressive pre-trained representations even when downstream task data is very small.



Feature-based Approach with BERT




Recent empirical improvements due to transfer learning with language models have demonstrated that rich, unsupervised pre-training is an integral part of many language understanding systems. In particular, these results enable even low-resource tasks to benefit from deep unidirectional architectures. Our major contribution is further generalizing these findings to deep bidirectional architectures, allowing the same pre-trained model to successfully tackle a broad set of NLP tasks.






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一、西安市研究院宣布西安长安曹家堡村发现2823座古代遗迹 深藏于西安长安曹家堡村地下的2823座古代遗迹&#xff0c;在西安文物维护考古研究院的用心调研下&#xff0c;逐渐揭开了神秘面纱。其中&#xff0c;已有1088座陵墓重见天日&#xff0c;出土的文物琳琅满目&#xff0…


最近&#xff0c;我发现了一个超级强大的人工智能学习网站。它以通俗易懂的方式呈现复杂的概念&#xff0c;而且内容风趣幽默。我觉得它对大家可能会有所帮助&#xff0c;所以我在此分享。点击这里跳转到网站。 文章目录 前言1、安装OpenSSH2、vscode配置ssh3. 局域网测试连接…

【.NET Core】深入理解C#中的特殊字符

【.NET Core】深入理解C#中的特殊字符 文章目录 【.NET Core】深入理解C#中的特殊字符一、概述二、$-- 字符串内插2.1 内插字符串的结构2.2 内插原始字符串字面量2.3 特殊字符2.4 内插字符串编译 三、-- 逐字字符串标识符四、“”“--原始字符串文本 一、概述 特殊字符是预定义…


一. 简介 首先&#xff0c;介绍下vite和Electron。 Vite是一种新型前端构建工具&#xff0c;能够显著提升前端开发体验。Electron是一个使用 JavaScript、HTML 和 CSS 构建桌面应用程序的框架。 嵌入Chromium和Node.js到二进制的 Electron 允许您保持一个 JavaScript 代码代码…


elementui-table组件列表中的tooltip内容过长超出屏幕换行显示 el-table列属性中带的有show-overflow-tooltip&#xff0c;可以设置内容超出列宽度显示为…&#xff0c;并且有tooltip提示&#xff0c;但是内容过多时&#xff0c;提示会超出屏幕&#xff1a; 但是el-table组件…

cad设计绘图 -- AutoCAD 2024 中文

AutoCAD 2024是一款全球领先的CAD软件&#xff0c;广泛应用于建筑、机械、电子等领域。相比其他CAD软件&#xff0c;它具有以下优势&#xff1a;首先&#xff0c;AutoCAD 2024提供了丰富的绘图和设计工具&#xff0c;满足各种工作需求&#xff1b;其次&#xff0c;其界面直观、…


一、队列的定义 二、队列的顺序实现 #include<iostream> using namespace std; const int N 10; typedef struct {int data[N];int front,rear; }SqQueue;void Init(SqQueue& Q)//初始化 {Q.front Q.rear0;} 三、入队 bool Push(SqQueue& Q, int x)//入队 {if …


宝塔环境部署 申请域名以及域名解析 具体配置&#xff0c;可百度之 在宝塔面板中创建网站 上传代码导入数据配置运行目录 注意&#xff1a;&#xff08;如果版本&#xff1a;thinkphp3.2 &#xff09;配置 运行目录要特别注意&#xff1a;运行目录要选择根目录“/”&#xff…


一.定义 Java的反射机制是在运行状态中的&#xff0c;对于任意一个类都能知道这个类的所有属性和方法&#xff1b;对于任意一个对象&#xff0c;都能够调用它的任意方法及属性。既然能拿到&#xff0c;我们就可以修改部分类型信息。这种动态获取信息以及动态调用对象方法的功能…


在计算机网络中&#xff0c;代理服务器&#xff08;Proxy Server&#xff09;是一种充当客户端和目标服务器之间的中间人的计算机或应用程序。代理服务器可以用于多种目的&#xff0c;其中之一就是正向代理。 正向代理的定义 正向代理是一种代理服务器配置方式&#xff0c;它…


网络基础 一.总体概述二.认识Mac地址三.数据跨网络传输 一.总体概述 1.协议是什么 1.从概念上说&#xff1a;为了保证不同厂家生产出来的不同型号的电脑能够互相通信&#xff0c;而制定的标准——协议。 2.从技术上说&#xff1a;简单粗暴的理解——是操作系统里的结构体。 2.…


概叙 Flink有关FlinkSQL的官网: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.13/zh/docs/dev/table/sql/overview/ 阿里云有关FlinkSQL的官网: https://help.aliyun.com/zh/flink/developer-reference/overview-5?spma2c4g.11186623.0.0.3f55bbc6H3LVyo Ta…